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      • 박동철의 사진강좌 - 다섯번째 - 초점 거리별 렌즈의 활용

        박동철,Park, Dong-Cheol 한국광학기기산업협회 2010 光學世界 Vol.129 No.-

        렌즈들의 고유한 초점거리는 모두 대각선 방향의 화각을 표시한 것으로 화각은 말 그대로 화면을 담을 수 있는 각도를 말한다. 화각이 제일 넓은 렌즈는 물고기가 바라보는 것과 같다고 해서 붙여진 어안렌즈를 비롯하여 광각렌즈, 망원렌즈 등이 있다. 이번호에서는 표준렌즈, 망원렌즈, 광각렌즈 등을 통해 초점 거리별 렌즈의 활용법을 알아보자.

      • 박동철의 사진 강좌 세 번째 - 화면 속 피사체의 배치

        박동철,Park, Dong-Cheol 한국광학기기산업협회 2010 光學世界 Vol.127 No.-

        인상적으로 느껴지는 사진의 공통점은 무엇일까? 사진을 자세히 분석해보면 이러한 사진들은 대게 공통점을 가지고 있는데, 바로 화면 속에 전경, 중경, 원경이 분리되어 있다는 것이다. 각각의 의미와 역할을 알아보자.

      • 박동철의 사진 강좌: 눈에 띄는 사진 만들기 -마지막회

        박동철,Park, Dong-Cheol 한국광학기기산업협회 2010 光學世界 Vol.130 No.-

        눈에 띄는 인상적인 사진을 만들기 위해서는 명도와 색상 대비를 통해 주제를 강조하는 방법, 타이밍, 보조피사체 등을 이용한 다양한 방법들이 있다. 그 중 색상 대비란 조합된 색에 의해 주제가 시각적으로 두드러지게 나타나는 것을 말하면 명도 대비는 주변의 발기와 주제의 밝기가 대비를 이뤄 주제가 배경으로부터 돋보이도록 만드는 기법을 말한다. 특히 하나의 움직임 속에서 서로가 균형을 이루고 있는 단 하나의 순간을 찾아내는 타이밍 또한 인상적인 사진을 만드는 요건이다.

      • 박동철의 사진 강좌 - 네 번째 - 황금분할의 응용

        박동철,Park, Dong-Cheol 한국광학기기산업협회 2010 光學世界 Vol.128 No.-

        황금비율은 가장 조화롭고 균형 잡힌 아름다움을 만들어내는 비율로서 회화나 사진 같은 시각예술분야에서 사용되고 있다. 이번호에서는 가장 기본적인 황금분할 법칙과 이를 응용한 삼분할법, 여백과 공간 등을 활용한 안정적인 구도를 잡는 법에 대해 알아보자.

      • KCI등재

        개선된 에너지 함수를 가지는 신경망 기반의 라우팅 알고리즘

        박동철,금교린,Park, Dong-Chul,Keum, Kyo-Reen 한국통신학회 2005 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.30 No.2B

        효율적인 통신망에서의 라우팅을 위해, 개선된 에너지 함수를 가지는 Hopfield 신경망에 의한 알고리즘이 본 논문에서 제안되었는데, 보다 높은 최적경로 형성과 안정적 수렴의 결과를 목적으로 한다. 20-50 개의 노드를 가지며, 무작위 연결 비용이 인가되는 3,000 개의 통신망에 대한 실험의 결과에서 볼 때, 기존의 신경망을 이용한 알고리즘들이 노드 수가 많은 망 환경에서 수렴하지 않거나, 최적경로가 형성이 되지 않은 경우가 많았지만 제안된 알고리즘은 최적경로 형성에서 기존 알고리즘 보다 약 65%의 개선을 하였고 또한 기존 알고리즘 보다 약 50% 정도 수렴이 잘 되는 것이 확인되었다. A routing algorithm using the Hopfield Neural Netork (HNN) is proposed in this paper. The proposed algorithm modifies the energy function for achieving the optimality of the solution and higher convergence rate. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms convensional methods both in optimality and convergence.

