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        소비자기본법 30년과 소비자법의 구조전환 -소비자법의 제3의 물결을 위하여-

        서희석 ( Hee Seok Seo ) 법조협회 2011 法曹 Vol.60 No.3

        The history of Korea consumer law may be called ``the history of the Framework Act on Consumers``. In Korea, the first consumer law of which main purpose is consumer protection was realized by the legislation of the Consumer Protection Act in 1980(The First Wave of the consumer law). After the Korean Consumer Agency was established by the overall amendment of the Act in 1986, the consumer law and the consumer administration in Korea was legally and systematically organised. Such an organization affected the legislation of the major consumer laws over the last 20 years(the Second Wave of the consumer law). Then the Consumer Protection Act was overall amended into the Framework Act on Consumers in 2006. The amendment was performed in order to reflect the change of the environment surrounding consumers or the change of the consumer image (from the object of protection to the subject of self-reliance), and to reflect the change of policy-making authority from the Ministry of Finance and Economy to the Korea Fair Trade Commission. Accordingly, the purpose of the Act was changed from ``the protection of consumers`` fundamental rights and interests` to ``the promotion of consumers`` rights and interests``. This means that the consumer policy is performed on the base of ``consumer sovereignty theory`` by the Korea Fair Trade Commission, the policy-making authority in charge of competition policy. From the viewpoint of the above mentioned things, this article aims at discussing the theoretical meaning of the Framework Act on Consumers. It results in the following: The substantial meaning to amend the Consumer Protection Act into the Framework Act on Consumers must be found in the legislation of the consumer private law for realizing the consumer sovereignty or consumers` private rights. It means to convert from ``the consumer law for the administrative regulation`` to ``the consumer law for the civil regulation``. If the private rights of consumers is secured, consumers can independently make a decision in the market and realize their own rights(consumer sovereignty). If the condition above continues, it will lead to the maximum of the consumer welfare. Only when these prerequisite conditions are satisfied, the Framework Act on Consumers can be recognized as the Third Wave of the consumer law in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        소비자사법의 일반화의 가능성 : 일본에서의 논의를 참고하여

        서희석(Seo Hee-Seok) 부산대학교 법학연구소 2010 법학연구 Vol.51 No.3

        소비자법의 민법전편입문제를 생각하는데 있어 소비자사법 내지 소비자계약법의 일반화라는 방식은 편입방식에 관한 한 새로운 유형으로서의 의미를 가질 수 있다고 본다. 그것은 우리나라에서 논의되고 있는 두 가지 방식, 즉, 독일과 같이 기본적으로 개별 소비자법을 민법전으로 통합하는 방식과도, 프랑스와 같이 (개별법의 민법전으로의 통합을 부정하고) 단일 법전화하는 방식과도 구별되는 시점을 제공해 주기 때문이다. 독일식논의와 프랑스식논의가 모두 현시점에서 우리가 참고하기에는 현실적으로 곤란함을 갖고 있다면, 이번 기회에 우리 소비자사법에 결락되어 있는 제도나 법리를 발굴하여 (일반화된 형태로의 도입이 가능하다면) 이를 민법전에 신설하는 것을 적극적으로 검토해볼만하다고 생각한다. 만일 그와 같은 방식에 의한 민법전편입(신설)이 실현된다면, 소비자사법의 이론적 기초가 취약한 우리로서는 소비자사법 내지 소비자계약의 개별적 법리를 민법에 창출함과 동시에 이를 통하여 실질적 사적자치의 실현이라는 이념을 민법일반으로 확대하는 효과를 달성하는 셈이 된다. 이와 같이 본다면 일반화방식에 의하여 소비자사법의 법리를 민법으로 도입하는 문제는 단순히 소비자법의 민법전편입의 방식을 둘러싼 문제의 영역을 넘는, (민법의 기본이념과도 관련된) 보다 고차원적인 민법전의 현대화작업의 일환으로 평가해야 할 것이다. 본고에서 검토한 부실표시나 정보제공의무, 현대적 폭리행위(상황의 남용)의 법리는 그러한 가능성이 있는 하나의 예에 불과하다. 또한 만일 일반화 방식이 소비자사법의 민법전편입에 관한 우리의 논의에 적극적으로 고려될 수 있다면, 소비자법의 민법전편입을 둘러싼 개별 구체적인 논의의 부담은 상당부분 덜게 될 것으로 본다. 예컨대 부실표시나 정보제공의무, 현대적 폭리행위(상황의 남용)에 관한 규정이 민법에 (일반화된 형태로) 도입된다면 소비자사법(소비자계약법)이 담당해야 할 계약체결과정의 적정화에 관한 요청(소비자계약이라는 특수한 형태로의 민법전편입이라는 부담)의 상당부분이 해소되기 때문이다. When considering the incorporation of consumer law into the civil code, the generalization of the consumer private law or consumer contract law is meaningful as a new type of method. In the circumstance that Korean civil law is lack of the theoretical ground about the consumer private law, such incorporation means to accomplish the effect to extend the spirit of the consumer private law or consumer contract law, i.e. the achievement of practical private autonomy, into the civil law. As well, if the method of the generalization is positively considered in the discussion about the incorporation of the consumer private law into the civil code, it may make it ease to discuss the way of incorporation of specific consumer protection laws into the civil code. If the principle of ‘misrepresentation’, ‘obligation to provide information’ and ‘unfair exploitation’ referred in the main context is introduced into the civil code, a significant portion of the request for optimization of the process of consumer contract will be relieved.

