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      • KCI등재

        한국어 교육을 위한 복합 조사의 사용 양상 연구

        서강보,정해권 한국국어교육학회 2020 새국어교육 Vol.0 No.125

        Purpose: Korean is a highly complex language because it has many additional elements such as postpositions. From the beginning level, Korean language learners are having difficulties in acquiring postpositions due to their various types and usages. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the mor- phological complexity and usage patterns of postpositions and to propose some reformation for teaching compound postpositions. Methods: This study investigates the complex combination of Korean postpositions, calculates syntagmatic complexity using entropy, and identifies postpositions as a multidimensional network. The usage patterns of compound postpositions in corpus and textbooks was confirmed. Results: 73 single postpositions with high frequency were found, and not only compound postpositions of two or more combined but also periphrastic postpositions appeared not a few. And it was confirmed that various compound postpositions are presented in Korean textbooks, but not based on statistics. Conclusion: Although learners use much more than the compound postpositions being taught, they are not properly reflected in the list of postpositions for teaching. Therefore, it is necessary to present a list of compound postpositions based on frequency and co- occurrence. 목적: 조사와 같은 첨가 요소가 많은 한국어는 복잡도가 높은 언어에 속하는데, 조사의 다양한 종류와 용법으로 인하여 한국어 학습자는 학습 초기부터 습득에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 조사의 형태 복잡도와 사용 양상을 밝히고 복합 조사 제시의 방향을 제안하고자 한다. 방법: 한국어에서 조사가 복합적으로 결합되는 양상과 통합 복잡도(syntagmatic complexity)를 산출하여 조사를 다차원적 네트워크로 파악하고, 실제 말뭉치와 한국어 교재에 반영되는 복합 조사의 노출 양상을 확인하였다. 결과: 말뭉치에서 73개의 단일 조사가 고빈도로 사용되고 있으며, 2개 이상의 복합 조사는 물론, 우언 조사도 적지 않게 출현함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 한국어 교재에서 복합 조사가 다양하게 제시되고 있지만 객관적인 통계에 근거하지 않음이 확인되었다. 결론: 실제 생활에서 학습자들은 교재에 제시된 것보다 훨씬 많은 복합 조사를 사용하고 있지만 한국어 교육용 조사 목록에는 이러한 복합 조사들이 제대로 반영되지 않고 있다. 그러므로 출현 빈도와 공기 관계를 바탕으로 한 객관적 기준에 따라 복합 조사 목록을 제시하고 이를 교재에 반영할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 계사 ‘이-’의 다의성과 의미 지도

        서강보(Seo, Kangbo),정해권(Jeong, Haegwon) 담화·인지언어학회 2018 담화와 인지 Vol.25 No.4

        In Korean, i- can be classified into various forms such as an affix, an adjective, and a dummy verb because of its morphological dependency on the preceding element. However, linguistic typological functions of i- correspond to the copula. Also, i- is an element that simply connects two noun phrases but has abstract and distinct meanings. In this paper, it is considered that i- has meanings of identification, class membership, ascription, existence, location, possession, quantification, time, state, psychology, repetition, emphasis, relatedness, and presentation. In addition, i- appears in various types of construction, such as a cleft sentence, a thetic sentence and a predication of two noun phrases. Children primarily acquire the use of copula i- as a situational item and a constructional island, and then extend the meanings of i- through relationships with other constructions. The identificational meaning is the most prototypical i-, and the relationship between multiple meanings is confirmed through the Semantic Map Model as a radial category.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 유의어-반의어에 의한 체계 학습 연구 - 중국인 학습자의 행동반응을 바탕으로 -

        서강보 ( Seo¸ Kangbo ),신수련 ( Shin¸ Sureun ),정해권 ( Jeong¸ Haegwon ) 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당 2021 외국어로서의 한국어교육 Vol.62 No.-

        Synonyms and antonyms constitute a close lexical network based on semantic relations in the mental lexicon. In this paper, the lexical decision task was performed by native Korean speakers and Chinese-speaking Korean learners on synonyms, antonyms, and unrelated words. (1) Native speakers were faster and more accurate than learners, and advanced learners processed synonyms more accurately than intermediate learners. (2) All groups processed synonyms and antonyms more accurately than unrelated words, but learners showed a prime effect that differed from non-words in antonyms. (3) The frequency effect has shown only in intermediate learners. These results are explained by a connectionist model that strengthens the connections between synonyms and antonyms based on semantic relations, and it is suggested that learning system knowledge of vocabularies such as synonyms and antonyms is effective. Since learners could receive more help from synonyms than antonyms in word processing using lexical networks, it is necessary to use synonyms to present words in vocabulary teaching and should be suggested new methods or strategies to use antonyms to facilitate learning. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

