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        송우,김욱,고양 한중사회과학학회 2016 한중사회과학연구 Vol.14 No.1

        近年來在中國經濟快速發展過程中, 區域間的不平衡問題一度愈來愈嚴重, 造成造成東南沿海地區高度集中, 中西部地區相對落后等問題。爲了促進各區域間協調發展, 中國政府加大對欠發達地區的扶持力度, 竝實施各區域振興計劃, 如西部大開發、中部굴起等。區域振興戰略的實施效果如何, 中西部地區是否實現了追간? 中國區域經濟發展的現狀究竟如何? 以往硏究側重于從增長理論的角度, 根据勞動力、資本、土地等生산要素的投入變化進行分析, 盡管具有重要意義, 但已經不能适應中國經濟增長方式正在發生重大轉變的現實。本文從制造業TFP的分解中對技術進步的趨勢和影響因素嘗試進行分析。我們利用Orea-Lovell(2003)對DEA-Malmquist指數法的最新發展, 進行四部分解, 分析2000∼2013年中國29各省분(海南、西藏除外)制造業TFP的演變趨勢和影響因素。硏究表明, 中國制造業整體TFP呈現上升趨勢。中西部地區TF增長率高于其技術變化增長率, 這說明中西部地區制造業處于“追간”狀態。技術進步是促進TFP增長的主要動力, 其中純技術進步又是技術進步的最大貢獻者。中國制造業正處于規模收益遞增段段。區域制造業全要素生산率的發散趨勢從側面說明산業集聚程度加强。以上硏究結論在以下方面對于理解中國區域經濟差異的變化趨勢具有重要계示和政策含義。第一, 中國應從由純技術進步推動的單一經濟驅動模式轉爲由純技術進步和純效率共同作用的複合經濟驅動模式。應更加注重勞動力和資本要素管理能力的改善, 促進區域間技術溢出效應、산業結構升級, 進而實現純效率的改進, 爲全要素生산率的提高注入新動力。第二, 通過强化人力資本水平、放松區域間勞動力資源的流動, 實現勞動力資源優化配置, 從而提高中國“人口紅利”, 全面加速全要素勞動生산率增長。第三, 通過優化資本配置結構和合理使用沈淀資本激發全要素資本生産率增長潛力。

      • Selective enhancement of fluorescence using photonic crystal films

        송우,정서현,배자영,박송주,박성수,이형일,이원주,박종목 한국공업화학회 2015 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2015 No.0

        We report a method to enhance fluorescence using bilayers of photonic crystal films. In our method, the photonic band-gap of an underlying photonic crystal film could be easily modulated by changing silica particle size and the distance between ordered spherical silica particles and matrix. We prepared bilayer photonic crystal films, one of film recycles the excitation of fluorescent, and the other film selectively increases desire wavelength between emissions of fluorescent. Then, when a fluorescent polymer solution was spin-coated on the photonic crystal film, we observed overall enhancement of fluorescence as well as the distinct enhancement at 592nm owing to the photonic band-gap of the underlying bilayer of photonic crystal films.

      • KCI등재

        Plastic recycling in South Korea: problems, challenges, and policy recommendations in the endemic era

        송우,박훈(Hun Park) 한국생태학회 2024 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.48 No.1

        Background: Despite many environmental problems, plastic waste emissions have been a significant surge during last few decades in the Republic of Korea. Furthermore, the emergence of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has lead to an increased use and disposal of plastic waste worldwide. This paper tried to present summarized data related to the production and disposal of plastics especially before and after the COVID-19 pandemic with environmental impacts of plastics. Also, review of plastic waste reduction policies and feasible policies to promote an act for a safe, sustainable environment are presented. Results: Plastics cause many environmental problems due to their non-degrading properties and have a huge direct and indirect impact on Ecosystems and Public Health. Microplastics need a lot of attention because their environmental effects are not yet fully identified. Despite plastic’s significant impact on climate change, the impact is not yet widely known to the public. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of plastic has surged and recycling has decreased due to the increase in delivery food and online shopping. Korea is introducing very active plastic and waste management policies, but it is necessary to implement more active policies by referring to the cases of other countries. Conclusions: In this article, we have scrutinized the evolution of plastic waste generation in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and delved into policy frameworks adopted by other nations, which South Korea can draw valuable lessons from. The formidable challenges posed by plastic waste, the remarkable shifts witnessed during the COVID-19 era, and the multifaceted response strategies elucidated in this paper all play a pivotal role in steering South Korea toward a sustainable future.

