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        조랭이떡 저장 중 천연유래 프로피온산 생성 특성 분석

        박희대,채정규,하상도 한국식품위생안전성학회 2018 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.33 No.6

        The objective of this study was to examine the natural origin of propionic acid in the rice cakes by investigating the growth characteristics of the microflora and their production of propionic acid in theJoraengyi rice cake during storage period. The experiment was done in two stages within a period of three month: the rice cake fresh and contaminated with cocktail propionibacterium. The propionic acid production was analyzed according to the storage time and temperature by GC-FID (Gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector).During the storage of the fresh Joraengyi rice cake without alcohol at 30 ℃, about 95 ppm of propionic acid was detected in 1st week, 330 mg/L in 4th week, 850 mg/L 6th week, 970 mg/L in 8th week, and 1,040 mg/L in 12th week. During the storage of the Joraengyi rice cake which was contaminated with cocktail propionibacteriumat 30 ℃, about 100 mg/L was detected from the rice cake with alcohol in the 1st week, 270 mg/L in 2nd week, about 470 mg/L in 4th week, and 660 mg/L in 8th week.This study demonstrated the natural production of propionic acid during storage of the Joraengyi rice cake. To prevent the production, it is necessary to thoroughly manage hygiene and store it at refrigerated temperature or below 20 ℃.

      • Changes in Regional Export Structure in Response to External Shocks

        박희대,남상욱 한국무역학회 2024 Journal of Korea trade Vol.28 No.2

        Purpose – This study delves into the impact of external economic disruptions such as the Covid-19 pandemic on South Korea’s regional export structure, with an emphasis on understanding how global events like pandemics can reshape regional export structures. Thus, it seeks to identify changes in regional competitiveness and the shifting patterns in industrial exports that occurred due to the pandemic. Design/Methodology – The research uses export data by applying Export Similarity Index and Revealed Comparative Advantage to gauge changes in the export structures of various regions in South Korea. By comparing data from before and after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the study provides a comprehensive look at how regional export markets have adapted and changed in response to global economic disruptions. Findings – The study uncovered a notable shift in the export structures across regions of South Korea because of the pandemic. During the pandemic, there was an increase in the similarity of exports across regions, indicating a convergence of regional export strategies. Post-pandemic, a diversification trend emerged, reflecting a response to changing global market demands. Notably, certain regions displayed a remarkable resilience, maintaining their competitive advantage in specific industries despite the global economic turmoil. Originality/value – This study contributes a new dimension to the understanding of export competitiveness, particularly in the context of South Korea. By providing a regional perspective, it offers insights into how global events like pandemics can lead to significant shifts in regional economic structures. The findings are particularly valuable for policymakers and business leaders, offering guidance in the development of strategies to enhance regional export competitiveness and ensure balanced economic development in the face of future global challenges.

      • TCP/IP 성능개선을 위한 ABR 서비스 제어 알고리즘: 시뮬레이션 평가

        박희대,승섭,Park, Hui-Dae,Park, Seung-Seop 한국정보처리학회 1999 정보처리학회논문지 Vol.6 No.11

        To achieve high-speed communication and to improve QoS characteristics, ATM is now being used as underlying transfer mechanism of Internet protocols, or TCP/IP. When TCP uses the ABR service in ATM networks, the ABR service control is important to improve the performance of TCP/IP traffic as long as there is no interaction between ABR rate control and TCP flow control. In such environment, the interoperability of EFCI and ER switches becomes unavoidable in order to more effectively control ABR traffic in ATM network. In this paper, we use the model of mixed EFCI-ER environment and discuss the performance issues, e.g., the fairness of bandwidth allocation, drop rate, throughput by using various ER switch algorithms. Among various ERSwitch algorithms, we present one algorithm that have a less network topology and allocate the fair share of VC bandwidth by simulation results.

