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      • KCI등재

        수도권 지하철 네트워크 확장이 아파트 월세 가격에 미치는 영향 분석 - 수정반복매매모형을 중심으로 -

        김효정,이창무,이지수,김민영,류태현,신혜영,김지연,Kim, Hyojeong,Lee, Changmoo,Lee, Jisu,Kim, Minyoung,Ryu, Taeheyeon,Shin, Hyeyoung,Kim, Jiyeon 한국국토정보공사 공간정보연구원 2021 지적과 국토정보 Vol.51 No.2

        Continuous subway line expansion over the years in Seoul metropolitan area has contributed to improved accessibility to public transport. Since public transport accessibility has a significant impact on housing decisions, quantitative analysis of correlation between housing prices and public transport accessibility is regarded as one of the most important factors for planning better housing policies. This study defines the reduction of traveling time resulted from the construction of new metro stations despite them not being the closest stations as 'Network Expansion Effect', and seeks to understand how the Network Expansion Effect impacts on housing prices. The study analyzes monthly rent data converted from upfront lump sum deposit, so called Jeonse in Korea, from 2012 to 2018, through 'A Modified Repeat Sales Model.' As a result, the effect of 'Network Expansion' on rental prices in Seoul has stronger during the period of 2017 to 2018 than the base period of 2012 to 2014, which suggests the 'Network Expansion' has a meaningful effect on rent. In addition, in comparison between the most and the least affected group of apartments by 'Network Expansion Effect', the most affected group has more price increase than the least affected group. These findings also indicate that different levels of 'Network Expansion Effect' have various influences on the value of residential real estate properties. 수도권 지하철 노선확장 사업을 통해 수도권 거주민의 대중교퉁 접근성은 지속적으로 향상되고 있다. 이러한 대중교통 접근성은 주거지 선택 시 가장 중요한 요소 중 하나로 지하철 노선확장에 따른 접근성 향상이 주택가격에 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 추정하는 것은 주택정책에 있어 중요하다. 이 연구는 노선신설에 따라 최근접 지하철역의 변화없이 발생하는 다른 지하철역까지의 통행시간 단축을 네트워크 확장효과로 정의하고, 이것이 주택가격에 미치는 영향력을 확인하고자 한다. 이를 위해 2012년부터 2018년까지 서울시 아파트 전월세확정신고자료를 이용하여 월세로 전환 후, 수정반복매매모형을 통해 시계열적으로 분석하였다. 그 결과, 기준이 되는 기간(2012~2014년)에 비해 비교기간 (2017~2018년)에 네트워크 확장효과가 서울시 아파트 월세가격에 미치는 영향력이 상대적으로 더 증가했으며, 이는 지하철 네트워크 확장효과가 주택의 임대료 형성에 유의미한 영향을 미친다는 것을 시사한다. 또한, 분석과정에서 네트워크 확장효과의 상하위 아파트 그룹을 비교한 결과, 네트워크 확장 효과 하위그룹보다 상위그룹에서 영향력의 상승폭이 상대적으로 컸으며, 이를통해 네트워크 확장 효과의 정도에 따라 주택의 가치에 자본화되는 수준도 다르다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Health for University Students in an Oral Health Class in a Semester

        김효정 대한예방치과학회 2012 International Journal of Clinical Preventive Denti Vol.8 No.3

        Objective & Method: To compare the knowledge, attitude, and behavior for oral health between university students receiving a semester of oral health class as a selective course and those not. Results: A questionnaire was administered to 458 students who took a class and 484 students not exposed to the oral health education. The data were collected and compared. The cognitive domain score was higher in the educated group than in non-educated group. The affective domain was evinced in more tooth brushing time and in tooth brushing method in the educated group than in non-educated group (cognitive domain: 0.73±0.03, 0.33±0.02) (affective domain: 0.40±0.15,0.22±0.16). In the psychomotor domain, the level was higher in frequency of dental visits and in the sorts of the auxiliary oral hygiene devices. Educational efficiency, measured by interest in oral health education, was higher in the educated group than in non educated group (psychomotor domain: 0.43±0.03, 0.30±0.21) (educational efficiency: 3.91±0.82,3.37±1.01). Promotion of oral health measured by symptoms over 6 months was no different between the educated group and non educated group (3.81±1.09, 3.85±1.00). Conclusion: It was recommended that the oral health class be opened as a selective course in most universities. By developing the proper educational content this effort will promote interest and motivation towards oral health for university students.