      • KCI등재

        일본 민법개정시안에 있어서 소비자법의 위치

        서희석(Seo, Hee-seok) 한국재산법학회 2009 재산법연구 Vol.26 No.2

        Drafts for the revision of Civil Code recently published by two groups of influential scholars in Japan - Kato and Uchida- show that the Civil Code is somehow relevant with the consumer law. From the viewpoint of Korean law, the featuring elements may be summarized as the following. First, both the Kato's draft and the Uchida's discuss incorporating consumer law into the Civil Code with priority given to the "Consumer Contract Act". Kato's draft is trying not only to generalize the misrepresentation rule of Consumer Contract Act as general rule of Civil Code, but also to connect some part of consumer contract rule of the Consumer Contract Act (and the Specific Commercial Transaction Act) by putting the references in the Civil Code. The Uchida's draft is more positive in terms of trying to incorporate the overall rule of Consumer Contract Act into the Civil Code. As a result, the Civil Code will have special consumer contract rules as showing below. Secondly, both of the Kato's draft and the Uchida's is using the method of generalization of consumer private law. The subject-matters of generalization common in the two drafts are 'misrepresentation' and 'obligation to provide information'. The generalization of consumer private law is not to integrate each of the provisions into the Civil Code as special rules applying only to the consumer contract, but to incorporate the spirit of "Consumer Contract Act" or consumer private law in the more generalized form. Accordingly, the scope of application is not limited to consumer contract. Thirdly, Kato's draft and Uchida's propose very different types of incorporating ways about whether to put special rules of consumer private law in the Civil Code, and if so, what way should be chosen. While Kato's draft adopted the incorporating way to guarantee a point connected to consumer lay by so-called putting the reference provisions in the Civil Code, Uchida's adopted the incorporating way to let the special rules of "Consumer Contract Act" (cancellation rights, the regulation of consumer contract provisions) maintain themselves by integrating them into the relevant parts of the Civil Code. These two ways of incorporation were the most controversial part in the process of drafting the revision of Civil Code regarding consumer law and the evaluations on them is now extremely divided. Thus, in the official drafting for the revision of Civil Code in Japan which will be in progress for a couple of years, it seems to be one of the biggest issues. Owing to the publication of the drafts with features as such, there have been the variety of models to refer for revision of Korean Civil Code. In particular, the ways of generalization and of reference are noticeable in that they are not found in the other legislations.

