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      • KCI등재

        新しい時代に向けた日韓タンデム授業のコースデザイン -対面・非対面タンデム授業におけるアンケート調査を中心に-

        나유정,NAGANOAKI 대한일어일문학회 2022 일어일문학 Vol.94 No.-

        코로나19의 영향으로 비대면 수업이 일반화되는 등 대학의 수업형태가 변하면서 탄뎀 수업 또한 상황에 따라 대면 또는 비대면으로 수업이 운영되게 되었다. 이러한 수업형태의 변화와 함께 현재의 IT기술의 향상 등을 배경으로 탄뎀수업 또한 새로운 시대에 맞는 코스디자인의 필요성이 대두되게 되었다. 이에 본 연구는 2021년 2학기에 대면과 비대면이 병행된 탄뎀 수업 수강생들이 실제로 수업에서 느낀 점과 수업의 효과에 대한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사결과는 앞으로의 대면과 비대면의 장점을 넣은 코스디자인 설계에 도움이 되는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 기존의 탄뎀 수업에서는 매주 파트너와 1:1 로 실시되는 학습활동이외에는 체험학습이 있었다. 이번에는 체험학습이외에 특별활동으로서 파트너에게 메시지 영상 보내기, VR체험 활동, 칭찬카드를 사용한 그룹 활동을 넣었는데 수강생의 만족도도 높았으며 그 유효성을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 대면과 비대면을 동시에 체험한 경험에서 보았을 때 대면수업의 장점으로는 원활한 상호작용과 교류활동, 학습활동의 편리성 등이었고, 단점은 등교의 불편과 시청각자료를 활용할 경우 주위에 신경이 쓰인다 정도였다. 이에 반해 비대면 수업의 장점은 Zoom에서의 소회의실 사용과 화면공유기능이 좋았고, 가장 큰 단점으로는 역시 상호작용이 원활하지 못한 점이었다. 학습 효과면에서는 비대면수업 보다 대면수업에서 전체적으로 효과가 높게 나타났다. 이번 조사 결과를 토대로 앞으로의 대면과 비대면 수업에서 가장 유효하고 적합한 활동을 넣은 코스디자인 설정이 가능함을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        「王溫 墓誌銘」 교감과 역주

        나유정 한국목간학회 2022 목간과 문자 Vol.- No.29

        The cemetery of WangOn(465~531), discovered in 1989 in Mt. Mang(邙山) about 1.5㎞ southeast of Bukjin village(北陳村) in Mengjin county(孟津縣), is located in the middle of the Luo River(洛河) and the Yellow River(黃河) flowing through the Luoyang city(洛陽市) in Henan province(河南省), China. The epitaph of the cemetery made by trimming blue-gray limestone has a square shape of 58.5㎝ on one side and shows a total of 758 characters in 28×28 lines, 3 characters of which are difficult to read due to rubbing reasons. WangOn is a native of the Ledu(樂都) of Lolang(樂浪) in Yan state(燕國). In 313, his ancestor, WangJun, evacuated from ji(薊) to Lolang, and at this time, Lolang was the very Lolang moved to the basin of Dalinghe(大凌河). Later, in 453, his grandfather, Pyeong, led members of his family, returned to Northern Wei(北魏) and lived in the capital. His great-great grandfather Jun served as taizhongdaifu(太中大夫: senior official) in jin(晋), his grandfather Pyeong as zhenglujiangjun(征虜將軍:general) pingzhoucishi(平州刺史: provincial governor) in Wei, his father Jang as longxiangjiangjun(龍驤將軍) Lolangtaishou(樂浪太守: provincial governor). WangOn took office as a pingyuangongguo(平原公國) langzhongling(郞中令) from 500 to 503. He was a political supporter of GaoZhao, becoming a Yan state Lolangzhongzheng(樂浪中正) later. In 515 after GaoZhao’s death, he became zhangshuixiaowei(長水校尉: military officer) and then was appointed jiajiejiezhenglujiangjun(假節假征虜將軍) biedaotongjun(別道統軍: general) for ChoiRyang, promoting zhenyuanjiangjun(鎭遠將軍) houjunjiangjun(後軍將軍). In 531, he was raised to andongjiangjun(安東將軍) yinqingguangludaifu(銀靑光祿大夫). WangOn died on February 26, 531 in Somyeong-ri and was enshrined in the tomb on November 25, 532. After his death, he was honored by shichijie(使持節) fujunjiangjun(撫軍將軍) yingzhoucishi(灜州刺史)

