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        분단극복문학에 나타난 혼혈인 연구-조정래의 「황토」와 「미운 오리 새끼」를 중심으로

        변화영 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2017 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.18 No.3

        This paper analyses the foreigners’ whore and the mixed breed those are portrayed in Red Clay (1978) and The Ugly Duckling (1978) written by Cho Jeong-rae. And this reviews Cho Jeong-rae’s literary world which can be characterized as a kind of the literature of overcoming division. Both the foreigners’ whore and the mixed breed are the important Others. Through three filters of them, that is race, nation and gender, we can explore the figure of Korean society which constructed after Korean War. Those persons who are neglected in Korean literature all the while came on as the independent agent who telling their own thinking. For representing those characters, the author Cho Jeong-rae takes the third-person point of view. In the Red Clay, it is incorporated into an internal focalization which is focused exclusively upon one person, Jeom-rae. In The Ugly Duckling, it uses the method of multi focalization which is focused on one by one, such as Dong-soo, Sook-hee and Chang-gye, within their private place. In Red Clay, it tells the post colonial her-story through Jeom-rae’s life story which contains the colonial ruins of both the old colonialism and the new colonialism. In The Ugly Duckling, it describes the half breed’s daily life which represents the divided country on their body and the Other’s history missing in official records. In this regard, Red Clay and The Ugly Duckling are the typical type of literature of overcoming division. Both are tried to overcome the pure blooded and masculine paradigm which protract the situation of division as well as collapse the nation. 본 논문은 조정래의 중편 「황토」(1974)와 「미운 오리 새끼」(1978)에등장하는 양공주와 혼혈인을 탈식민지적인 관점으로 접근하여 이를 통해 조정래 문학세계가 지닌 분단극복문학의 성격을 살펴보았다. 「황토」와 「미운 오리 새끼」에서는 분단 이후 새롭게 출현한 양공주와혼혈인이 등장한다. 양공주와 혼혈인은 분단된 한국사회의 성격을 인종, 민족, 젠더라는 3중의 필터를 통해 탐색할 수 있는 중요한 타자들이다. 그 동안 한국문학에서 소외되었던 양공주와 혼혈인은 「황토」와「미운 오리 새끼」에서 목소리를 지닌 초점자로 등장하여 자신의 생각을적극적으로 말하고 있다. 이를 위해 작가 조정래는 「황토」와 「미운 오리새끼」에서 3인칭 서술을 취하면서 「황토」에서는 ‘양공주’였던 점례 한사람에게만 초점이 고정되는 내적 초점화를, 「미운 오리 새끼」에서는 ‘혼혈인’인 동수, 숙희, 창규가 차례로 초점자로 나서는 복수 초점화를사용하였다. 「황토」에서는 구식민에서 신식민에 이르는 식민성의 흔적을 담고 있는 점례를 통해 모녀관계 중심의 탈식민적 허스토리가 생산되는 과정이 이야기되고 있다. 또한 「미운 오리 새끼」에서는 분단국가를 몸으로체현하고 있는 혼혈인의 소소한 일상이란 공식기록에서 누락된 타자의역사라는 점이 제시되어 있다. 이런 맥락에서 볼 때, 「황토」와 「미운 오리 새끼」는 분단을 장기화하고 민족을 와해하려는 순혈적 남성중심의단일민족주의에 대항하는 분단극복문학의 한 전형임을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        『불꽃』의 서사학적 재조명

        변화영 현대문학이론학회 2002 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.17

        This thesis has an aim to make the essence of humanism to which post-war novel points clear by reading Blaze again. To achieve the aim of this study, first, humanism manifested in Blaze was examined closely by the way of narratology. Approach to Blaze by the way of narratology made us recognize that the reciprocal actions between mankind and circumstances were lack in the story transmitted by the narrator. The logics of the black and white was schematized by dichotomy from the character. So the characters of the world in the story were not able to be tied and gone inside organically. In addition to it, it was clear that the recognition of the narration by the narrator who transmitted the story out of the world of the story was poor, too. The characters' recollection and discord of panorama descriptions make the credibility of Blaze weak. In short, the fact that characters in this work slumps to one without recognition of reality and to the describer without recognition of description has something to do with the writer, Seonu Whi's recognition of reality. So humanism in Blaze can not be anticipated. It is because the heroic schematization of one sided anti-communism goes against humanism