      • KCI등재

        DCFR상 소비자·사업자의 정의(定議)-우리 법과의 비교 검토-

        서희석 ( Seo Hee-seok ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2012 외법논집 Vol.36 No.2

        DCFR is an important fruit for the harmonization or unification of European private law. In terms of consumer law, it is also very important as it includes broad consumer contract law in it. The aim of this article is to find out the characteristics of definition of consumer and business in DCFR and to comparatively analyze them with Korean consumer law. Through this research, I will point out some problems in Korean consumer law and suggest the direction of improvement. The result of this study is like this: there are three differences in the definition of consumer and business between DCFR and Korean consumer law. First, in Korean law, consumer can be legal person while in DCFR consumer is only natural person. Second, the definition of business in Korean law is very broad and equivocal while in DCFR it is clearly limited to some category. Third, in Korean law, when a natural person is also a business, there is no specific criteria for distinction while DCFR has it, which is “primary purpose”. In conclusion, I suggest that the definition of consumer and business in Korean consumer law is needed to be revised for better improvement. Most of all, in Korean law, consumer should be limited to natural person.

      • KCI등재

        일본 개정민법상 법정이율제도* - 3년 주기 자동변동형 고정이율제 -

        서희석(Seo, Hee-Seok) 한국재산법학회 2018 재산법연구 Vol.35 No.2

        일본은 2017년의 민법 개정에서 민사법정이율제도를 연 5%의 고정방식에서 연 3%부터 시작하는 자동변동방식으로 변경하였고, 아울러 이에 수반하여 법정이율제와 관련한두 가지 제도―중간이자의 공제, 지연이율―에 관한 규율을 신설 내지 변경하였다. 먼저 법정이율제에 관하여, 민사법정이율을 연 5%로 고정하는 방식의 이율제에서 이율을 연 3%로 인하하고, 3년주기로 일정한 요건에 따라 이율이 자동적으로 변동하며 법정이율이 일단 결정되면 (그 후 법정이율이 변경하더라도) 그 채권에 관한 이율은 변동되지 않는 것으로 하는 제도(자동변동형 고정이율제)를 도입하였다(개정민법 제404조). 아울러 연 6%의 상사법정이율에 관한 규정(상법 제514조)도 관련 정비법에 따라 삭제함으로써 민사ㆍ상사 이율의 이원체제를 민사이율로 일원화하는 변혁을 단행하였다. 다음으로 법정 이율제가 중간이자의 공제와 금전채무불이행에서의 지연이율에 관한 규율과 밀접한 관련한 있다는 점에서 변동이율제의 취지에 맞추어 중간이자의 공제제도를 신설하고 지연이 율에 관한 규율내용을 변경하였다. 먼저 장래에 취득하는 이익(인신손해에서 일실이익 등)에 대한 손해배상액을 정하는 경우에 있어서 중간이자의 공제가 실무에서 활발하게 이용된다는 점을 감안하여 그 이율은 법정이율로 하여야 한다는 판례법리를 명문화하면 서, 법정이율이 변동될 수 있다는 점을 감안하여 그 법정이율은 손해배상청구권이 발생한 시점에 있어서의 법정이율이라는 점을 명확히 하였다(개정민법 제417조의2 제1항). 또한 장래에 부담하는 비용(개호(介護)비용 등)에 대한 손해배상액을 정하는 경우에 있어서 그비용을 부담할 때까지의 이자상당액을 공제하는 때에도 마찬가지의 규율이 적용되도록 하였고(동 제2항), 이들 중간이자의 공제에 관한 규율이 불법행위에 의한 손해배상에도 준용되도록 하였다(개정민법 제722조). 