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        디자인문화 확산을 위한 국내 디자인진흥정책의 유형과 변화에 관한 연구

        박병민(Park, Byung Min),심은주(Shim, Eun Ju) 한국실내디자인학회 2013 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.22 No.3

        Since 1993, Korea Institute of Design Promotion has carried out Design Promotion Comprehensive Plan every 4 years and due to the institutes founding purpose the plans are mainly focused on enhancing quality of merchandise goods. However due to social and economic changes now enhancing quality of cultural living through design is becoming important as ever. The purpose of this paper is to find our characteristics and changes in design policies and programs to diffuse design culture in the plans. The researchers have inquired proceeding studies on cultural and design policies and also looked into cases that were carried out in Europe to diffuse design culture. By analyzing EU"s Cultural Policies four means were found: Education, Exchange, Participation, and Sharing. The results are as follows. First, in the beginning main focus was to educate people about the importance of design and what good design is, in bureaucratic ways. In the Secondary plan, reaching out to local regions begin to show in order to diffuse design culture that was and still is mainly centered around Seoul. Thirdly plan shows more exchanges but not only limited to domestic regions but international wide. In the Forth plan, participation programs and those engaging design to solve social problems are shown but still not much attention is payed to sharing.

      • 디지털 증거 압수수색 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 법률 개정에 관한 논의를 중심으로 -

        박병민 ( Park Byung-min ),서용성 사법정책연구원 2021 연구보고서 Vol.2021 No.5

        Digital technology allows a large amount of information to be stored in a data storage medium without error. Network technology allows this information to be distributed to a seemingly unlimited extent. This information, however, cannot be seen without a program to read and display it. All the records of citizens’ behaviors and expression materials are stored “as is” in their computers, smart-phones and, internet service providers’ servers. The collection and subsequent analysis of these data, particularly when combined with other data, can threaten the privacy of citizens. Such characteristics of digital evidence give government agencies incentives to devote all efforts to the collection of digital evidence for public interest, such as investigations. In response to changes in social environments, such as the rapid development and popularization of digital technology, rulings of the Supreme Court of Korea and academic theories have been attempting to evolve the existing jurisprudence of search and seizure laws, but, there are limits without legislative changes. This research, thus, focuses on finding ways through legislation to evolve this area of law, including summarizing implications derived from comparative legal analysis of the United States, Germany, and Japan, and examinations of Korea’s laws, cases, and practices. In order to examine the laws and jurisprudence of the U.S., the history and content of the interpretation of the Fourth Amendment by the Supreme Court of the United States, Which is implied by the term “Technology Exceptionalism,” were examined in depth. Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that governs searches and seizures, and Electronic Communication Private Act (ECPA) that regulates the collection method of information stored by third parties such as internet service providers, were also reviewed in detail. Furthermore, this research examined decisions rendered by the U.S. courts and discourse in academia to prevent searches and seizures of digital evidence from being conducted under a general warrant, which includes discussions on ex ante regulations, limitation of exceptions to the warrant requirement (e.g., plain view doctrine, search incident to arrest, consent, etc.), extraterritorial application of searches and seizures, and decryption. Searches and seizures of digital evidence in Germany is thoroughly ruled by the principle of proportionality. Since the legal nature of searches and seizures, excluding wiretappings, is regarded as a public disposition in Germany, pre- and post- notifications, guarantees of right to be present during the search and seizure, and the return or deletion of unrelated information have been emphasized as procedural regulations of searches and seizures of digital evidence, and a copy of warrant is given in execution of searches and seizures. With the implications derived from comparative legal analysis, this research offered legislative suggestions and examined improvement measures in the judicial practice of courts in Korea. First, it provided several measures of ex ante regulations that could be imposed by courts, and analyzed in detail the option of issuing a search warrant first and issuing a seizure warrant only after the information to be seized is specified. This research also proposed legislative improvement on the right to be present during search and seizure and reporting of execution results as a way to improve the process for screening crime-related information. This research also examined measures to grant the obligation to return or delete unrelated information after analysis of the storage medium. As other procedural regulations are considered, this research also suggested not only to present a warrant, but to provide a copy, and to receive verification from the seized person in the issuance of the inventory. This is because having a warrant makes it meaningful to participate in the screening and seizure process, and makes it possible to quasi-appeal against illegal enforcement. In addition, based on the comparative legal examinations, this research proposed legislative suggestions (e.g., notification of the right to refuse consent, etc.) regarding consent to search of digital evidence, which has been the most debated issue recently and offered improvement measures for information stored by third parties―in particular, subscriber records. This research also analyzed remote searches and seizures, requests to preserve evidence, obligations to cooperate, and etc., which were discussed as new systems, focusing on the bills presented in the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, and proposed alternatives. In the modern digital environment, the king of evidence is no longer a confession, but a smart-phone. The delicate legal design for civil rights protection prepared for the statement evidence in the past should be applicable to the searches and seizures of digital evidence as well. It is necessary to turn our backs on the perception of the past that divided the dispositions by legal force on person and on asset, and the latter may be less regulated than the former.