      • KCI등재

        고백과 용서의 담론 : 이회성의 『백년 동안의 나그네』를 중심으로

        변화영 국어문학회 2008 국어문학 Vol.44 No.-

        Lee, Hoisung describes the lives of the Koreans who had to wander as a stranger in Sakhalin in The Travelers for One Hundred Years. As Sakhalin was not a simple geographical spot but an axis of East Asia, it is true that the grounds for Korean people spread out all around the East Asia. The history of Korean people should include the lives of them, and the solutions of the problems of the Korean race can be found when we cross the border of 'the country' of Republic of Korea and 'the region' of Korean Peninsular. Lee insisted that the notion 'race' should be approached with the view of the recovery of humanity and racial equality, not the racism itself. His new vision of race is well described in The Travelers for One Hundred Years, which insists that the conflict among races can be settled down through confession and forgiveness between the power and powerless. To be brief, in The Travelers for One Hundred Years, Lee argued that humanism in the era of transnationalism can be achieved through confession and forgiveness.

      • KCI등재

        소문의 벽 에 나타난 소문의 담론 형식 연구

        변화영 한국언어문학회 2015 한국언어문학 Vol.92 No.-

        This article analyzes a novel, The Wall of Rumors. It is written by LeeCheongjun. This novel uses the rumors as a literary device for attracting to the readers. And it is constructed with structure of discourse which form a narrative communication. The rumors in this novel provide Park jun, Mr. Ahn, and Doctor who related with 'I'. Also the rumors offer the basis of powerful gaze which expressed as flashlight metaphorically. Moreover, the rumors are restructured by the novel which is truthful expression of the self narration.In The Wall of Rumors, a reliable narrator, ie, 'I', comes on. The 'I' enjoys the confidence of the readers, and he is a being for establishing the truth of stories inside of the lattice structure in this novel. Also the 'I' is a being to provide the truth that Park jun is a sincere novelist. The narrator 'I' searched the cause of Park jun's madness through the method of a detective story. By doing this work, he recovers his lost self by referring and depending on the rumors.It is same thing that the work to find out the path of Park jun's madness and those of the narrator 'I' finding out his lost self. Also the process of finding his own self by the narrator 'I' is the time that the narratee explore the meaning of the novel, The Wall of Rumors. To construct the time of narrative discourse, the narrator 'I' needed 10 days of time for researching and introspecting.

