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        LoRa LPWAN 무선 통신을 활용한 교량 유지관리 시스템 적용성 연구

        박진오,박상헌,안승주,박원주,김종훈 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2019 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        LoRa LPWAN network system uses a license-exempt wireless communication system and implements data measurement through the integrated sensor based on Mems and wireless communication of existing measurement sensors. This system has superior technological / economic superiority using existing network and long distance communication compared to existing wireless measurement system, and secured economical efficiency by minimizing system construction equipment compared to wired measurement system. It is confirmed that the economical efficiency can be reduced by 41% compared to the conventional wired metering system. Since the LoRa LPWAN network system is excellent in terms of maintenance and operation, if installed in many bridges in Korea in the future, it will be developed as an excellent system in the maintenance of bridges. Etc.), and plant field (fire safety, etc.). LoRa LPWAN 네트워크 시스템은 비면허 무선통신을 이용하고, Mems 기반 통합센서를 통하여 Data 계측 및 기존 계측센서의 무선통신을 구현한 시스템이다. 본 시스템은 기존의 무선계측시스템 대비 장거리 통신과 기존망을 활용한 기술적/경제적인 우수성을 갖고 있으며, 유선계측시스템 대비 시스템 구축장비의 최소화로 경제성을 확보하였다. 경제성 검토항목에서 기존 유선계측 시스템 대비 약 41%의 경제적인 절감효과가 가능하다는 것을 확인하였다. 또한 유지관리 및 운영적인 측면에서도 우수하기 때문에 향후 국내에서도 많은 교량에 설치가 된다면, 교량의 유지관리 분야의 우수한 시스템으로 발전되고, 재난(지진 산사태 등), 환경(오염물 측정 및 관리 등), 플랜트 분야(화재 안전 등)에도 폭넓게 사용되길 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        CO2 curing effects of concrete products made using fly ash and blast furnace slag

        박진오,이종찬,이세현 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2016 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.17 No.9

        In order to analyze the effects of fly ash and blast furnace slag on CO2 uptake and compressive strengths in CO2 curing, twotests were carried out. First, the compressive strength test of a non CO2 cured specimen and a specimen with W/C 30% and20% admixture was conducted at three hours and three days while curing in a chamber with 20 oC and RH 60% after CO2curing for an hour. Second, the compressive strength test of a non CO2 cured specimen and a specimen with W/C 35-40% and10% admixture was conducted at 7 days and 28 days while curing in chamber with 60 oC and RH 100% after steam curingat 20 oC and RH 60% and CO2 curing for 2 hrs. In the first test results, the CO2 uptake rate of the case with 20% of admixturewas found to be 2% lower than the case without admixture, and CO2 curing turned out to be very effective in increasing theearly compressive strength. The second test results showed that CO2 uptake rate of the case with fly ash and blast furnace slagwas found to be similar with the case without admixture. Even in terms of increasing the compressive strength, CO2 curingof two hours was found to exhibit a similar strength development effect to steam curing of 4 hrs.

      • KCI등재

        Early labechiid stromatoporoids of the Yeongheung Formation (Middle Ordovician), Yeongwol Group, mideastern Korean Peninsula: Part I. Environmental distribution

        박진오,홍종선,이정현,조석주,이동진 한국지질과학협의회 2017 Geosciences Journal Vol.21 No.3

        This study examines depositional facies and environmental significance of early labechiid stromatoporoids in the Yeongheung Formation (late Middle Ordovician), Yeongwol Group in the mideastern part of the Korean Peninsula. The formation is composed of five depositional facies: lime mudstone to wackestone (LM/W), peloidal, intraclastic and bioclastic packstone to grainstone (P/G), laminated dolomitic lime mudstone (LMdl), algal laminite (La), and oolitic packstone to grainstone (P/Go). Three types of shallowing upward cycles in the succession are identified, including subtidal (LM/W–P/G), subtidal to peritidal (LM/W–P/G–LMdl–La), and peritidal cycles (LMdl–La). The stromatoporoids occur exclusively in the packstone to grainstone (P/G) facies of the subtidal cycle. These early labechiids inhabited on a grainy substrate under moderate- to high-energy conditions, conforming to the previous notion that stromatoporoids primarily occupied level-bottom or reefs, surrounded by grainy calcareous sediments during the Middle Ordovician.

      • KCI등재

        원심모형 실험과 수치해석을 이용한 과압밀 지반에서의 말뚝지지 전면기초의 지지력 평가

        박진오,추연욱,김동수 한국지반공학회 2009 한국지반공학회논문집 Vol.25 No.7

        In this study the characteristics of piled raft was investigated by using both centrifuge and numerical modeling. The ultimate bearing capacities of single pile, unpiled raft, freestanding pile group and piled raft were compared in order to investigate load sharing of each element : pile and raft. The comparison determined parameters to simply evaluate the ultimate bearing capacity of piled raft. Centrifuge test results were simulated by numerical simulation to verify the parameters.