      • KCI등재

        華陰 李昌庭의 詩世界 考察

        김효정 한국고전문학회 2019 古典文學硏究 Vol.56 No.-

        이 글은 華陰 李昌庭(1573~1625)의 시세계를 고찰하기 위해 이루어진 글이다. 이창정의 자는 仲蕃, 호는 荷塘聽雨子・華陰無求翁으로 선조・광해군・인조조에 활약했던 관료문인이다. 그는 息山 李萬敷(1664~1732) 고조부로 息山家의 문학적 토대를 세운 인물이다. 화음의 문집인 『화음유고』에는 출사 이후 20년 간의 관직 생활 동안 느낀 여러 가지 감회를 담은 시들이 수록되어 있다. 화음은 17세기 시단의 주류인 唐風을 따라 다양한 색채어와 이미지를 사용하여 산수의 아름다움을 유려하게 그려내었고, 쉽고 평이한 시어를 사용하여 진솔한 감정을 꾸밈없이 전달하였다. 화음의 시세계 양상을 3가지로 나누어 살펴보았다. ‘孤獨과 浮動性의 표출’에서는 오랜 객지 생활로 인한 고독과 객수를 외로이 떠도는 孤舟의 이미지로 형상화하였음을 볼 수 있었고, ‘忠心과 愛民意識의 충돌’에서는 임금과 나라를 위한 충심과 백성을 위한 애민의 마음이 충돌하면서 일어나는 갈등을 볼 수 있었다. 또한 ‘山水를 통한 현실의 中和’에서는 현실의 울울한 심사를 아름다운 산수 공간 속에서 덜어내는 흥취를 엿볼 수 있었다. This article is a made to consider the poetry world of Hwaeum(華陰) Lee Changjeong (李昌庭, 1573-1625). Lee Changjeong was a bureaucratic literary who played an active part in the King Sunjo, King Gwanghaegun, and King Injo. He is a great grandfather of the Siksan(息山) Lee Manbu(李萬敷, 1664-1732) who established the literary spirit of the Siksan family(息山家).  First, I considered the life of Hwaeum and his collection of 『Hwaeumyugo』, and looked at his poetry world. The 『Hwaeumyugo(華陰遺稿)』 contains poems that incorporate some of the feelings he felt during his 20 years of government office life. Hwaeum will draw the beauty of natural using various color words and images along the Dang style that is the mainstream of the 17th century poetry, and it will easily and honestly express the frank feelings of using plain poetry. I explained the Hwaeum Poetry World in three parts. In “Expression of Loneliness and Floatability”, I was able to see that the loneliness and the customer caused by long-term local life were shaped like a lonely drifting lonely boat, In “Clash of Loyalty and love of the people”, I was able to see the conflict that occurred while the love of the loyalty for the loyalty and the people collided for the wage and the country. In addition, in “Neutralization of the present day through the natural”, I was able to get a glimpse of the interest of relaxing the present day's depressed feelings in the beautiful space of natural.

      • KCI등재

        기혼여성 재택근무자와 직장근무자의 생활시간 사용에 관한 비교연구

        김효정 대한가정학회 2004 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.42 No.2

        This study examined the time use of married female home-based workers in comparison with married female on-site workers. The data were collected from 165 homebased workers and 292 on-site workers in Busan and Kyungnam province, by a self-administered questionnaire. Frequency distributions, Pearson's correlations, and multiple regression analysis were conducted by SPSS/PC^(+). The major findings are summarized as follows: (1) both groups spent more time in physiological activities, household work, and leisure on weekends than on weekdays, while they spent more time in work on weekdays than on weekends; and (2) generally, the age of the youngest child and the home presence of an aged or handicapped relative had effects on the time use of home-based workers. These results imply that home-based workers need to develop some strategies for time management to harmonize their home-based work with household work.

      • KCI등재

        Maturation and migration of dendritic cells upon stimulation with heat-killed tumor cells

        김효정,홍석만,윤택준,이성원,윤대선,김지연,신광순,박세호 한국통합생물학회 2012 Animal cells and systems Vol.16 No.3

        Recently it has been reported that immunization with heat-killed tumor cells (HK vaccine) induces anti-tumor immune responses in mice. To investigate how HKvaccine elicits anti-tumor specific adaptive immunity, we examined the effect of HK vaccination on innate immune cells such as dendritic cells (DCs), which are essential for the generation of adaptive immunity. Upon stimulation with HK vaccine, DCs matured to promote not only the upregulation of co-stimulatory molecules but also secretion of cytokine IL12. Furthermore, HK vaccine-treated DCs migrated more efficiently to draining lymph nodes compared with untreated ones. Taken together, HKvaccine can be useful as an adjuvant to activate DCs for anti-tumor immune responses.

