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      • KCI등재후보

        조선후기 '西學中國源流說'의 전개와 그 성격

        盧大煥(Roh Dae-Hwan) 역사학회 2003 역사학보 Vol.178 No.-

        The "Chinese Origin" theorem was originated in the end Ming when Seohak(西學) was actively transmitted to China. It insisted that Western science was actually the result of Chinese science that was passed on to the Western world. The theorem was systemized by the Chinese scholar Mei Wending(梅文鼎). Since it was adopted as a logic to receive the Western mechanical first by Seo Myong-Ung(徐命膺) in the late 18th century, the "Chinese Origin" theorem played important roles in Chosun too until the end of 19th century, concerning the reception of Sohak. While it was used as a logic to receive Seohak in China, it had another role to work as a logic against Seohak in Chosun. Regardless this difference, however, the "Chinese Origin" theorem was basically adopted as a logic to receive Western science and technology. But on the whole, the theorem was a far-fetched opinion and had to receive lots of criticism in its beginning. Among the criticism, though, it did play a positive role to give one the chance to look back on one's own tradition before receiving Western science and thus to prepare the public for the foreignness of the foreign civilization. The theorem was usually used as a logic in favor of reception of Western civilization until the middle 19th century when Chosun opened its ports to world powers. Since then it started to lose its base in the country. One of the few traces left of it was an argument made by Kim Yun-Sik(金允植) saying that the knowledge of the previous king and the new Western knowledge were based on the same principle. It was only natural that the persuasive power of the "Chinese Origin" theorem grew weaker as more and more of Western science was understood in Chosun. The rate of its losing power was rather quick compared to the situation of China of the times where the theorem enjoyed its prosperity. The different trend of Chosun to that of China seems to have been related to the way theorists of combining the Eastern ways of morality and the Western mechanical spared little philosophical consideration of the concept of ToGi(道器) and thus had little chance to realize the logical inconsistency of the theorem of combining the Eastern ways of morality and the Western mechanical techniques(東道西器論). As a result, the "Chinese Origin" theorem declined But it's influence wasn't lost completely.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        조선 후기 서양세력의 접근과 海洋觀의 변화

        노대환(Roh Dae-Hwan) 한국사연구회 2003 한국사연구 Vol.123 No.-

        Although Korea had been in deep connection with the ocean, its marine activities began to shrink rapidly since the Koryo Dynasty and were almost discontinued in the Chosun Dynasty. Interest in the lost-forgotten ocean was revived with the introduction of world maps and various geographical books from the Western world in the 17th century. Curiosity evolved into interest and further into argument for commercial relations with southern district of China by the northern learning group in the late 18th century. While the group supported commercial relations they, on the other side, maintained the sense of balance in preparation for emergency that might happen. As men of power exercised their authorities with turning the 19th century argument for marine trade was daunted in general, but some intellectuals such as Lee Gyu-gyeong and Choi Han-gi insisted on marine trade more aggressively than on commercial relations with southern countries. However, their view had limitations in that they saw Western powers with a too optimistic eye. This shows that the sense of balance held by the northern learning group was being lost. Turning the 1840s, a sense of impending crisis against Western powers was heightened, which daunted the argument for marine trade and instead resulted in the emergence of an argument for maritime defense aiming at stopping the advance of Western powers. The leaders of argument for maritime defense were those who inherited the theory of northern learning such as Park Gyu-su and Nam Byeong-cheol. Entering upon the 19th century, interest in commercial trade and that in maritime defense were separated from each other and only one of the two tended to be emphasized, which was unfortunate from the viewpoint of maritime history. It was only after the opening of ports when the ocean was viewed from the viewpoints of both commercial trade and military defense. Military interest was dominant at the beginning, but later interest in marine trade was heightened rapidly with the understanding that military power must be preceded by economic power, which made the government execute policies pursuing both national prosperity and defense related to the ocean. However, such efforts were frustrated by Qing's policy of annexing Chosun as one of its federal states, and Chosun had to depend on Qing for its maritime defense. It was a great blunder for Chosun to put maritime defense in Qing's hand. Taking advantage of this, the Qing Dynasty held a militarily dominant position in the Korean Peninsula and strengthened its plunder in economic sectors. Qing's military and economic dominance in Chosun amplified conflict between China and Japan surrounding the Korean Peninsula, which exploded into the Sino-Japanese War. It was a matter of course that Chosun's strategy for liberation ended in vain with the defeat of Qing.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        정조대 서양 과학기술의 수용과 정조의 서학 정책

