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        과정철학의 원자적 생성에서 과거와 현재의 관계

        문창옥(Chang-Ohk Moon) 한국철학회 2013 철학 Vol.0 No.116

        현실적 계기는 그에 선행하는 다수의 여건들을 자기화하여 통일시키는 과정으로 존립한다. 화이트헤드는 이 과거와 현재의 관계를 인과적 관계로 기술한다. 그러나 과거와 현재 사이의 인과성이 어떻게 범주적으로 해명될 수 있는지를 놓고 화이트헤드 연구자들은 오랫동안 논란을 벌여왔다. 이는 기본적으로 과거의 성격과 지위에 대한 화이트헤드의 진술이 다소 모호하다는 데 그 이유가 있을 것이다. 그러나 이에 못지않게 논란을 불씨를 제공한 것은 초기의 대표적인 고전적 연구자들이 과거를 활동성을 결한 것으로 이해해 왔다는 사실이다. 화이트헤드가 말하는 현실적 계기는 다수의 과거 계기들을 여건으로 받아들여 자기를 구성해 가는 과정으로 존립한다. 이 자기 창조적 생성의 과정이 종결될 때 그것은 하나의 느낌으로 통일된다. 고전적 해석자들은 이 최종 위상에서 달성되는 만족은 활동성을 결한 존재, 즉 죽은 자기초월체로 간주하였다. 그렇다면 과거가 현재에 행사하는 힘의 원천은 어디에서 오는가? 이것 물음은 오랫동안 연구자들을 당혹스럽게 했다. 그러나 자기초월체는 합생의 종결이라는 표현에 함의된 정태성을 지니지 않는다. 만족은 다수의 여건을 대비(contrast)로 통일시키는 느낌이며, 이것이 느낌인 한 자기초월체는 활동성을 결한 것일 수 없기 때문이다. 그렇기에 과거에서 현재에로의 과정인 이행을 설명하기 초월적이거나 외재적인 작인에 호소할 필요가 없다. 이행은 외부의 작인에서 비롯되는 것이 아니라 자기초월체의 내재적 살아있음에서 비롯되는 것이다. 따라서 인과관계는 살아있는 과거의 계기가 능동적으로 자신의 느낌을 현재의 계기에게 넘겨주는 과정인 동시에 새로운 계기가 수동적으로 이 과거의 느낌에 순응하여 반복하는 과정이다. 따라서 이때의 물리적 느낌은 과거의 느낌인 동시에 현재에서 반복되고 있는 느낌이라는 이중성을 가진다. 화이트헤드가 물리적 느낌을 순응적 느낌이라 부르거나 인과적 느낌이라고 부르면서 그 이중성을 역설하는 것은 바로 이 문맥에서이다. 따라서 물리적 느낌을 근간으로 하는 초기 호응적 위상(responsive phase)에 있는 현재의 계기는 온전히 과거의 인과작용의 산물일 수밖에 없다. Actual occasion consists in a process that it appropriates the antecedent occasions and then unifies them. Whitehead explicitly says that the relation between the past and the present is causal. Many Whiteheadians, however, have disputed on how this relation could be elucidated in terms of Whitehead’s Categoreal Scheme for a long time. The primary reason of this dispute may be said to be that Whitehead’s explanation is more or less ambiguous. But the fact that the early representative Whiteheadians have regarded the past occasion as dead data without any activity must be another important reason of this dispute. According to Whitehead, actual occasion inaugurates its own becoming under the causal constraint of the past actual world, and ends its own becoming as soon as it attains its satisfaction, a feeling of unification of multiple past data, which is a result of its own autonomous decision. Now if we accept this interpretation of classical scholars, we are faced with the difficult problem what is the source of causal power which the past occasion exercises on the present. But superject has not the stationariness which seems to be naturally implied in the phrase of the end of concrescence. Because satisfaction is a feeling which unifies multiple data into a contrast, and as far as it is a feeling, superject has some activity. We need, thus, not appeal to transcendental or external agent in order to explain the transition, the process from the past to the present. The transition is not a product of the external agent, but of the internal activity of superject. Therefore, causation is both a process that past alive occasion actively passes over its own feeling to the present and a process that novel occasion passively conforms to this feeling of the past and repeats it in its own becoming. This feeling, which is physical, has the dual character of being the past occasion’s feeling re-enacted in the present. It is for this reason that Whitehead names physical feeling conformal feeling or causal feeling. Present occasion, therefore, in the initial responsive phase which is constituted of only physical feelings is bound to be a product of causation.

