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        송산리 29호분의 시기와 계통에 대한 검토: 최신 조사·연구 성과를 바탕으로

        김환희(Kim Hwanhee),이나은(Lee Naeun) 한국고고학회 2021 한국고고학보 Vol.- No.120

        송산리 29호분은 구조적으로 전통적인 석실에 새로운 전실의 요소가 가미된 구조로, 당시 사회·문화상이 장례문화에 직접적으로 영향을 주고 있음을 보여준다. 송산리고분군의 가계는 북동쪽 구릉에 위치한 1~4호분을 문주왕-삼근왕계로, 남서쪽 구릉에 위치한 무령왕릉, 5·6·29호분을 무령왕계로 정리하였다. 고분의 축조 순서는 입지적 특징과 구조, 출토유물(관정) 등을 검토한 결과, 2~4호분 → 1호분 →무령왕릉→6호분→5호분→29호분으로 추정하였다. 다음으로 일제강점기에 조사 보고되었던 내용과 최근 실시된 29호분의 재발굴조사 성과를 종합하여, 29 호분의 시기와 계통에 대한 검토를 진행하였다. 시기를 파악할 수 있는 중요한 단서는 29호분에서 출토된 화형두정, 반구형원두정, 평방두정이었다. 화형두정과 평방두정의 경우 웅진기에도 계속 사용되지만, 반구형원두정의 경우 사비천도를 전후한 시기인 6세기 중엽에 등장한 것으로 편년되어서, 유물 간의 시기 차이가 확인된다. 즉 29호분에서 출토된 반구형원두정도 6세기 중엽으로 편년할 수 있으며, 반구형원두정과 평방두정이조합된 목관B는 6세기 중엽, 즉 사비기 초에 추가장된 것으로 추정된다. 마지막으로 29호분의 피장자가 누구인지(계통)를 추정하였다. 29호분의 피장자는 무령왕계의 혈족으로, 가계의 마지막 단계에 매장된 것으로 파악하였다. 또한 앞서 검토한 여러 내용들을 종합하여 당시 29호분의매장 상황을 그려보면, 웅진기 말에 사망한 왕족 여성이 목관A에 입관되어 서쪽 관대에 안치된 이후, 6세기 중엽, 즉 사비기 초에 사망한 왕족 남성이 목관B에 입관된 후 동쪽 관대에 안치된 것으로 추정된다. S ongsan-ri Tomb No. 29 represents a merging of the use of brick with the traditional stone chamber tomb architecture, illustrating that the social and cultural aspects had direct impact on the burial culture of the time. The tombs of Songsan-ri have been established as follows: Tombs No. 1 to No. 4 located along the northeast hill belong to the line of King Munju to King Samgeun; the Tomb of King Muryeong and Tombs No. 5, No. 6, No. 29, located along the southwest hill belong to the line of King Muryeong. An examination of their construction order, based on location, structural features, and artifacts (in particular, coffin nails), can be suggested as follows: Tombs No. 2 to No. 4 were first built, followed by Tomb No. 1, the Tomb of King Muryeong, and Tombs No. 6, No. 5 and No. 29, in that order. This study then reviewed the temporal position and genealogy of Tomb No. 29 by putting together the survey reports dating to the period of Japanese Occupation and the recent re-excavation survey of the tomb. Important clues for figuring out the time period of construction were found in the coffin nails with flower-shaped head, semi-globular head, and square head excavated in Tomb No. 29. It is presumed that the coffin nails with flower- shaped and square heads were used during the Ungjin period, whereas coffin nails with semi-globular heads were seemingly produced in the middle of the sixth century, around the time of the relocation of the capital to Sabi. This suggests that wooden coffin B from Tomb No. 29, featuring a combination of coffin nails with semi-globular and square heads, was added to the tomb in the middle sixth century, in the early part of the Sabi period. Finally, this study explored the identity (geneaolgy) of the deceased buried in Tomb No. 29. It was suggested that one of King Muryeong’s kin was buried in the tomb at the last stage. In considering together various lines of evidence previously discussed, it was established that after a royal female had passed away at the end of Ungjin period, was put into wooden coffin A, and placed upon the western coffin bed, a royal male had passed away in the middle of the sixth century, the early Sabi period, was put into woodden coffin B, and placed upon the eastern coffin bed.