다음으로 금전채무불이행의 특칙으로서 금전채무불이행에 의한 손해배상(지연배상)의 이율(지연이율)을 이자채권에서의 법정이율과 같게 하는 현행제도를 유지하되, 법정이율이 변동될 수 있다는 점을 감안하여 그 법정이율은 채무자가 지체책임을 지는 최초의 시점에 있어서의 법정이율이라는 점을 명확히 하도록 수정하였다(지연이율에 관한 특칙. 개정민법 제419조). 본고에서는 일본 개정민법상 법정이율과 관련한 이들 제도개혁의 배경과 논의과정 및그 내용을 상세히 소개하였다. 아울러 우리민법에의 시사점을 도출하기 위하여 최근에 법무부에서 마련한 민법개정위원회안(2013년) 및 20대 국회에 제출된 민법 일부개정법률안 (민병두의원 대표발의, 2018)에서 제안하고 있는 법정이율제의 개정에 관한 내용을 검토 하고 그 의미를 음미해보았다. Japan revised its statutory rate system in 2017 amendments to the Civil Code. The civil interest rate is reduced from 5% to 3% per year, and the interest rate is automatically changed according to certain requirements every three years. Once the statutory interest rate has been determined (thereafter, even if the statutory interest rate changes), the interest rate on the bond is not changed (automatic variable fixed rate system) (Article 404 of the amended Civil Code). In addition, the regulations on the commercial rate of 6% per year (Article 514 of the Commercial Code) were deleted, so the dual system of civil and commercial rate was unified into the civil rate. In addition, according to the purpose of the variable interest rate system, a system of deducting the intermediate interest rate was introduced and the rules for delay rate were changed. First, it stipulates that the rate of deduction of the intermediate interest should be made at the statutory rate, and clarified that the statutory rate is that at the time the right to claim damages arises (Article 417-2 (1) of the amended Civil Code). In addition, the discipline concerning the deduction of these intermediate interest is also applied to damages caused by tort (Article 722 of the amended Civil Code). It also maintains the current system that makes the rate of delinquency equal to the rate of interest in interest-bearing bonds, which has been modified to clarify that the statutory rate is the statutory rate at the first time that the debtor is liable for delinquency (Article 419 of the amended Civil Code). In this paper, I introduced the background of the system reforms related to the legal interest rate in the revised Japanese Civil Code, the process of discussion and its contents in detail. In addition, in order to draw implications for the Civil Code, I have reviewed the contents of the draft bill of amendment to the Civil Code proposed by the Ministry of Justice(2013) and the bill of amendment to the Civil Code recently proposed by a law maker(Min Byung-Doo) at the 20th National Assembly(2018), and compared with the contents of the revised Japanese Civil Code, I also tried to appreciate the meaning of the (draft) bills.