      • 토종닭과 실용계의 유전적 특성 조사

        보영,박미나,정기철,전진태,조인철,강보,김학규,홍의철,추효준,옥석,황보종 한국가금학회 2010 한국가금학회 정기총회 및 학술발표회 Vol.27 No.-

        Each 3 SNPs of TYR gene was associated with skin color and MC1R gene was associated with feathers are detected with the object of investigation for restored KNC, endemic breed and WR_CC. In the investigation results of the two genes, not fixed haplotype of breeds are not phenomenon by individuality but selection by phenotype characteristic excluded genotype of restored KNCs and endemic breeds. Thus, process of selection include genotype characteristic are required and more study are need for a definite find out of restored KNCs and endemic breeds.

      • 한국토종닭 3원 교잡종의 부화 및 육성 능력 (pp.101-102)

        강보,황보종,김학규,박미나,홍의철,보영,추효준,옥석 한국가금학회 2010 한국가금학회 정기총회 및 학술발표회 Vol.27 No.-

        This work was conducted to evaluate the hatching and growing performance of Korean Native Chicken(KNC) 3 strains crossbred. A total of 360 female pullets were produced from CY×C(A), CL×C(B), CG×C(C) and CW×C(D) crossbred kept in National Institute of Animal Science, Korea. Hatchability of A, B, C and D were 69.8, 70.7, 75.5 and 77.4%, respectively. Viabilities were not significantly different by 20 weeks among 4 strains. Body weight of 4 strains were 1,532, 1,557, 1,495 and 1,434 g, respectively, at 20 weeks. These results suggested the basic data that needed to develope the new strains.

      • KCI등재

        65세 이상에서 가구 유형별 동반식사와 건강검진 수검률의연관성: 2016–2018년 국민건강영양조사 자료

        강보,이준형,양윤준,윤영숙,이언숙,유빈,방도담,국효상,권혁진,남호수 대한가정의학회 2021 Korean Journal of Family Practice Vol.11 No.6

        Background: The number of elderly individuals, who are mostly excluded from society and reside in relatively poor conditions, living and eating alone isincreasing. Eating meals with others is a good opportunity for elderly individuals to form a social support system, thereby promoting behaviorsrelated to maintaining health. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the association between eating meals with others and health screening byhousehold type. Methods: In total, 2,504 adults aged ≥65 years participated in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2016–2018. Characteristicdifferences between the participants were analyzed using the chi-square test. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to analyze theassociation between eating meals with others and health screening after adjusting for covariates. Results: According to the characteristics of the study population based on eating with others and eating alone by household type, elderly individualsliving alone who ate meals with others were more likely to have good self-rated health, exercise regularly, and undergo health screening. In amultivariable logistic regression analysis of eating meals with others and health screening by household type, eating meals with others wassignificantly associated with health screening in elderly individuals living alone (odds ratio, 1.606; 95% confidence interval, 1.034–2.496). Conclusion: We found that eating meals with others was related to health screening in elderly individuals living alone. However, more research onwhether eating meals with others has a positive effect on health behavior in elderly individuals living alone is needed

      • KCI등재

        한국토종닭 3원 교잡종의 부화 및 육성 능력 (pp.399-404)

        강보석(Bo-Seok Kang),홍의철(Eui-Chul Hong),김학규(Hak-Kyu Kim),유동조(Dong-Jo Yu),박미나(Mi-Na Park),보영(Bo-Young Seo),추효준(Hyo-Jun Choo),나승환(Seung-Hwan Na),옥석(Ok-Suk Seo),황보종(Jong Hwang bo) 韓國家禽學會 2010 韓國家禽學會誌 Vol.37 No.4