      • KCI등재

        화이트헤드의 과정철학에서 도덕의 근거

        문창옥(Chang Ohk Moon) 철학연구회 2013 哲學硏究 Vol.0 No.100

        Actual occasion as the ultimate unit of cosmic process aims at attaining its own aesthetic value. It has teleological structure. For this reason, beauty is regarded as the fundamental principle of the cosmic process. The actual world is the outcome of the aesthetic order, and the moral order is merely certain aspects of aesthetic order. In other context, this ultimate value is translated into importance. It may be, thus, said that beauty and importance is interchangeable each other. In fact, Whitehead also says that morality consists in the control of process so as to maximize importance. By the way, some of Whiteheadians have suggested that actual occasion as the subject of becoming should be distinguished from the superject as the object of becoming, and thus, actuality should be exclusively attributed to the subject of becoming. But if we accepts their suggestion, we are also forced to conclude that occasion as the subject of becoming can exclusively enjoy importance and beauty. And this conclusion is confronted with the criticism that Whitehead`s process philosophy implies moral solipsism. If we could effectively reject this criticism, we should be free of their mode of interpretation of becoming, based on the difference between the subject and the superject. What especially matters here is the exact ontological status of superject. In Whitehead`s process philosophy, the superject is actual occasion which completes its self-constituting and attains its satisfaction. Satisfaction is a feeling of the contrast as an aesthetic achievement. Now if satisfaction is a feeling, we may say that the superject has its own activity. Classical interpretation failed to notice this fact. Actual occasion becomes superject as soon as it complete its self-creating, but it still remains a subject in the sense that it feels its own satisfaction. This implies that importance and beauty could not be exclusively attributed to occasion as subject, and thus, that superject also enjoys its own importance and beauty. Further, this value which superject enjoys is never an egoistic self-satisfaction, because all other consequent entities inherit and share it in their own becoming. It is in this context that Whitehead`s statements that subject could not be separated from superject, and that everything has some value for itself, for other, and for the whole recover their proper meaning. And in this context, we also are able to find the ontological foundation on which we could sweep off the criticism that whitehead`s process philosophy seems to imply an moral solipsism.

      • KCI등재

        과정철학의 문맥에서 본 니체의 생성철학

        문창옥(Chang Ohk Moon) 철학연구회 2011 哲學硏究 Vol.0 No.95

        It is evident that Whitehead`s view of Metaphysical speculation seems to be contrary to Nietzsche`s one. They, however, are of similar opinion about the nature of reality. Both of them regard the creative advance as the essential characteristic of reality. For them, natural world is not a mechanical being but a process of becoming which continuously produces the novelty. The basic categories of traditional metaphysics or the fundamental concepts and presuppositions of early modern physical science are, thus, not appropriate to describe or analyse this kind of self-creative world. This is a reason why Nietzsche and Whitehead criticize the traditional philosophical categories or the scientific concepts and basic assumptions. They introduce some new categories or concepts so that they may adequately reveal the creative advance of world. Nietzsche`s Will to Power and Whitehead`s Creativity are the representatives of those new categories or fundamental concepts. But in fact, Nietzsche may neither be said to throughly analyze the world of becoming and change in terms of his own cateogries and concepts, nor to try to construct a rational and coherent metaphysical system that could exhibit in detail the characterisic of creative advance. In the contrast with Nietzsche, Whitehead closely analyses and describes our world of becoming by means of the speculative system. This, however, does not mean that while Nietzsche was an irrationalist, Whitehead was an dogmatic rationalist, but only that while Nietzsche tried to convey his own insight of reality in terms of the open system, Whitehead tried to express his insight in terms of the relatively close system. And this may be said to imply that Whitehead was a little more faithful to rationalistic strategy than Nietzsche.

