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      • KCI등재

        한국 사회의 전염병 관련 표현에 대한 언어문화 연구: 사전을 중심으로

        박은하 한국사회언어학회 2022 사회언어학 Vol.30 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to examine the language and culture of infectious diseases in Korean society through related expressions. Accordingly, four kinds of Korean dictionaries were investigated, and the results were examined by dividing relevant expressions into epidemic-related vocabularies and infectious disease-related case statements. First, examination of epidemic-related vocabulary found that most names of infectious diseases were expressed using Chinese characters and English loanwords. Since each infectious disease name has several synonyms, Koreans have referred to major infectious diseases by a variety of names. The names of infectious diseases were mainly reflect such information as the causes, routes of transmission, and symptoms of infection, as well as attitudes toward how to deal with the diseases. Second, the examination of case statements related to infectious diseases showed that the disease with the most example sentences was COVID-19, which recently started and has not yet ended. Case statements related to infectious diseases can be broadly divided into four categories: the designation of infectious diseases, fear of infectious diseases, patients with infectious diseases, and places of infection. In addition, we found we found that patients with infectious diseases and places of infection generated negative perceptions and expressions.

      • KCI등재

        한국 속담에 나타난 남녀 표현 양상 연구

        박은하 한국사회언어학회 2009 사회언어학 Vol.17 No.2

        Park, Eun-ha 2009 Men and Women Described in Korean Proverbs The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 17(2). This study examines Korean proverbs about men and women. To be specific, those proverbs are analysed by the characters and subjects (including the perspectives or tones) of the expressions. The results show that Korean sayings cover various characters and subjects When examined by the characters first, the expressions contain (general) 'men', 'monks', 'thieves' and others (in the order of frequency in occurrence) in male-related proverbs. In female-related expressions, on the other hand, (general) 'women', 'daughters-in-law' and 'wives' are the major characters. Some proverbs cover both genders and (general) 'human being', 'sons and daughters', 'sons- and daughters-in-law', and 'widows and widowers' are the most frequently depicted characters. The results also illustrate that 'act' id the most frequently adopted subject in all types of proverbs. The subjects of 'person' and 'work', "mind' and 'talk', and 'treatment' and 'mind' follow as the second and third most frequent subjects in the male-/female-/both gender-related proverbs respectively. Finally, regarding the perspective of the sayings or the tone of the statements, it was revealed that the number of negative expressions override that of positive ones in all types of proverbs, which seems to be due to the nature of those sayings used for some lessons, alertness, satire or persuasion

      • KCI등재

        병원간호사의 셀프리더십 강화 프로그램의 효과

        박은하,채영란 기초간호학회 2018 Journal of korean biological nursing science Vol.20 No.2

        Purpose: This study has been carried out in order to develop and verify the effects of self-leadership reinforcement program for hospital nurses. Methods: The research design was a non-equivalent control group pre-posttest design. Participants were 64 individuals(32 in each group), all of whom were nurses working at a university hospital, with less than five years of job experience. Experimental group was provided with two hours of self-leadership reinforcement program, once per week, for four weeks. The questionnaire for pre and post test included general characteristics, transfer motivation for learning, self-leadership, communication ability, clinical nursing competency, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions. Results: There was a significant difference in self-leadership scores between experimental group and control group (F=15.10, p<.001). There was also a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in terms of transfer motivation for learning (t=-5.44 p<.001), communication ability (F=15.29, p<.001), clinical nursing competency (F=15.23, p<.001), and organizational commitment scores (F=7.21, p=.009). Conclusion: The self-leadership reinforcement program developed in this study was effective in improving self-leadership, communication ability, clinical nursing competency, and organizational commitment. Thus, by implementing the program at clinical levels, it will be a basis for nursing personnel resource administration.

