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      • KCI등재

        공동 브랜딩 기내식에 대한 지각이 항공사 브랜드 이미지 및 태도에 미치는 영향

        박금선(Park, Geumseon),황조혜(Hwang, Johye) 한국서비스경영학회 2021 서비스경영학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        The co-branding of airlines and food companies applied to in-flight meals was divided into 6 types to test the difference in perception of consumers. Furthermore, this research investigated the relationship between perceived in-flight meal attributes, airline brand image, and airline brand attitude. First, the different types of co-branding showed the difference between perceived in-flight meal attributes of consumers. It demonstrated the halo effect and trust transfer effect according to the brand type, suggesting that airlines and food companies should use a co-branding strategy suitable for each company. Second, the result demonstrates consumer perceptions of co-branded in-flight meals influence airline brand image. Lastly, airline brand image had positive effects on airline brand attitude. These findings provide academic and practical implications that have not been sufficiently studied because there are not many empirical studies, even though co-branding strategies are frequently applied to in-flight meals.

      • 실내 환경 질로 인한 노년인구 인체 변화에 대한 상관성 분석

        박금선(Keumsun Park),조재혁(JaeHyuk Cho) ICT플랫폼학회 2023 ICT플랫폼학회 하계학술발표대회논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        최근 실내 활동 비중이 늘어나는 반면, 실외 대기오염도 잦은 상황에서 이러한 환경에 민감한 영유아, 노인 등 취약계층의 호흡계신경계 관련 질환 발병이 증가하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 민감 취약 계층 중 노년인구를 대상으로 실내 환경 물질 농도에 따른 혈압, 맥박, 스트레스 변화에 대해 다중 선형회귀, 정준상관분석을 활용하여 연구하고자 한다. 이를 통해 환경유해인자별 인체변화의 상관성을 분석하여 노년층이 주의해야 할 물질을 파악하고 관련 시설에서 모니터링, 관리, 예방할 수 있는 대응 방침을 마련하는 데 기여할 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        응급의료서비스에 대한 만족도 분석

        이은숙,박금선 대한응급의학회 1994 대한응급의학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        Little research has been reported on the component satisfaction of the users in the emergency medical services in Korea. Research on the effectiveness of the emergency medical services has focused primarily on the function of the combined effects of stratification and technology in the emergency department. It has been demonstrated that users' satisfaction have independent and significant effects on health care performance, linking the variation in component satisfaction to factors that influence the patient's attainment of health care. The present study has a dual concern: (1) to identify and describe the predominant component satisfaction of the users engaged in emergency medical services in a hospital in Korea, (2) to present the suggestion to enforce higher-quality performance in the emergency medical services with the users' positive satisfaction. The research method used in this study was self-administered questionnaire responses made on five point Likert type scale to a series of component satisfaction statements. The subjects were patients in the emergency department of the Wonju Christian Hospital, Wonju, Korea. A self-administered questionnaire designed to measure the amount of agreement with component satisfaction as well as expectations improved and modified for the effective measurement toward users. The questionnaire delivered with a cover letter to 365 subjects. A total of 182 patients responded. The reture rate was 80% for the inpatient through emergency department and 17% for non-hospitalized persons. The statements expressed by respondents were analyzed using nonparamentic statistics(SPSS). Motivation(expectation) to visit the hospital winning the strongest support were adequate treatment with abundent knowledge of emergency medical person as well as receiving a persuasive explanations. Lower component satisfaction revealed in the area of amentities by all age group and male respondents appealed lower satisfaction about emergency unit facility environment. College graduates complained more uncleanliness as well as non-free noise atmosphere. People in the upper brackets of income steadily expressed dissatisfaction with all area of the services.

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