      • KCI등재

        종교적 경험의 본질과 합리성: 화이트헤드의 경우

        문창옥 ( Moon¸ Chang Ohk ) 한국가톨릭철학회 2008 가톨릭철학 Vol.0 No.11

        화이트헤드가 생각하는 종교적 경험은 고독의 경험 속에서 자신의 개체성을 자각한 인간이 사물의 본성에 있는 궁극적인 어떤 것, 영속하는 어떤 것과 관계 맺는 방식이다. 그래서 화이트헤드는 “종교는 개인이 그의 고독을 가지고 행하는 것”(RM 17, 47)이라고 말한다. 하지만 단순한 고독 그 자체는 전종교적(pre-religious)인 것이다. 종교에는 고독 가운데 잠재되어 있으나 우리 자신의 개체성에 대한 자기 의식적 평가에서 발전하게 되는 궁극적인 것을 지향하는 합목적적 의식이 들어있기 때문이다. 삶 자체의 가치를 묻는 물음에서 시작되는 이 자기 의식적 평가는 개인들 간의 상호조정된 가치를 포함하는 객관적 가치세계로 확대되어 공유 가능한 보편적 원리를 산출해내고 이어서 이 자기의식은 스스로 이 보편원리에 굴복한다. 화이트헤드가 생각하는 종교적 경험의 본질은 여기에 있다. 그리고 진정한 의미의 종교는 이런 고독의 경험 내용을 정합적 체계로 합리화하면서 탄생한다. 화이트헤드는 합리화가 없을 때 종교는 퇴락하여 단순한 사회성으로 되돌아갈 것이라고 주장한다. 합리적 종교는 우리의 직관에 주어지는 특수한 가치경험에서 출발하지만 궁극적으로는 이들을 합리적 범주로 정식화함으로써, 가치의 근원이 되는 것들을 명료하게 표현하고 또 규정한다. 이런 의미에서 화이트헤드가 생각하는 종교는 개체로서의 인간 내면의 근본정서와 인간이성 간의 화해의 산물이다. 그리고 이 화해를 이끄는 것은 형이상학이다. 형이상학은 합리적 종교가 그 기본 개념들을 결정하고 그 특유의 통찰들을 일반적 진리로 표현해내는 데 필요한 보편적 범주들을 제공하고. 종교는 인간 존재가 단순한 사실들의 계기(succession) 이상이라는 통찰, 우리에게 삶의 단순한 사실들을 넘어서서 삶의 질이 있다는 통찰을 형이상학에 제공함으로써 형이상학을 풍부하게 한다. 이 양자는 정신사의 현장에서 끊임없이 상호 작용하는 역동적 관계 속에 있다. 이것은 화이트헤드가 종교를 ‘형성과정상에 있는’(in the making) 것으로 생각하는 이유이다. The essence of religious experience for Whitehead is to be discovered, not in public dogmas, practices, or institutions, but in confrontation with the awful ultimate fact, which is human being, consciously alone with itself, for its own sake. He, thus, says that religion is what the individual does with his solitariness. In this sense, religion is primarily individual. The solitariness that we experiences is due to the detachment from our immediate environment. The detachment or disconnection from immediate surroundings is thus a prerequisite for the emergence of a religious consciousness which universal, as distinguished from tribal, or even social. Whitehead establishes a close connection between solitariness and universality. Rational religion emerges only when belief is rationalized in the viewpoint of a world-consciousness. The development of a world-consciousness that goes beyond both a tribal and a social consciousness is thus of great importance to rational religion. Without rationality, religion is in decay and returns to mere sociability. Whitehead says that rationality is an integral part of religion. Rational religion looks to the insight of special occasions for the concepts with which to elucidate all occasions. What was special in origin becomes universal in import. And metaphysics enables religion to scrutinize and rationalize itself. But metaphysic, in its turn, depends on religious insights. Rational religion turns to metaphysics for the determination and clarification of its basic terms, while religion contributes its own independent evidence. Religion tells us that there is a quality of life beyond the mere fact of life.