      • KCI등재

        소수자로서의 개인적 체험과 사회적 정체성 : 손창섭의 『유맹』을 중심으로

        변화영 한국문학회 2012 韓國文學論叢 Vol.61 No.-

        이 글은 『유맹』에 등장하는 초점화자와 서술자의 관계망을 통해 한국과 일본의 특수한 상황의 소산인 재일조선인과 이들의 사회적 정체성을 소수자의 입장에서 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 드워킨 부부에 의해 제안된 소수자의 이론틀을 활용해 재일조선인의 사회적 제 양상을 국가, 세대, 개인의 차원에서 중층적으로 분석했다. 이를 통해 재일조선인의 사회적 위치는 국민국가의 틀과 특정한 시공간 안에서 다수자와의 관계 속에서 이루어지는 상대적 개념이라는 점이 밝혀졌다. 따라서 소수자 재일조선인의 정체성이란 시대적 상황과 정치적인 경계 구분에 따라 재형성되는, 다중적이고 혼종적인 성향을 지니고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 『유맹』은 1973년에 도일한 손창섭이 1976년 『한국일보』에 연재한 장편소설이다. 일본에 온 지 2년여 만에 발표된 『유맹』은 손창섭 자신을 서술자 ‘나’에 투사한 자전적 소설로, 재일조선인들의 삶을 통해 자신의 사회적 위치를 응시한 의미 깊은 작품이다. 『유맹』의 서술자 뉴커머 ‘나’가 올드커머 최원복을 초점화하여 재일조선인 1세와 2세의 일상을 전달하는 가운데 소수자의 특징들이 나타났다. ‘권력의 열세’에 있는 재일조선인 대다수는 자신이 ‘차별받는 집단에 소속되어 있다는 자각’이 있다. 조선말로 이야기하고 마늘과 고추로 버무린 김치를 먹으며 치마저고리를 입는 까닭에 일본인과 인종적·문화적으로 ‘식별 가능성’이 있는 재일조선인들은 교육, 취업, 결혼은 물론 선거에서도 ‘차별적·경멸적 대우’를 받는 소수자였다. 일제강점기에 만주와 일본을 전전하다 분단 후 북한과 남한의 체제를 차례로 경험하고 도일한 서술자 ‘나’의 삶이란 국민국가의 틀 안의 ‘우리’에 뿌리내릴 수 없는 ‘유맹’의 삶이자 국민국가로부터 떨어져 나온 ‘난민’과 같은 인생이었다. 초점화자인 재일조선인 1세 최원복이 그렇듯 자민족, 국민 중심의 국가 틀이 바뀔 때마다 서술자 ‘나’의 정체성 또한 변화되고 굴절되면서 재형성되었다. 요컨대 『유맹』은 초점화자와 서술자의 관계망을 통해 소수자 재일조선인의 정체성이란 국가, 세대, 개인 간에 사회적으로 규정될 뿐 아니라 정치·문화적 맥락 속에서 변동적으로 재형성됨을 함의하고 있다. This study analyses the social identity of migrants which described in a novel, Yumaeng written by Son Chang-seop. This novel restructured and reorganized the experiences and memories of Korean-Japanese in terms of minorities. And this novel reflects the life history of the author, Son Chang-seop, who is also a Korean-Japanese. In the novel the life of Korean-Japanese is well described historically and socially. Through his own experiences and those of other Korean-Japanese, in Yomaegn, the author implicates that the personal identity is ruled and formed by social force not by individual’s own will. For inspecting closely the identity of Korean-Japanese which ruled and formed by social environment, he analysed the life of 2nd generation of ‘Jainichi’, who are living as a ‘between’ and different compare to their father generation. By analysing those of 2nd generation’s life, he can approach the problem of ‘Jainichi’ as well as those of minorities. The identity of Jainichi as a minority who depicted by ‘me’, new comer in the novel, is fixed and forcibly formed within the frame of nation state. But, he insisted in the novel, finally the identity of ‘Jainichi’ is decided or settled within several relations/relationships between the majority and the minority, the Japanese and the Koreans, the one minority and the other minority, and etc. As minority the ‘Jainichi’ can not be distinguished in terms of binominal concept of ‘we’ and ‘other’. They are located somewhere between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ of the boundary. So, they are not ‘others’ who excluded or distinguished from ‘we’, but the people within the category of ‘we’.

      • KCI등재

        꼬막 채취와 여성의 경제 활동– 벌교 하장마을 사례를 중심으로

        변화영 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2022 로컬리티 인문학 Vol.- No.27

