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      • KCI등재

        Inflammatory Gene Expression Patterns Revealed by DNA Microarray Analysis in TNF-α-treated SGBS Human Adipocytes

        도명술,정헌순,최봉혁,Leif Hunter,Stuart Langley,Laszlo Pazmany,Paul Trayhurn 연세대학교의과대학 2006 Yonsei medical journal Vol.47 No.5

        We report here the use of human inflammation arrays to study the inflammatory gene expression profile of TNF-α- treated human SGBS adipocytes. Human preadipocytes (SGBS) were induced to differentiate in primary culture, and adipocyte differentiation was confirmed, using Oil Red O staining. We treated the differentiated adipocytes with TNF-α, and RNA from differentiated adipocytes with or without TNF-α treatment was hybridized to MWG human inflammation arrays to compare expression profiles. Eleven genes were up- or down-regulated in TNF-α-treated adipocytes. As revealed by array analysis, among 6 up-regulated genes, only eotaxin-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 isoform a precursor (VCAM1) were confirmed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Similarly, among 5 down-regulated genes, only IL-1 family member 5 (IL1F5), a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs-1 preproprotein (ADAMTS1), fibronectin 1 isoform 1 preprotein (FN1), and matrix metalloproteinase 15 preprotein (MMP15) were confirmed by real-time PCR. There was a substantial increase (50-fold) in eotaxin-1 in response to TNF-α. Taken together, we have identified several inflammatory molecules expressed in SGBS adipocytes and discovered molecular factors explaining the relationship between obesity and atherosclerosis, focusing on inflammatory cytokines expressed in the TNF-α-treated SGBS cells. Further investigation into the role of these up- or down-regulated cytokine genes during the pathological processes leading to the development of atherosclerosis is warranted.

      • HHD Mice를 이용한 대장암세포유래 펩타이드 특이적 CD8+ T 세포의 입양전이

        도명술,정헌순,안인숙,도형기,Francois A. Lemonnier,Boaz Tirosh,Esther Tzehoval,Ezra Vadai,Lea Eisenbach 대한면역학회 2004 Immune Network Vol.4 No.1

        Background: 1-8D gene is a member of human 1-8 interferon inducible gene family and is shown to be overexpressed in fresh colon cancer tissues. Three peptides 1-6, 3-5 and 3-7 derived from 1-8D gene were shown to have immunogenicity against colon cancer. Methods: To study tumor immunotherapy of these peptides we established an adoptive transfer model. Db / β2 microglobulin (β2m) null mice transgenic for a chimeric HLA-A2.1/Db-β2m single chain (HHD mice) were immunized with irradiated peptide-loaded RMA-S/HHD/B7.1 transfectants. Spleens were removed after last immunization, and splenocytes were re-stimulated in vitro. Lymphocytes from vaccinated HHD mice were transferred together with IL-2 to the tumor bearing nude mice that were challenged S.C. with the HCT/HHD/B7 colon carcinoma cell line that was found to grow in these mice. Results: Peptide 3-5 was found to be highly effective in CTL activity. Adoptively transferred anti-peptide 3-5 cytolytic T lymphocytes caused significant retardation in tumor growth. Conclusion: This study shows that peptide 3-5 can be the most effective candidate for the vaccine of adoptive immunotherapy against colon cancer. (Immune Network 2004;4(1):31-37)

      • KCI등재

        Increased Lipolytic Activity by High-pungency Red Pepper Extract (var. Chungyang) in Rat Adipocytes in vitro

        도명술,홍성의,하정헌,최선미,안인숙,윤지영,박건영 한국식품영양과학회 2004 Preventive Nutrition and Food Science Vol.9 No.1

        High-pungency red pepper and capsaicin modulate circulating hormone levels and induce lipolysis in adipose tissue in vivo. This study was designed to investigate the lipolytic activity of adipocytes by high- pungency red pepper extract in vitro. High-pungency red pepper (var. Chungyang) powder showed 126.1 mg% of capsaicinoid which was 3 x higher than low-pungency red pepper powder (var. Daemyung). To study the effects of high-pungency red pepper extract on lipolytic activity, preadipocytes were separated from the epidermal fat of 14 day-old rats, induced to differentiate into adipocytes and were treated with red pepper extracts. The amount of glycerol released from adipocytes into the culture medium was analysed to measure lipolytic activity. Glycerol release from adipocytes was increased in a dose-dependent manner with high-pungency red pepper extract treatment. However, there was no significant change in the glycerol release when adipocytes were treated with low-pungency red pepper extract. To investigate whether lipolysis by high-pungency red pepper extract is caused by capsaicin, glycerol release was detected after the treatment of adipocytes with capsaicin. Glycerol release was significantly increased by capsaicin. These results suggest that high-pungency red pepper extract might have a direct lipolytic activity in adipocytes that is mediated by capsaicin.

