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      • KCI등재후보

        동시대 연극에 나타난 배우 매체성 연구: 재매개 이론을 중심으로

        신광민 ( Shin Kwang-min ),조준희 ( Cho Joon-hui ) 한국예술교육학회 2021 예술교육연구 Vol.19 No.4

        20세기 이후 디지털 혁명은 우리 사회 전반을 변화시켰다. 공연예술 역시 급변하는 환경 속 다양한 변화를 맞이하기 시작하였다. 디지털화된 미디어가 연극 속에 개입하여 기존 연극이 가지고 있던 표현수단을 해체하였다. 특히 연극예술의 주체로 존재하던 배우 역시 명확한 경계를 잃어가며 그 역할이 모호해지고 있다. 미디어의 발달에 따라 배우의 매체성은 변화하고 있지만 그에 따른 상호매체성에 관한 연구는 이뤄지고 있지 않다. 특히 배우 매체의 특성에 대한 연구는 찾기가 힘들다. 따라서 본 연구자는 동시대 연극에 나타난 배우 매체성에 대한 연구의 필요성에서 출발하여 재매개 이론을 바탕으로 공연예술에서 배우의 매체적 특성을 고찰하고자 한다. 이를 통해 뉴미디어 연극에 나타난 변화된 배우 매체의 특성을 살펴보고자 한다. 본고는 볼터(Jay David Bolter)와 그루신(Richard Grusin)의 재매개 이론을 분석의 틀로 활용하여 로베르르빠주(Robert Lepage)의 <887>, 케이티 미첼(Katie Mitchell)의 < 노란 벽지(Yellow Wallpaper) > 그리고 이보 반 호브(Ivo Van Hove, 1958~)의 의 < 파운틴헤드(The Fountinehead) >에 나타난 배우의 매체성을 연구함으로써 뉴미디어 연극예술에 나타난 배우 미디어의 특성에 대해 조망하고자 한다. 먼저, 이론적 배경에서 ‘1. 미디어의 개념과 재매개 이론’과 ‘2. 재매개의 이중논리: 비매개와 하이퍼매개’ 그리고 ‘3. 재매개된 연극언어’를 중심으로 연극과 미디어의 관계에 대해 살펴보았다. 이를 바탕으로 로베르르빠주의 <887>을 통해 배우와 인물 미디어가 공존하는 배우 매체의 특징을 도출하였다. 케이티 미첼의 <노란벽지>에서는 배우 미디어의 탈경계적 특성을 분석하였다. 마지막으로 이보 반 호프의 <파운틴헤드>를 통해 배우와 관객 미디어의 강화된 현존 상태를 확인하였다. 본 소고는 끊임없이 변화하는 미디어 환경 속 배우매체의 특성을 분석하는 하나의 가능성을 제시하고자 한다. Since the 20th century, the digital revolution has changed our society as a whole. Performing arts also began to face various changes in the rapidly changing environment. Digitized media intervened in the play and dismantled the existing means of expression that the play had. In particular, actors who have existed as subjects of theater art are also losing clear boundaries, and their roles are becoming ambiguous. With the development of media, the feature of actor as a medium is changing, but studies on the intermedia are not being conducted accordingly. Especially there are few studies about the characteristic of actors as media. Therefore, starting from the necessity of research on the characteristics of actors as media in contemporary plays, this researcher intends to examine the characteristics of actors as media in performing arts based on the theory of remediation. Through this, I would like to examine the characteristics of the actors as media in the new media play. This paper by studying the characteristics of actors as media in Robert Lepage's <887> , Katie Mitchell's < Yellow Wallpaper >, and Ivo van hov's < Fountainhead > using the remediation theory of Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin as a framework for analysis, I would like to look into the characteristics of actors as media in new media theater art. First, with the theoretical background, we studied at the relationship between theater and media, focusing on '1. Media Concept and Remediation Theory' and '2. Double Logic of Remediation: Non-Mediation and Hyper-Mediation' and '3. Re-Mediated Theater Language'. Based on this, with Robert Lepage's <887>, the characteristics of the actors as media in which the actor and the character media coexist were derived. The characteristics of post-boundary actor as media were analyzed in Katie Mitchell's < Yellow Wallpaper >. Finally, through Yibo Van Hope's Fountainhead, the reinforced presence of actors and audience media was confirmed. This paper aims to present an possibility of analyzing the characteristics of actor as media in a constantly changing media environment.

