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        송탄 기지촌의 공간변화

        김희식(Kim, Hee-Sik),이인휘(Lee In-Hwi),장용혁(Jang,Yong-Hyeok) 부산경남사학회 2018 역사와 경계 Vol.109 No.-

        본고는 송탄의 K-55(오산공군기지)를 중심으로 형성된 송탄 기지촌의 공간변화에 대해 살펴보고자 했다. 기지촌에 대한 연구는 사회학, 역사학, 건축학, 경제학, 국문학에서 이루어져 왔으나 지역적으로 편중되어 왔다. 연구진들은 지역사가 충실히 복원되어야 전체사의 윤곽과 지역의 특수성도 올바르게 파악될 수 있다고 생각하고 문헌자료와 지역주민들의 인터뷰를 통해서 송탄 기지촌의 물리적 공간변화에 집중하고자 했다. 이를 통해 송탄 기지촌이 미군, 국가, 자본가, 시민과 주민에 의해 생성 변화 발전해 오고 있다는 점을 밝히는데 주력하였다. 송탄 기지촌의 공간변화는 미국 내의 전략적 이해와 북한이슈에 의해 주한미군의 철수와 증강이 반복되면서 확장되어 나갔다. 1980년대 후반 기지촌을 연결하는 순환도로를 건설하려고 했으나 미군의 비협조로 공사가 지연되기도 했다. 1993년 적극적인 저항으로 강제이주 위기를 넘겼지만 2003년 평택 미군기지 이전 사업이 진행되면서 K-6와는 다른 길을 선택했다. 지역주민들은 주한미군 기지 이전으로 초래하게 될 경제적인 타격과 국가안보와 정부가 하는 일에 대해 반대만 해서는 안 된다는 이유로 집단이주를 결정했다. 14번째 강제이주를 당하는 사이에 송탄 기지촌은 주한미군과 국가권력의 의해 제약받는 공간적 틀을 유지하게 되었다. This paper is intended to examine the spatial change of the Songtan military camp town focusing on K-55(Osan Air Base) of Songtan. Studies on military camp towns have been conducted in sociology, historical sciences, architecture, economics and Korean literature, but they are weighted towards specific regions. Under this restriction, the researchers concentrated on the physical spatial change of the Songtan military camp town by reviewing literature and interviewing local residents, considering that a proper understanding of the outline of the whole history and the distinct characteristics of the area should be premised on sufficient restoration of the local history. It has focused on identifying that the Songtan municipal village is being produced and changed by US military, state, capitalist, citizen and inhabitants. The Songtan military camp town had expanded with the repeated withdrawal and strengthening of US forces, due to the strategical understanding in the US and North Korean issues. In 1981, there was an attempt to construct ring roads connecting to the military camp town, but the construction was delayed, because the US Army was not cooperative. The town got over one crisis of forced migration in 1993, but it selected a different path from K-6’s, as the Pyongtaek US Army relocation project was launched in 2003. Local residents decided on a mass migration for the reason that there would be an economic damage caused by the US Army base camp relocation and that they should not unconditionally oppose the government’s policy. While experiencing the 14th forced migration, the Songtan Military camp town maintained the spatial framework under restrictions by the US forces in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        예외공간으로서의 집결지의 공간변화 - 영등포 ‘집창촌’을 중심으로 -