      • KCI등재

        탄뎀수업에서의 이문화 학습에 관한 연구 - 학습자의 학습일지에 나타난 실례를 중심으로 -

        나유정 일본어문학회 2020 일본어문학 Vol.90 No.-

        This study introduces examples of learning activities of Japanese and Korean students who participated in the ‘Korean‐Japanese Tandem Learning’ class,and examines aspects of communication between the students from both countries. First of all, in this class where learner‐centered self‐learning is the premise, the learning themes selected by the students appeared very diverse. It showed a slightly different aspect from the themes discussed in general Japanese culture classes, and this example can be used as a reference in future cultural lessons. In addition, as a result of reviewing the example sentences in the study log prepared by the learner, it was found that smooth cultural communication between learners is being achieved through tandem learning. In addition, it is considered that the reflection on learning activities through reviewing the learning is not only a simple cultural comparison, but also a deepening of the understanding of the country’s culture as well as the other’s culture and helps improve their self‐learning skills. The actuality of this class can be used in various forms in future Japanese language education and Korean language education.

      • KCI등재

        日本企業における韓国人の就労実態に関する事例研究 - 韓国の大学卒業者へのインタビューを通して-

        나유정,히라나카유카리,大池森 대한일어일문학회 2019 일어일문학 Vol.81 No.-

        This research is a report of the interview survey conducted to figure out the actual situation of employment, issues and problems for Korean workers graduating from Korean universities and employed in Japanese companies. Through the interview, personal working conditions and work environment were clarified. As a result, it was found that although their salaries were not high, neigher had complaints with it. Rather they answered that their interests in work, and aptitude for the job are more important than salaries. In addition, it was found that 4 out of 5 respondents received employee training and were satisfied with it. All respondents had high Japanese language skills and had experience of staying in Japan for a certain period of time in advance, so they did no feel difficulties in communication and relations with coworkers in particular without responding telephone, understanding technical terms, or writing katakana. Moreover, it was also found that the respondents were satisfied with the current work situation overall, but it was revealed that those who worked for more than three years are likely to think about transferring job in the future.

