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      • KCI등재

        미세먼지 저감을 위한 사업장 내 녹지공간 조성에 대한 적용 및 실현 가능성 연구 - 여수 국가산업단지 입주기업을 대상으로 -

        남진보 ( Nam¸ Jinvo ),배현미 ( Bae¸ Hyun-mi ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2021 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.33 No.3

        There are long-lasting concerns on particulate matters(PM) which deliver negative health and social issues, in particular areas such as industrial complexes. These areas should be prioritised for employees and local people. Accordingly government-centred schemes which seek to alleviate PM and other air noxious substances have been conducted, but these did not reach the construction stages in many cases. This is because of not enough governance processes which share acceptable and feasible issues with such stakeholder perceptions in relating with industry complexes. This study therefore tries to determine the acceptability and feasibility of PM alleviation based on the perceptions of business places conducted by public hearings and on-site interviews. These are analysed by qualitative methods Nvivo and theme-based approaches. Results showed that several key issues were found which are maintenance-related issues, and those pertaining to decision-making and cost & budget. In terms of acceptability and feasibility, four main issues (general perceptions, decision-making, potential sites and legal review) in an acceptability context and another four issues (cost & budget, maintenance, labour & skills, and economic effectiveness) in a feasibility context were drawn up. According to the ranked correlation cluster between the issues, two primary issues (general percpetions and decision-making) in acceptability and single issues (cost & budget) in feasibility dominated the other issues. Importantly, project map analysis revealed that the correlation between the two main concepts (acceptability and feasibility) found that some issues drawn in this study in both acceptability and feasibility had cross correlations meaning that understanding these issues in the context of correlation could improve both acceptability and feasibility. This study therefore proposed two considerations which are firstly actively governance-formed via private-public-academia partnerships and the suitability analysis was based on the correlation between acceptability and feasibility. This will help improve the acceptability and feasibility of the schemes in related to particulate matters, ultimately contributing to people's health in industry complexes and local areas.

      • KCI등재

        플레이스 킵핑 개념을 통한 장기적 도서 경관관리의 시사점 -영국 Isle of Wight 시의 정책 사례를 중심으로-

        남진보 ( Nam Jinvo ),오창송 ( Oh Chang-song ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2021 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.33 No.1

        Currently, the islands of Korea have been neglected due to the contradictory policy-making of various national institutions. The law has raised the status of the islands, but the national land development policy excluded marine development. This caused the issue of the imbalanced development of the country and issues when considering improving the quality of life of residents living on the islands. Reflecting this point, this study reviewed Korean island-related laws and analyzed the island landscape management policy of the island municipality of the Isle of Wight, UK. In addition, the concept of place-keeping, which allows the analysis of long-term policy operations in the public sector as an analytical framework for the purpose of this study, was divided into policies, resources, governance, partnerships, assessments, and maintenance. The analysis of domestic island laws distinguishes the type in the context of island development and conservation, but it focuses only on regulations on restrictions on behavior and visual landscape assessment by photography. In contrast, the district of the Isle of Wight in the United Kingdom has been building a long-term island landscape management system in line with the concept of place-keeping. First of all, various laws centered on the National Planning Policy Framework promoted legal support to present the necessary directions for the island and coastal management. Second, the local government sought to expand various tax revenues to finance the island's landscape management. Third, local governments institutionalized partnerships to establish a sharing system to create public infrastructure with private developers. Fourth, local governments have formed multilateral community networks, reflecting the nature of UK. governance that involves decision-making participation and authority responsibility. In addition, various evaluation indicators for island landscape management were established and monitored continuously, and project plans considering the historical environment and biodiversity were accompanied for sustainable maintenance. This analysis of island landscape management policies on the Isle of Wight summarizes the implications of (1) establishing integrated management plans with central and local governments, (2) attempting to raise funds, (3) contributing to private landscape management, (4) expanding community infrastructure and expertise, and (5) developing monitoring indicators.