      • KCI등재

        웹 정보를 활용한 한국과 미국의 장단기 나노기술 경쟁력 비교 분석

        배성훈(Seoung Hun Bae),신광민(Kwang Min Shin),윤진선(Jin Seon Yoon),강상규(Sang Kyu Kang),김준현(Jun Hyun Kim),조수지(Su Ji Cho),이기광(Ki-Kwang Lee) 한국지역정보화학회 2016 한국지역정보화학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구는 빅 데이터 중 하나인 웹페이지 규모를 나노기술 경쟁력의 지표로 활용함으로써 한국과 미국의 장 · 단기적 국가 나노기술 경쟁력을 비교 · 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 ‘나노기술’, ‘나노전자’ 및 ‘나노소재’라는 대표 검색어를 선정하고 지수평활법과 Bass 모형을 사용하여 향후 10년간 장 · 단기 웹페이지 규모 변화를 예측하였다. 분석 결과 ‘나노기술’ 검색어에 대한 관련 웹페이지는 우리나라에서 2028년경에 이르러 본격화할 것으로 나타났다. 또한 우리나라는 ‘나노전자’, ‘나노기술’, ‘나노소재’ 순으로 미국과의 기술 격차를 가지고 있는 것으로 분석되었으나, 이러한 기술격차는 시간의 흐름에 따라 상당 수준 좁혀질 것으로 예상되었다. 본 연구는 웹페이지 규모 자료를 이용함으로써 분석 과정에 소요되는 시간과 비용을 절감하였으며, 이를 통해 국가 간 또는 지역 간 기술경쟁력 분석에 새로운 조사 가능성을 제시하였다는 데에 그 의의가 있다. This research aims to compare the national nanotechnology competitiveness between Korea and the United States in short and long term using the web page volume which was utilized as the indicator of the nanotechnology competitiveness. The terminologies, i.e., ‘nanotechnology’, ‘nanoelectronics’ and ‘nanomaterials’ were selected as the keyword of search in web page to conduct this research problem. The exponential smoothing method and the Bass model were used to forecast the change of the web page volume during next decade. As the results, it was found that the web page related to ‘nanotechnology’ keyword will be upswept in the year 2028 in Korea. The biggest technological gap between the two country was founded in ‘nanomaterials’, followed by ‘nanotechnology’ and ‘nanoelectronics’, but these gaps were expected to become narrow as the passage of time. The result of this research would be significant that potential values of web page volume were suggested for the national or regional comparative analysis with the effectiveness of time and costs for survey.

      • KCI등재

        사회연결망 분석을 활용한 나노기술 연구동향 국가간 비교분석

        배성훈(Seoung-Hun Bae),김재신(JaeSin Kim),신광민(Kwang-Min Shin),윤진선(Jin-Seon Yoon),강상규(Sang-Kyu Kang),김준현(Jun-Hyun Kim),이정우(Jungwoo Lee),김민관(Min-Kwan Kim),한창희(Chang-Hee Han) 한국생산제조학회 2017 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        Nanotechnology is a leading branch of technology and is expected to improve national industrial competitiveness. For maintaining a sustainable growth in nanotechnology, Korean government has set up specific plans from a long-term perspective. One of these plans is tracking and promoting certain potential technologies called Future 30 Nanotechnologies. This study aims to develop an analysis framework for comprehending the Future 30 Nanotechnologies. We applied this framework to the carbon nanomaterials field. Through co-authorship and keyword network analysis, we identified the research trends of three countries (i.e., Korea, US, and China.). This research framework could be utilized in the development of a nanotechnology policy.

      • KCI등재

        나노기술 경쟁력 지수의 개발

        배성훈(Seoung-Hun Bae),김준현(Jun Hyun Kim),신광민(Kwang Min Shin),윤진선(Jin Seon Yoon),신민수(Min Soo Shin),강상규(Sang Kyu Kang) 한국생산제조학회 2016 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.25 No.5

        In this study, we have developed an index suitable for determining nanotechnology competitiveness. The analytic hierarchy process is used to compared Korean nanotechnology competitiveness with nine high-ranked countries in terms of OECD GDP along with China, India, and Russia. We fund Korea to be ranked fourth among the twelve countries. Despite Korean high rank, it has some problems with regard to infrastructure and industry development. To become a leading country in nanotechnology, Korea needs to strategically invest into research capabilities for nanotechnology, support industry convergence based on nanotechnology, and increase investment into infrastructure development. The findings of this study will contribute to enhancing nanotechnology-related policies and research.