      • KCI등재

        『三國志』 東夷傳에 나타난 대민지배방식과 民·下戶의 성격

        나유정 한국고대사학회 2018 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.90

        This article examines the examples of Min(民) and Haho(下戶) seen in the Romance of the three kingdoms(三國志), and considers the reason why Chinese expressed general group of people in Dong-Yi(東夷) society as Haho. Existing research examined the hierarchical nature of the members of society focusing on the socioeconomic nature of the Haho. However, the understanding of the characteristics of Haho in the “Dongyi-jeon(東夷傳)” of the Romance of the three kingdom was not achieved in various angles. The writer of the Romance of the three kingdoms recognized Min as an equivalent object of the rule by the emperor who were subject to the law(律). The ancient Chinese dynasties people who belonged to the local ruling system such as family register system with the emperor as the peak did forced labor and paid taxes. Since Qin and Han Dynasties, ruling based on the family register on the basis of law code(律令) was applied as the foundation of state government. Therefore, the writer basically had the perception that the subjects belonging to the above-mentioned governing system were Min. With this background of writing, in the “Dongyi-jeon” the examples of Min which refer to the specific ruling subjects are manly referred to only as those who are under the Kunhyon(郡縣) Ruling System. On the other hand, except for the use of ‘Min’ which refers to the whole members of the state in the “Dongyi-jeon”, the specific ruling subject of Dongyi society is expressed as ‘Haho’. Haho is seen as a person who takes the command of a particular upper class who does the forced labor and pays taxes to them. At the time of the third century, Dongyi society was unable to organize the king-centered local system and the autonomy of the various forces was strong. Therefore, due to the difference in the way of ruling between the Jungwon and Dongyi society, the term for the subjugated class expressed by the writer of the Romance of the three kingdom was different. In other words, since the general people were directly ruled by Euprak(邑落) or Bu(府) that exercised autonomous dominance rather than the king-centered ruling organization, it is possible that the writer expressed ruling subject of Dongyi society as Haho to distinguish them from the general 編戶齊民 of the The ancient Chinese dynasties. Haho in the “Dongyi-jeon” was expressed as a subjugated class in terms of the difference in the structure and system of their rule between Dongyi society and Jungwon dynasty. 이 글은 『삼국지』 동이전에 보이는 民과 下戶의 용례를 검토하고, 『삼국지』 찬자가 동이사회 일반 주민집단을 下戶라고 표현한 이유에 대해 고찰한 것이다. 기존 연구는 주로 下戶 자체의 사회경제적 성격에 주목하여 사회 구성원의 계층적 성격을 구체적으로 검토하였다. 다만 『삼국지』 찬자의 관찰자적 시각을 고려하여 동이전 하호에 대해 다각도로 살펴보는 시도는 부족하였다. 『삼국지』 찬자는 民에 대하여 律의 적용을 받던 황제의 齊一的 통치 대상으로 인식하고 있었다. 고대 중국왕조에서 民은 황제를 정점으로 하는 지방지배, 구체적으로는 호적과 같은 시스템에 속하여 역역과 조세를 납부하였다. 일찍이 진한시기부터 율령을 전제로 하는 호적기반의 인민지배가 국가통치의 기본으로 적용되었기 때문에 『삼국지』 찬자는 위와 같은 통치 체제에 속하는 대상이 民이라는 인식을 기본적으로 가지고 있었다. 이러한 찬술 배경에서 『삼국지』 동이전의 구체적인 통치 대상을 지칭하는 民 용례가 대부분 군현지배체제에 포섭된 존재에 한하여 지칭되고 있다. 반면에 『삼국지』 동이전에서 국가 구성원 전체를 의미하는 ‘民’의 용례를 제외하면, 동이사회의 구체적인 통치 대상에 대해서는 ‘下戶’로 표현하고 있다. 이러한 下戶는 특정한 상위계층의 統主를 받으며 이들에게 역역과 조세를 바치는 존재로 나타나고 있다. 3세기 당시 동이사회는 국왕 중심의 지방제도가 정비되지 못하였고, 諸勢力의 자치력이 강한 상태였다. 이와 같은 고대 중국왕조와 동이사회의 지배방식의 차이로 인해 『삼국지』 찬자의 기준에서 표현하는 피지배층의 용어가 달랐을 것으로 파악했다. 즉 『삼국지』 동이전의 下戶는 3세기 동이사회와 고대 중국왕조의 지배구조 및 지배체제의 차이라는 관점에서 동이사회 통치대상으로 통칭된 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        일본취업과 대학의 역할 - 부산외국어대학교 일본취업 시스템을 중심으로 -

        나유정 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.84 No.-

        本稿は釜山外国語大学の就職システムを実例にあげて、日本での就職の活性化のための大学の役割について論じた。まず、大学では就職の入口から事後管理までの就職統合システムが必要である。その流れに沿って語学及び職務の教育、就職キャンプ、メンタリングなどの実践教育プログラムの充実が必要である。 次に、政府と自治体、そして大学が連携する日本就職合同博覧会の開催において、大学は最も大事な役割を果たすべきであり、内定率と直結する博覧会の成功のためには、インフラの構築、求人を求めている企業の新規開拓及び企業の管理が大事である。 日本での就職と関連する先行研究があまりない現状において本稿で提示した日本就職システムに関する事例は日本就職を目標にしている学生たちのための就職教育に役に立つであろう。 In this paper I discuss the employment system of Busan Foreign Language University as an example and analyze the role of universities to activate Japanese employment. First, in universities, it is necessary to build a job integration system from the entrance to employment to follow-up management. It is necessary to make practical education programs such as education of languages and duties, employment camp, mentoring and to seek methods on an internalization along this trend. Secondly, the university should play the most important role in holding a joint employment exhibition held by the government, local governments, and universities. For the success of the exposition directly linked to the employment rate, it is important to build infrastructure, to discover companies seeking recruitment and to manage companies. In the current situation where there are not so many selection studies related to Japanese employment, the case on Japanese employment system presented in this paper will be useful for employment education for students aiming for Japanese employment.

