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      • KCI등재

        측면 에어 가이드 트랙을 이용한 새로운 운동마찰계수 측정장치의 개발

        남형주 한국공학교육학회 2018 공학교육연구 Vol.21 No.3

        In this study, a new experimental device was developed for measurement of the coefficient of kinetic friction using a photo gate timer system which have advantages of easy and accurate detection of motion. This device, consisting of a side air-guide track and a side friction-free glider, forces a friction sample to move in a straight line without producing unnecessary friction. The new device is compared to two conventional measuring methods of friction for four different friction samples: one is using a camera system and the other is using a force sensor. It is demonstrated that the developed friction device in this study is easier to operate and produces the most accurate and the least deviating results among them. On the basis of these results, we propose that friction experiment using the new friction device is included in general physics experiment, so that engineering students should have a chance to get correct understanding of classical mechanics including friction phenomenon.

      • KCI등재

        5G 통신을 위한 뉴 웨이브폼 전송기술

        남형주,최수용 에스케이텔레콤 (주) 2015 Telecommunications Review Vol.25 No.6

        최근 5세대 통신시대를 위한 new waveform 기반의 새로운 전송기술에 관해 세계적으로 다양한 연구가 진행되고있다. 본 논문에서는 최근 연구되고 있는 new waveform 전송기술 및 다중 접속기술의 동향에 대해 살펴본다. 5세대통신시대의 요구사항에 대하여 살펴보고 이러한 요구사항을 만족하기 위한 new waveform 전송기술인 FBMC, GFDM, UFMC 각 기술들의 구조 및 특징들을 비교한다. 또한 FBMC의 문제점이었던 OQAM 변조의 한계점을 극복한 FBMC-QAM 시스템을 제안한다. 마지막으로 5세대 시스템을 위하여 고려되고 있는 다중 접속기술에 대하여살펴보고 기존의 다중 접속 기법에서 발전하여 new waveform 특성을 반영한 새로운 multiple-access 기법의 개념을살펴본다.

      • KCI등재

        측정을 목적으로 시료에 변형을 가하지 않아도 되는 새로운관성모멘트 실험 장치의 개발

        남형주 한국공학교육학회 2020 공학교육연구 Vol.23 No.3

        A new moment of inertia experiment apparatus different from the existing one has been developed, which does not require deformationof a sample in order to fix it to the apparatus. This new experiment apparatus was able to experiment with constant-shaped objectsthat did not deform the samples, so that it enabled them for conducting an experiment which is close to an ideal rigid model dealtin the general physics course. The new experimental apparatus was easy and accurate in measuring the physical quantity by using theexperimental principle of physical pendulum. In the results of the measurement of the moments of inertia of the six samples, all measurementswere made to be accurate enough to measure with very small errors within 1%. In addition, it has been found to be useful as anexperiment apparatus to understand the concept of the moment of inertia and to prove the formula for moment of inertia. Therefore,if the new moment of inertia experiment apparatus developed in this study is used in students' experiments, it is expected that studentswill be able to greatly increase their understanding of the concept of moment of inertia.

      • KCI등재

        시료의 직선 운동이 가능한 마찰 계수 측정 실험 장치의 개발

        남형주 한국물리학회 2016 새물리 Vol.66 No.7

        A new experimental apparatus for friction, which enables easy and accurate calculation of the coefficient of kinetic friction by measuring the acceleration of a sample with a small error, has been developed. For this purpose, a friction track of optimum size and function, on which the guide rail was mounted so as to allow the sample to move linearly, was manufactured. Also, a glider that could move along this guide rail was manufactured. In addition, a photogate stand and a stanchion that work well without adjusting the photogate height or the angle for measuring the glider's acceleration were designed, and an easy way to attach and detach the sample to the bottom of the glider by using velcro tape was developed. Consequently, the coefficients of kinetic friction obtained from the new experimental apparatus were constant even for several experimental conditions: different angles or masses. 마찰 시료의 운동 가속도를 매우 작은 편차로 쉽고 정확하게 측정하여 운동 마찰 계수를 구할 수 있는 마찰 실험 장치를 개발하였다. 이를 위해 마찰 시료의 운동을 직선으로 제어할 수 있는 가이드 레일을 부착한 효율적인 크기와 기능의 마찰실험대를 제작하였다. 그리고 이 가이드 레일을 따라 운동할 수 있는 글라이더를 만들었다. 또한, 마찰실험대의 어떠한 경사각에서도 글라이더의 가속도를 측정하기 위한 포토게이트의 높이와 기울임의 조절이 필요 없는 편리한 새로운 포토게이트 스탠드와 지지대를 제작하였으며, 벨크로 테잎을 이용해 마찰 시료를 글라이더 바닥에 쉽게 탈 부착할 수 있는 방법을 개발하였다. 그리고 이 마찰 실험 장치로 각도와 질량의 조건을 달리하며 실험한 여러 실험에서 운동 마찰 계수는 상당히 일정한 값으로 측정되었다.

