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      • KCI등재

        中韩襄阳地同名现象考 : 中国移民说”献疑与新解

        류창 순천향대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.36 No.2


      • KCI등재


        류창 중국인문학회 2017 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.65

        This papers reviewed the creation of West Lake poetry in Korea and Japan after the Hangzhou West Lake culture was introduced into both countries. First of all, the article briefly introduces the historical process of the introduction of West Lake culture, and following with the creation of West Lake poetry in Korea and Japan. Then, through the analysis of specific works, the literary image of West Lake poetry in Korea is summarized as "Dream" type and pointing out that the poets used the seek for Lin Bu and his incarnation, the plum blossom, as the main content of their “west lake dreams” which creating its tragic artistic characteristic while the literary image of Japanese West Lake poem is summed as the "Painting" type, content involves Lin Bu, plum, Su Shi and Su Causeway with the characteristic of small and static. Finally, it points out the cultural psychologies behind two types, what hides behind the “Dream” is actually the confucian idea of participation into the society. The West Lake poets in Korean Peninsula revered Lin Bu, a ture hermit, but in fact it’s a way of expressing their politically frustration and painful concerns of the country's destiny. The "Painting" type of Japanese West Lake poetry embodies the ubiquitous sense in their cultures of downsizing, which means by various art reproduction forms, the poets favoured downsizing large, distant, natural objects or landscapes and placed them close to enjoy. The different cultural psychologies of Korean and Japanese West Lake poets finally determined different literary images of their poems.

      • KCI등재

        煙臺의 개항과 東海關의 항구관리

        류창 수선사학회 2011 史林 Vol.0 No.40

        Chefoo is one of the open-port city in China modern time. It is located in the eastern-tip of Shandong peninsular, and offshore across from Korean peninsula. After it was opened in 1861, Chefoo had always been the only trading port in Shandong until Qingdao opened port in 1898. So the research value of Chefoo Open-port is very important both in chinese modern history and exchange history of China and Korea. There were abound of natural resources in Chefoo before it was opened, one may say, it was well suited to open port. But the traffic inconveniences and winter storms strangled the development of Chefoo to a certain extent. Chefoo got its name from the fire tower called "Yantai", then the Chefoo region was called 'Yantai'(but it was called 'Chefoo' in English). Port trading went up after Opium War. And it had already developed into the wealthiest town of Fushanxian before Chefoo was opened, while the port development did not change the economic environment of Chefoo because traditional self-sufficiency production was in a dominant position yet. There were a lot of ports opened after Opium War, but it can not meet Western countries requirements in economic and military needs. Although Dengzhou should be opened after Second Opium War by treaty, because the geographical position and harbour environment of Chefoo was better than Dengzhou's. Qing government consented to western countries requests to Change the open-port from Dengzhou to Chefoo. Then Chefoo was opened in 1861. Chefoo customs that was established immediately after this. It was the first official port management administration in Chefoo history. Then the managing authority of Chefoo customs gradually turned to Westerners. They managed the harbor with the western management methodology, objectively promoting the growth and development of Chefoo.

      • KCI등재


        류창 중국어문연구회 2018 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.90

        This article focuses on the reconstruction process and facts of the literary image of Hangzhou West Lake after it was introduced into the Korean Peninsula. First of all, the second chapter roughly cards the formation of West Lake literary image, and the process of Korean Peninsula’s acceptance. The third chapter discusses its reconstruction process and spiritual essence in terms of poetry, prose and novels. The poetry and prose parts follow the chronological order, and analyze the representative works of each era as the novel part focuses on “Ju Saeng jeon” and “Choe Cheok jeon”. Finally, it is found that the Korean Peninsula literati have reconstructed the “West Lake” as a temporary sanctuary without political struggle and war; the extreme esteem and admiration for Lin Bu is actually a tortuous expression of political appeal. And also, the original vulgar element in Hangzhou West Lake literary has been eliminated, to form a noble and unsullied and graceful image as the West Lake of Elegance. As a result, the image of West Lake literature on Korean Peninsula is quite different from that of Hangzhou West Lake literature.

