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      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 부모애착과 분리개별화가 인터넷 중독에 미치는 영향: 자아존중감의 매개효과

        박희경,권경인 한국청소년학회 2012 청소년학연구 Vol.19 No.12

        본 연구는 남녀 초등학생들의 부모애착과 분리개별화가 자아존중감을 매개로 인터넷 중독에 영향을 미치는지 밝히고자 하였다. 이를 위해 서울의 4개 초등학생 남자 220명과 여자 256명(총 476명)을 대상으로 애착 척도, 분리개별화 척도, 자아존중감 척도, 인터넷 중독 척도를 실시하였다. 각 변인에 있어서 성차를 알아보았으며 측정변인간의 관련성을 보았다. 또한 이론적 배경에 근거하여 측정 변수들 간의 매개모형을 설정하여 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 초등학생의 인터넷 중독성향은 남학생의 인터넷 중독성향이 여학생에 비해 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 둘째, 인터넷 중독과 부모애착, 분리개별화, 자아존중감은 각 변인들이 유의한 상관관계를 갖고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 부모애착과 인터넷 중독의 관계에서 자아존중감은 남학생의 경우 부분적으로 매개하였고, 여학생의 경우 부의 애착은 완전매개, 모의 애착은 부분적으로 매개하였다. 넷째, 부모와의 분리개별화와 인터넷 중독과의 관계에서 자아존중감은 부분적으로 매개하였고 성차는 나타나지 않았다. This study intends to find out whether parent attachment and separation-individuation of male and female elementary students have an effect on Internet addiction through mediating effects of self-esteem. For this study, research data were collected from 475 elementary-school students(220 boys, 256 girls), and self-report measures including attachment, separation-individuation, and Internet addiction were used. The results of this study are as follows; First, the tendency of Internet addiction depended on the gender of the elementary students. The boys showed higher Internet addiction than the girls. Second, the variables including Internet addiction, attachment, separation-individuation and self-esteem appeared to have significant correlations. Third, self-esteem variable was the parameter in the relation between parental attachment and Internet addiction. Specifically, in boys’ case, parental attachment and Internet addiction relation have a mediator effect in which the self-esteem was partially mediated. In the girls’ case, self-esteem was fully mediated in the relation of parental attachment with their father and Internet addiction. Fourth, the relation between parent's separation-individuation and Internet addiction was meditated by a self-esteem variable, and there was no significant difference between genders.

      • KCI등재

        신원미상 탈북민의 법치의학적 연령감정 체계에 관한 연구

        박희경,이은진,김윤영 경찰대학 치안정책연구소 2018 치안정책연구 Vol.32 No.1

        Since the mid 1990s, a significant number of North Koreans have crossed the border to South Korea. For successful resettlement of North Korean defectors in South Korea, the South Korean government has established various educational, health and employment policies based on the defectors’ age. Until now, the age estimation of these defectors has been mainly dependent on the defectors’ statements and testimonies. However, such method is only effective with a small number of people. In other words, it is difficult to confirm one’s identity if an influx of defectors were to cross the border, in case of a radical change in North Korea. This article establishes a legal groundwork for estimating the age of North Korean defectors through the forensic dentistry. More specifically, this paper estimates a required budget, including labor force and equipment, for the effective use of forensic dentistry and highlights the need for dental age estimation. Following this proposal, it is expected that more future research will be conducted on this subject with increasing government interest and support. 탈북민의 국내입국은 1990년 중반 이후부터 본격화되었다. 그들의 성공적인 사회정착 지원을 위해서 정부는 탈북민의 연령에 따른 취업 지원, 의료지원, 교육지원 등의 다양한 정책을 추진하고 있다. 하지만 탈북민의 사회정착 지원의 근거가 되는 연령 확인은 대부분 탈북민의 진술에 의존하고 있다. 현재와 같이 소수 단위로 입국할 경우는 탈북민의 진술 등을 통해 확인이 가능하겠지만, 만약 북한의 급변사태나 통일 과정에서 대규모 탈북민이 국내로 밀려온다면, 그들의 연령 등에 대한 신원확인이 쉽지 않을 수 있다는 것이다. 이러한 문제의식 하에, 이 글은 신원미상 탈북민이나 대규모 탈북민이 입국할 경우를 대비해 법치의학적 연령감정을 위해서 요구되는 법적 근거 마련, 인력 및 장비 확보와 예산 방안 등을 제언하였다. 이 글은 탈북민의 법치의학적 연령감정의 필요성을 제기한 기초 자료가 될 수 있다는 점에서 정부차원의 적극적인 정책적 지원을 통해 보다 세심한 연구가 지속되길 기대한다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        부친살해의 기원적 의미- 문화적 무의식의 형성과 전승-