      • KCI등재

        공학계열 대학 신입생의 물리 개념 이해수준의 탐색

        남형주(Nam, Hyoung joo),문공주(Mun, Kong ju) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2016 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.16 No.4

        본 연구는 공학계열 학과에 진학한 학생들의 일반물리 학업 역량 부족 현황을 실질적으로 파악하고자 한 것이다. 이에 2013년부터 2015년까지 3년간 공학계열에 진학한 대학 신입생 1979명을 대상으로 진단평가를 실시하였다. 진단평가는 고등학교 물리 교육과정을 통해 학습한 내용을 확인하는 것으로, 본 진단 평가에서 성취도가 낮은 학생은 앞으로 대학에서의 일반물리학 강의를 이수하는 데 어려움이 있을 것으로 판단하였다. 연구 결과 공학계열 신입생들은 ‘구심력’, ‘돌림힘’, ‘충격량’, ‘운동 에너지’, ‘뉴턴의 운동 제 1법칙’, ‘솔레노이드’와 ‘패러데이 법칙’, ‘전기장’, ‘전기력’, ‘전류에 의한 자기장’, ‘아인슈타인의 업적’, ‘방사선’, ‘온도’에서 비교적 낮은 이해도를 보였다. 전공에 따른 진단평과 결과는 기계공학과 전자전기공학 전공의 학생들이 가장 높은 개념 이해도를 나타내었으며, 그 다음으로는 화학신소재, 컴퓨터, 건축 전공의 학생들의 개념 이해도가 서로 유사하였다. 사회시스템 전공이 가장 낮은 평균 을 나타내었다. 또한 남학생의 평균이 여학생의 평균보다 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 기초물리 교과목에서 학생들의 기초학업능력 수준에 따른 교육과정의 개발 및 도입의 필요성을 제기하고자 한다. This study aimed to understand engineering students’ low academic competency on learning physics. The total number of 1979 engineering freshman students, who entered at university from 2013 to 2015, participated in this study. We developed and conducted diagnostic assessment exam. The exam involved physics concepts what students have learned from regular curriculum until their high school. We assumed that the students who get low achievement of this diagnostic assessment will have difficulty in general physics courses. The results showed that engineering students have relatively low understanding of physics concepts such as ‘centripetal force’, ‘torque’, ‘impulse’, ‘kinetic energy’, ‘Newton s first law of motion’, ‘solenoid’, ‘Faraday’s law’, ‘electric field’, ‘electric force’, ‘magnetic field created by current’, ‘Einstein’s work’, ‘radiation’, and ‘temperature’. We also compared means between groups of major and gender. Mechanical engineering major and electronic electrics engineering major students showed the highest achievement. The next high achievement groups were chemistry and new material engineering major, computer engineering major, and architecture engineering major. The students of social system engineering major showed the lowest achievement for last three years between six majors. We also found that male students scored higher than female student in physics concept exam in this study. Based on these results, we suggested that curriculum of engineering college should reformed and redesigned by considering of level based instruction in order to support engineering students learning difficulties in general physics courses.

      • KCI등재

        강유전자성체 YMnO₃의 스토너 불안정성

        남형주(Hyoung Joo Nam),정태성(Tae Seong Jeong) 한국자기학회 2019 韓國磁氣學會誌 Vol.29 No.6

        The Stoner criterion is very useful to find out the magnetic structure of a ferroelectromagnetic compound YMnO₃. For the non-spin polarized case, the calculations shows that the Fermi level of YMnO₃ is located in the region of a large peak of the density of states, which suggests a Stoner instability of non-magnetic state. The calculated IN(E<SUB>F</SUB>) of YMnO₃ is 1.08, which implies that YMnO₃ has a Stoner instability. Therefore YMnO₃ favors a magnetic state rather than non-magnetic one. The calculation of electronic structure of YMnO₃ shows that the Mn 3d orbitals and O 2p orbitals are located near the Fermi level and especially Mn 3d states play more important roles for the electromagnetic properties of this compound. The magnetic moment of this compound from local density approximation (LDA) calculation is 3.3µ<SUB>B</SUB>, which is very close with that of experimental results. In 3d transition metals the d electrons are itinerant, therefore the magnetic properties come from the 3d electron bands.

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