      • KCI등재

        BAFF knockout improves systemic inflammation via regulating adipose tissue istribution in high-fat diet-induced obesity

        김도환,도명술 생화학분자생물학회 2015 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.47 No.-

        Obesity is recognized as a chronic low-grade inflammatory state due to adipose tissue expansion being accompanied by an increase in the production of proinflammatory adipokines. Our group is the first to report that B-cell-activating factor (BAFF) is produced from adipocytes and functions as a proinflammatory adipokine. Here, we investigated how loss of BAFF influenced diet-induced obesity in mice by challenging BAFF− / − mice with a high-fat diet for 10 weeks. The results demonstrated that weight gain in BAFF− / − mice was 430% than in control mice, with a specific increase in the fat mass of the subcutaneous region rather than the abdominal region. Expression of lipogenic genes was examined by quantitative real-time PCR, and increased lipogenesis was observed in the subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), whereas lipogenesis in the epididymal adipose tissue (EAT) was reduced. A significant decrease in EAT mass resulted in the downregulation of inflammatory gene expression in EAT, and more importantly, overall levels of inflammatory cytokines in the circulation were reduced in obese BAFF− / − mice. We also observed that the macrophages recruited in the enlarged SAT were predominantly M2 macrophages. 3T3-L1 adipocytes were cultured with adipose tissue conditioned media (ATCM), demonstrating that EAT ATCM from BAFF− / − mice contains antilipogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. Taken together, BAFF− / − improved systemic inflammation by redistributing adipose tissue into subcutaneous regions. Understanding the mechanisms by which BAFF regulates obesity in a tissue-specific manner would provide therapeutic opportunities to target obesity-related chronic diseases.

      • KCI등재후보

        Antiobesity Effect of Kochujang (Korean Fermented Red Pepper Paste) Extract in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes

        안인숙,도명술,Su-Ok Kim,정헌순,Young-In Kim,Hye-Jung Kim,박건영 한국식품영양과학회 2006 Journal of medicinal food Vol.9 No.1

        Kochujang (Korean fermented red pepper paste) is a mixture of fermented soybeans, wheat, and red pepperpowder. Kochujanghas been reported to reduce body fat gain and lipid levels of adipose tissues and serum in rats. We stud-ied the inhibitory effect of Kochujang on lipid accumulation and investigated the molecular mechanism of the action in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by measuring the expression levels of adipocyte-specific genes by real-time reverse transcription-polymerasechain reaction. When 3T3-L1 adipocytes were treated with Kochujangextract (KE), the sizes of adipocytes and leptin secre-tion were decreased. Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) was transcriptionally up-regulated at 4 hours, and glycerol secretion wasincreased at both 4 hours and 24 hours. Moreover, mRNA expression levels of both sterol regulatory element-binding protein1-c (SREBP-1c) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-. (PPAR-.), which are critical transcription factors for adi-pogenesis, were markedly down-regulated. Tumor necrosis factor-. (TNF-.) is reported to impair pre-adipocyte differentia-tion and induce lipolysis and apoptosis. KE treatment of 3T3-L1 adipocytes decreased TNF-. mRNA levels, but had no ap-parent affect on apoptosis. Taken together, our study shows that Kochujangdecreased lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 adipocytesby inhibiting adipogenesis through down-regulation of SREBP-1c and PPAR-. and by stimulation of lipolysis due to increasedHSL activity. TNF-. might not be involved in the reduction of lipid accumulation by KE.

      • 생명복제에 대한 기독교적 고찰

        현창기,도명술 통합연구학회 1999 통합연구 Vol.12 No.1-2

        Today, scientific technology has become an essential part of human beings' everyday lives and is affecting him in every aspect. With the discovery of the three-dimensional structure of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953, the life science started to take the central place in scientific development and initiated the emergence of a new field of science, molecular biology. The development of life science made us understand the physiological phenomena underlying some of the major human diseases such as aging, cancer, AIDS, and brain diseases. The successful cloning of sheep, Dolly, using the technique of developmental biology and genetic engineering brought about a big change in the conventional scientific concept that the nucleus of a differentiated cell cannot reverse its genetic ability like that of an undifferentiated cell which has totipotency for full development. The birth of Dolly also brought immediate response and worry that the same technique might be used to clone a human being. The people of this modern era have been watching the fast development of the life science and are amazed by its power and usefulness. However, they also fear its seemingly endless potential. Scientific development has tow faces, giving two opposite effects on our lives. It improves the quality of our lives in one hand and destructs the foundation on the other hand. why did God allow men to develop science? why did He commend us to "be fruitful and increase in number: fill the earth and subdue it"? Here we discuss the Christian perspective on the current issue of life-cloning. We also mention about the roles of religious idolatry and philosophical concepts such as naturalism and progressivism that have settled in our consciousness and have instigated human beings to manipulate life and clone it on their own. And finally, we discuss about the roles and attitudes of Christians and Christian scientists who are living in this age of science and technology.

