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        喪徒契輓歌에 나타난 念佛淨土信仰과 터미널 케어

        서성운 한국정토학회 2005 정토학연구 Vol.8 No.-

        In modern society, many people are singing the praises of material prosperity and the comfortable life. There is still, however, a long way before being totally liberated from all kinds of pains and anxieties experienced by every human being. Those pains and anxieties of men have continued to exist up until the modern day since the history of humans began. Among them, the physical and mental suffering of those who are faced with death is beyond description. It is also necessary to take care of a family that is just about to lose one of its members, so that they can overcome their suffering and come back to their daily lives. Such a service, designed to heal the anguished minds of patients on their deathbeds as well as their families, is called terminal care people in charge of terminal care consist of medical specialists, Hospice providers, social workers, and men of religion. In order to mitigate the despairs and sorrows of dying people, rehabilitative terminal care is in great demands rehabilitative care facilities and Hospice providers are gradually being reinforced. The Pure Land Faith especially, in which one prays for rebirth to the abode of perfect bliss(極樂淨土), can be considered as true character of Mahāāna Buddhism which encourages dying people to have great hope. The Pure Land Faith as such had a great influence on Korean Buddhism. The Venerable Wonhyo, in particular, educated the mass of people and popularized Buddhism with the aid of Pure Land thought. Nevertheless, nothing much has been known about the result of his popularization of Buddhism. Regarding this problem, I looked into The Collections of Korean Man-ga, and discovered the vivid traces of Buddhism that remained in Man-ga(輓歌) funereal songs that were sung by Sangdogye when the coffin was carried away.

      • KCI등재

        치매 노인 공공후견제도에 관한 정책연구: Gilbert와 Terrell 분석 틀을 중심으로

        서성운,최성헌 동의대학교 지방자치연구소 2023 공공정책연구 Vol.40 No.1

        본 연구는 후견제도의 안착과 실효성 있는 제도가 되도록 발전방안을 제시하는 것이 목적이다. 본 연구는 Gilbert and Terrell 분석틀을 중심으로 사회적 할당, 사회적 급여, 전달체계, 재정출처 및재정 이전체계의 영역으로 분류하여 민법상 성년후견제도와 공공후견제도로서의 치매 노인을 위한 후견제도를 유형별로 분석하였다. 이에 따른 본 연구의 연구결과는 첫째, 사회적 할당(Social Allocation)으로 기본적으로 할당의 대상 수가 약 75만 명이며 사적후견 서비스를 통한 서비스의 비용으로 급여의 성격을 보편주의로할지 선별 주의로 할지에 대한 정책적 결정이 필요하다. 둘째, 사회적 급여(Social Provision)로 치매 노인 대상 공공후견인 서비스 제도의 급여는 현금 급여나 현물급여가 아닌 대안적 급여형태로써 제공되고 있다. 셋째, 전달체계(Delivery System)로 활동비의 현실화와전문 후견인을 양성하기 위해서는 다수의 후견 사례를 연결할 필요가 있다. 넷째, 재정출처(Finance: Source of Funds)로 치매관리법에따른 재정확보로 안정적인 사업을 추진할 수 있는 부분이기는 하다. 그러나 대상자 수보다 책정된 사업비가 낮은 부분으로 이를 개선할 필요가 있다. 마지막으로 보건복지부에서 재정을 확보하고, 중앙지원단, 광역지원센터, 시군구 치매 안심 센터로의 재정 이전이되는 체계는 잘 작동하고 있다. 이 같은 연구결과를 바탕으로 치매노인을 위한 후견제도가 실효성 있는 법과 제도로 정착되길 희망한다.

