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      • KCI등재

        동아시아국가의 변동환율제도의 도입이 환노출에 미치는 영향

        변애련,박경인 동북아시아문화학회 2012 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.33

        Launch of floating exchange rates expected that the exchange rate volatility increase. Previous research, such as Bartove el at(1996) shows that a significant increase in volatility of monthly stock returns corresponding to the period of increased exchange rate variability after switching from fixed to floating exchange rates and interpret that exchange rate is one of systematic risk. In this study, we test whether significant changes in stock return volatility, market risk, and foreign exchange rate risk exposures took place for 873 Asian countries’ firms. Focusing on three four-year periods around the launch of floating exchange rates after experiencing currency crisis in 1997, we find a significant increase in volatility of monthly stock returns corresponding to the period of increased exchange rate variability, but unlike the previous study the exchange rate exposure was reduced.

      • KCI등재

        중국 전문대 재직 교원의 한국 대학원 박사과정 경험에 대한 사례연구

        변애련,이예환,하정희 한국다문화교육학회 2024 다문화교육연구 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 박사과정으로 유학을 온 중국 전문대 재직 교원을 대상으로 유학 동기와 유학 경험을 살펴보고자 수행하였다. 이를 위해 K대학교 대학원에 박사과정에 유학 중인 중국인 유학생 6명을 대상으로 이들이 한국 대학원에 박사과정에 진학하게 된 동기와 유학 체험에서 겪는 상황에 대하여 질적 면접을 실시하였고, 이에 대한 내용을 개방코딩, 축코딩 방법을 적용하여 분석하였다. 연구 결과 중국 전문대 재직 교원들의 박사과정 유학 동기에는 (1) 개인의 학술적 동기 (2) 재직학교의 시스템지지 (3) 가족의 지지 (4) 중국에서 박사진학 어려움으로 크게 구분되어 나타났다. 한국 대학원 박사과정 중의 어려움 경험은 (1) 행정적 어려움 (2)가족으로 오는 어려움 (3) 재직학교 업무병행의 어려움 (4) 학업에 대한 어려움 구분되어 나타났다. 한국에서 박사학위 과정 중 수월한 경험은 (1) 언어 소통의 수월함 (2) 새로운 상황에 대해 개방적임으로 나타났고, 박사과정 중 의미 있는 체험은 (1) 처음으로 혼자의 시간 삶의 의미를 느낌 (2) 가족과 친구들에 대해 소중함을 느낌 (3) 한국의 수준 높은 고등교육 및 개방적인 대학생활에 대한 체험의 크게 총 4개의 범주로 나뉘었고, 더 구체적으로 114개 코딩, 하위범주 13개가 발견되었다. The purpose of this study was to examine the motivation and experience of studying abroad among Chinese college faculty members who studied abroad as doctoral students. For this purpose, we conducted qualitative interviews with six Chinese students studying abroad at K University's graduate school for a doctoral program regarding their motivations for entering a Korean graduate school for a doctoral program and the situations they experience during their overall study abroad experience. These were analyzed through open coding. The analysis was performed by applying the axial coding method. As a result of the study, the motivations of Chinese community college professors to study abroad for doctoral studies were broadly divided into (1) individual academic motivation, (2) system support of the current school, (3) family support, and (4) difficulty in pursuing a doctorate in China. Difficulties experienced during the doctoral program at a Korean graduate school were categorized into (1) administrative difficulties, (2) difficulties from family, (3) difficulties in combining work at the current school, and (4) difficulties in academics. In Korea, the easy experiences during the doctoral program were: (1) ease of language communication, (2) being open to new situations, and the meaningful experiences during the doctoral program were: (1) the first time alone and the meaning of life, (2) thinking anew about family friends, (3) experiencing Korea’s high-quality higher education and open university life was broadly divided into four categories, and more specifically, 114 codings and 13 subcategories were discovered.