      • 개에서 교통사고에 의한 폐좌성 1례

        송우,이시예,신에스더,박희서,정성목,송근호,김명철 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2004 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        A 4 years old, mixed male dog with a history of traffic accident was presented to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University with tachypnea and respiratory distress. Physical examination showed that the dog was auscultated crackles sounds, dysynchronous abdominal breathing pattern, hemoptysis, hematuria, urodynia and right and left scleral congestion. Blood and blood chemical examination revealed that WBC, AST and ALT was highly elevated. Parenchymal pulmonary fluid and closed pneumothorax were observed by thoracic radiography. This case was diagnosed as pulmonary contusion. Intravenous fluid and oxygen was administered and also dexamethasone(1mg/kg, Ⅳ), furosemide(2mg/kg, Ⅳ), (ampicillin, 20mg/kg, Ⅳ) and meloxicam(0.2mg/kg, PO) were intravenously injected for 5 days. Abnormal clinical signs were disappeared after treatment.

      • 개에서 선천성 간외성 문맥전신단락 1례

        송우,김명철,정성목 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2004 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        A 18 months old, Shih-tzu female dog was presented to Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University with a history of anorexia. In blood chemistry, blood ammonia level was severely elevated. And abdominal radiography and ultrasound revealed microhepatica. In positive-contrast portography, there was extrahepatic single shunt between portal vein and caudal vena cava. It was diagnosed as extrahepatic single PSS. Surgical correction was performed using Ameroid constrictor. One hundred days after surgical correction, there was no evidence of recurrence and plain abdominal radiography disclose normal hepatic size.

      • KCI등재

        Selecting plant species for landfill revegetation: a test of 10 native species on reclaimed soils

        송우 한국생태학회 2018 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.42 No.4

        Background: Revegetating landfills can be a challenging task as the reclaimed soils are typically dry and have low nutrient content. Therefore, selecting suitable plant species is important for initial revegetation. The issue with current practices (in Korea) is that alien plant species have been typically selected for revegetation projects. In this context, this study selects and tests a set of native plant species for landfill revegetation, accompanied by the assessment of the landfill soils. Results: The soil of the landfill (landfill location) was in a very poor condition with high bulk density and low organic matter and nutrient contents. Among 10 tested species, only Brassica campestris showed high coverage and a sufficient number of individuals in study quadrats sown with seeds. Results suggest that plant species with heavy seeds are the only ones that can adapt to the environment of a typical landfill due to the site’s aridity and low nutrient content. The reason is due to such species’ superior wind resistance and the capacity to provide sufficient energy for the initial growth of the plants for survival in such landfill environment. Conclusions: This study recommends selecting plant species (1) with arid-adapted features and (2) whose seed weight is sufficiently heavy for survival at landfills or areas with a similar condition for future revegetation.