      • 민사소송절차에서 비밀 보호에 관한 연구 : in camera 심리절차를 중심으로

        박병민(Park, Byung-Min),이주연 사법정책연구원 2022 사법정책연구원 연구총서 Vol.2022 No.-

        재판청구권이라는 헌법상 기본권이 실질적으로 보장되기 위해서는 소송에서 권리·의무의 존재가 제대로 다투어져야 하고, 이를 위해서는 증거의 원활한 유통이 이루어져야 한다. 그런데 증거를 소지하고 있는 측에서 비밀이라고 하면서 증거를 내어줄 수 없다고 한다면 위와 같은 논리는 거꾸로 흘러 결국 재판청구권의 부실화, 더 나아가서는 민사재판 제도 자체에 대한 무력감을 불러일으킨다. 이러한 결과는 관념에 그치지 않는다. 민사소송이 아닌 형사고소를 통해 수사기관에게 증거를 수집하게 하고 이를 민사소송에 제출하는 관행이라든지 우리나라 기업끼리의 소송이 원활한 증거수집을 위해 미국에서 이루어지는 이른바 ‘원정소송’의 문제 등은 우리 민사재판 제도가 제 역할을 감당하고 있는 것인지 묻지 않을 수 없게 만든다. 위와 같은 문제의 돌파구로 흔히 미국의 디스커버리 제도가 언급되고, 각자 나름의 범위를 정해 제도의 도입을 주장하는 연구가 많다. 이 연구는 디스커버리 도입 등과 같은 증거개시 전반을 점검하는 것은 아니다. 증거개시의 확대라는 지향점을 전제로, 민사소송절차에서 검토해야 할 비밀보호의 장면을 문서제출명령 등 증거수집 단계, 공개변론의 단계, 소송기록 접근 단계로 나누어 각 단계별로 요구되는 비밀보호 장치에 관하여 검토한 것이다. 먼저 문서제출명령 제도의 경우, 제출 대상을 ‘정보’로 확대하면서 조문의 구조를 단순하게 다듬을 필요가 있고, 정보제출 여부를 재판부가 주재하는 사전협의를 통해 원활하게 진행하되, 제출거부 사유는 엄격하게 심리하는 것이 바람직하다. 정보제출 여부 심리 단계에서 비밀의 정도를 구분하여 그 열람범위를 세분화하고, 가장 높은 수준의 비밀이 소송법적 이익을 위해 반드시 제출되어야 할 필요가 있을 때는 변호사만이라도 접근할 수 있도록 하는 미국의 attorney s eyes only 제도를 마련하는 것이 바람직하다. 문서제출 거부사유 판단을 위한 in camera 심리에 대한 구체적 규정은 없는데, 이는 미국, 독일, 일본 등 주요 국가의 상황도 마찬가지이다. in camera 심리에 재판부의 적정한 소송지휘나 쌍방 당사자의 협조가 반드시 요구되는 이유이다. 당사자에게 in camera 심리에 관한 신청권을 인정할지 여부와는 별도로, 당사자가 in camera 심리를 요구하면 가급적 절차에 착수하는 것이 타당하고, 제한된 요건 하에서 신청인 측의 의견진술 기회를 부여하는 입법을 마련할 필요가 있다. 비밀 자료의 원활한 제출을 담보하기 위해 특허법에 마련된 열람제한 범위 지정제도 및 비밀유지명령을 민사소송법에 흡수하는 것이 바람직한데, 이러한 비밀보호 장치는 특허침해사건에서만 문제되는 것이 아니라 제조물 책임소송 등 민사재판 전반에서 요구되는 것이기 때문이다. 변론 비공개 사유를 규정한 법원조직법 제57조 제1항의 ‘선량한 풍속을 해칠 우려’에 사생활의 비밀이나 영업비밀의 보호가 포함될 수 있는지 실무상 혼선이 있다. 사생활의 비밀이나 기업의 영업비밀도 헌법상 기본권의 영역에 포함되므로, 그 비밀로서의 가치가 재판공개의 원칙보다 우월하다고 판단될 때는 법원조직법 제57조 제1항에 따라 비공개가 가능하다고 본다. 다만 이는 독일 법원조직법 규정과 같이 입법으로 명확히 할 필요가 있다. 본안에서의 in camera 심리, 즉 본안의 증거조사 단계에서 비밀보호를 위해 상대방 당사자를 배제할 필요성이 있을 수 있다. 다만 이는 당사자의 절차적 권리를 제한하는 것으로서 입법이 마련되지 않는 한 가능하지 않다. 마지막으로 비밀보호를 위해 당사자의 소송기록 열람·복사를 제한할 수 있는지 문제되는데, 이 또한 입법적 근거가 없는 한 가능하지 않다. 이를 입법으로 도입하더라도 비밀보호의 필요가 절차적 권리의 보장보다 우월한 경우에 당사자의 의견을 존중하여 비밀부분의 열람·복사 제한을 허용하되, 가급적 변호사만이라도 비밀 기재 부분에 접근할 수 있도록 하는 것이 좋다. 민사소송절차에서 비밀의 보호는 그 자체로 목적이 될 수 없고, 원활한 증거개시, 더 나아가 적정한 민사재판을 위한 수단을 구성한다. 그러므로 적정한 민사재판절차가 법률문화로서 형성될 수 있도록 좋은 제도를 마련하는 것 외에 여기에 생명을 불어넣으려는 실무가들 사이의 소통과 진지한 노력을 기대하여 본다. In order to effectively guarantee the constitutional right to trial, the existence of rights and obligations must be properly contested in litigation, and for this, evidence must be smoothly introduced. However, if the party in possession of the evidence claims it falls under the confidentiality subject to protection against production, such kind of challenge would be prone to the consequential retreat to the insubstantiality of the constitutional right to trial, and thus causing a sense of helplessness in the civil proceedings itself. These consequences would not be limited to concerns. The practice of having an investigative agency collect evidence and submitting it in a civil