      • 외환위기와 환노출

        변애련,조진완 한국재무학회 2009 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.08

        본 연구의 목적은 국제재무시장에서 외환위기와 기업의 성격과의 관계를 환노출의 입장에서 연구하려는데 있다. 유럽EMS외환위기, 아세아외환위기 등 위기를 겪은 23개 국가의 기업들을 표본 샘플로 사용하여 외환위기 전 후 환노출을 비교 분석함으로 외환위기를 겪으면서 기업들이 학습효과가 있었는지 선진국과 발전도상국의 기업들, 및 환율제도의 변경여부에 의해 학습효과가 어떻게 다른지 분석하려 한다. 환노출을 측정함에 있어 기존연구에서 사용하지 않은 환율변동성 요인을 추가하여 기업이 환율의 변동성에 대한 노출정도를 측정함으로 기업들이 외환위기 변동성 변화에 대한 민감도를 측정한다.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 사회적 책임활동과 재무성과

        변애련(Ai-lian Bian),박경인(Kyung-In Park),문하영(Ha-young Moon) 한국무역연구원 2014 무역연구 Vol.10 No.4

        This paper studies the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance with a focus on the experience of CSR reporting in Korea. The sample size for this study consisted of 183 firms in Korea during the period covering 2006-2009, using the KEJI index as CSR performance proxy. Specifically, this study examined the effect of CSR performance on subsequent financial performance and the effect of subsequent financial performance on CSR performance in Korean firms. The next phase of the study looked into the differences between firms that do CSR reporting and those that do not. In conclusion, the findings suggest that CSR performance is positively associated with some aspects of subsequent financial performance In addition, results showed that: (1) there is no effect in expediency of CSR reporting; (2) CSR performance is positively associated with prior financial performance more thus strongly supporting the slack resource theory.

      • KCI등재

        외환위기 전,후 한국기업의 환노출 비교 분석

        변애련 ( Ai Lian Bian ),박경인 ( Kyung In Park ),조진완 ( Jin Wan Cho ) 한국국제경영학회 2006 國際經營硏究 Vol.17 No.3

        In this paper, we analyze the currency risk exposure borne by the Korean manufacturing firms that are listed in Stock Market at Korea Exchange. More specifically, we use the data from 1994 to 2002 to measure the extent of currency risk exposure, and investigate the factors that are known to affect the degree of exposure. Note that after the currency crisis that occurred around December 1997, the exchange rate regime for Korean Won changed from the managed float to the free float. Therefore, the data provide a natural experimental ground to investigate whether the firms react to the fundamental changes in the international monetary system. One of the features of this paper is that we use the trade-weighted exchange rates, namely JP Morgan Index of Korean Won to measure the currency risk more accurately. In order to measure the exposure, we estimate the sensitivity of stock returns to the changes in the local currency value. In order to do so, we base our analyses on the empirical model developed by He and Ng (1998). First we find that the currency beta actually decreases after the free float is adopted. This is surprising in that the exchange rate volatility actually increased dramatically after the flexible exchange rate regime was adopted. Second, when we conduct the cross-sectional analysis of the estimated currency beta against firm characteristics, we find that prior to the currency crisis, the currency beta is negatively related to the firm size, Book- to-Market ratio, dividend yield, and positively related to the quick ratio, but none of these factors become statistically significant after the free float was adopted. These findings imply that even though the exchange rate volatility increased with the introduction of flexible exchange rate regime, the currency risk exposure actually decreased at the firm level. Whether the reduction of the risk exposure results from the improved skills in managing risks is an interesting question, but we believe that this is beyond the scope of this paper and left for future research.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 지역 간 문화 소비 격차 요인에 관한 분석

        김설화,변애련 한국문화융합학회 2022 문화와 융합 Vol.44 No.11

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the influencing factor of difference in culture consumption among regions in China. For the purpose, the impact relationships were analyzed with the consumer price index, income, education level, share of tertiary industry, and import/export amounts as major factors. The results showed that the consumer price index and cultural consumption have a negative (-) correlation. In addition, it was found that there were clear difference in education level among reasons and that the share of tertiary industry has some effects on difference in cultural consumption among regions. The import/export amounts of each region also found to have positive (+) correlation with cultural consumption level. This study is expected to contribute to the development of theoretical and practical measures for promoting cultural consumption in each region in China.

      • KCI등재

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