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      • SCIEKCI등재

        질소질비료(窒素質肥料)의 심층추비시용(深層追肥施用)이 수도생육(水稻生育)에 미치는 영향

        맹도원,김원출 한국농화학회 1977 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.20 No.1

        In this experiment, we expected yield increase depending on the control of ineffective tiller, heightening of effective tillering ratio and continuous supply of nitrogen until later growth stage of rice plant by deep layer split application. Treats were applied at Tongil and Jinheung variety, clayey loam and sandy loam soil, and drained and non-drained condition. Nitrogenous fertilizer application wab adopted as liquefied(50%) and lumped (50% and 80%) fertilizer at 12㎝ depth of soil before 35 days of rice heading time against the standard soil surface application. The results are summarized as follow. 1. a. Jinheung showed great variant width of tiller numbers per rice plant growth stage, and low effective tillering ratio at soil surface dressing. But in the case of deep layer split application, the number of tiller increased normally, and effective tillering ratio was high. b. At Tongil, the width of increase and decrease range of effective tiller number between soil surface dressing and deep layer split application was not so high as Jinheung. Deep layer split application of 80% lumped fertilizer showed maximum effective tillering ratio (83%∼93%). C. In the case of Jinheung, it was supposed that deep layer split application of 80% lumped fertilizer was excessive nitrogen quantivy. d. Effective tillering ratio was higher than Tongil at Jinheung. 2. The number of grains per hill was increased by the deep layer split application, but the ripening ratio was decreased inversely with the increase of total grain number. 3. Length of top leaves was elongated at Jinheung by deep layer split application. It showed significant correlation between top leaves length and grain yield. 4. Deep layer split application incresed N content of harvested straw. Yield and N content of straw showed possitive correlation. 5. The ratio of unhulled grain yield per straw weight was increased by deep layer splication. This ratio was higher at Jinheung than Tongil. 6. Grain yield was appeared in order of 80% lumped fertilizer$gt;50% lumped fertilizer$gt; 50% liquefied fertilizer$gt;surface dressing by the deep layer split application. The yield increasing factors were the increasing of effective tillering ratio, number of panicles per hill and number of ripening grains per hill. 7. Grain yield was increased at Tongil in sandy loam soil and at Jinheung in clayey loam soil by deep layer split application. 8. The grain yield was increased at drained conditions of clayey loam soil and non-drained conditions of sandy loam soil. But in the case of 80% lumped fertilizer of deep layer split application at the sandy loam soil, the yield was not increased at non-drained conditions. 9. The effect of yield increase by deep layer split application comparing with the surface dressing was higher at Tongil than ginheung, in spite of low ripening ratio of Tongil caused by low temperature at heading and harvesting time.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        과인산석회와 요소의 배합에 의한 뇨소태 질소 및 유효성 인산의 변화에 관한 연구

        맹도원 한국농화학회 1966 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.7 No.1

        This experiment was carried out to determine how the water soluble, the available phosphoric acid and the urea-N would change as time went by, when mixtures of calcium superphosphate and urea were made. Two kinds of materials, i.e., calcium superphosphate and urea were engaged in this experiment. Two kinds of mixed fertilizer. i.e., A and B were made up by mixing these materials to satisfy the following ratio. 1) Urea 1+ calcium superphosphate 1… A 2) Urea 1+ calcium superphosphate 2… B A and B were placed in desiccators respectively a six-month period. During the time of storage, the water soluble, the available P₂O_5 and the urea-N were measured once a month, seven times with the control measurement. The results leap be summarized as follows. 1. The urea-N in both A and B showed no change by the passage of time. This fact suggested that the mixing of calcium superphosphate with urea was not unfavourable. 2. A and B showed no diminishing in the water rouble and the available P₂O_5 in the process of time. This fact indicated that the combination of calcium superphosphate with urea was not unfeasible.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        과인산석회와 뇨소의 및 농용(農用) 석회(石灰)의 배합에 의한 유효성인산 및 요소태 질소의 변화에 관한 연구