      • KCI등재

        『翰苑』 번이부의 전거자료와 편찬태도

        나유정 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2021 규장각 Vol.59 No.-

        『翰苑』 번이부 편찬에서 正文과 注文작성의 중심에 있었던 찬자는 장초금이었으며 모든 注文에서 공통적으로 『후한서』를 인용하고 있는 것으로 보아 『후한서』를 중심 전거자료로 활용하였다고 파악된다. 다만 660년 당시 존재하지 않는 흉노ㆍ오환ㆍ선비ㆍ남만ㆍ서남이 등을 서술하는 데에는 『후한서』의 인용 비율이 높았던 반면 고구려ㆍ신라ㆍ백제ㆍ숙신ㆍ왜 등에 대해서는 『후한서』를 비롯하여 다양한 전거자료를 활용했다. 이는 『翰苑』 찬자의 관심에 따라 최신 자료를 인용한 결과로 보인다. 조목 별 내용을 살펴보면 <정치ㆍ사회ㆍ문화-중국과의 관계> 구조 속에서 서술하였다. 그 중 찬자의 의도에 따라 신라에 대해서는 정보를 소략하게 서술하고, 고구려와 백제의 서술에서는 지리정보를 추가하여 서술하였다. 또한 삼국에 대해서는 중국과의 조공의 예는 서술하지 않았던 반면 고구려의 경우 과거 한사군 지역이었다는 점이 강조되어 서술되었다. 이는 『翰苑』에서 동이지역, 특히 고구려에 대한 정벌의 당위성을 강조하는 서술이다. 『翰苑』 편찬이 착수되었던 시기는 660년 3월 12일로, 655년 장손무기 정권이 물러나고 서역을 안정시킨 당이 동방으로 백제를 공격하기 시작하던 시기이다. 이러한 상황에서 張楚金은 사찬 사서인 『翰苑』을 통해 동이지역 특히 고구려에 대한 정복의 당위성을 강조하여 고구려 정벌을 지지하고, 이에 동조하는 분위기를 형성하려는 의도가 있었다고 추정된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        タンデム学習における学習者間の誤用訂正に関する研究 −訂正されなかった誤用を中心に−

        나유정 한국언어연구학회 2016 언어학연구 Vol.21 No.3

        This study examines the misuses of language which are overlooked during the ‘correction-activity’ sessions between learning partners in Tandem Language Learning. Misuses which were not corrected in the learning diary written in the target language by the learners were classified according to their respective situations. Following the classification, reasons for the misuses were analyzed. As a result, the most popular situation in which misuses were not corrected was the case in which misuses were understandable to both members of the learning tandem, regardless of the quality of the misuses. In addition, this study revealed that the language partners were not often aware of a distinction between spoken language and written language. Corrections by partners is very important in order to learn a language accurately. Appropriate guidance, in situations in which corrections of misused language is not taking place, is significant.

      • KCI등재

        한국인일본어학습자의 가타카나어 사용 연구 - 탄뎀수업 학습일지 분석을 중심으로 -

        나유정 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.87 No.-

        This paper shows the actual usage of Katakana words by Korean learners of Japanese through the analysis of students’ study diaries in Tandem classes where a Korean student and a Japanese student have a conversation on a one-on-one basis. The study shows that various katakana expressions are used in conversation on the themes related to food, popular culture, fashion and youth culture. It also confirms the phenomenon that words like “Kawaii, Florida, Nowsika, Iraoko” that should be written in kanji or hiragana are notated in katakana. In addition, there are cases where different words are used when referring to the same thing, such as 'stewardess and cabin attendant', both of which originated from English but the meaning is different in Japan and Korea. The teachers have to recognize different uses of Katakana when teaching Katakana words to students. Also, the most common misuse by learners was not to put a long sound into katakana which should have a long sound, but to use a short sound instead. We will continue our study to analyze Katakana words, which are frequently used in actual conversations, and make it a future task to utilize the study result for education of Katakana words. 本稿は、韓国人日本語学習者のカタカナ語の使用実態について、タンデム授業での受講生の学習日誌の分析を通して考察したものである。タンデム授業は、日本人と韓国人の学生がペアになり会話を通して学習するため、食べ物関連、大衆文化関連、ファッションと若者言葉関連のテーマの中から、多様なカタカナ語が使われていることがわかった。 そして、‘カワイイ,フロリダ,ナウしか,イラオコ’のように、本来は漢字やひらがなで表記すべき言葉をカタカナ語で使用している現象も確認できた。また、英語が語源であるが日韓で意味範囲が違うものや、‘スチュワーデスとキャビンアテンダント’のように、同じものを指すのにそれぞれ違う言葉を使う場合もあった。このようなカタカナ語は教師側の認識とともに、指導するときの注意が必要なところである。 また、学習者に誤用が多かったのは、長音が入るべきカタカナ語に長音が抜けていたり、その代わりに促音を入れていたりすることだった。これからも実際の会話でよく使われているカタカナ語の分析を進め、カタカナ語教育に活用することを今後の課題にしたい。

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