      • KCI등재

        사도마조히즘 패션의 미적 특성 연구 - 2000년대 이후 사례를 중심으로 -

        송우리 ( Song Woo Ri ),김선아 ( Kim Sun Ah ) 한국패션디자인학회 2017 한국패션디자인학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        인간은 시대가 요구하는 이상적인 미를 표현하기 위한 도구로 의복을 채택하였으며, 자신의 내적 자아를 표출하고 인체를 재구성하여 이상적인 이미지를 창출하였다. 이성의 보고자 하는 욕구와 여성성을 부각하는 수단으로 표현된 사도마조히즘 패션은 현대 패션에 있어 다양하고 자극적인 이미지를 연출하였다. 본 연구에서는 사도마조히즘의 개념 및 특성을 고찰하고 사도마조히즘 패션의 유형에 대한 분석을 통하여 사도마조히즘 패션의 미적 특성을 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 문헌연구와 사례연구를 병행하였으며, 2000년대 이후를 중심으로 나타난 사도마조히즘 패션 사례를 살펴보고 사도마조히즘 패션의 유형 분석을 통하여 미적 특성을 도출하였다. 사도마조히즘 패션의 유형을 분석한 결과, 피학적 도구로서의 인체 구속형은 남성의 시각에서 피학적인 여성에 대한 억압, 구속 등을 표현해 남성의 성적 본능과 욕망을 부추기는 특징을 가지며, 인체의 움직임을 제한하고 구속하는 의복의 형태를 보이고 있다. 가학적 도구로서의 인체 은폐형은 지배와 복종이라는 종속적 관계를 표현하는 수단으로 약간의 노출과 전신을 감싸고 은폐하는 형태의 의복 스타일을 보여주며, 폭력적이고 가학적인 상징성을 지닌 아이템을 활용해 연약한 신체를 위장하고 지배자적인 모습과 권위를 과장되게 연출하였다. 사도마조히즘 패션의 유형 분석을 통해 도출된 사도마조히즘 패션의 미적 특성은 다음과 같다. 관음적 관능미는 인간의 보고자 하는 욕구를 표출시켰으며, 여성성을 강조하고 노골적인 성적 표현을 과장된 형태로 보여주었다. 공포적 잔혹미는 가학적인 성향을 표현하고 남성적 지배를 의복을 통해 표현하였으며, 폭력성과 강압적인 이미지를 연출하였다. 유희적 퇴폐미는 서로 어울리지 않는 상황에서 의도치 않은 유희적 상황을 표현하고 여성의 육체에 대한 직설적인 강조로 표현하였다. 본 연구는 성적 행위의 하나로만 여기던 사도마조히즘을 패션의 한 부분으로 해석함으로써 패션의 미적 범주의 하나로 살펴보고자 하였으며, 지속적으로 변화하는 대중의 새로운 취향에 대한 이해와 미의 경향을 예측하는 패션 미학 연구의 기초자료로 활용되길 기대한다. In this study, the concepts and characteristics of sado-masochism were researched, and the aesthetic characteristics of sado-masochism fashion were attempted to be investigated through the analysis for the types of sado-masochism fashion. To do this, the literature research and case study were conducted in parallel, and after investigating the cases of sado-masochism fashion which have chiefly appeared since 2000, the aesthetic attributes were drawn via the type analysis of sado-masochism fashion. The body constraining type as a masochistic tool has the feature inciting the sexual instincts and desires of men by expressing the oppression, constraint, etc. on the masochistic women from the male sight, showing the clothing form limiting and constraining the body movements. The body concealing type as a sadistic tool was showing the garment style of the form expressing some exposure and wrapping and concealing the whole body as a means to represent the dependent relationship of domination and obedience, and camouflaged the weak body and exaggeratedly expressed the ruler-like appearance and authority, by utilizing the items having the violent and sadistic symbolism. The voyeuristic voluptuous-beauty expressed the human desire to see, emphasizing the femininity, showing the explicit sexual expression with the exaggerated form. The horror cruel-beauty represented the sadistic tendencies, expressed the male domination via the garment, and displayed the violence and the overbearing images. The amusing corruption-beauty represented the unintended amusing state in the unmatched situation with each other, expressing the straightforward emphasis on the female body. This study attempted to categorize it aesthetically by interpreting the sado-masochism, which has been considered as one of the sexual acts into a part of fashion. It is expected to be made use of as baseline data to understand the new tastes of the public which are constantly changing and predict the aesthetic tendency.

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