      • KCI우수등재

        도심내 안전속도 “5030” 시행에 따른 변속차로 설치기준에 관한 기초연구

        오석진(Oh, Seok-Jin),하태준(Ha, Tae-Jun),진태희(Jin, Tae-Hee),신광민(Shin, Kwang-Min),이강석(Lee, Gang-Seok) 대한토목학회 2021 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.41 No.1

        도시부도로에서 변속차로는 도로가 연결되는 지점에 설치되어 상대속도를 낮추도록 함으로써 교통소통을 원활하게 하고 있다. 그러나 도심내 안전속도 “5030”시행에 따른 제한속도 30 km/h의 경우 기준이 모호하여 변속차로 설치에 대한 지적이 나오고 있다. 본 연구는 변속차로에 대한 이론적 고찰 후 안전속도 “5030” 정책 시행 예정 구간을 중심으로 변속차로 통행패턴을 사례조사를 실시하였다. 현장조사 후 도로조건 및 교통 조건 등에 따라 주도로의 통행 속도별 통행 패턴을 분석한 결과 안전속도 “5030”시행에 따른 변속차로의 실효성을 분석하였다. 본 연구수행을 통해 제시된 속도별 변속차로 설치기준은, 통행속도 30 km/h 구간인 경우는 변속차로를 미설치 하도록 하고, 50 km/h인 경우는 반드시 설치토록 하는 기준을 제시하였다. 향후 도시지역에서 다른 시설의 연결에 대한 공학적 기준을 정립할 때 참고할 수 있을 것으로 판단되며, 변속차로 설치 및 회전반경 확대를 통한 속도별 원활한 교통소통 및 안전성을 확보하고 개인의 사유재산권 행사에 대한 불필요한 제약을 최소화하는데 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. The speed change lane is installed at the point where the roads are connected on the urban roads, reducing the relative speed to facilitate traffic communication. However, in the case of the speed limit of 30 km/h in accordance with the implementation of the safe speed “5030” in the city, the standard is ambiguous, and there are criticisms about the installation of the transmission lane. This study conducted a pilot study on the traffic patterns of the speed change lanes, focusing on the section where the safe speed “5030” policy was scheduled to be implemented after theoretical consideration of the speed change lanes. After on-site investigation, as a result of analyzing the traffic pattern according to the travel speed of the main road according to road conditions and traffic conditions, the effectiveness of the speed change lane according to the safety speed “5030” was analyzed. In this study, the installation criteria for speed change lane by speed were presented. The criteria is that “speed change lanes should not be installed when the speed limit is 30 km/h, and speed change lanes should be installed when the speed limit is 50 km/h.” The criteria will be considered as a reference when establishing engineering standards for connection of other facilities in urban areas in the future. It is expected that unnecessary restrictions on individuals" exercise of private property rights will be minimized, smooth traffic flow and secure safety by the installation of speed change lanes and expansion of turning radius.

      • KCI등재

        나노기술의 경제적 가치분석

        배성훈(Seoung Hun Bae),임정선(Jung Sun Lim),신광민(Kwang Min Shin),윤진선(Jin Seon Yoon),강상규(Sang Kyu Kang),이솔희(Sol Hee Lee),김민관(Min Kwan Kim),이정우(Jung Woo Lee),김준현(Jun Hyun Kim),신민수(Min Soo Shin),한창희(Chang Hee H 한국산업경영시스템학회 2015 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        It is difficult to make an accurate estimate of the economic value and effects on societal economy of Nano-technologies. This research measures an economic value of Nano-technologies quantitatively and analyzes its influences on societal economy. This paper chooses some major industries as analysis targets and adapts the DEFRA comparative methodology model which has been developed in the UK and recommended by OECD. For this reason, some industries which are in range of economic value assessment were investigated and related data were collected. Also, the economic value and societal influences of Nano-technologies were calculated, through the procedure of the model. In addition, this study conducts a questionnaire to experts for the validity of measurement results and procedures. This paper suggests a guideline for economic value and effects on societal economy of Nano-technologies assessments through quantitative Defra comparative methodologies.