      • KCI등재

        노인장기요양신청 거부처분의 이유제시 필요성에 관한 연구

        서성운,허준수 충북대학교 법학연구소 2019 法學硏究 Vol.30 No.1

        Article 23 Paragraph 1 of the Administrative Procedure Act obliges the applicant to provide reasons and reason. This is important to enable the parties to properly respond to administrative remedies. In the case of an out-of-class judgment, the administrative office should give a reason for the reasons for the decision. If the reasons are not given, the administrative office will have to devote administrative power to the objection and administrative dispute response. Providing reasons and grounds to the applicant will prevent the consumption of administrative power in advance. Applicants who have received a, b, or c grades will not know what services they can receive through this. The grounds for presenting reasons for administrative proceedings can be found in Article 10 of the Constitution, the dignity and value of human beings, the rule of law, and democracy. The basis of the individual provisions of the Constitution is based on the due process of Article 12(1). First, imposing an obligation to give reason to the administrative office is to ensure the fairness of the administrative function. Second, there is a function of receiving basic judgments in deciding whether to submit administrative litigation. Third, it has the function of persuading the applicant to accept the disposition as legitimate. Finally, there is the ability * Ph.D in Law & Doctoral course at Soongsil University, Ph.D in Social Welfare, The Korea christian conciliation and arbitraion ** Professor, Social Welfare at Soongsil University 176 法學硏究 제30권 제1호(2019. 6) to clarify disposal. Among these functions, the right remedy function is the most important. If the administrative disposition is to be in writing, the reasons for the disposition must be included in the written disposition. If you give a reason in writing, it can put a burden on the administrative office. However, the applicant may have the convenience of remedies. The introduction of long-term care insurance for the elderly has opened a way to alleviate the burden of care for the elderly and their families suffering from chronic diseases and geriatric diseases. Long - term elderly care applications are expected to increase in the future. It is expected to increase the number of dismissed cases such as the out-of-grade judgment even though the elderly has applied for long-term care. Long-term care result notices are very important documents that can persuade applicants. However, they do not give reasons for the notice of the long-term care application. There is no notice on the notice of any right to receive relief. National Health Insurance Corporation should improve the result notice. And the reason for it should be provided as prescribed by the Administrative Procedure Act. In addition, guidance on what kind of services can be provided in case of the out-of-grade judgment should be done together. Education for rights relief is needed for social workers. The National Health Insurance Corporation shall provide detailed explanations on the services that can be used when determining the out-of-grade. Explaining the reason and reason to the applicant is a method of securing procedural guarantees and social security benefits. It is also necessary to legislate regulations that can be imposed when the administrative agency does not fulfill its duty to provide reason.

      • KCI등재

        유럽연합소액소송절차에 관한 연구

        서성운 한국민사소송법학회 2014 民事訴訟 : 韓國民事訴訟法學會誌 Vol.18 No.2

        The European Community has set itself the objective of maintaining anddeveloping an area of freedom, security and justice in which the free movementof persons is ensured. For the gradual establishment of such an area, theCommunity is to adopt, inter alia, measures in the field of judicial cooperationin civil matters having cross-border implications needed for the properfunctioning of the internal market. According to Article 65(c) of the Treaty, those measures are to includethose eliminating obstacles to the good functioning of civil proceedings, ifnecessary by promoting the compatibility of the rules on civil procedureapplicable in the Member States. This Regulation establishes a European procedure for small claims intendedto simplify and speed up litigation concerning small claims in cross-bordercases, and to reduce costs. The European Small Claims Procedure is be available to litigants as analternative to the procedures existing under the laws of the Member States. This Regulation also eliminates the intermediate proceedings necessaryto enable recognition and enforcement, in other Member States, of judgmentsgiven in one Member State in the European Small Claims Procedure. The European Small Claims Procedure is a written procedure. A judgment given in a Member State in the European Small Claims Procedureis recognised and enforced in another Member State without the need for a declaration of enforce-ability and without any possibility of opposing itsrecognition. The court or tribunal may hold an oral hearing through video conferenceor other communication technology if the technical means are available. It may also admit the taking of evidence through video conference orother communication technology if the technical means are available. This article compared European Small Claims Procedure with Korean SmallClaims Procedure and (along with) proposed improvements. For promoting judicial cooperation in Far East Asian countries such asKorea, China and Japan, European Small Claims Procedure may be consideredto be a good model. To satisfy further revisional needs for European Small Claims Procedure,COM/2013/0794 has been submitted. Continued research is needed.

      • KCI등재

        노인학대 대응체제에 관한 고찰 -노인보호전문기관을 중심으로-

        서성운 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to raise the problems in the field that arise due to such a privately commissioned elder abuse response system and to suggest improvement measures. To achieve the research objectives, this paper used the literature analysis method. The main content of the study analyzes the specialized elderly protection agency in charge of private consignment, the problems of field investigation in the event of elderly abuse, and the additional disposition of local governments as administrative agencies and the National Health Insurance Corporation as related agencies. In order to resolve the problems caused by private outsourcing, the results of this study suggested that local governments in charge of original affairs should conduct investigations related to elder abuse by reducing private outsourcing, and that the Ministry of Health and Welfare should centralize the disposition of cases to ensure uniformity of disposition. Finally, they pointed out the problem of double punishment in the case of additional punishment by the National Health Insurance Corporation and suggested that the additional punishment be suspended until the administrative dispute is finalized.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        교회분쟁해결을 위한 협상활용방안 - K교회 분쟁을 중심으로 -