      • KCI등재

        Determining Correlation between Experiences of a Sensory Courtyard and DAS (Depression, Anxiety and Stress)

        남진보(Jinvo Nam),김근호(Keunho Kim) 인간식물환경학회 2021 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Background and objective: There is growing concern about the effects of modern society on mental health, coming with Covid-19-related caveats on depression, anxiety, and stress (DAS). This can be a subject to provide alternative methods which alleviate DAS. In line with this context, sensory gardens are widely acknowledged to stimulate the five major senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell) and can have a significant (positive) impact on mental health. However, there is limited empirical evidence on the effect of these gardens with regard to alleviating DAS - particularly with respect to urban society This is a gab in knowledge how such limits can be addressed. Accordingly, this present study is clearly needed in order to verify if there are any correlations between sensory gardens and (positive) effects on DAS. The aim of this study was therefore to understand current levels of DAS in a high density building with a sensory garden in a courtyard and determine correlations between experiences in the sensory courtyard and levels of DAS. Methods: The Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) was employed to test the level of DAS. Results: Additionally, 13 different factors associated with experiences in the building, including the stimulation of the five major senses in the sensory courtyard, were measured to reveal their contribution to mitigating depression, anxiety, and stress. It is noted that the average levels of DAS were 7.91, 7.77 and 9.01 respectively indicating that the mental health of participants requires mental health management. However, results show that factors associated with the sensory courtyard could improve mental health. For example, new social relationships, walking with colleagues, and the stimulation of each of the five major senses in the sensory garden could improve DAS. Conclusion: This illustrates that external experiences are more effective at mitigating depression, anxiety, and stress than internal ones. Factor analysis revealed four components: stimulating the five senses; internal and external facilities; internet-based device use; and new social relationships. There was a strong positive correlation between new social relationships and walking with colleagues. There were also strong positive correlations among the stimulation of each of the five senses. In conclusion, there are strong indications that sensory courtyards can help alleviate DAS and should therefore be promoted, particularly in the current Covid-19 situation wherein the physical and mental health of the public at large are threatened. Accordingly, courtyard design should be rethought in light of the relationship between the positive impact of sensory gardens and mental health.

      • KCI등재

        산업단지 미세먼지 저감을 위한 녹지 조성 및 관리에 대한 공공부문의 인식 분석 - 여수 국가산단 미세먼지 저감 숲 조성사업을 중심으로 -

        남진보 ( Nam¸ Jinvo ),배현미 ( Bae¸ Hyun-mi ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2021 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.33 No.3

        Today, There is increasing recognition of the significance of particulate matters(PM) for people’s health and well-being. However, applications and planning to alleviate PM led by the public sector are subject to promoting these processes. including the decision-making process. These difficulties in the context of green space management have been addressed through stakeholder involvement which includes the community and private sector involvement underlining the concept of ‘partnership’ reflecting a shift in sharing responsibility. However, little is known about stakeholders’ perceptions, in particular pertaining to the public sector, in which the related schemes have been in general led by the public sectors in most cases. Therefore, the perceptions of the public sector on PM alleviation in relation with other stakeholders can be a key to addressing PM reduction. The aim of this study is therefore to ascertain their perceptions of recent PM alleviation green spaces. To determine this, the study conducted a questionnaire survey targeting public officials in environment-related departments, employing SPSS 27 to analysis the collected quantitative data. As a result, firstly, it was found that community involvement can deliver positive impacts on understanding the functional positiveness, necessity and site expansion of PM alleviation vegetation with a medium level of positive correlation. Community engagement can magnify their activities for PM alleviation practices. Thirdly, community involvement contributes to reducing the financial burden to facilitate PM alleviation vegetation by the public and private sectors, meaning that increasing community involvement can help share responsibility for making and keeping the PM alleviation sites. On the basis of the findings of this study reckons that a newly emerging framework for PM alleviation vegetation which simulates a positive domino effect which in turn highlights prudent governance. To explain it, community involvement can increase the value of PM alleviation vegetation, raise expanding sites, share responsibility for the financial burden to PM alleviation vegetation in making and keeping, and ultimately contributing to people’s health as delivering positive impacts of PM alleviation vegetation. The key concluding remark is that strong governance as a normative concept could be used to better understand PM alleviation contexts, allowing recommendations to be made for better PM creation and management in the city of Yeosu and the study sites. This study contributes valuable knowledge to our existing understanding of PM management practices in an area of a national industry complex. It is hoped that this will provide the foundation for further research focused on cities and national industry complexes in the future.