      • 건설산업 스마트 기술 활용수준 진단을 위한 기술 분류체계 수립 연구

        박희대,손태홍 한국건설산업연구원 2024 건설이슈포커스 Vol.2024 No.-

        ● 스마트 건설기술의 도입과 활성화 방안이 보다 효과적으로 작용하기 위해서는 우리 건설산업에서 적용가능한 스마트 건설기술의 개념과 범위에 대한 정립, 그리고 이를 기반으로 하는 체계적인 활성화 수준 진단이 전제되어야 함. - 따라서 스마트 건설기술 활용과 산업 내 활성화 수준의 진단, 그리고 스마트 건설기술 활용을 위한 지원정책 수립의 기반 마련을 위해 스마트 건설기술의 개념과 기술분류체계를 정립할 필요가 있음. ● 본 연구는 스마트 건설기술 적용 확산을 위한 주체별 역할과 제도적 개선방안 도출 연구의 일부로, 건설기업들의 스마트 건설기술 활용실태 진단에 활용하기 위한 스마트 건설기술 분류체계를 수립하는 데에 목적이 있음. - 이를 위해 스마트 건설기술의 개념 및 분류를 다룬 선행연구를 고찰하고 국내 동향을 분석하였으며, 건설 및 타분야 기술분류체계에 대한 검토를 토대로 스마트 건설기술의 개념 및 분류체계를 제안함. ● 스마트 건설기술 분류체계 수립은 현재 건설산업의 스마트 건설기술 도입 및 적용이 초기 단계임을 감안하여, 추후 스마트 건설기술 활성화 및 경쟁력 강화를 위한 산업 내 활성화 수준의 진단 및 지원정책 수립에 활용할 수 있도록 구성되어야 함. - 따라서 건설사업의 생애주기 중 스마트 건설기술이 적용되는 단계와 적용분야 또는 특성을 고려한 기술분류체계가 수립될 필요가 있음. ● 또한, 많은 경우 동일한 스마트 건설기술이 생애주기 여러 단계에 걸쳐 적용이 가능하며, 건설 생산방식의 디지털화, 자동화, 탈현장화 촉진에 기여하는 점을 반영할 필요가 있음. - 건설사업 수행단계에 따른 구분 외에 스마트 건설기술이 건설생산시스템 혁신에 미치는 점을 고려할 수 있도록 디지털화, 자동화, 탈현장화로 그 영역을 구분하고, 많은 스마트 건설기술 및 장비가 현장의 안전성 및 품질 향상을 위해 개발·도입되는 점을 고려할 때 핵심 영역으로 포함이 필요함. ● 본 연구는 건설사업 수행단계와 생산시스템 혁신의 특성에 따라 2차원으로 구성되는 스마트 건설기술 분류체계를 제안하였으며, 각 영역에 해당되는 개별 기술은 단계 및 특성의 이니셜과 순번에 따라 코드를 부여하여 구분이 용이하도록 함. - 수행단계는 계획·설계단계, 시공단계, 운영 및 유지단계로 구분하고, 혁신영역은 디지털화, 자동화, 탈현장화, 안전·품질 향상으로 구분하고 각 부문에 해당하는 개별 기술이 포함되도록 구성함. - 분류체계에 해당되는 개별 기술은 식별코드에 숫자를 부여하여 기술의 식별 및 새로운 융합 및 신기술을 지속적으로 추가하여 관리할 수 있도록 구성함. - 여러 단계에 적용이 가능하거나 복수의 혁신영역에 해당하는 기술은 각 영역에 중복 등록이 가능하게 하여 같은 기술이더라도 기술의 적용단계 및 특성에 따른 구별이 가능하도록 함. ● 본 연구에서 제안한 분류체계는 지속적인 검토 및 수정, 영역별 해당 개별 기술의 추가를 통한 보완이 필요하며, 이를 토대로 추후 국내 건설기업들의 단계별·영역별 스마트 건설기술의 활용 현황, 도입계획 등의 체계적인 진단에 활용될 예정임.

      • RF MEMS 기법을 이용한 US PCS 대역 FBAR BPF 개발

        박희대 한국전자파학회 2003 전자파기술 Vol.14 No.3

        본 연구에서는 RF magnetron sputtering으로 상온에서 증착된 ZnO압전박막을 이용하여, 1.96 GHz 대역의 air gap type의 FBAR BPF를 개발하였다. <br/> FBAR BPF는 Si wafer에 절연막으로 열 산화막층(SiO₂)을 형성한 후, 형성된 산화막 위에 바닥전극(Al), ZnO압전층 그리고 상부전극(Mo)를 차례로 RF magnetron sputter 장비를 사용하여 증착시키고, Si wafer를 dry etching하여 air hole을 구현함으로써 device를 제조하였다. <br/> 제조된 FBAR BPF의 ZnO압전층의 XRD분석 결과 (002)면 방향으로 우선배향되었으며, XRC의 o값은1.018이었다. 삽입손실 1dB 내외로 우수한 특성을 나타내었다. In this paper, we developed 1.96 GHz air gap type RBAR BPF using ZnO as piezoelectric sputtered by RF magnetron at room temperature. <br/> FBAR BPF was fabricated by sputtering bottom electric (Al), ZnO as piezoelectric and top electrode(Mo) on Si wafer one by one with RF magnetron sputter, then Si was dry etched to make an air hole.<br/> XRD test result of fabricated FBAR BPF showed that ZnO crystal was well pre-oriented as (002) and sigma value of XRC was 1.018.IL(Insertior, loss) showed excellent result as 1dB.

      • The Effect of Trade Agreements on Korea’s Bilateral Trade Volume: Mitigating the Impact of Economic Uncertainty in Trading Countries

        박희대,안지영 한국무역학회 2023 Journal of Korea trade Vol.27 No.5

        Purpose – This research empirically analyzes the influence of economic policy uncertainty and free trade agreements (FTAs) on bilateral trade volumes between Korea and its trading partners. The study investigates whether fluctuations in the Economic Policy Uncertainty Index (EPUI) for both Korea and its trading partners significantly impact trade volumes and whether the implementation of FTAs mitigates these effects. Design/methodology – The study employs dynamic panel data analysis using the system generalized method of moments (system GMM) estimation method to achieve its research objectives. It utilizes country-month-level panel data, including the EPUI, trade volume between Korea and its trading partner countries, and other pertinent variables. The use of system GMM allows for the control of potential endogeneity issues and the incorporation of country-specific and time-specific effects. Findings – The analysis yields significant results regarding the impact of economic policy uncertainty on Korea's exports and imports, particularly before the implementation of FTAs. An increase in the EPUI of trading partners leads to a notable increase in Korea's exports to them. Conversely, an increase in Korea's EPUI negatively affects its imports from trading partners. However, post-FTA implemen- tation, the influence of each country's EPUI on trade volume is neutralized, with no significant difference observed. Originality/value – This research contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence on the interaction effects between economic policy uncertainty and FTAs on bilateral trade volumes. The study's uniqueness lies in its examination of how FTAs mitigate the impact of economic uncertainty on trade relations between countries. The findings underscore the importance of trade agreements as mechanisms to address economic risks and promote international trade relations. In a world where global market uncertainties persist, these insights can aid policymakers in Korea and other countries in enhancing their trade cooperation strategies and navigating challenges posed by evolving economic landscapes.

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