        서성운 ( Seo Sung Woon ) 한국협상학회 2019 협상연구 Vol.22 No.1

        According to the 2015 Survey of Populated Housing surveyed by the National Statistical Office, the religion with the largest number of followers is Protestant. Religious rankings are Catholic and Buddhist rankings. Christianity is the next. The reason for the low reliability is due to church conflicts. The types of church disputes include financial issues by the pastor, issues related to the church heritage and the invitation of the pastor, arbitrary management by the pastor, sex issues of the pastor, illegal reign, heresy sale, preaching plagiarism, pastor ethics, pastor There is a conflict with the pastor. Church dispute resolution methods may be resolved by the church internal dispute resolution system. And there is a solution method through the lawsuit of the national court. However, many church disputes are being dealt with through national court proceedings. Church disputes are essentially related to property rights disputes. The church is not a corporation. The church is not a group. However, at the same time, it is a subordinate organization of the church organization. The pastor is the representative institution of the church. However, the pastor’s appointment right is in the higher-level organization. The material of this article, K Church, had a number of decision-making bodies within the church, but they all did not fulfill their functions. The Bible prohibits dispute resolution through court. However, the church has a court dispute with more than thirteen. And the dispute over adjustment was over. Even so, once the conflict is over, it should be restored to its former form. But the church couldn’t. No one was happy with the results of the court dispute resolution in court. For church disputes, it is necessary to negotiate dispute resolution methods and procedures, and resolve problems accordingly. Above all, it will be urgently necessary to restore the trust of the higher-ranking institutions. Procedures such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration should be prepared as dispute resolution methods. Dispute resolution rules must be established and published And church trial costs need to be reduced. Finally, we expect the parties to the dispute to settle the dispute based on the Bible.

      • KCI등재

        한국불교와 사회복지

        병진(성운) 한국정토학회 2013 정토학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        종교는 그들 고유의 이념과 가치를 구현하기 위해 전개하는 활동 중 가장 오랜 역사를 지닌 보편적 자선이 사회복지활동이다. 종교 가운데 특히 불교는 생명이 있는 모든 존재의 존엄과 평등사상에 이념과 가치를 두고 중생구제의 방편으로 오늘날 표방하는 복지활동을 실천했던 것이다. 과거 전통사회와는 달리 사회 환경이 급변하면서 새로운 양상의 사회문제가 대두되었고, 이에 대한 정책과 제도적 장치로 생겨난 것이 사회복지이며, 개인 또는 공공의 복지를 위하여 노력하는 다양한 사회적 활동을 포괄한다. 이러한 사회적 활동에 불교가 주체가 되어 불교의 가치규범이나 원리ㆍ사상 등을 기반으로 사회의 안녕과 행복을 추구하는 사회적 활동을 불교사회복지라 하며, 여기에서 사회복지와의 공통점을 발견할 수 있다. 인간과 인간이 처한 현실의 문제를 해결하려는 노력인 점이다. 불교가 이러한 대사회적 실천행을 하는 목적은 불교의 이념과 가치를 사람들에게 널리 알려서 다함께 행복해지기 위해서이다. 이러한 활동을 포교라고 한다. 결국 복지와 포교, 불교와 사회복지는 하나의 목표를 추구한다. 바로 인간의 행복 추구로 귀결되는 것이다. 이렇듯 한국불교 사회복지활동은 대사회적인 실천행인 바 가장 효과적인 포교 수단이다. 종교의 사회복지활동 참여는 그 종교의 성장과 발전을 결정하는 매우 중요한 요소이다. 그것은 사회복지활동 정도에 따라서 그 종교가 얼마나 사회적 존재가치를 인정받을 수 있는가에 영향을 미치기 때문이다. 이것이 오늘날 불교사회복지를 해야 하는 당위성이다. 따라서 불교이념의 현실화를 통해 사회복지적인 접근방안을 모색함으로써 중생복지의 극대화를 가져오고, 나아가서 아미타 극락정토 건설의 자양분으로 삼아야 한다. People seek to realize their ideologies and values by many means. Of these, the oldest and most established is religion. Religion involves social welfare activities about universal charity, and no other religion upholds respect for and equality of all living things more than Buddhism. Its practices can be interpreted from the perspective of social welfare as a way of saving all people. Unlike the traditional societies of the past, new social issues have arisen against the rapidly-changing social environment. Their resolution calls for social welfare in terms of policy and institutional mechanism. Social welfare includes various social activities intended to improve the welfare of individuals and the public. Buddhist social welfare engenders all social activities in which Buddhism plays a central role and pursues society's well-being and happiness based on Buddhist values, norms, principles, and philosophy. Buddhism and social welfare both seek to resolve the causes of people's agony and problems in real life. The purpose of such practical Buddhist actions for society is to disseminate the ideology and values of Buddhism to as many people as possible and make all people happy. Such activities are proselytization. Welfare and proselytization, and Buddhism and social welfare are all directed to achieving one goal: realizing people's happiness. Social welfare activities by Korean Buddhism are actions conducted for the benefit of society and the most effective means of dissemination. Religious participation in social welfare activities is crucial to the continued growth and development of the religion. The degree of such participation is a major factor in society's recognition of its importance. This justifies the need for today's Buddhist social welfare. Buddhist ideas should be translated into reality, and approaches toward social welfare should be explored to maximize welfare for all people and further solidify the foundation for the realization of the Land of Ultimate Bliss of Amitabha Buddha in the world.

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