      • 新聞에 揭載된 韓國人 自殺記事 內容 分析

        박동철,이영식,박두병,곽동일,이길홍 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1991 中央醫大誌 Vol.16 No.4

        To analyze the suicide patterns of Koreans, a research study was conducted from the suicide cases taken from the Dong-A Newspaper from 1981 to 1990. Four hundred and eleven cases were obtained from the collected data, which were composed of 275 cases of males and 136 cases of fe-males. The age groups were classified into 6 groups for convenience, 10's, 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, and 60's. The group differences were then compared for analysis. The characteristics in relation to the socio-demographics and family environment were conpared for analysis. Suicide types compared and analyzed by gender and age group in terms of frequency, type, time, place, method, motivation, location and size of articles, and risk factors for suicide. Sta-tistical analysis used SPSS/PC^+ for cross-tabulation analysis. 1. In relation to the rate of Koreans' suicide, male suicide rate was at least double that of fe-male(2.02 : 1). The age group of the 20's(118 cases) and 30's(96 cases) accounted for a pre-dominant rate of 52.6% of the sample. 2. The distribution of occupation of suicides showed that most were students(22.5%), followed by the unemployed(17.8%) and housewives(12.7%), retrospectively. In relation to the residency of those that had committed suicide, residents who lived in large cities accounted for the greatest number as 70.3%, Especially, females and cases in their 40's were more likely to live in large cities. In the marital status, singles were in the lead(144 cases, 33.0%). With respect to marital status by age group, cases in their 40's(17.4%) tended to have an unstable status such as divorce, separation, co-habitation, remarriage, or widowed, In birth order, the first child were the highest ones as 22.1%. 3. In relationship to the family structure, data revealed that nuclear families were the most(163 cases). Especially, males and cases in their 40's were likely to be form a nuclear familiy, while those in their 60's were from and extended family. In relation to parental survival, data showed that both parents dead were at the highest frequency as 264 cases. In case of female, loss of both parents were more frequent. 4. With respect to the frequency of recurrent suicide, data presented that 6.3% of the cases ex-perienced recurrent suicide. In case of the recurrent suicide of male(8.0%), the rate was about 2.3 times higher than of female(2.9%) 5. For the relationships of homicide and suicide, data showed that 128cases(31.2%) hurt others and attempted suicide. Among them, 96 cases(23.4%) attempted co-suicide and 32 cases(7.8%) attempted homicide others. Analyzed by the characteristics of gender and age group, 10's males were more likely to commit solo-suicide, women in their 30's or 40's commit co-suicide, and 50's commit suicide after homicide. Among the victims of homicide, family members were the most(42 cases). Analysis by age difference between the suicide partners, the cases of 30's or 40's were with family members, 20's with lovers, and 10's with their peers. 6. In relation to the annual distribution of frequency of suicide, data revealed that most cases of suicide were reported in 1990(95 cases), 70 case in 1981, 45 cases in 1982, 44 in 1983, 30 in 1986, 1987, 1989, each, the fewest cases were in 1985(14 cases). In terms of the trend of sui-cide, recently the rate of male and old cohorts over 50's has been increasing. A great number of suicide were in 1981∼1982 and 1989∼1990, the period of a treat political-economical up-heaval. On the other hand, the number of suicide was low during the period of political-economical stability of 1985 and of political thawing in 1988. These fact demonstrated that there were some relationships between political-economical change and the rate of suicide. 7. For the month of suicide, data showed that the highest frequency of cases were in May and June(21.7%), followed by 44(10.7%) in September. For the season of suicide, the fewest cases were in winter(78 cases). The cases of 10's or 20's were more likely to suicide in May and June, and those of older aged group above 50's in fall, weekend, between 1 : 00∼6 : 00 A.M. 8. With respect to the place of suicide, data presented that in most cases suicide was attempted at home(210 cases). Compared by gender, the rate of femal's suicide at home(71.3%) was remarkably higher than that of male's(41.4%). On the other hand, the rate of male's suicide in indoors was much higher(36.4%) than that of female's(15.4%). Analyzed by age groups over 50's were more likely to attempt suicide at home, 30's in indoors, 20's in the office or outdoors. 9. For the methods of suicide, 31.9% resort to intoxication followed hanging(21.9%), jumping(13.1%), burning(10.2%), CO poisoning(6.1%), gunshot(3.9%) or drowning(2.9%), Compared by gender, while females were more likely to take such passive methods as intoxication or CO poisoning, males were more likely to take rather fatal methods such as hanging, burning, gunshot. 10. In relation to the general motives of suicide, data showed that economic poverty was the lead(20.9%), followed by emotional conflict(19.2%), marital conflict(16.1%), demonstration(8.5%), health problem (6.3%), school problems(5.8%), and job problems(5.6%). Analyzed by age group, in case of 10's adolescent conflicts such as school problems, scolding of parents of teachers, mockery, and frustration were the major motivations of their suicide, in the cases of 20's hetero-sexual problems, job and demonstration were their motivators. In case of 30's marital and legal problems were the motivators, economic problems in the age of 40's, loss of objects in 50's and health problems in 60's were their major motivations of suicide. 11. Analyzed by subtypes of suicide in the socio-psychological perspective, data showed that fatalistic suicide was the most frequent(30.2%), followed by anomic suicide(29.4%), egoistic suicide(21.7%), altruistic suicide(11.2%). Whereas in case of males altruistic and egoistic suicide were relatively more frequent, in case of females fatalistic and egoistic suicide were relatively more frequent. Analyzed by age group, fatalistic suicide in the 60's, anomic suicide in the 40's, egoistic suicide in the 10's adolescents and altruistic suicide in the 20's were more frequent. 12. For the psychodynamic factors of suicide, data revealed that most cases were escape from despair and loneliness(28.5%), followed by revenge toward the objects that hurt him or her(14.8%), inferiority(12.7%), escape from a conflict situation(11.4%), altruistic(7.8%), self-punishment for guilt(6.8%), pessimism(3.9%), reunion fantasy(1.0%), and other(13.1%). Whereas the psychodynamic factors of males were altruistic and inferiority, those of females were despair and revenge. Analyzed by age group, incase of old age groups over 50's despair and loneliness were the major fcators, revenge in the 30's and 40's, altruistic in the 20's inferiority and escape from a conflict situation in the 10's were more frequent psychodynamic factors. 13. With respect to the suicide risk rescue factors, data showed that as the helpers at the time of trying suicide, family members were the most(111 cases). Family members as helpers were more frequent in the case of females and in those of 10's or 60's. While passerbys were more frequent in the case of males and in those of 50's. For the suicide notes, 17.3% left the notes behind and those in their 60's males were more likely to have a relatively higher rate of leaving motes behind. 14. In relation to the experience rate of the suicide risk factors, data demonstrated that 16.8% had a history of depression which comprised the highest rate, followed by an alcoholism history(10.0%), unemployment and retirement(7.1%), recent death of intimates and separation(4.6%), health change(3.2%). Analyzed by gender and age groups, males were more likely to have an alcoholism or depression history, those in their 40's were more likely to have an alcoholism history than those of any other age group cohorts.