lawsuit through a criminal complaint ahead of a civil lawsuit, or the so-called ‘expedition lawsuit’ in the United States for the convenience of evidence collection between Korean companies compels us to ask whether our civil trial system is fulfilling its inherent role. The discovery system of the United States is often addressed as a breakthrough to solve the above problems, and there are many studies that advocate the introduction of the system by setting their own scope. This study does not intend to delve into the overall disclosure of evidence, such as the introduction of discovery. On the premise of the envisioned expansion of the disclosure of evidence, the scenes of confidentiality to be reviewed in civil proceedings are divided into the evidence collection stage, such as subpoena to produce documents, the open hearing stage, and the access to court record stage, and the confidentiality protection devices required for each stage are reviewed in this research. First, in case of the subpoena to produce documents, it is necessary to simplify the structure of the relevant rules and regulations while expanding the subject of production to information. The court needs to proceed case management conference to decide the scope of the production, and strictly examine the reasons for refusal to produce documents. The court should classify the degree of confidentiality in the process of the subpoena to produce documents, and subdivide the scope of access, and permit only lawyers to gain access to the documents when even the highest level of confidentiality shall be subject to submission for litigation interests. So, it is desirable to have a ‘U.S. attorney s eyes only’ system introduced for this purpose. There are no detailed regulations on the in camera proceedings to determine the reason for refusal to submit documents, and this is also the case in major countries such as the United States, Germany, and Japan. This is the reason why the proper case management of the court and the cooperation of both parties are indispensably required for in camera proceedings. Regardless of whether or not to grant the party the right to request for an in camera proceedings, provided that the party requests an in camera proceedings, it is appropriate for the court to initiate the proceedings if possible, and the enactment aiming to give the applicant an opportunity to express his/her opinion under limited conditions shall be taken into consideration. In order to ensure smooth submission of confidential data, it is desirable to incorporate the system for designating the scope of access restrictions and the order to maintain confidentiality provided for in the Patent Act into the Civil Procedure Act. This is because such confidentiality protection is not only a problem in patent infringement cases, but is required in all civil cases such as product liability litigation. …