      • KCI등재

        중국 지방정부 부채 구조에 관한 소고(小考): 부채 형성의 구조적 문제점 분석을 중심으로

        박진오 중국지역학회 2024 중국지역연구 Vol.11 No.1

        The escalating debt issues of Chinese local governments have become a subject of considerable scrutiny and analysis. Against the backdrop of the global economic challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the focus on the debt structure of various economic entities has heightened with particular attention drawn to the local governments in China. During the three-year-long response to the Covid-19 crisis Chinese local governments have incurred substantial fiscal expenditures related to pandemic control measures. These include vaccination campaigns quarantine protocols medical relief efforts and support for livelihoods. These fiscal commitments have played a pivotal role in accentuating the debt issues faced by local governments. Simultaneously the sustained downturn in the real estate market marked by the sequential bankruptcies of major real estate companies adds another layer to the fiscal challenges confronted by local governments. The ensuing reduction in revenue notably from land sales has further contributed to the deterioration of fiscal health. The debt structure of Chinese local governments has evolved in close association with Local Government Financing Vehicles (LGFVs). These entities established by local governments to secure investment funds have played a crucial role in borrowing from banks and issuing corporate bonds. The funds raised by LGFVs have been primarily directed towards social infrastructure construction and real estate development. However structural issues including mismatches in fund maturity and the operational and repayment structure of projects have compounded with the recent downturn in the real estate market, leading to persistent risks of debt default. In essence the challenges in the real estate market have substantially constrained the income derived from land sales a vital revenue stream for local governments. This study aims to delve into the formation process and structural intricacies of the exacerbated local government debt. It employs a theoretical framework that considers the administrative nature of LGFV management, along with concepts such as fiscal decentralization and soft budget constraints to provide a comprehensive examination and analysis of the current state of Chinese local government debt.

      • KCI등재

        Dependence of Photothermal Responses on Wavelengths

        박진오,표한재,최종만,정석,강현욱 한국물리학회 2019 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.74 No.3

        The goal of the current research is to identify dependence of photothermal responses on wave- lengths for diuser-assisted treatment of liver tumor. For interstitial photothermal treatment, four commercially available wavelengths were tested: 532, 808, 980, and 1470 nm. A thermal camera was employed to record spatio-temporal development of temperature in porcine liver tissue. Spatial dis- tribution of temperature and coagulation was quantitatively evaluated at various irradiation times. Both 808 and 980 nm presented a comparable maximum temperature after delivery of 200 J. On the other hand, both 532 and 1470 nm induced the higher maximum temperatures of over 90 C along with a wider thermal distribution. The degree of the coagulation for both 532 and 1470 nm was quite consistent along the diusing tip as various distances showed the comparable coagulation thickness. Both 808 and 980 nm presented the varying degree of the coagulation (1 2 mm in thickness). The largest volume along the thickest radial coagulation was observed after 1470 nm laser irradiation (606:9 21:0 mm3) whereas the smallest volume was created by 980 nm (77:1 13:3 mm3). The current results demonstrated that due to strong light absorption, both 532 and 1470 nm could be the feasible wavelengths for the treatment of liver tumor.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 조세제도 개편 방향과 그 한계에 관한 小考 -소비세와 주택재산세의 지방정부 세수원 귀속추진과 한계를 중심으로-