      • KCI우수등재

        커뮤니티 주도 시민농장의 특징과 박탈감 지역의 시민농장 활성화 방안 - 영국 셰필드 시민농장을 사례로 -

        남진보,Nam, Jinvo 한국조경학회 2021 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.49 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 시민농장 활성화와 적극적 거버넌스형 체재의 대표적인 국가인 영국의 시민농장 활성화 배경과 특징을 분석하고, 사회·경제적으로 열악한 지역의 시민농장 활성화를 위한 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. 연구 방법으로 영국의 19세기 초반 이후 시민농장 관련 정책, 영국 셰필드의 시민농장 운영 체계 및 커뮤니티의 특징, 설문을 통한 시민농장에 대한 인식을 조사하였다. 그 결과, 1806년 일찍이 영국 시민농장 활성화를 위한 정책은 지방정부의 권한 이양과 용지매입을 시작으로 최근까지 지속적으로 관련 정책을 생산하고 있었다. 시민농장의 운영 체계는 적극적 거버넌스의 구조적 지원과 체계로 이루어지고 있었다. 흥미로운 것은 지방정부가 커뮤니티 활성화를 위한 전담 부서를 운영하고 있다는 것이다. 커뮤니티 단체는 권한 이양을 바탕으로 관리, 파트너십, 재원 마련, 모니터링 등을 주도하는 적극적 거버넌스 구조로 되어 있었다. 그러나, 사회·경제적 특징에 따른 시민농장의 활성화에 차이를 보였다. 사회·경제적 지수가 낮은 지역보다 높은 지역에서 높은 활성화 경향을 보였다. 그러나, 설문 조사 결과, 사회·경제적 지수가 낮은 지역에서 시민농장과 커뮤니티 활동 참여 선호에 대한 긍정적 응답이 높았다. 이에 사회·경제적으로 열악한 커뮤니티 활성화를 위해 Public-Community-Private-Partnership 체재 도입의 필요성을 시사하였다. 결론적으로, 공공부문의 커뮤니티 활성화 정책 지원과 지방정부의 용지매입을 가능케 하는 지속적인 정책, 적극적 거버넌스 체계를 위한 전담 부서 조직 및 커뮤니티 활성화 지원, 사회·경제적 차이에 따른 박탈감 해소를 선행으로 하는 시민농장 활성화를 통해 긍정적 혜택을 모든 이가 누릴 기회를 제공해야 한다. 그러나, 본 연구가 오랜 역사적 정책과 사회적 합의가 이루어진 영국의 사례를 바탕으로 하였기에 국내 도입을 위한 실현가능성의 한계 또한 예상되는 바이다. 그러나, 본 연구를 통해 실현가능성의 한계를 축소화하기 위한 시사점을 제공하기에 연구의 의미를 가진다. This study aims to understand the background and characteristics of the UK's allotments, as the UK is one of the nations participating in allotment invigoration. This study will focus on approaches to policy, active governance, and socioeconomic impact. To address this, allotment-related issues, policies since the beginning of the 19th century were analysed. In addition to this, Sheffield City, UK, was selected as a specific case to analyse the framework of allotment management, active governance concerning allotment management, and the residents' perceptions of allotments through a questionnaire survey. It was found first that the UK government, since 1806, has been consistently producing localism policies aiming to devolve management authority into local governments, which actively obtain sites for allotments. Secondly, the structure of allotment management formed in active governance leads the overall maintenance, partnership, income generation, and monitoring of the allotments. Interestingly, the structure of the department organisation of local government in Sheffield established the position of community manager, who encourages community invigoration. However, a gap between socioeconomic aspects was found in which the allotment invigoration in lesser deprived areas outweighs the invigoration in more deprived areas. In contrast, according to the questionnaire survey, respondents in more deprived areas were more likely to be involved in allotment activities and the community. The key to addressing the socioeconomic gap in the context of allotment invigoration is the adoption of the Public-Community-Private-Partnership framework. This will be of great importance to longer-term promotion of beneficial allotment practices.

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