        박희경 한국독어독문학교육학회 2014 獨語敎育 Vol.59 No.59

        Freud geht davon aus, dass sich die innerpsychischen Antagonismen in der Kulturentwicklung widerspiegeln, nur auf einer anderen „Bühne„. In seiner Schrift Totem und Tabu entwickelt er einen wissenschaftlichen Mythos des urgeschichtlichen Vatermords, der die kulturelle Entwicklung fundiert und im Dienste von der Herausbildung des Schuldgefühls unbewusst von Generation zu Generation wiederholt werden muss. Die vorliegende Untersuchung findet in der menschheitsgeschichtlichen Illusion des Urvatermords die Struktur des Ödipuskomplexes wieder und erschließt daraus den Ursprung des kulturellen Unbewusstseins, der mit der Entwicklung der Kultur ansetzt. 지그문트 프로이트는 한 개인이 태어나서 주체로 성장하는 개체발생과 한 사회가 형성되고 발전하는 계통발생이 구조적으로 동일하다는 입장을 갖고 있었다. 오이디푸스 콤플렉스의 동기와 과정 및 결과를 종교와 문화에서도 찾을 수 있다고 본 것이 한 예이다. 오이디푸스 콤플렉스는 아버지와 아들의 애증관계 및 이 실제적인 관계가 반영되는 아이의 심리적 현실에서 일어나며, 리비도적 대상인 어머니로부터 아이를 떼어놓는 아버지의 금지명령을 아이가 자기의 것으로 내면화하는 복합적인 갈등의 과정을 일컫는다. 여기에서 자아의 일부는 아버지와 동일화함으로써 초자아로 변화하고 발달하며, 이때 변신의 역학이라고 할 수 있는 억압으로 인하여 아이의 내면에 해소되지 않은 많은 갈등들은 무의식으로 변형된다.

      • KCI등재

        귀족 구제대책으로 본 「조선귀족」의 실태

        박희경 한국일본근대학회 2020 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.67

        Previous research on Joseon peerage was often focused on the circumstances of 1910’s ordination, as it was mainly focused on individual ‘behavior’ or on how the work was conducted. As a class that was in Joseon from 1910 to 1945 when Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule, the entire period of existence should be studied, but research on Joseon peerage since the 1920s is lacking. Therefore, we want to examine the peculiarities of the financial situation of the Joseon peer by examining the contents of the Joseon peerage, which can be found in this paper. In particular, in the 1920s, despite the huge amount of a Royal bounty. that was received during the 1910s, the poor aristocracy was to reduce the economic value of the a Royal bounty, indiscriminate consumption of new enlightenment materials, and failed business investments by the Joseon peerage who received Confucian education that belittled labor. However, measures to rescue the poor aristocrats are implemented through the use of both the Joseon guijok-hwae and the Changbok hwae, so that the Joseon peerage can be maintained as a Joseon peerage without being economically. 기존의 조선귀족 연구는 개인별 ‘행적’ 중심이거나 수작경위에 대한 연구가 주로 이루어지면서 1910년 수작 당시의 상황에 대해 집중적으로 다루는 경우가 많았다. 조선귀족은 1910년에서 1945년 광복 때까지 조선에 있었던 계급으로서 존재 시기의 전반에 걸친 연구가 진행되어야 하는데 정작 1910년 말 무렵부터 그 이후의 조선귀족에 대한 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본고에서는 조선귀족열전 자료와 강점기 발행된 신문자료에서 확인 할 수 있는 조선귀족 관련 게재 내용을 살펴 여기에서 조선귀족의 재정 상황의 특이점을 발견하여 고찰하고자 한다. 특히 1920년대 들어 1910년 수작 당시 받은 막대한 은사금이 있음에도 불구하고 빈곤한 귀족이 나타나게 되는 이유로는 은사공채 액의 경제적 가치 절하와 새로운 개화문물에 대한 무분별한 소비, 노동을 천시하는 유교 교육을 받고, 특권을 통한 이권 추구에 집중한 조선귀족들의 사업투자 실패를 들 수 있다. 그러나 朝鮮貴族会와 昌福会를 통해 빈곤한 귀족을 구제할 대책들이 행해짐으로써 조선귀족은 경제적으로 몰락하지 않고 조선귀족으로서의 품위유지가 가능해진다.

      • KCI등재
      • Z세대 유튜브 이용에 관한 논문 분석 : 국내 학위논문, 국내학술지 중심으로

        박희경,김화수 국제다문화의사소통학회 2020 국제다문화의사소통학회 학술대회 Vol.2020 No.6

        ‘포노 사피엔스’ - 스마트폰을 자유롭게 사용하는 인류라는 뜻으로 1995~2005년 사이에 출생한 Z세대의 별명이기도하다. 그들의 인구는 2018년 국내기준 646만 명으로 전체 인구의 12.5%를 차지한다. Z세대 는 세계최대 동영상 공유 플랫폼인 유튜브를 하루에 평균 68개의 동영상을 시청하며 검색엔진으로 활 용하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 Z세대 유튜브 이용에 관한 국내 학위 및 논문들을 분석하여 연구의 대상자, 목적과 각 연구에 따라 사용된 연구의 방법을 알아보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        신도시 공공주택지구의 옥외광고물 색채 개선 연구