        맹도원 한국농화학회 1966 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.7 No.1

        This study was carried out to determine how the water soluble, the available P₂O_5 and urea-N would change in the course of time, when the mixtures of calcium superphosphate and urea with lime for fertilizer which occurred in Korea and largely contained calcium .carbonate were made. Three kinds of materials, i. e., calcium superphosphate, urea and lime for fertilizer were used in this study. Three kinds of mixed fertilizer i. e., A. B and C were made up by mixing these materials to satisfy he following formula. 1. Ca(H₂PO₄)₂+ CaCO₃+CO(NH₂)₂→Ca₂H₂(PO₄)+ H₂CO₃+ NH₃ 2. Ca(H₂PO₄)₂+ CaCO₃+CO(NH₂)₂→Ca₃(PO₄)₂+ H₂CO₃+ NH₃ 3. Ca(H₂PO₄)₂+ CaCO₃+CO(NH₂)₂→Ca₃(PO₄)₂+ H₂CO₃+ CaCO₃+ NH₃ A,B and C were placed in desiccators respectively a six month period. During the time of storage, the water soluble, the available phosphoric acid and urea-N were measured once a month, seven times with the control measurement. The results may be summarized as follows. 1. None of A, B and C showed any change in the urea-N with the lapse of time. This fact indicated that the combination of calcium superphosphate and urea with lime for fertilizer was not unfavourable. 2. A, B and C decreased in the amount of water soluble P₂O_5 with the passage of time. This fact indicated that the mixing of calcium superphosphate and urea with lime for fertilizer was unfeasible. 3. The available P₂O_5 in any of A,B and C did not undergo a change as time went by. This fact suggested that the combination of calcium superphosphate and urea with lime for fertilizer was favourable.

      • KCI등재

        밤나무에 대(?)한 복합비료(複合肥料)의 시용효과(施用?果)에 관(?)하여

        맹도원,정인구,Maeng, D.W.,Chung, I.K. 한국토양비료학회 1981 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        밤나무의 시비(施肥)에 따른 증수효과를 구명(究明)함과 동시(同時)에 밤나무 전요(專用) 복합비료(複合肥料)의 개발을 목적(目的)으로 1979년(年)과 1980년(年) 2 개년(個年)에 걸쳐 은기(銀寄)밤나무에 대해 조선비료공업주식회사에서 시제(試製)한 복비(複肥)(16-16-13)와 함붕소복비(含硼素複肥)(16-16-13-0.7)를 일반단비와 비교시험한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 마음과 같다. 1. 밤나무의 생육(生育)은 시비수준(施肥水準)에 따라 커다란 차이(差異)가 있었으며, 비종별(肥種別)로는 단비보다는 복비(複肥)가 더 좋은 경향(傾向)이었으나 통계적(統計的)인 유의차(有意差)는 없었다. 2. 시비수준(施肥水準)에 따라 주당총착과수 및 결실구과수는 증가하고 낙구과율(落毬果率)은 크게 감소(減少)하는 경향(傾向)을 보여 주었다. 비종별(肥種別)로는 함붕소복비(含硼素複肥)의 낙구과방지효과가 매우 크다는 것이 인정(認定)되었다. 3. 밤 수확량(收穫量)은 시비량(施肥量) 증가에 따라 크게 증가하는 경향(傾向)을 보였으며 비종별(肥種別)로는 단비와 일반복비간(一般複肥間)에는 큰 차이(差果)가 없었으나 함붕소복비(含硼素複肥)를 시용(施用)했을 때는 타비종(他肥種)보다 수량증가가 매우 뚜렷하였다 1980년도(年度)에는 저온 및 일조부족(日照不足)으로 인(因)하여 79년(年) 보다 무비(無肥) 단비 및 일반복비시용구에서의 수량(收量)은 감소(減少)하였으나 함붕소복비시용구에서는 크게 증가하였다. 함붕소복비(含硼素複肥)는 일기가 불순(不順)했을 때 증수효과가 더 크다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 4. 함붕소복비(含硼素複肥)의 시용(施用)은 밤나무의 생장보진(生長保進), 생리적(生理的) 낙과방지(落果防止) 및 밤수량(收量) 증대에 효과가 크다는 것이 인정(認定)되었으므로 이 비료(肥料)를 밤나무 전용복비(專用複肥)로 추천할만 하다고 판단된다. In order to investigate effects of fertilization on the yield of chestnut trees and to compare the compound fertilizer (CF) and Boron contained compound fertilizers (BCF) for chestnut trees developed by Chosun Fertilizer Inc. with single fertilizers (SF) at different fertilizing levels, a field experiment was conducted during the 1979 and 1980 growing periods. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The growth of chestnut trees was markedly improved as increasing the amount of fertilizers regardless of the SF, CF or BCF. 2. The number of strobiles increased as increased amount of fertilizers, and the ratio of dropped strobiles decreased by more than 90 percent by the BCF application while that decreased by 12 to 47 percents by the SF or CF applications. It implies that the boron application be necessary for increasing strobiles and reducing the ratio of dropped strobiles. 3. The yield increments by the SF or CF applications at the standard level were 80 percent and that by the BCF application at the same level was 202 percent and the highest yield increment was recorded as high as 302 percent by the BCF application at the doubled level in 1979. The yield response in 1980 was similar to that in 1979; however, the yields were lower than in 1979 due to the abnormal weather conditions such as low temperature and low solar radiation during summer except BCF applicated treatments where the yields were outstandingly increased. 4. The BCF developed proved as a recommendable compound fertilizer for chestnut trees.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        신개지(新開地)에 있어서의 대두증수(大豆增收) 요인분석애 관한 연구