      • KCI등재후보

        연구논문 : 「나노기술개발 촉진법」개정방향에 관한 연구

        이동환 ( Dong Hwan Lee ),임정선 ( Jung Sun Lim ),신광민 ( Kwang Min Shin ),윤진선 ( Jin Seon Yoon ),이명수 ( Myoung Soo Lee ),신명숙 ( Myoung Sook Shin ),강상규 ( Sang Gyu Kang ),김제완 ( Je Wan Kim ),신민수 ( Min Soo Shin ),배성 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원 2014 과학기술법연구 Vol.20 No.2

        나노기술은 미래 산업의 핵심 기반기술로써, 현 정부가 제시하는 이른바 ‘창조경제론’의 실현에 핵심적인 역할을 할 것으로 기대되고 있다. 그러나 나노기술이 창조경제를 뒷받침하고, 또한 급변하는 세계적 시대상황을 반영하기 위한 법제개선은 이루어지지 않은 실정이다. 따라서 나노기술촉진정책의 시각에서 정부의 정책기조를 분석하고, 이를 실현하기 위한 「나노기술개발 촉진법」 개정방향을 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 본 논문에서는 그 개정 방안으로 첫째, 나노기술개발 촉진법의 목적을 기술혁신ㆍ상용화 및 나노안전까지 포괄할 수 있도록 확대할 것. 둘째, 확대된 나노기술촉진업무의 책임행정조직으로 미래창조과학부의 위상과 책임을 분명히 하고, 정부지원체계도 가능한 범위 내에서 미래창조과학부 중심으로 일원화 할 것. 셋째, 기술혁신과 상용화의 시각에서 혁신과 안전이 상호 기여하는 관계로 나노제품ㆍ나노안전 및 나노안전인증 등과 관련된 주요 법·정의조항들을 보완할 것을 제시한다. Since South Korea first introduced ``NANOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROMOTION ACT`` in 2002, Korean nanotechnology society has witnessed many dramatic changes of technology development and manufacturing environments in domestically as well as globally. As innovation of manufacturing and commercialization of nanotechnology become priority policies and strategies of president Park government, the environmental, health, and safety(EHS) issues are becoming more critical and complicated not only in nano science?technology?industry fields, but also in law society to accelerate the crossing valley of death. This article covers the past, present, and future of nanotechnology legislation in South Korea, focusing on the cooperation?coordination of agencies and nano-safety activities for innovation with commercialization. After brief researches on the president Park government``s new policy?strategy of innovation, and current international issues of nano convergence, the authors suggest an amendment of the current ``NANOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROMOTION ACT`` of 2002 including legal ground for innovation of nano-manufacture, Public Private Partnership, and National Inter-Agency Committee for Coordination of Nanotechnology Policy.

      • KCI등재

        DEA모형을 활용한 나노기술 분야 국가 R&D 과제의 효율성 분석

        배성훈(Seoung Hun Bae),김준현(Jun Hyun Kim),윤진선(Jin Seon Yoon),강상규(Sang Kyu Kang),신광민(Kwang Min Shin),조수지(Su Ji Cho),이기광(Ki Kwang Lee) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2016 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        Recently, nanotechnology has grown as one of the leading science technology along with other converging technologies such as biology, information, medicine etc., bringing the continuous investment of the government in nano-related field. However, it is difficult to measure and evaluate the performance of the national research and development programs because of the multidimen-sional character of the expected outcomes. This study aims to measuring efficiency of the national nanotechnology research and development programs using DEA model. The decision making units are nine nano-related ministries including the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning. The input variables are total expenditure, number of the programs and average expenditure per program. The output variables are science, technology and economic indicator, and the combination of these outputs are respectively measured as seven different DEA cases. The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future was the first efficient ministry in total technical efficiency. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety were efficient in pure technical efficiency, when the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy took the first in the scale efficiency. The program efficiency was affected by organizational characteristics such as the institution's scale, the concentration of the research paper or the patent, technology transfer or the commercialization. The result of this study could be utilized in development of the policy in the nanotechnology and the related field. Furthermore, it could be applied for the modification of expenditure management or the adjustment of the research and development programs' input and output scale for each ministry.

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