      • KCI등재

        동성애의 선천성을 옹호하는 최근 주장들에 대한 반박

        길원평,도명술,이명진,이세일,임완기,정병갑,최현림 기독교학문연구회 2017 신앙과 학문 Vol.22 No.3

        동성애의 선천성을 주장하는 연구 결과들이 지속적으로 발표되며 관련 논리들이 제시되고 있다. 본 논문은 먼저 동성애의 선천성을 주장하는 기존의 연구 결과들을, 즉 유전자, 두뇌, 태아기의 호르몬 이상, 형 효과 등에 대한 연구 결과들을 요약한 후에, 이를 반박하는 논문들과 반론들을 소개하였다. 그리고는 동성애의 선천성을 주장하는 최근의 연구 결과들과 논리들을, 즉 동성애 유발 유전자, 후생유전학적 요인, 제3의 성, 기타 주장 등을 고찰한 후에, 이에 대한 반론을 제시하였다. 또한 동성애의 선천성을 반박하는 연구 결과들과 논리들을 소개하였으며, 동성애는 자신의 선택에 의하지 않고 형성된다는 주장과 동성애와 이성애 모두 후천적인 취향이라는 주장을 반박하였다. 마지막으로 동성애 관련 연구 결과의 잦은 번복 이유도 살펴보았다. 결론적으로 선천적인 영향에 의해 동성애를 어쩔 수 없이 할 수밖에 없다는 주장에 대한 과학적 근거는 없다. Articles and logics to claim the homosexuality inherence are continuously presented. This article summarized the pre-existing results to claim the homosexuality inherence, such as the gene, the brain, the prenatal hormone, and the brother effect, and presented the refuting results and logics. Then, this article reviewed the recent results and logics to claim the homosexuality inherence, such as the gene, the epigenetic factors, the third gender, and the other claims, and presented the counter arguments. Then, this article presented the results and logics to refute the homosexuality inherence, a claim that homosexuality was not developed by choice, and a claim that both homosexuality and heterosexuality were the acquired taste. In conclusion, there is no scientific evidence about the claim that the homosexuality is inevitably developed by the natural effects.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        체중조절 기전과 항비만 기능성물질

        안인숙,박건영,도명술,Ahn, In-Sook,Park, Kun-Young,Do, Myoung-Sool 한국식품영양과학회 2007 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.36 No.4

        The obese population has been increasing worldwide and obesity has become one of the socioeconomic problems. Obesity raises more concerns as more studies regarding its direct and indirect relativity to several diseases such as type II diabetes, hypertension, etc. are published. Since leptin, an important signal in the chronic control of food intake and energy expenditure, was discovered in 1994, there has been a great accumulation of knowledge on fighting obesity by facilitating pharmacological and nutritional strategies on the molecular level of the body weight control system. In particular, evidences are accumulating that particular food components affect our physiological function and gene expressions which are associated with body weight control. In this study, we review the four mechanisms for weight control and antiobesity functional agents such as HCA, L-carnitine, CLA, chitosan, calcium supplements capsaicin contained in red pepper, and oriental herbal mixture. We also describe about the efficacy and working mechanism of these functional agents on the basis of antiobesity mechanisms.

      • KCI등재

        B-cell-activating factor is a regulator of adipokines and a possible mediator between adipocytes and macrophages

        김미영,김도환,도명술 생화학분자생물학회 2013 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.45 No.1

        3T3-L1 adipocytes express the B-cell-activating factor (BAFF) and three different BAFF receptors (BAFF-Rs). Furthermore,BAFF expression is regulated by inflammatory modulators, such as tumor necrosis factor-a and rosiglitazone. Here we investigated the function of BAFF in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages. We examined adipokine expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes treated with 10 ng ml1 BAFF. We also examined inflammatory molecule expression in RAW 264.7macrophages treated with 10 or 100 ng ml1 BAFF. We examined BAFF expression in the coculture of 3T3-L1 adipocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages, as well as in white adipose tissue (WAT) of diet-induced obese (DIO) mice. We found that BAFF decreases leptin and adiponectin expression, but increases the expression of proinflammatory adipokines monocyte chemotactic protein-1, interleukin-6 (IL-6), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and haptoglobin. Coculturing the two cell types resulted in increased BAFF mRNA and protein expression, as well as modulation of BAFF-R mRNA expression in both cell types. These data indicate that BAFF might mediate adipocyte and macrophage interaction. When RAW 264.7 macrophages were treated with BAFF,BAFF-R expression was modulated as in coculture, and nitric oxide synthase and IL-6 expression increased. BAFF expression also increased in WAT of DIO mice. We propose that BAFF can regulate adipokine expression and possibly mediate adipocyte and macrophage interaction.

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