        맹도원,조재영 한국농화학회 1974 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.17 No.1

        This study was conducted to determine the effects of soybean cultivation on yield and other characters in a newly reclaimed soil. Four factors - ① plant density ② compost application ③ innoculation of nodule bacteria (Rhizobium japonicum) combined with lime application ④ NPK application-were examined in a 24 factorial experiments arranged in randomized complete block design with 4 replicates. Kangio variety was used and the results obtained are summarized as follows; (1) Dense plant population, Application of Compost and application of fertilizer (NPK) gave the yields 1.7, 1.4 and 2.1 times the check respectively. The Combinations of, dense population×compost, dense population×fertilizer (NPK), compost×fertilizer(NPK), and dense population×compost×nodule bacteria with lime×fertilizer (NPK) increased the yields by 2.0, 3.0, 2.6 and 5.4 times than the check respectively. But little effect on yield was noted in the treatment inoculated with nodule bacteria with lime. (2) In the case of higher yield, the increased weight of 100 seeds was found. (3) A markedly increased PH was observed in all of the plots under study after the. completion of experiment. (4) The compost treatment and the ferttilizer (NPK) treatment greatly increased the organic matter, total nitrogen and the available phosphorus in the soil. (5) The variation in the grain yield appeared to have a close correlation with the content of available P₂O_5 in the soil.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • SCIEKCI등재

        토양과 시비(施肥)를 달리할때 대두생육에 미치는 가리(加里)의 영향

        조재영,맹도원 한국농화학회 1968 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.10 No.1

        In order to study the effect of potash un the growth and yields of Soybean at different level of soil fertility and application of fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphate and calcium), 2³factorical experiment was carried out by pat culture with variety $quot;Chang-dan-baec-muc$quot; which is most spreaded variety in Korea. The experiment consisted of five replications in a randomized block experiment with three factors (soil, fertilization and potash). Treatment were at two levels; infertile and fertile soil, none and some of fertilization and potash. Thus, the experiment comprised eight treatment combinations which consisted of all combinations. The results of this experiment are as follows: 1. No effect of each of three factors on flowering date was found. 2. Leaf-yellowing and maturing date was quickened on the fertile soil but no effect of fertilization and potash was found. 3. More premature leaf-yellowing was found on the fertile soil. 4. Deeper leaf colour cuss showed on the fertile soil and in the case of fertilization but no effect of potash was found. 5. Increasing tendency of following character: length and width of leaf, height and dia of stem, number of branches and pods; was most remarkable on the fertile soil. Application of fertilizer showed also remarkable tendency of increasing, while increasing tendency of potash was the least. 6. Same tendency was found with following charactors; weight of total plant. stem and shell, and commercial grains, weight of 100 grain and number of commercial grains. 7. As the results of analysis of variance for weight of commerical grain it, was found the teach of the three factors increased soybean yields significantly (weight of commercial grain) but the effect of potash was less than the other two factors. No significant interaction was found among three factors. 8. Greater effect of potash on increasing soybean yields was found on the fertile soil, and in the case of fertilization.

      • KCI등재

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