        김희식(Kim, Hee-Sik) 부산경남사학회 2021 역사와 경계 Vol.121 No.-

        이글은 타임스퀘어와 문래 철재상가 사이에 자리 잡은 영등포 집결지의 공간 재편 과정에 주목하였다. 집결지는 자본주의적 개발 논리 속에서 폐쇄 수순을 밟고 있는데, 이 과정에서 집결지를 둘러싼 공간의 역사는 충분히 기록되지 못하고 있으며, 나아가 특정한 맥락에서 공간을 둘러싼 여성의 삶, 관계적 수행성의 측면은 조명되지 못하고 있다. ’예외상태‘인 집결지는 한국전쟁을 거치면서 ’영등포기지‘에 주둔한 미군들로 인해 형성되었다. 박정희 정부는 철도 인입선 좌우에 있던 사창을 제도화하면서 속칭 ’사창 도시‘가 되었고, 1978년 시작된 철도변 완충녹지 사업으로 역전 집결지 일부가 추방되면서 경방 쪽 집결지가 확장되었다. 전두환 정권은 영등포 집결지를 ’윤락여성집중존치구역‘으로 재추인하면서 다시 ’예외공간‘이 되었다, 소규모 철재 관련 업체들이 빠져나간 자리는 유리방으로 바뀌면서 지역의 경관은 바뀌어 나갔다. 경인로변에 위치한 소규모 철재 관련 공장들이 엄폐와 은폐하는 가림막 역할을 해주었기 때문에 유지하고 있다. 영등포 집결지는 성판매여성들이 어떠한 사회적 위치에 노출되어 있는지를 보여주는 ’예외상태‘의 전형적인 공간이다. This paper focuses on the space reorganization process of the Yeongdeungpo red light district, where is located between Time Square and Mullae steel and iron stores. The gathering area is in the process of being shut down, in accordance with the capitalistic development logic. In such process, the history of space surrounding the red light district is not being fully recorded and moreover, lives of women and relational performativity in the space are not highlighted in a specific context. The red light district under an ‘exceptional state’ was formed by the US army that was stationed in the ‘Yeongdeungpo base’ going through the Korean War. As the Park Jung-hee regime institutionalized unlicensed prostitutes that existed in the right and left of railroad industrial lines, so-called ‘Prostitutes’ City’ was created. Then after part of the red light district in the station plaza was expelled due to the buffer green project around the railroads, which started in 1978, a red light district was formed in both sides of Gyeongin-ro. The Chun Doo-hwan regime re-ratified the Yeongdeungpo gathering area as a ‘Prostitutes-Concentrated Retention District’ and again, it became a ‘space of exception’. The places, where small-scale steel and iron businesses left changed to houses of prostitution and the landscape of the area changed as well. They are being maintained owing to small-scale steel and iron factories in Gyeongin-ro that conceal and cover up them as sneeze guards. The Yeongdeungpo red light district is a typical space of ‘an exceptional state’ showing the social status of prostitutes.

      • KCI등재

        분권화에 입각한 외부경제의 실현 : 독일의 사례를 중심으로

        김희식 ( Hee-sik Kim ) 한국질서경제학회 2020 질서경제저널 Vol.23 No.3

        In Germany, the majority of the population resides in small towns scattered throughout the country. Surprisingly, those in rural areas continue to live from generation to generation in their regions under global competition. It is made possible by the local communities’ nurturing hidden champions that export high-quality, specialized products. I examine the mechanism in operation and the institutional framework underlying it. The German Basic Law defines the role of state authorities to be in respecting and protecting human dignity. It requests individuals to resolve conflicts of interest according to the constitutional order and moral law. It ascribes the state authorities to the central and local governments according to their competences. It ensures local governments to have the power and resources necessary for autonomy. It requires fiscal authorities to allocate financial resources to states so that individuals can enjoy a uniform standard of living regardless of their regions. Based on this, people of the same trade organize industrial associations to enhance their members’ competitiveness through mutual support and education. Education-based trade promotion policies strengthen the professionalism of workers. In particular, the dual vocational education and training system bridges middle school graduates to opportunities for firm-based apprenticeships. Besides, regional public and non-profit banks provide masters with long-term, low-interest credits while taking their local industry-specific human capital as collateral. Through this process, agents in the German social market economy build up a dense network of direct and reciprocal relationships within the region or other regions. With those within the network sharing knowledge and information, external economies of scale realize themselves in dispersed urban areas.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Response Activities for Tar Ball Pollution from the 'Hebei Spirit' Oil Spill in the Southwestern Sea of Korea