      • KCI등재

        교통약자의 행동특성과 이동편의시설 설치요소를 통한 여객시설 디자인방법에 관한 연구

        박병민(Park, Byung Min),심은주(Shim, Eun Ju) 한국실내디자인학회 2013 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.22 No.5

        Due to implementation of legislations for translation poor such as handicapped people, elderlies, children most public buildings are now integrating barrier free design methods. However, barrier free design is still considered as constraints of physical elements that only serve to meet functional aspects for minors and conflict with designs of the space. The authors believe that it is time that barrier free design is considered not as constraints but opportunities that both meet functional and aesthetical needs serving the growing population of transportation poor and others as well. This paper has looked into characteristics of transportation poor and barrier free design elements of passenger terminals and developed 4 categories of design methods. applied by using human sense, form, furniture, and architectural elements. Then the authors analyzed Gunsan International and coastal passenger terminal existing conditions which is considered to be designed to meet barrier free guidelines and legislations through the developed design categories and elements. The result turned out that the subject in regard of barrier free designs for transportation poor lack various applications such as forms that can be used as symbolic and directional elements that assists as wayfinding cues. Also, flexible and multi functional approaches in furniture arrangements, structural approaches are needed.

      • 민사소송절차에서 비밀 보호에 관한 연구 - in camera 심리절차를 중심으로 -

        박병민 ( Park¸ Byung-min ),이주연 사법정책연구원 2022 연구보고서 Vol.2022 No.2

        In order to effectively guarantee the constitutional right to trial, the existence of rights and obligations must be properly contested in litigation, and for this, evidence must be smoothly introduced. However, if the party in possession of the evidence claims it falls under the confidentiality subject to protection against production, such kind of challenge would be prone to the consequential retreat to the insubstantiality of the constitutional right to trial, and thus causing a sense of helplessness in the civil proceedings itself. These consequences would not be limited to concerns. The practice of having an investigative agency collect evidence and submitting it in a civil lawsuit through a criminal complaint ahead of a civil lawsuit, or the so-called ‘expedition lawsuit’ in the United States for the convenience of evidence collection between Korean companies compels us to ask whether our civil trial system is fulfilling its inherent role. The discovery system of the United States is often addressed as a breakthrough to solve the above problems, and there are many studies that advocate the introduction of the system by setting their own scope. This study does not intend to delve into the overall disclosure of evidence, such as the introduction of discovery. On the premise of the envisioned expansion of the disclosure of evidence, the scenes of confidentiality to be reviewed in civil proceedings are divided into the evidence collection stage, such as subpoena to produce documents, the open hearing stage, and the access to court record stage, and the confidentiality protection devices required for each stage are reviewed in this research. First, in case of the subpoena to produce documents, it is necessary to simplify the structure of the relevant rules and regulations while expanding the subject of production to information. The court needs to proceed case management conference to decide the scope of the production, and strictly examine the reasons for refusal to produce documents. The court should classify the degree of confidentiality in the process of the subpoena to produce documents, and subdivide the scope of access, and permit only lawyers to gain access to the documents when even the highest level of confidentiality shall be subject to submission for litigation interests. So, it is desirable to have a ‘U.S. attorney's eyes only’ system introduced for this purpose. There are no detailed regulations on the in camera proceedings to determine the reason for refusal to submit documents, and this is also the case in major countries such as the United States, Germany, and Japan. This is the reason why the proper case management of the court and the cooperation of both parties are indispensably required for in camera proceedings. Regardless of whether or not to grant the party the right to request for an in camera proceedings, provided that the party requests an in camera proceedings, it is appropriate for the court to initiate the proceedings if possible, and the enactment aiming to give the applicant an opportunity to express his/her opinion under limited conditions shall be taken into consideration. In order to ensure smooth submission of confidential data, it is desirable to incorporate the system for designating the scope of access restrictions and the order to maintain confidentiality provided for in the Patent Act into the Civil Procedure Act. This is because such confidentiality protection is not only a problem in patent infringement cases, but is required in all civil cases such as product liability litigation. In practice, there is some confusion as to whether the protection of privacy or trade secrets can be included in Article 57(1) of the Court Organization Act, which stipulates the grounds for court sealing. Since confidentiality of privacy and trade secrets of companies are also included in the realm of fundamental rights under the Constitution, when the value of confidentiality is deemed to be superior to the principle of public trial, it would be considered that court sealing is possible in accordance with Article 57(1) of the Court Organization Act. Nevertheless, this needs to be clarified by means of legislation as the provisions of the German Court Organization Act. There may be a necessity to exclude the opponent party from attending evidence hearings in the trial in order to protect confidentiality. However, this shall not be possible unless legislation to that effect is enacted as it constrains the procedural right of the party. Lastly, for confidentiality protection, there may arise a question as to whether it is possible to restrict the parties' access to court records, however it also could not be allowed unless there is a legislative basis. Although the relevant system is introduced into legislation, in cases where the need for protection of confidentiality is superior to the guarantee of procedural rights, and where the opinion of the party is seriously considered, the court can grant restrictions on the access of the confidential part. Under this situation, it is recommended that only lawyers have access to the confidential part as much as possible. In civil procedure, the protection of confidentiality cannot be an aim in itself, but constitutes a means for the smooth disclosure of evidence and further, a proper civil litigation. Therefore, besides implementing a good legal system so that the proper civil procedure can be established as a legal culture, we look forward to communications and sincere efforts taken among practitioners who want to breathe life into this system.