      • KCI등재후보

        연쇄알구균 감염에 의한 급성 인후염 후 반응성 관절염 1예

        박은하,도연실,양정채,강미라,서현주,정숙인,손준성,기현균,오원섭,백경란,송재훈 대한감염학회 2004 감염과 화학요법 Vol.36 No.6

        연쇄알구균에 의한 급성 인후염 후 발생한 반응성 관절염은 급성 류마티스열의 개정된 진단기준을 충족하지 못하면서, 지속적 혹은 재발성의 비이동성 관절염과 발열, 홍반성 결절, 일시적 간기능 이상 등을 보이면서 심장염과 무도증을 드물게 동반하는 질환이다. 따라서, 발열을 동반한 급성 관절염 환자에서 감별해야 할 질환 중의 하나이며, 심근염 예방을 위한 페니실린 요법의 적응증 및 기간에 대해서는 아직 이론이 많은 상황으로, 보다 광범위한 연구가 필요하다. 저자들은 연쇄알구균에 의한 급성 인후염 1주 후에 발생한 하지의 다발성 비이동성 관절염과 함께 결절홍반 및 일시적 간기능 이상을 보인 환자에서 PSRA로 진단하고 비스테로이드성 항염증제 및 스테로이드로 성공적인 치료를 하였기에 이를 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Poststreptococcal reactive arthritis (PSRA) is associated with recent streptococcal infections. However, PSRA is distinct from acute rheumatic fever by its clinical manifestations: non-migrating arthritis, erythema nodosum or erythema multiforme, and transient elevation of serum transaminases. We experienced a 33-year-old man who presented with fever, arthritis of both knees and ankles, and erythema nodosums on extensor surfaces of lower legs which developed 6 days after the onset of pharyngitis symptoms. Blood and urine cultures were negative. Throat culture was negative for group A β-hemolytic streptococcus. The ASO titers increased up to 2080 IU/mL in sequential monitoring. The result of bone scan was compatible to arthritis of both knees and ankles. There were no signs or symptom of carditis. He showed clinical improvement with anti-inflammatory drugs (naproxen 1,000 mg/day and prednisolone 7.5 mg/d). PSRA should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with arthritis combined with fever.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교재와 교수 언어에서의 메타언어 쓰임 - 피동과 간접인용의 의미 기술을 중심으로 -

        박은하 한국국어교육학회 2016 새국어교육 Vol.0 No.107

        This study examines the use of grammar metalanguage in Korean coursebooks after establishing the concept of the metalanguage by reviewing its definition in advanced research studies. This study also attempts to survey the grammar metalanguage expressed by teaching language using a questionnaire. By analyzing the meaning description of passive and indirect quotations both in Korean coursebooks and teaching language, the study finds the followings: Grammar metalanguage is not presented similarly in both Korean coursebooks and teaching language. It exhibits some difference in the description of meaning in its scope and content but no reason exists to similarly or same meaning descriptions. Compared with Korean coursebooks and teaching language, the grammatical term used in teaching language are not many. While the teaching language of passive is inadequate to describe meaning, the teaching language of indirect quotations is expressed more concretely than that of passive. This study revisits the grammar metalanguage currently prevalent in Korean education by considering the use and actual condition of grammar metalanguage in the Korean education field with particular focus on Korean coursebooks and teaching language. Further this study implies the need for formal and suitable grammar metalanguage for Korean learners by investigating and making proposal for the grammar metalanguage of passive and indirect quotations. 본고는 한국어 교육에서의 메타언어에 대한 개념을 정립하고 나서 메타언어의 사용 양상을 알아보기 위해서 우선 한국어 교재에서의 메타언어 쓰임을 조사한다. 그리고 교사들의 교수 언어 특히 교사의 문법에 대한 설명인 메타언어는 어떻게 나타나는지도 조사한다. 한국어 교재와 교수 언어에서의 피동과 간접인용의 의미 기술을 조사한 결과, 피동과 간접인용의 메타언어가 교재별, 교사별로 다르게 제시되고 있으며 의미 기술에 있어서 그 내용과 범위가 상당히 다르다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 한국어 교재와 교수 언어를 비교해 봤을 때, 교수 언어에서 교사들은 문법 용어를 잘 사용하지 않았으며 피동에 대한 교수 언어가 좀 미흡한 반면에 간접인용에 대한 교수 언어는 교재에 비해 그 의미 기술이 자세하게 표현되었다. 교육 현장 특히 한국어 교재와 교수 언어에서 사용되고 있는 메타언어의 쓰임과 실태를 살펴봄으로써 현재 한국어 교육에서의 문법에 관한 의미 기술 및 메타언어를 돌아보는 계기가 되기 바란다.

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