      • KCI등재

        차세대 염기서열 분석법을 이용한 변사자 유골의 세균 군집 분석과 법미생물학적 활용

        김효정,조윤정,이자현,김효숙,정주연,김응수 한국미생물학회 2020 미생물학회지 Vol.56 No.1

        Analysis of bacterial communities derived from humans has great potential in forensic microbiological applications, such as providing information for individual identification at crime scenes, investigating biological terror cases, and estimating of post mortem interval (PMI). However, there is insufficient research on the bacterial community in postmortem-bones. Therefore, we analyzed the bacterial community of the postmortem-bones using the next-generation sequencing method to examine the feasibility of forensic microbial applications. A total of 94 spicules were used, and they were divided into sea (n=13), indoor (n=34), and outdoor (n=47) groups according to the environmental conditions. The common genera Clostridium, Peptoniphilus, and Sporanaerobactor were found in every group. On the other hand, Steroidobacter, Azospirillum, Photobacterium, Vibrio in the sea group, Ignatzschineria, Tepidanaerobacter, Virgibacillus, Lactobacillus in the indoor group, and Thermodesulfovibrio, Cohnella, Sphaerisporangium, Aeromicrobium in the outdoor group were found. A unique genus was found according to the environmental group, and showed different bacterial composition according to individual samples also. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) showed that the bacterial community structure mostly clustered according to environmental groups. Our results demonstrate bacterial community analysis of postmortem-bone could be used for forensic microbiological applications. 인체 유래의 세균 군집 분석은 범죄 현장에서 개인식별을위한 정보 제공, 생물 테러 사건의 수사, 사후 경과 시간(PMI) 을 추정하는 등 법미생물학적 응용에 있어 큰 잠재력을 가진다. 그러나 인간 유골에서의 세균 군집에 대한 연구는 미흡하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 차세대 염기서열 분석법을 이용하여 변사자 유골의 세균 군집을 분석하였으며, 발견된 장소와각각의 시료에서 세균 구성 차이와 법미생물학적 활용 가능성을 살펴보고자 하였다. 총 94점의 골편을 사용하였으며 발견된 장소에 따라 해양(13점), 실내(34점), 야외(47점)로 나누어 살펴보았다. 세 그룹의 결과를 통합적으로 보았을 때, 공통적으로 Clostridium, Peptoniphilus, Sporanaerobactor 등의 속이 발견되었다. 반면, 해양 그룹에서 Steroidobacter, Azospirillum, Photobacterium, Vibrio, 실내 그룹에서 Ignatzschineria Tepidanaerobacter, Virgibacillus, Lactobacillus, 그리고 야외 그룹에서는 Thermodesulfovibrio, Cohnella, Sphaerisporangium, Aeromicrobium 등이 특이적으로 발견되었다. 환경그룹에 따라 특이적인 속이 발견되었으며, 개별 시료에서 또한 서로 다른세균 구성을 보였다. 주좌표분석(PCoA)을 이용한 세균 군집 분석 결과는, 대부분 시료가 발견 환경에 따라 그룹화(clustering) 되는 경향을 보였다. 따라서 변사자 유골 세균 군집 분석기법의 법미생물학적 활용이 가능할 것으로 사료된다.

      • KCI등재

        트렌드컬러 분석을 통한 연도별 헤어컬러 경향에 대한 연구 2006년∼2020년 헤어컬러 중심으로

        김효정,홍보경 한국인체미용예술학회 2022 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        This study attempted to help users have a better understanding of hair color and suggest a direction to select and express more trendy color after analyzing trend color and hair color from 2006 to 2020. For this, the concept of trend color and annual trend color announced by PANTONE were examined as a theoretical review. To analyze domestic hair color trends, colors released by the nation’s leading hair dye manufacturers ‘AMOS’, ‘WELLA’ and ‘LOREAL’ every year were classified, and hair color trends were analyzed, focusing on VOGUE, CECI and COSMOPOLITAN pictorials. Then, such annual hair color trends were analyzed and reviewed through online websites, magazines, hair trend-related academic papers, theses and technical books to examine hair color by brightness and color. The results found that hair color trends change over time according to social and cultural factors. It is also confirmed that PANTONE colors and three domestic hair-dye manufacturers’ trend colors have revealed similarity since 2015 and had some influence on trend hair color in magazine pictorials.

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