      • KCI등재

        유기 태양전지의 개발 현황과 기술 과제

        장지근,박병민,임성규,장호정,Jang, Ji Geun,Park, Byung Min,Lim, Sungkyoo,Chang, Ho Jung 한국재료학회 2014 한국재료학회지 Vol.24 No.8

        Serious environmental problems have been caused by the greenhouse effect due to carbon dioxide($CO_2$) or nitrogen oxides($NO_x$) generated by the use of fossil fuels, including oil and liquefied natural gas. Many countries, including our own, the United States, those of the European Union and other developed countries around the world; have shown growing interest in clean energy, and have been concentrating on the development of new energy-saving materials and devices. Typical non-fossil-fuel sources include solar cells, wind power, tidal power, nuclear power, and fuel cells. In particular, organic solar cells(OSCs) have relatively low power-conversion efficiency(PCE) in comparison with inorganic(silicon) based solar cells, compound semiconductor solar cells and the CIGS [$Cu(In_{1-x}Ga_x)Se_2$] thin film solar cells. Recently, organic cell efficiencies greater than 10 % have been obtained by means of the development of new organic semiconducting materials, which feature improvements in crystalline properties, as well as in the quantum-dot nano-structure of the active layers. In this paper, a brief overview of solar cells in general is presented. In particular, the current development status of the next-generation OSCs including their operation principle, device-manufacturing processes, and improvements in the PCE are described.

      • KCI등재후보

        유기 패시베이션 박막이 P3HT:PC<sub>61</sub>BM 활성층을 갖는 고분자 태양전지의 특성에 미치는 영향

        이상희,박병민,조양근,장호정,정재진,피재호,Lee, Sang Hee,Park, Byung Min,Cho, Yang Keun,Chang, Ho Jung,Jung, Jae Jin,Pyee, Jaeho 한국마이크로전자및패키징학회 2014 마이크로전자 및 패키징학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        재생에너지 광소자로서 스마트 농장 등의 에너지원으로서 고분자 태양전지의 응용이 기대되며 향후 상업화를 위해 효율과 신뢰성 개선이 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 유기 패시베이션 박막을 가지는 헤테로정션 고분자태 전지를 제작하고, 패시베이션 박막이 고분자 태양전지의 특성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 사용된 패시베이션 유기재료로는 폴리비닐알코올과 이크롬산 암모늄을 혼합하여 용해한 후 스핀코팅방법으로 P3HT:$PC_{61}BM$/LiF/Al 기판위에 코팅하여 소자를 제작하였다. 제작된 소자구조는 glass/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:$PC_{61}BM$/LiF/Al/passivation layer 이며, 140시간 공기 중에 노출 후 전기적 특성을 측정, 비교한 결과, 패시베이션 처리된 고분자 태양전지가 패시베이션 박막 처리되지 않은 소자에 비해 보다 우수한 전기적 특성을 보여주었다. 즉, 패시베이션 처리된 소자의 전력변환효율은 제작직후 3.0%에서 140시간 노출 후 1.3%로 감소한 반면 패시베이션 처리되지 않은 소자의 경우는 동일한 노출조건에서 3.5%에서 0.1%로 급격한 특성저하를 나타내었다. It is required to improve the efficiency and the reliability of the polymer solar cells (PSCs) as the energy saving optical device for the future application of the smart farm facilities. In this study, we fabricated the bulk hetero junction PSCs with organic passivation film layer for the reliability improvement of the devices. The effects of the passivation layer on the electrical properties of the PSCs were studied. The materials of passivation layer are composed of poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) and ammonium dichromate, and the passivation films were fabricated by the spin coating method on the P3HT:$PC_{61}BM$/LiF/Al substrate. The prepared structure of the device is the glass/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:$PC_{61}BM$/LiF/Al/passivation layer. The performances of the PSCs with the organic passivation film showed better electrical properties compared with the PSCs without passivation layers. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) values of passivated PSCs decreased from 3.0 to 1.3% after air exposure for 140 hrs. In contrast, the PCE values for the devices without passivation decreased sharply from 3.5 to 0.1% under the same exposure condition.