      • 청(淸) 문물(文物) 인식에 입각한 조선후기 북학파(北學派)의 화이관(華夷觀) 연구

        류창 천진사범대학교 한국문화연구중심 2016 중한언어문화연구 Vol.11 No.-

        華夷觀念在東亞的傳統政治思想中占有重要的地位, 這種觀念長期影響着朝鮮半島。明淸交替后, 以宋時烈爲首的朝鮮義理派主張朝鮮應繼承中華文明, 形成了所謂“朝鮮中華主義”思想, 將淸朝視爲夷狄, 排斥與淸朝文化交流。至18世紀中后期, 隨着兩國交流的日趨活躍, 主張學習淸朝文物制度的北學派産生幷步入興盛。本文在考察明淸交替后朝鮮士大夫華夷認識變化的繼承上, 從北學派對淸朝文物制度的認識入手, 分析闡述了北學派的華夷觀。本文認爲, 北學派表現出了强烈的“中華繼承意識”, 幷强調“尊王攘夷”, 這說明北學派在華夷認識上幷沒有突破朝鮮士大夫階層旣存的認識。然而, 北學派肯定“用夏變夷”的可能性, 幷將其活用爲引進淸朝先進文物的理論基礎, 在這一点上較義理派有所突破。這爲后世朝鮮實學的發展有重要影響, 幷爲淸鮮間文化交流拓寬了道路。

      • KCI등재

        國內, 國際 交易網 속의 煙臺 開港場의 位相(1861〜1910)

        劉暢 한중인문학회 2011 한중인문학연구 Vol.34 No.-

        본 논문에서 煙臺를 연구대상으로 삼은 주된 이유는 煙臺가 산동 근대사와 중국 근대사를 이해하는 데 중요한 지역이며 동아시아에서 중요한 개항장이기 때문이다. 중국 북부 산동지방 에 위치한 煙臺가 중국의 국내, 국제 교역망 속에서의 어떤 역할을 담당하고 있는지 분석함으 로써 근대 개항장 중의 하나인 煙臺의 위상을 파악하는 것이 본고의 주제이다. 고찰을 통해 煙臺가 국내외 각 경제권에 미친 영향을 확인하였다. 煙臺는 중국 남쪽 개항 장에서 수입한 화물을 화북 경제권으로 재수출하는 역할을 하면서 화중 경제권의 양화수출과 토화수출입에서 중계항 역할을 했다. 煙臺와 화남 경제권의 수출입무역은 煙臺港이 중국 남 북교역망에서의 중계항 역할을 하였음을 뚜렷하게 보여준다. 또한, 煙臺 국제무역의 주요 방 향은 煙臺-홍콩 사이의 남북무역으로부터 煙臺-일본 사이의 동서무역으로 바뀌었다. 煙臺는 조청무역에서 가장 중요한 항구로서 산동을 조선 경제권과 연결시켰을 뿐만 아니라 중국 남 쪽의 화중 경제권과 조선 경제권을 연결하는데도 중요한 역할을 하였다. 즉, 煙臺港은 국내 남북무역망과 국제 동서무역망의 교차점에 위치한 중계항이었던 것이다. China opened a large number of ports either initiatively or passively in the modern history. Therefore, a studying of the open ports in China is very necessary in the global trade history and China’s foreign relation history. The reason why this paper selected Yantai as the study object is that Yantai played an important role in the modern history of Shandong province and China. Futhermore, it also played an extremely critical role in the history of the China-Korea relationship. Through analyzing the functions of Yantai in the domestic and international trade network, this paper concluded the characteristics of Yantai as an open port in the modern history. This paper explored the characteristics of Yantai based on the investigation of its position in the domestic and international trade network. Yantai imported goods from southern ports of China and re-exported them to economic circle of north China. Meanwhile, it had a close relationship with Central China economic circle in foreign import and native export. The trade with Southern China well reflected Yantai's re-export role in north-south domestic trade network. Moreover, the major trend of international trade had been changed from north-south trade relationship of Yantai-Hongkong to east-west trade relationship of Yantai-Japan. It clearly showed that Yantai played a bridging role, connecting the north with the south China in the domestic trade network, and meanwhile, it included Korea into the international trade network by utilizing its geographical advantages.