        본 시험은 한국토종닭 3원 교잡종의 부화 및 육성 능력을 보고자 수행하였다. 공시계는 국립축산과학원에서 생산된 종란을 인수하여 부화시킨 3원 교잡종 병아리 암컷이다. 4가지 교배 조합으로 생산된 360수의 암평아리들을 3반복으로 반복당 30수씩 완전 임의배치하였다. 4개의 교배 조합은 A) 토착겸용종 C계통×재래종 Y계통×토착겸용종 C계통, B) 토착겸용종 C계통×재래종 L계통×토착겸용종 C계통, C) 토착 겸용종 C계통×재래종 G계통×토착겸용종 C계통, D) 토착겸 용종 C계통×재래종 W계통×토착겸용종 C계통이다. 수정률은 A, B, C 및 D에서 각각 89.8, 91.2, 92.4 및 92.8%였으며, 부화율은 각 계통에서 69.8, 70.7, 75.5 및 77.4%였다. 육성률은 계통간 유의적인 차이가 없었다(P>0.05). 20주령 체중은 B계통에서 높게 나타났으며(P<0.05), 0~20주령까지의 사료 요구율은 4계통에서 유의적인 차이는 없었다(P>0.05). 이런 결과들은 한국토종닭 3원 교잡종의 부화 및 육성 성적에 대한 기초적인 자료로서 이용될 것이라 사료된다. This work was conducted to evaluate the hatching and growing performance of Korean native chicken (KNC) 3 strains crossbred. A total of 360 female pullets were produced from CY × C (A), CL × C (B), CG × C (C) and CW × C (D) crossbred kept in National Institute of Animal Science, Korea. Hatchability of A, B, C and D were 69.8, 70.7, 75.5 and 77.4%, respectively. Livability were not significantly different by 20 weeks among 4 strains. Body weight B was high compared to other strains at 20 weeks. The feed conversion ratio of 4 strains was no significantly different among strains at 20 weeks. These results suggested the basic data that needed to develope the new strains.

      • 신품종 실용토종닭의 판별 마커 개발

        보영,박미나,조인철,강보,황보종,김학규,홍의철,추효준,옥석,전진태 한국가금학회 2010 한국가금학회 정기총회 및 학술발표회 Vol.27 No.-

        Sequences insertion associated with recessive white in the TYR gene and the SNP in the D-loop region of mtDNA are combined for discrimination of KN_F1 and KN_CC. In the result, KN_CC are classified certainly form other breeds, because KN_CC type was Dd that TYR gene was all insertion normal and recessive white sequences, and the SNP of 243 locus in the D-loop region was T type. Therefore, it is possible that KN_CC can distinguish form other breeds used by whether or not of the insertion associated with recessive white and the SNP in the D-loop region of mtDNA.

      • 한국토종닭의 3원 교배조합이 삼계탕용 계육의 지방산과 아미노산 함량에 미치는 영향

        박미나,강보,황보종,김학규,홍의철,보영,추효준,옥석 한국가금학회 2010 한국가금학회 정기총회 및 학술발표회 Vol.27 No.-

        This work was carried out to investigate the effect of crossbred Korean native chickens(KNC) on fatty acid and amino acid contents of chicken meat. A total of 360 male chicks (1d of age) was used in this work and were divided 4 groups as A(CS×B), B(CH×S), C(RS×H), and D(White Semibroiler Chickens) strains for 5 weeks at the flat house. Twenty seven chickens were slaughtered at 5 week and they were investigated the fatty acid and amino acid contents of crossbred chicken meat. Palmitic acid and vaccenic acid was highest in C strain meat, and myristic acid and linolenic acid was lowest in A strain meat(P<0.05). Saturated fatty acid was lowest in C strain meats(P<0.05). Valine, leucine, phenylalanine and lysine of essential acid were low in A strain meat. Cystine, aspartic acid, glycine, alanine and proline were also low in A strain meat. These results suggested that C stain was excellent on the fact of nutrients compared to other strains.

      • 밀기울 위주의 환우용 사료가 산란계의 골밀도에 미치는 영향

        홍의철,황보종,강보,김학규,박미나,보영,추효준,옥석 한국가금학회 2010 한국가금학회 정기총회 및 학술발표회 Vol.27 No.-

        This work was carried out to investigate the effect of molting diet based on wheat bran on the performance and the bone destiny of layers. Two hundred forty White Leghorn layers (60-old-wk) with over 80% egg production were used for 12 weeks in this work. Treatments were non-molt control(CO), fasted molt(FW, molt treatment with fasting for 10 days), and nonfasted molt(NF, molt treatment with molting diet for 28 days) as 4 treatments(3 replications/treatment and 20 birds/replication). Body weight(BW) of layer was weighed individually at every days and egg production(EG) was evaluated weekly. Tibia BMD(bone mineral destiny) and BMC(bone mineral content) was measured with DEXA(Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) weekly. Results showed that by 28d postmolt, BW loss was 22 and 18% in the fasted and nonfasted molting treatments, respectively. Compared with premolt values, tibia BMD at 28d postmolt decreased 35 and 18% in the fasted and nonfasted molt groups, respectively. Tibia BMC at 28d postmolt decreased 39 and 27% in the fasted and nonfasted molt groups, respectively. Finally, these results suggested that a nonfasted molting regimen is less deleterious to tibia BMD and BMC than a fasted molting regimen.

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