      • KCI등재

        스프레이코팅법에 의한 패시베이션 박막이 플렉시블 CIGS 태양전지의 특성에 미치는 영향

        이상희,박병민,김기홍,장영철,피재호,장호정,Lee, Sang Hee,Park, Byung Min,Kim, Ki Hong,Chang, Young Chul,Pyee, Jaeho,Chang, Ho Jung 한국마이크로전자및패키징학회 2016 마이크로전자 및 패키징학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        $Cu(In,Ga)Se_2$ (CIGS) 휨성 태양전지의 셀을 보호하기 위하여 스프레이 코팅방법에 의해 수분과 공기로부터의 보호막을 형성하고 그 전기적, 광학적 특성을 평가하였다. 일반적으로 CIGS 휨성 태양전지의 소자층을 보호하기 위해서 EVA(ethylene-vinyl acetate) 필름을 라미네이션 장비를 통하여 여러 겹 보호막을 형성함으로써 복잡한 공정으로 인해 원가상승의 요인으로서 작용한다. 본 연구는 휨성 CIGS 태양전지의 보호막을 라미네이션 박막공정 대신에 간단한 스프레이 코팅공정을 통한 패시베이션(passivation) 박막층을 형성함으로써 CIGS 태양전지 무게의 경량화와 공정시간 단축 연구를 진행하였다. 패시베이션 박막층으로는 PVA(polyvinyl alcohol), SA(sodium alginate) 물질에 $Al_2O_3$ 나노 입자를 첨가하여 유 무기 복합 용액을 사용하였다. 스프레이 코팅된 소자에 비해 에너지 변환 효율특성 62.891 gm/[$m^2-day$]의 비교적 양호한 습기 차단 특성을 나타내었다. In order to protect the solar cells from the moisture and oxygen, we evaluated the electrical and optical properties for the $Cu(In,Ga)Se_2$ (CIGS) solar cells which were prepared by the spray coating method. Generally, the EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate) films are laminated to protect the CIGS flexible solar cells, which results in a high cost process due to complicated devices. In this study, we tried to prepare the protection layers of the flexible CIGS flexible solar cells by using spray coating method instead of conventional laminating films in order to reduce the device weight as well as the process time. The CIGS solar cells with spray coating method showed an enhanced efficiency than the before treated sample (2.77% to 2.93%) and relatively proper water vapor transmission rate of the solar cells about 62.891 gm/[$m^2-day$].

      • KCI등재

        가감보심탕(加減補心湯) 투여 후 호전된 혈관성 치매 1례(例)

        차용석,김경수,박병민,윤종민,김용정,이승언,이인,문병순,Cha Yong-Seok,Kim Kyong-Su,Park Byong-Min,Yun Jong-Min,Kim Yong-Jeong,Lee Seung-Eon,Lee In,Moon Byung-Soon 대한한방내과학회 2003 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.24 No.4

        Objectives: Dementia is a kind of chronic, progressive, degenerative disease. The symptoms results in troubles in intellectual functions. memory, orientation, intelligence, judgement, common sense and calculating ability. The Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE-K) has been used widely to screen cognitive impairment of the elderly in Korea. This instrument has been specifically developed and evaluated for the assessment of cognitive function in older Korean populations. Methods: Cognitive function was evaluated by the Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE-K). This patient was diagnosed as Vascular dementia and We treated her cognitive impairment with Gagambosim-tang(Jiajianbuxin-tang). Results: After treated with Gagambosim-tang(Jiajianbuxin-tang), Cognitive function was improved. Conclusion: This report may have a meaning to treat Vascular dementia.

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