      • KCI등재

        연변 조선족 유아들의 단모음 발음 연구

        류창 한중인문학회 2021 한중인문학연구 Vol.72 No.-

        이 글에서는 연변 지역 조선족 유아들의 단모음 발음 양상을 기술하였다. 연변 지역어의 발음에 대한 연구는 활발하지 않아 아직 보충단계에 머물고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 연변 지 역어의 발음 연구에 기초 자료를 보충하는 데에 의의를 두고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 연변 지역의 현실 발음에 따라 8모음 체계를 기준으로 조선족 유아들의 단 모음 발음 실험을 수행하였다. 단모음 발음 실험에서는 소반, 중반, 대반의 유아에서 남녀 각 각 5명을 선정하여 단모음의 발음 양상을 고찰하였다. 단계별 유아들의 발음 양상을 논의하 기 위하여 연변 지역의 조선족 유아들을 소반, 중반, 대반으로 나누어 살피고 소반, 중반, 대 반의 발음 실태를 기반으로 연변 지역 조선족 유아들의 평균 단모음 포만트 값을 제시하였다. 연변 지역 조선족 유아들의 발음 양상을 보면 단모음 /ㅓ/의 혀의 높낮이가 /ㅗ/의 혀의 높낮이와 비슷한 수평선에 실현되고 있다. 또한 /ㅔ/와 /ㅐ/를 변별하여 발음하지만 두 단모 음의 혀의 전후 위치가 비슷한 수직선에 놓여있다. 이러한 발음 현상이 나타난 주요원인은 연변 지역의 조선족 유아들이 이중 언어 환경에서 중국어의 영향을 받았을 것으로 추정된다. This article describes the pronunciation patterns of Korean-Chinese children in the Yanbian region. The research on the pronunciation of the Yanbian language is still at the supplementary stage. Therefore, this study intends to have significance in complementing literatures. In this study, an experiment was conducted on the actual pronunciation of monophthongs of Korean-Chinese children in the Yanbian region based on the 8-vowel-system. In the experiment, the pronunciation patterns of monophthongs were investigated for 5 boys and 5 girls for each in the first, second, and third grades in a preschool. To discuss the pronunciation patterns of children at each stage, we present the average monophthong formant values based on the pronunciation status of Korean-Chinese children by different preschool grades. In the pronunciation patterns of Korean-Chinese children in the Yanbian region, the tongue height of the monophthong /ㅓ/ is realized close to /ㅗ/. In addition, /ㅔ/ and /ㅐ/was pronounced distinctly, but the distribution of the two monophthongs appeared close. It is presumed that the cause of this pronunciation phenomenon was that Korean-Chinese children in the Yanbian region were influenced by Chinese in a bilingual environment.

      • KCI등재

        연변 조선족 청소년들의 단모음 발음에 대한 실험음성학적 연구

        류창 연세대학교 언어정보연구원 2021 언어사실과 관점 Vol.53 No.-

        This study describes patterns of the monophthong pronunciations of the teenagers in Yanbian, China. Until now, there has been few studies on Korean pronunciation in Yanbian area. Therefore, we expect that the experiment can be part of the supplimental study on pronunciation in Yanbian. We conducted a monophthong pronunciation experiment to the teenagers according to their actual pronunciation data based on the 8-vowel system. The experiment was conducted on 60 middle school students and 30 high school students. The average monophthong Formant value was revealed based on the real-world pronunciation status of each grade. One notable result on the pronouncing patterns of the teenagers in the Yanbian region is that the monophthong “-eu(ㅡ)” is located in the position of middle vowels. Although they pronounce “-e(ㅔ)” and “-ae(ㅐ)” discriminately, the positional distribution of the two monophthongs is close. In addition, the tongue positions of “-u(ㅜ)”, “-o(ㅗ)” are located similarly. This pattern seems to have occurred due to a certain degree of influence and interference from the Chinese Putonghua .

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