      • KCI등재후보

        부산대학교 법학전문대학원의 민법 교육과정 및 교육방법

        서희석(Hee-Seok Seo) 충남대학교 법학연구소 2008 法學硏究 Vol.19 No.2

        본고에서는 부산대학교 법학전문대학원의 민법의 교육과정과 교육방법의 전체적인 내용을 개관한 후, 그 특징으로서 다음과 같은 4가지 점을 추출하였다. 첫째, 민법총칙 과목을 온존시키는 점에서 판덱텐시스템을 유지하면서도, 과목 간의 기능적 통합을 통하여 효과적인 교육이 되도록 배려하고 있는 점이다. 과목간의 기능적 통합이란 민총과 채권각론, 물권법과 채권총론을 각각 같은 학기에 수강하도록 하여 민법의 이해에 도움을 주도록 한 것을 말한다. 둘째, 1년차 교육을 중시하고 있는 점이다. 이는 법학미수자가 다수 입학할 것을 예정하고 있는 로스쿨에서, 1년차 교육이 2년차 이후의 로스쿨 교육의 성패를 좌우할 수도 있다는 점을 의식한 결과이다. 예컨대, 1학년 1학기에 2과목(민총, 채각), 1학년 2학기에 2과목(물권, 채총)을 편성하여 기본적인 민법(재산법)의 내용을 1학년에서 모두 이수하여 기초를 다진 후, 2학년 이후 연습과목 등의 선택을 통하여 민법을 단계적으로 학습할 수 있도록 배려하였다. 셋째, 전술한 1년차 교육 중시의 교육과정과도 관련되는 것으로서, 법학 기수자와 미수자를 구별하지 않고 통합하여 교육하기로 하였다는 점이다. 이는 로스쿨제도의 취지를 고려한 교과과정의 운영이기도 하다. 한편 양자를 구별하여 운영함으로써 교육의 효율성을 향상시키려는 법학전문대학원도 있을 것으로 보이는바 양자의 운영방법의 차이가 어떤 결과를 보여줄지는 앞으로도 주목하여 검토할 대목이다. 넷째, 교육방법의 자율성과 통일성을 조화할 수 있도록 배려하고 있는 점이다. 120명의 입학정원을 고려할 때 분반을 통한 교육이 요구되는데, 그 경우 분반간의 교육내용 및 평가방법의 통일성이 요구된다. 한편 교수의 교육방법은 누구도 침해할 수 없는 고유한 영역인바 그 자율성이 보장되어야 한다. 이 양자간의 조화를 위하여 부산대 법학전문대학원에서는 샘플 교재(강의안)의 작성, 샘플 강의방법의 배부 등을 통하여 교수의 교육내용 및 방법에 있어서 자율성을 전제로 하면서도 통일성을 고려할 수 있도록 배려하고 있다. After general view on the course and method for education of civil law at the Law School of the Pusan National University ("Law School of PNU"), this article outlines four points as following: First, in terms of retaining the subject of the General Provisions of civil law, the course of civil law maintains the 'Pandekten System', while it takes account of functional combination among subjects for the purpose of accomplishing an effective education. The functional combination among subjects means to let students take the General Provisions of civil law and the Individual Provisions of Claim, the Real Right and the General Provisions of Claim respectively in the same semester so as to help them understand the civil law. Secondly, Law School of PNU values the first year's education of civil law above everything else. It results from recognition that in consideration of law school where over half of students have never studied law, the first-year's education may exert a big influence on whether successful or not the education of law school will be. For example, from the second year after it lets students take two subjects (the General Provisions of Civil Law and the Individual Provisions of Claim) in the first semester of the first year and the other two subjects (the Real Right and the General Provisions of Claim) in the second semester, the course of education helps students to increasingly step up the problem solving ability at civil law via the selective subject such as seminar. Thirdly, in relations with the above-mentioned course of education which values the first year's education, it will educate all students at the same level regardless of whether or not they have ever studied law. This is also the result of consideration of the effect of Law School Institution. In the meanwhile, it seems that other law schools will make an efficient education via teaching students separately depending on whether or not they have ever studied law. We deserve to see what results both systems will yield. Fourthly, it takes account of the harmonization between the self-regulation and the unification of the educational method. In consideration of a capacity of 120 students, it is necessary to divide them into several classrooms for appropriate education, at the same time, it requires the unified contents and evaluation of learning. Also, as the professors' teaching methods must not be infringed, their self-regulations shall be secured. According to the requirement of the harmonization, Law School of PNU takes into consideration the unified contents and method of education on a premise of self-regulation via preparation of sampling text and distribution of the sampling teaching method.

      • KCI등재

        간헐적 저산소 노출과 Treadmill 운동이 마우스의 헤모글로빈 및 적혈구 관련지표와 혈액내 항산화능에 미치는 영향

        서희석 ( Hee Seok Seo ),전고운 ( Ko Woon Chun ),박현숙 ( Hyun Sook Park ),최선주 ( Sun Ju Choi ),박주영 ( Joo Young Park ),정성은 ( Seong Eun Jeong ) 대한스포츠의학회 2009 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the long-term effects of exercise under intermittent hypoxic condition on hematological parameters and antioxidant potential in mice. For the present study, mice were divided into four groups: normoxia (21% oxygen) control(NC), hypoxia (13% oxygen) control(HC), normoxia exercise (20 m/min, 40 min/day, 3 times/week for 10 weeks) (NE), and hypoxia exercise (HE) group. The study indicated that hemoglobin was significantly increased only in the NE and HC groups. Furthermore, the mean corpuscular volume had significantly decreased in the HE group. Basal blood lactate levels were similar in all four groups and were increased by exercise. However, the increasement was lesser in the exercise groups. Furthermore, the minimal increasement was observed in the HE group. The production of free radicals in the blood was decreased by either exercise or exposure to intermittent hypoxic condition. Also, the antioxidant potential was increased by exercising. The results of this study suggest that subjecting mice to intermittent hypoxia condition or exercise may influence the oxygen transportation and antioxidant potential in their blood.

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