        노대환 한림대학교 태동고전연구소 2005 泰東古典硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        과학기술 분야에서 18세기 후반은 서양 과학기술에 대한 관심이 확산되면서 이전과는 다른 새로운 움직임이 모색되는 시기였다. 서양의 과학적 성과를 검토하여 수용하는 지식인들이 늘어나면서 서양의 과학기술 성과를 체계적으로 수용해야 한다는 주장도 제기되었다. 이러한 움직임은 서양의 과학적 성과가 일차적으로 검토된 정조대에 들어 특히 활발하였다. 정조 또한 개인적으로 과학기술 분야에 적지 않은 관심을 가지고 있었으므로 중요한 성과를 기대할 수도 있었다. 하지만 실제로는 과학기술을 진홍시키기 위한 체계적·조직적인 조치가 따르지 못했으며 그 결과 구체적인 성과도 도출되지 못하였다. 그 원인은 다음의 두 지였다. 하나는 천주교의 확산에 따라 척사론이 고조되고 있었다는 점이다. 서양 과학기술에 대한 관심이 천주교가 확산되는 것은 당연한 것이었다. 지식인들은 종교와 분리하여 과학기술만을 선택적으로 수용할 수 있을 것으로 보았고 정조 또한 그러한 관점에서 정책을 추진하려 하였지만 당시의 분위기에서 정조의 의도가 관철되기란 매우 어려운 것이었다. 서양 과학기술에 대한 관심을 천주교 신봉과 동일시하는 분위기가 팽배해져 종교와 과학을 분리하려는 정책은 실효를 거두기 힘들었다. 다른 하나는 정조의 이중적 태도였다. 과학기술 분야에 관심은 있었지만 정조에게 최우선은 경학이었다. 정조에게 과학기술은 관심의 대상이기는 해도 언제나 경학에 종속되어야 하는 것이었으며 반드시 진흥시켜야 할 이유가 있는 것도 아니었다. 그러한 이유로 18세기 이래 지식인들 사이에서 과학기술에 대한 관심이 꾸준히 확산되어 갔음에도 불구하고 체계화, 조직화될 기회를 갖지 못한채 개인적인 관심 수준에 그치고 말았다. 이처럼 한계는 있었지만 개인적인 차원에서나마 서양 과학기술에 대한 관심이 확산될 수 있었던 것은 중요한 의미가 있다. 서양 과학기술에 대한 관심은 조선 학계에서 제기되고 있던 학문적 반성과 밀접한 관련을 맺고 있는 것이었기 때문이다. 그로 인해 당장 해당 분야의 성과가 도출되지 않았다고 해도 서양 과학기술에 대한 관심의 확산은 조선 사회 전반에 중요한 변화를 초래할 가능성이 큰 것이었다. 이러한 중요한 의미를 갖는 서양 과학기술에 대한 관심이 정조의 관용적인 서학정책에 크게 힘 입은 것은 물론이다. In the field of science and technology, the late 18th century was the time that the interest in the Western science and technology was increasing and a new movement different from previous times was searched for. As the number of the intellects who examined and accepted the scientific achievement of the West was growing. there was also an emerging argument that the achievement of the Western science and technology should systematically be accepted. This movement was especially active from the beginning of the period of King Chongjo when the scientific achievement of the West was primarily examined. King Chongjo was also no less interested in the field of science and technology individually, thus, an important accomplishment could be expected. However, systematic and organizational actions were not actually followed to promote science and technology. As a result, no specific achievement was not drawn. The reasons for this were the following two: One reason was that as Catholicism spread, the discussion over a boycott against the West was escalating. It was natural that the interest in the Western science and technology helped the expansion of Catholicism The intellects saw that it was possible to select only science and technology separately from the religion. King Jeong-jo also tried to drive his policies from this point of view. However, it was very hard to carry through King Chongjo's purpose under the circumstances of those days. There was an overflowing atmosphere that the interest in the Western science and technology was identified with the faith in Catholicism. Thus, it was hard for the policy that tried to separate religion from science to give satisfactory results. The other was King Chongjo's double-faced attitude. Although he was interested in the field of science and technology, the priority to him was the classical learning[經學]. To King Chongjo, science and technology were an object of interest. Yet, it always had to be subject to the classical learning and there was no reason for him to necessarily promote it. For these reasons, despite the interest in science and technology has been steadily growing among the intellects since the 18th century, it ended up with the level of individual interest without any chance to be systemized and organized. Although there was limitation like this, it is significant that the interest in the Western science and technology could spread even at an individual level, since that interest is closely associated with the reflection of learning that emerged in the academic circles of the Chosun Dynasty. Even if it did not draw any achievement of that field, the spread of the interest in the Western science and technology had a huge possibility to cause an important change across the Chosun society. It is no doubt that the interest in the Western science and technology that has such an important meaning owes much to King Chongjo's generous policy of the Western learning.

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