        박희경,배용진,박진희 한국공간디자인학회 2022 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.17 No.8

        (Background and Purpose) Although outdoor advertising in new towns have conditions enough to improve the urban landscape by actively managing them from the urban planning stage, advertising using large windows in primary colors and excessively uniform design impede the urban landscape as well. Regarding the purposes of this study, first, it aims to derive administrative-level problems by making an analysis of regulations related to outdoor advertising in the target study sites. Second, this study aims to analyze the guidelines related to the design of outdoor advertising and derive the problems of shapes and colors by conducting field surveys. Through this, problems in the management of outdoor advertising in the commercial facilities of new towns will be deduced to propose improvement directions. (Method) First, this study will recognize the roles and problems of outdoor advertising in terms of the urban landscape, and present the research purposes and methods in order to improve them. Second, this study will carry out a literature review to inquire into the guidelines and maintenance related to outdoor advertising of local governments and derive the administrative problems and implications, as well as elements necessary for field surveys and analyses. Third, this study will deduce problems and implications in terms of design by investigating and analyzing outdoor advertising in the target sites through field surveys. Fourth, this study will examine the effectiveness of the guidelines for outdoor advertising, and propose management plans for outdoor advertising to improve the aesthetics of the urban landscape in terms of the administration and design. (Results) Most of the wall signboards in sections A-D apply the same background color in the same building, and the color of the text is fine because its color is similar to the background color. However, since the chroma of the background color and text color is sometimes high, and the explicitness is insufficient, improvements are needed. Most of the window-dependent advertising uses less than two colors, but it uses high-chroma primary colors regardless of the restriction of the size. This study confirmed that this was the greatest cause of the deterioration of the urban landscape. (Conclusions) It is necessary to improve the explicitness of the wall-dependent signboards, and most of the materials for window-dependent advertising are made of cloth or vinyl, which does not cause much damage to property. Therefore, removing them is the most desirable solution. When the removal is not easy, it is required to induce a beautiful urban landscape by regulating the size and colors. In order to ameliorate the design of outdoor advertising in the commercial facilities of new towns, continuous awareness education and public relations for shop owners are needed.

      • KCI등재

        The Application of the Forensic Dental Identification to Unidentified Individual Remains in Korea

        박희경,Park, Hee-Kyung Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine 2006 Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain Vol.31 No.1

        The cases of unidentified individual remains submitted to Forensic dentistry section in National Institute of Scientific Investigation, Korea were analyzed to study the application of forensic dental identification into individual identification in the period 2002-2005. The identification cases of unidentified remains were 405 out of 493, which accounted about 82% of whole cases. The incidence of submission of skeletons at least including the skull was increased from 58% in 2002 to 80% in 2005. The numbers of cases for the full examinations were 4 times more than that for age estimation in 2005. Twenty-four cases were submitted for skull to photographic superimposition and 15 out of 24 cases were examined, and the other 9 cases were examined by DNA analysis only. The submitted cases for dental comparison were 23 cases, 9 cases were positively identified, 4 cases were possible, 7 cases were excluded, and 3 cases ended up with insufficient evidences. The proportion of positive identification by dental methods was increased gradually from 9% in 2002 to 46% in 2005. Forensic dental identification has become important and useful because the availability of dental records and radiographs has been increasing. Compared to DNA analysis, forensic dental identification has several advantages such as no needs for high cost equipments and low expenses. And the interpretation of results is straightforward and speedy. These advantages are based on using primary their own dental records of the individuals rather than secondary DNA reference samples from family members. The application of the forensic dental identification to unidentified individual remains will be increased because the dental comparison can complement the limitation of DNA analysis and skull to photographic superimposition in many cases. In order to obtain positive identifications of unidentified remains, a close collaboration between the police and forensic scientists is important. The systemic approach including legislation to preserve dental records of unidentified remains and missing persons for the identification of unidentified remains should be needed.

      • KCI등재

        Structural, optical, and electrical properties of tin sulfide thin films grown with electron-beam evaporation

        박희경,조재승,홍희경,송광염,허재영 한국물리학회 2015 Current Applied Physics Vol.15 No.9

        The effect of growth temperature on the phase evolution and morphology change of tin sulfide thin films by electron-beam evaporation was investigated. Orthorhombic tin monosulfide (SnS) was dominant at low growth temperature of 25 ℃, whereas a sulfur-rich phase of Sn2S3 coalesced as the growth temperature increased over 200 ℃. Thin film growth ceased at 280 ℃ due to re-evaporation of the tin sulfide. The dependence of growth temperature on the phase evolution of tin sulfide was confirmed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and UVeVis spectrophotometry. The lowest electrical resistivity of ~51 Ω cm, with a majority hole concentration of ~1017 cm-3, was obtained for the film grown at 100 ℃, and the resistivity drastically increased with increasing growth temperature. This behavior was correlated with the emergence of resistive sulfur-rich Sn2S3 phase at high temperatures.

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