        박진오 한중사회과학학회 2020 한중사회과학연구 Vol.18 No.3

        중국은 온전한 시장경제체제의 불완전과 법⋅제도적 체제의 미비속에서 경제와 사회의 초고속 성장을 이룩하였다. 이러한 초고속성장의 배경과 이면에는 중앙과 지방정부또는 각 지방정부간의 성과지표에 따른 경쟁관계속에서 이들 정부주체의 적극성이 개입되었다고 볼 수 있다. 개혁개방이후 각급정부가 각자도생식의 외자 유치를 통해 더욱양호한 투자환경조성에 경쟁적으로 나서면서 지역경제의 고속발전을 가져왔다. 재정의주요 기반이 되는 세수는 국가의 정상적 운영과 발전에 필수요소이자 경제의 기본 명맥이라고 할 수 있다. 1994년의 분세제개혁은 결과적으로 지방세수체계의 불안정과 함께세수입법권과 징수권한의 중앙집중현상을 가져왔다. 아울러 세수구조측면에서는 징수범위가 광범위하면서 안정적 세원으로 자리매김한 세수는 중앙정부나 중앙과 지방의공통세로 귀속된 반면, 지방정부의 전속관리로 지방정부로 귀속되는 세수의 경우는 그종류는 많으나 징수범위가 협소하고 세원이 분산되면서 징수의 난이도가 커 각 지방정부의 사업지출권에 상응하는 재원으로서의 기능을 상실하면서 중앙정부로부터 보조를받는 재정이전지불제도에 의존하는 결과를 초래하였다. 아울러 분세제는 기존의 중앙과 지방정부간의 전통적 경쟁관계에서 탈피하여 각 지방정부의 해당지역발전을 위한지대추구행위가 일상화되는 주요계기로 작용하였다. 분세제 시행이후 결과적으로 중앙정부의 공공재 공급능력의 제고와 개선을 가져왔는데, 2016년 영업세의 증치세 편입조치에 따라 오랫동안 지방정부의 대표적 세원으로 자리잡은 영업세가 폐지되면서 지방정부 주력세수의 결핍과 함께 재정 안정성이 위협받는 국면이 초래되었다. 이러한 상황하에서 향후 지방정부의 재정적 뒷받침이 되어줄 수 있는 주요 세원 확보는 중국 지방정부의 재정건전성 제고와 함께 오랜 숙원사업이기도 했던 조세제도 개편과 맛물려 주요과제로 떠올랐다. 중국은 기 폐지된 영업세를 대체하면서 지방정부의 재정자주권을 지속가능하게 확보할 수 있도록 하는 세제개혁방안 중 현 중앙정부 세수인 소비세의 지방세 전환과 부동산세(주택재산세) 도입 검토에 착수하였다. 그런데 소비세의 지방세 전환 추진의 주요 한계점은 자칫 지방정부간 재정불균형을 오히려 가중시킬 수 있다는 점이다. 즉, 소비세의 부과가 생산단계에서 소비단계로 전환되는 경우 지역별 소비자의 소비역량과 상품별 소비집중도에 따라 지역별 편차가 나타날 수 있다는 점이며, 특히 지방정부의 세수관련 독립적 입법권이 없는 현행 법체계하에서 지방정부간 소비세 과세관련 경쟁심화로 이어질수 있다는 점이 한계로 지적된다. 주택재산세 도입과 관련해서는이를 시행하고 있는 여타국가와 비교할 떄 납세자의 세부담능력 등 기본여건은 성숙되었다고 보여지나, 전면시행을 위한 입법계획단계에서 아직 큰 진전을 이루지 못하고 있다는 점이 당국의 시행의지와 관련한 현실적 한계점으로 지적된다. 또한 상해와 중경 두곳의 시범실시 사례에서 나타난 바와 같이 주택재산세의 과세대상을 지나치게 협소하게 설계하여 여기에서 확보되는 세원(稅源)은 지방정부의 재정확충이나 재정자립도와크게 동떨어져 있다는 점이다. 또한 1986년의 주택재산세 부과와 관련한 조례에는 비영업성 개인보유주택은 과세대상에서 제외되어 있어, 이를 포함하고... China achieved high-speed economic and social growth amid the imperfections of the market economy system and the lack of legal and institutional systems. Behind this rapid growth is the involvement active competition between central and local governments or between local governments based on performance indicators. After the reform and opening up, governments of various levels competed to create a better investment environment by attracting foreign capital of their own, bringing about rapid development of the local economy. Tax revenues, the main foundation of finance, are essential to the normal operation and development of the country and the basic economic context. The 1994 reform of the tax system resulted in a central concentration of tax revenue laws and collection authority, along with instability in the local tax system. In addition, in terms of tax revenue structure, tax revenues, which have a wide and stable tax base, were attributed to the tax of the central government or to the common tax of the central and local governments, while tax revenues, which were attributed to the local government’s exclusive management, had many types but the narrow scope of collection and the dispersion of tax sources, resulted in the loss of functions as financial resources equivalent to the right of each local government’s business expenditure, resulting in relying on the central government’s financial support system. Furthermore, the taxation system broke away from the traditional rivalry structure between the central and local governments and served as a major opportunity for local governments to pursue rent-seeking aspects for the development of their respective regions. As a result the central government’s ability to supply public goods has been enhanced and improved since the implementation of the taxation system in 1994, and the abolition of the business tax, which has long been a representative tax source of local governments, has led to a situation in which financial stability is threatened along with the lack of local government’s main tax revenue. Under these circumstances, securing major tax sources that could provide financial support for local governments in the future has emerged as a major task as well as reforming the tax system, which has long been a long-cherished project, along with enhancing the financial soundness of the Chinese local government. China has begun reviewing the conversion of the consumption tax, the current central government tax, and the introduction of the real estate tax (housing property tax) among the tax reform measures to ensure sustainable financial independence of local governments while replacing the abolished business tax. However, the main limitation of promoting the conversion of consumption tax to local tax is that it can increase the fiscal imbalance between local governments. In other words, when the imposition of consumption tax is shifted from production to consumption basis, regional variations may occur depending on the consumption capacity of each region and the concentration of consumption by product. The limitation is pointed out that local governments can lead to fierce competition related to tax excise among local governments under the current legal system without independent legislative powers related to tax collection. In regards to the introduction of housing property tax, the basic conditions such as taxpayer’s ability to pay tax are considered to be mature when compared with other countries that implement it, but It is pointed out as a relevant practical limitation that the government’s willingness to implement it has not made much progress in the legislative planning stage for full implementation. In addition, as shown in the trial cases of two places in Shanghai and Chongqing, the taxation of housing property tax is too narrowly designed, which means that the tax collected here is far from the fiscal expansion or fiscal independence of local governme...

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