      • KCI등재

        화이트헤드의 ‘궁극자의 범주’ 다시 읽기: 인과성 문제를 중심으로

        문창옥 ( Moon Chang-ohk ) 한국가톨릭철학회 2013 가톨릭철학 Vol.0 No.20

        화이트헤드의 철학은 원자론적 생성으로 구성되는 우주를 제안한다. 이것은 곧바로 우주의 시간적 진행성(temporal ongoingness)과 인과적 연계성(causal connectedness)이 어떻게 설명될 수 있는가 하는 물음들을 낳는다. 창조성을 현실적 계기 내의 특성으로 환원하는 고전적 견해, 즉 창조성을 개별 존재의 내적 생성으로 제한하는 다원론적 해석은 이 물음에 답하기 위해 신의 개입을 요청했다. 신은 과거의 계기를 현재에서 되살리는 작인으로 간주하는 것이다. 이런 시도는 존재신학적 전통의 설명방식을 시사한다는 점에서 만족스런 해결책이라고 보기 어렵다. 그래서 비교적 최근에는 창조성을 초월적이고 독자적인 설명원리로 간주하려는 일원론적 해석이 부각되었다. 창조성은 자기창조를 마감한 과거의 계기를 현재로 실어 나르는 힘으로 해석되어야 한다는 것이다. 그러나 이 또한 창조성이 가능태로서, 결코 독자적인 작인이 될 수 없다는 화이트헤드의 기본주장과 충돌한다. 결국 이런 난점에 직면한 몇몇 연구자들은 화이트헤드가 말하는 과거의 힘을 적극적으로 해석하여 이를 현재의 창조성과 구별되는 인과적 힘의 원천으로 이해하려 했다. 그러나 이런 해결 역시 과거의 활동성과 현재의 창조성간의 구체적인 인과적 기제가 무엇인지, 그리고 그 양자의 존재론적 관계가 어떻게 이해되어야 하는 지를 선명하게 보여주지 못하고 있다. 필자는 양자의 관계가 궁극자의 범주로 기술된 창조성, 즉 관계적 활동성으로서의 창조성에 의해 설명될 수 있다고 생각한다. 궁극자의 범주는 창조적 전진의 과정을 ‘이접에서 연전으로의 전진’으로 규정한다. 여기서 창조성은 일종의 관계적 활동성이다. 창조성이 이행의 과정에서 작동하는 창조성일 때 그것은 다수의 이접적인 자기초월체들을 하나의 연접적인 일자로 만드는 창조성, 곧 인과적 창조성이다. 그래서 인과적 창조성은 일자의 완결, 즉 계기에서의 만족의 달성과 동시에 이를 새로운 일자의 여건이되는 다수 가운데 하나로 이행시키는 창조성이다. 이행을 구현하는 물리적 파악은 순응적인 것으로서 현재의 계기가 과거의 힘을 계승하고 반복한다. 이렇게 현재에서 반복되는 과거의 활동성이 과거와 현재 사이의 인과관계를 구성한다. 따라서 화이트헤드 철학에서 궁극자의 범주는 무규정적인 활동성으로서의 창조성을 ‘다에서 일로’라는 구조로 제약함으로써, 과거와 현재 사이의 인과관계는 물론이요 원자적 계기들의 계속적인 생성의 원천까지 정합적으로 설명하고 있다고 말할 수 있다. Whitehead’s Philosophy proposes a cosmology in which the world is described to be constituted of atomic becomings. This cosmology, however, causes us to ask why there is temporal ongoingness and how causal connectedness among atomic entities can be explained. The classic interpretation that takes the creativity as the internal property of actual occasion in becoming turns to God for answering these questions. According to this opinion, God is an agent who restores the dead past to life and, then, conveys to the present becoming. But it has a great weakness that it suggests the onto-theological explanation which Whitehead explicitly rejects. For this reason, some of Whiteheadians try to solve this problem in terms of creativity which is regarded as one substantial and transcendent activity. For them, creativity is interpreted as a universal force or activity which transcends the actual world. Creativity is, thus, considered as an agent that transmits the dead past entities to the present. But this understanding also comes into collision with Whitehead’s principal theses that creativity is potentiality which cannot, for itself, exercise any influence on actuality. This reflection forced a few Whiteheadians to reinterpret Whitehead’s concept of becoming. They deny the classic interpretation which understand the past as the dead data. For them, the past occasion is regarded as an agent which is alive and, thus, able to cause activity of present entity. But they seem to be incapable of explaining appropriately the ontological or causal relation between the activity of the past and the creativity of the present. I think that the relation could be explained by means of creativity as relational activity, which means the creative advance from many to one. Category of the Ultimate proclaims the creativity is the advance from disjunction to conjunction. According this category, creativity in process of transition is the activity that unifies the divers and disjunctive superjects into the a conjunctive one, while in concrescence, creativity is the activity which unifies multiple feelings into a feeling, that is to say, a satisfaction. And the former, creativity of transition, explains the causality. For Whitehead, transition is analyzed in terms of physical prehensions. Physical prehension is conformal prehension in the sense that it inherits, and repeats, the influence of the past. All activity of the present occasion, at least, in the initial phase is, therefore, issued from the past. In this sense, occasion in the initial phase may be said to have only passive activity. And Causation is the very physical prehension of the past activity. Consequently, Category of the Ultimate as a ultimate principle, which characterized creativity as an advance from many to one, may coherently be said to explain not only the causal relation between the past and the present, but the original source of successive becomings.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        화이트헤드의 철학적 우주론과 사회의 범주