        조현진,김정엽,양문철,서광열,민남기,임승혁,전성근,김희식,김영화,김지훈,장선희,Cho, Hyun-Jin,Kim, Jeong-Yeop,Yang, Mun-Chul,Seo, Kang-Ryul,Min, Nam-Gi,Im, Sung-Huk,Jeon, Sung-Gun,Kim, Hee-Sik,Kim, Young-Hwa,Kim, Gi-Hun,Chang, Sun-Hee The Korean Society for Marine Environment and Ener 2009 한국해양환경·에너지학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        2007년 12월 7일 발생한 허베이스피리트호 원유유출 사고로 약 12,547 kL의 기름이 해상으로 유출되어 서해안의 해안선이 광범위하게 기름으로 뒤덮이는 결과가 초래되었다. 사고발생 며칠 후부터 타르볼이 서남해안에서 관측되었으며, 이에 대한 방제를 위해 해양경찰(KCG)은 해상에서는 뜰채 및 그물끌기 방법을 이용하였고, 해안에서는 그물치기, 주워내기, 쓸어 담기 등 3가지 방제방법을 이용하였다. 그물막 치기 방법은 해안이 타르볼로 오염되는 것을 예방하는데 효과적이었으며, 사고당시의 계절이 겨울이었던 점은 타르볼이 쉽게 굳어 자원봉사자나 주민들이 주워 내거나 쓸어 담는데 큰 이점이 될 수 있었다. Approximately 12,547 kL of oil from the tanker 'Hebei Spirit' released into the western sea of Korea, which subsequently reached and covered extensive areas of the western coastlines of Korea. In the following days great numbers of tar balls hit the southwestern coast. Three different cleanup methods were used to mediate the southwestern coastline tar ball pollution by Korea Coast Guard (KCG) net setting, manual pick up, and sweeping them up. Net setting was useful in protecting coastlines from being hit by tar balls. The cold weather in winter conditions helped the tar ball response efforts because it caused them to harden, allowing them to be swept up from beaches and to be gathered up by hand.

      • KCI등재후보

        젊은 습관성 음주자에서 도플러 심초음파를 이용한 좌우심실 이완 기능에 관한 연구

        최석영(Seuk Young Choi),이승현(Seung Hyun Lee),김덕희(Deuk Hee Kim),이재성(Jae Seung Lee),박경식(Kyung Sik Park),김희식(Hee Sik Kim),박태규(Tae Kue Park),이동화(Dong Hwa Lee),김종연(Jong Yeun Kim) 대한내과학회 1998 대한내과학회지 Vol.54 No.4

        Objectives: It is well known that many chronic alcoholics manifest diastolic dysfunction of left ventricle in its early stage. But the effects of chronic alcohol drinking on right ventricular function are not well understood. Thus left ventricular filling impairment and its effects to right ventricular diastolic function were evaluated in young chronic alcoholics. Methods: For the evaluation of left and right ventricular diastolic function in chronic alcoholics, 30 young chronic alcoholics and 28 control subjects were studied by pulsed Doppler echocardiography at the left and right ventricular inflow. Peak E velocity, peak A velocity, E/A velocity ratio, acceleration time and deceleration time were measured as diastolic filling parameters. Results: 1) In the chronic alcoholics, the interventricular septum and posterior wall were thicker and left ventricular muscle mass was significantly increased than that in controls. 2) Among 30 cases of chronic alcoholics, 8 cases(26.7%) showed that the E/A ratio of the left ventricle was less than 1.0 and the deceleration time of the left ventricle was more than 240msec, where- as 12 cases(40.0%) showed that the E/A ratio of the left ventricle was less than 1.0. 3) Among 30 cases of chronic alcoholics, 8 cases (26.7%) showed that the E/A ratio of the right ventricle was less than 1.0 and the deceleration time of the right ventricle was more than 232msec, whereas 14 cases(46.7%) showed that the E/A ratio of the right ventricle was less than 1.0. 4) The HV E/A ratio was significantly correlated with the LV E/A ratio(r=0.697, p<0.001). 5) Blood pressure, ejection fraction, left ventricular mass, E/A ratio and deceleration time of both ventricles were not significantly different in comparison with the daily average amount, duration of ingestion, and total lifetime dose of alcohol. Conclusion: In all chronic alcoholics less than 50 years of age, the left ventricular systolic function was normal. But Doppler echocardiography showed that diastolic dysfunction of the left and right ventricles was present in 8 cases of 30 chronic alcoholics. Right ventricular diastolic dysfunction was closely related with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. In conclusion, diastolic dysfunction of both ventricle in chronic alcoholics may be the earliest functional sign of preclinical alcoholic cardiomyopathy.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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