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      • KCI등재

        고대 김해의 철생산과 묘제(墓制)의 변화에 대하여

        신보배(Shin Bo-Bae) 동북아시아문화학회 2011 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.26

        Tombs in Gimhae were changed from wooden chamber tombs to stone-lined tombs between the 3rd century and the 5th century. The reasons are explained from various parts such as political reasons, exterior factors, and interior problems. This writer thinks that the environmental factor is one of those reasons. In terms of materials of tombs, the material was changed from 'stone' to 'wood'. In particular, people who used stone-lined tombs were the middle class and under. The fact that the top class of people used wooden chamber tombs while the lower class used stone-lined tombs shows wooden chamber tombs were high quality tombs. Then, this researcher has a doubt why tomb materials should be changed and the woods might become insufficient suddenly. Therefore, this writer examined the reason and found out that wood was used in coffins and chambers, production of steel and earthenware, and daily life. Among the reasons, this study focused on lumber consumption caused by the production of steel. This study looked into the size of steel production in Gimhae and impossible effect on the wood shortage phenomenon. Accordingly, the study looked at the size and the location of steel remains and charcoal kiln areas in Gimhae as well as the places in which the steel was consumed. There were steel goods consumed in usual life and burial accessories and exported to surrounding countries. Among them, this study measured the number of steel goods as burial accessories. According to this researcher's estimation, the woods necessary to produce 1kg steel were four oak trees. Based on the measurement, 7,700 trees were consumed to make burial ironware in Gimhae Daesungdong tombs, Gimhae Yangdongli tombs, and Gimhae Yeanli tombs.

      • KCI등재

        한국수산지를 통해 본 부산.경남지역의 어업 현황

        신보배(Shin, Bo-Bae) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2010 인문사회과학연구 Vol.11 No.2

        역사 분야에는 여러 분야의 학문이 있겠지만, 최근 들어 해양사라는 부분에 있어 관심이 늘어나고 있다. 그런데 이 해양사라는 분야, 특히 근대 해양이라는 부분에 초점을 맞추었을 때 반드시 읽어야하는 필독서와 같은 책이 있다. 그것은 바로 한국수산지이다. 한국수산지는 1908년부터 1910년에 걸쳐 쓰인 것이며, 전국을 직접 돌아다니면서 조사하여 정리한 것으로 그와 같은 책은 보기 드물다. 그런데 이 한국수산지에 대해 부분적인 인용은 있었지만, 전체를 다 아우르는 논문은 드물었다. 필자는 본고에서 한국수산지라는 자료를 통해 경상남도지역의 전반적인 어업현황에 대해서 알아보고자 하였다. 따라서 본문에서는 어업종사자, 어획물, 어구.어장, 어선으로 나누어 살펴보았으며, 한국수산지만으로는 부족한 부분을 경상남도도세요람과 비교분석하여 보완하였다. 한국수산지2집에 따르면 경남지역 어업종사자수는 4,060호, 13,128명으로 전국 어업종사자의 22%에 달하는 수치이다. 또한 경남지역에서 많이 잡히는 어채류는 고래.멸치.대구.청어.도미.고등어.숭어.삼치,갯장어.감성돔.갈치.조기.광어.가자미.전어.꽁치.방어.붕장어(海鰻).가오리.상어.복어.게.낙지.오징어.굴.홍합(貽貝).피조개(赤貝).해삼.개불.미역(若布).풀가사리(海蘿).우뭇가사리(天草).청각채(鹿角菜) 등이었다. 그 중 경상남도도세요람에 따라 경남지역에서 많이 잡히는 10순위는 고래,대구,멸치,가자미.넙치,오징어,청어,도미,잡어,조기,홍합 순서였다. 이들 어채류는 각종 망과 정치어구를 통해 잡혔는데, 특히 경남지역에서는 정치어장이 성하였다. 이를 통계적으로 보았을 때, 한국수산지2집에 따르면 어망수는 1,904개이며, 어장.어전이 설치된 곳은 산 59곳, 기장 14곳, 동래 92곳,창원 135곳,고성 47곳,진주 5곳,사천 7곳,곤양 80곳,하동 5곳,남해 67곳,거제 94곳으로 총 605곳이다. 또한 1,816개의 어선을 가지고 있었다. 한국수산지는 위에 적은 바와 같이 조선 어업 전반에 대해서 기록하고 있지만, 통계적으로 보았을 때 계산 오류라든가 몇몇 마을은 빠져있다든가 하는 미흡한 점이 몇몇 있었다. 이는 아쉬운 점이지만, 한국수산지는 해양사 연구에 있어서 밑바탕이 되는 중요한 자료임에 틀림없다. There are various fields in the historical study, but recently maritime history takes a growing interest. If modem maritime be focused on, the The Chronicle of Korean Fisheries(韓國水塵誌) must be read. It was compiled in 4 books from 1908 to 1910. This paper lays emphasis on describing the situation of fisheries of Gyeong-Nam province through 『The Chronicle of Korean Fisheries』, comparing with 『Booklet of Gyeongsangnam Province’s Situations(慶尙南道道勢要覽). So this paper investigates the numbers of fisherman.fish catch.fishing gear.fishing ground . fishing boat etc., and they are compared with the data of Booklet of Gyeongsangnam Province’s Situations to confirm and make up for the shortcomings of The Chronicle of Korean Fisheries. According to The Chronicle of Korean Fisheries -2, the number of fisherman of Gyeong-Nam is 4,060 houses, 13,218 people, and this is nearly 22 percents of the whole number of nation. And the whale, anchovy, cod, herring, mackerel, mullet, Spanish mackerel, sharp-toothed eel, black porgy, scabbard fish and yellow corbina were well catched in Gyeong-nam. According to the 『Booklet of Gyeongsangnam Province’s Situations』, the ranking of the popular marine products in Gyeong-Nam is whale, cod, anchovy, right eye flounder, left eye flounder, cuttle, herring, porgy, small fish, yellow corbina and hard-shelled mussel. These fishes were captured by fishing net and stationary net(定置網), and especially stationary fishing grounds were thriving in Gyeong-Nam. On statistically, the number of fishing nets is 1,904 pieces in The Chronicle of Korean Fisheries-2. Fish weirs were 59 in Masan, 14 in Gigang, 92 in Donglae, 135 in Changwon, 47 in Goseong, 5 in Jinju, 7 in Sacheon, 80 in Gonyang, 5 in Hadong, 67 in Namhae, 94 in Geoje. And the areas stated above had 1,816 fishing boats. As mentioned above, though The Chronicle of Korean Fisheries was written about fishery of Joseon, it made several mistakes of accounts, or missed some villages in the contents. But it is needless to say that The Chronicle of Korean Fisheries is important data for maritime history of Korea.

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