        문창옥(Chang Ohk Moon) 철학연구회 2013 哲學硏究 Vol.0 No.102

        Whitehead`s philosophical cosmology is built on the two type of entities, the actual occasion and the society, that are derived by the analogical generalization from the various fields of human experiences. The one that is final entity ceaseless leads the cosmos into the creative variation, while the other that is derivative entities embodies various orders in this variation. Whitehead`s cosmos as a ‘structured society’ may be, thus, to be said a field of interaction between occasions and societies. Actual occasions support the identity of societies through their positive feeling the past actual world, but at times, they modify or even break it by means of negative feelings which reject some aspects of the past. Owing to this negative, and thus creative, decision of actual occasions, all natural things and/or events become to be included in historical process, and finally actual world turns to be “a world which is never the twice.” This historical cosmos exposes a confusion of order and disorder. There is neither complete order nor complete disorder in Whitehead`s cosmos. In result, our understanding of this cosmos on the basis of various natural laws is forced to remain probable and changeable with historical passage. And thus, all explanations in terms of the reduction of any society to their subordinate societies could be justified only within the derivative and abstractive level. This cosmological consequence, however, which reveals the limits of traditional scientific methods may be said to succeed in explaining the emergent events that the scheme of Aristotelian metaphysics fails to adequately analyse. In fact, Whitehead`s organic philosophy is not simply founded on internal relation among entities, but on the positive acception and the successful exposition of emergent events in terms of the notion of self-creating occasion. And in this sense, Whitehead`s philosophical cosmology go over the classical type of organism. With the category of society that is designed as the locus of both repetition and creation, his cosmology, on the one hand, compromises traditional scientific methods as like the lawful explanations and the reductive analysis, and on the other hand, it accommodates emergents events which has intermittently attracted some of natural scientists and social scientists.

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