      • 양판구성 승모판 1례

        박동철,이일섭,이승규 건국대학교 1995 學術誌 Vol.39 No.2

        The author have experienced a case of double orifice mitral valve associated with endocardial cushion defect. The patient examined by two-dimensional echocardiography who appeared to have a double orifice mitral valve. The diagnosis was verified at surgery. Associated malformations include left superior vena cava, patent foramen ovale and endocardial cushion defect(incomplete type, atrial septal defect, primum). She had patch repair of atrial septal defect and direct suture of patent foramen ovale. A brief review of leterature was made. Key Words : Double orifice mitral valve, Endocardial cushion defect

      • 담자균류의 Ba4 mating locus에 대한 유전자 분석 및 발현에 관한 연구

        박동철 김천대학교 1997 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.18 No.-

        This study was carried out to investigate charateristics of Schizo phyllum commune 1-71 Ba4 mating type locus and isolate mating type locus controlling fruiting body formation directly in basidiomycetes S. commune which is growing in South America. S. commune 1-71 strain was also used for constructing the genomic library which was composed of about 1.5x105 independent colonies totally. The library was found to have about 75% colonies having average 30kb fragment of inserted foreign DNA. With the screening by colony and southern hybridization, there was 55-80% mating activity from 3 colonies among 4 positive signaled clonies, and these colonies was estimated to have different flanking regions including common fragments in the restriction map.

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