        본 연구는 벌교의 하장마을 여성들의 구술생애사를 바탕으로 널배 어업과 여성의 경제 활동을 면밀하게 분석해 보았다. 하장마을 여성들의 구술생애사는 집과 갯벌은 물론, 도시와 농촌을 오가며 생산과 소비를 균형 있게 실행한 활동 기록이다. 하장어촌계에 소속되어 있는 4명의 구술 대상자들은 채취한 꼬막을 벌교시장에 팔고 필요한 물건을 구입하는 과정에서 자기 정체성을 형성했을 뿐만 아니라 철도를 이용한 판로 개척의 과정에서 자신의 길을 확장해 나갔다. 하장마을을 비롯한 벌교의 갯벌은 그곳에 사는 여성들의 경제 활동이 이루어지는 장소이다. 하장마을 여성들의 구술생애사에는 도시 중심의, 공장 중심의, 남성 중심의 공적 담론에서 소외된, 벌교 갯벌에서 이루어지는 여성의 경제 활동이 고스란히 담겨 있다. 갯벌은 널배 어업뿐 아니라 농업과 상업을 잇는 하나의 통로이자 여성들이 생산과 소비 간 균형을 잡는 환류의 주체가 되는 접점이기도 하다. 하장마을 여성들은 갯벌과 벌교시장을 오가며 직종 간 이동을 하면서 공간을 확대하는 한편, 생산과 소비의 주체로 활동해 왔다. 이러한 활동들을 담은 구술생애사 자료는 하장마을 여성들이 한국경제사의 ‘주변부’가 아닌 중심부임을 밝힐 수 있었던 토대가 되었다. 직종 간 이동, 공간의 확대, 생산과 소비의 연동이라는 맥락에서 볼 때, 하장마을 여성들은 1960년대 이후 한국 경제를 발전시킨 실질적인 주역이자 전통적인 널배 어업을 계승하면서 ‘벌교’라는 로컬리티를 형성한 주체라는 점은 부인할 수 없다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        문학 교육과 디아스포라 ― 재일한국인 이양지의 소설을 중심으로

        변화영 한국문학이론과비평학회 2006 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.32 No.-

        This paper, to look into literary educational implication of the works of Koreans living in Japan, scrutinizes the process in which the main characters of the second generations of Korean residents in Japan formed their own identities wandering their motherland and present residences with the viewpoint of diaspora. In the 2nd chapter, the reason why the 2nd generations who came back to study abroad in Korea considered their motherland as utopia or dystopia was examined, and it turned out to be blood and languages as the marker of boundary division. In the 3rd chapter, the term 'we' which appeared in her short stories proved to be a strategic term that forms fresh 'I' by admitting the other 'you' in 'our' reflexively, which was found out as a result of triple-fold language through the dialogue between Korean and Japanese languages. In the chapter 4, that the learners of reading process who are living in the cosmopolitan era form themselves as new subjects while conversing with people with multiple personality and criticizing each other is verified. In this respect, the literary educational implication of her short stories is quite important. The assertion that learners should form their ethnic identities through Korean literary works was formed through a narrow-minded idea of the ethnocentrism. It is necessary that we should use the works of the 2nd generations living in Japan as the premise to understand the works of Koreans who live in foreign countries and use them as step-stones for the 21st century's open education.

      • KCI등재

        널배와 꼬막, 삶과 죽음의 매개체

        변화영 남도민속학회 2022 남도민속연구 Vol.44 No.-

        This study analyses the daily and non-daily activities of women through their Neolbae(board-boat) and cockle fisheries at Hajang village, Jangam-ri. It focuses upon oral life history of women, who had been worked in the tideland of Hajang village. By this work, it is find out that Neolbae used not only as a means of transporting for cockle fishing but only for taking the dead body who died at the tideland. That is, Neolbae is a tool for cockle fishing as well as an equipment for carring corpse. And it also finds out that cockles are cooked not only as a normal daily food but also as a ritual food of ancestral rites for holiday and funeral rites. For example, on ancestral rite for Mr. Jang Dong-Beom’s deceased grandmother in Hajang village, cockles were treated as a very important special food, which were located on the center of ritual table. Therefore, Neolbae and cockle are intermediary things connecting the life and death, and a medium material for understanding the funeral rites or culture, in Beolgyo area. The results of this study disclosed that the oral life history of those women form the basis of tideland fishing culture, and they are ‘actual’ land lady of tideland of Hajang village. Their oral life history contains their daily life and exhausting works at boundaries of the life and death, between home and tideland, village and marketplace. Those oral life history takes a storage of the locality of Beolgyo area as well as a micro history of female economy on this region. In this sense, the oral life history of those women which neglected in the formal discourse and public memories, is very important material for filling history of the excluded local women or minorities within the public and male dominated history.

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