      • KCI우수등재
      • 일제강점기 고분 조사자료의 검토, 그리고 활용 - 백제 왕릉 최신 재조사 성과와 비교하여 -

        김환희 ( Kim Hwanhee ) 국립중앙박물관 2022 고고학지 Vol.28 No.-

        The investigations of the Tomb of King Muryeong(the Tomb of King Muryŏng) and the Royal Tombs in Gongju and the Royal Tombs in Buyeo(Buyŏ), which were carried out as part of the Joseon Historical Remains Survey Project undertaken during the Japanese occupation period, are significant in that it they represented the first full-fledged investigations of Baekje(Baekche) royal tombs of the Ungjin and Sabi periods. Although only a small number of records remain, as systematic investigations could not be carried out due to the short length of time, they can still be regarded as the most direct material for understanding the situation of the time. The re-reporting of survey data on ancient Baekje(Baekche) tombs obtained during the Japanese occupation period has taken place recently. This is an important endeavor, in which the re-examination and analysis of existing data can be used as reference in restoring the appearance of tomb remains during the Japanese occupation period. The survey records from the Japanese occupation period were used from the pre-investigation stage when undertaking the recent re-investigations of the Tomb of King Muryeong(the Tomb of King Muryŏng), Tomb No. 29 among the Royal Tombs in Buyeo(Buyŏ), and Tomb No. 4 among the Royal Tombs in Buyeo(Buyŏ). The approximate location and size of the tomb mounds were estimated through drawings and photographic data, and the exact location and size of the mounds were specified by matching them with the data from current numerical topographic maps and aerial imagery. In addition, even during the excavation stage, the survey records were used to set the methods and direction of investigation. The survey records act as an important resource for quickly recognizing what was overlooked during investigations in the past, as well as for identifying areas what were not investigated in the past, thereby making it possible to carry out supplementary investigations at this stage. The fact that data from the Japanese occupation period can be used in such a positive and productive way throughout the pre-excavation phase demonstrates that it is necessary to leave behind negative views and actively use the survey records from the Japanese occupation period to ensure the successful completion of the re-investigations that are again underway.

      • KCI우수등재

        제석사지 폐기유적의 시기와 형성에 대한 재검토

        김환희(Kim, Hwanhee),이나은(Lee, Naeun),우상은(Woo, Sangeun),조지현(Cho, Jihyun) 한국고고학회 2021 한국고고학보 Vol.- No.118

        제석사지 폐기유적은 제석사가 639년 뇌우로 인해 불탄 후 발생한 폐기물을 일시에 버렸던 장소로 알려져있다. 그러나 3년간 진행된 발굴조사 결과 폐기는 일시에 이루어진 것이 아니라 최소 2차례 이루어졌다는 사실이 확인되어, 기존의 논의를 재검토할 필요가 대두되었다. 또한 제석사보다 고도가 높은 곳에 위치한 제석사지 폐기유적의 입지상 비효율성을 어떻게 해석하고 받아들일 것인지에 대한 이견도 여전히 존재한다. 이에 본고에서는 제석사지 폐기유적의 발굴조사에서 보고된 폐기양상의 면밀한 검토, 출토유물의 과학적 분석, 시대별 지형 분석, 국내외 고대 사찰의 폐기장소 유사 사례 검토 등 다각적인 접근을 통해 유적의 시기, 성격, 형성 과정 등을 규명하였다. 먼저 층위양상 검토와 출토유물 분석 결과, 1차 폐기층 형성 → 1호 석곽묘 조성 → 1호 석곽묘 훼손 및 노출 → 2차 폐기층 형성이라는 4단계의 변화 과정을 거쳐 형성되었음을 확인하였다. 특히 2차 폐기 원인으로는 제석사 재건과 관련된 대지 정리 작업에서 나타난 것으로 추정하였다. 다음으로 출토유물의 과학적 분석을 통해 가마가 아닌 화재로 인하여 발생한 2차 피열임을 확인하여 유적의 성격이 폐기유적임을 규명하였다. 마지막으로 지형 분석 결과, 폐기유적이 곡부가 시작되는 끝자락에 입지한 점을 통해 시각적으로 폐기물을 감추기 최적화한 곳으로 추정하였다. 또한, 두 유적을 직접 잇는 서쪽의 도로가추가로 확인되어 폐기물 운반의 새로운 루트와 효율성을 확인하였다. 또한 국내외 고대 사찰의 폐기장소 유사 사례를 검토한 결과, 폐기행위는 규칙성 없이 상황에 따라 취사선택되어 형성된 것임을 파악하였다. It has been known, based on reviews of literature records and the results of excavation research, that the Jeseoksa Dump-site was a place where waste that was produced as a result of the fire started by the thunderstorm of 639 was disposed of. However, the results of excavations that took place over three years has revealed that the act of disposal did not take place over one occasion but took place twice. It has therefore become necessary to review existing discussions that have taken place on this topic. Different opinions still exist over how to interpret the Jeseoksa Dump-site, as well as how to come to terms with the inefficient location of the Dump-site, which was located at a higher altitude than the Jeseoksa Temple site. In an effort to investigate the formation process, period, and nature of the feature, this study conducted a multi-faceted review which included an analysis of the topography of the area where the Dump-site had been located according to period, an examination of the disposal patterns confirmed through excavation, the undertaking of scientific analysis on the artifacts excavated at the site, and a review of similar cases from home and abroad. The topographic analysis results revealed an additional road to the west that connected to the Jeseoksa Dump-site, which leads to the suggestion that road conditions had been suitable enough to enable transportation in the area. In addition, the Dump-site stood at the end of the curved section where the road started, which suggests that its location had been chosen due to its suitability for hiding the Dump-site. A review of the stratigraphy and an analysis of the excavated artifacts indicates that disposal took place over four stages in the following order of formation: the first disposal layer, the construction of the first stone-lined tomb, the damage and exposure of the first stone-lined tomb, and formation of the second disposal layer. In particular, it was estimated that the cause of the second disposal event was the clearing of the site related to the reconstruction of Jeseoksa Temple site. The scientific analysis results of the excavated artifacts demonstrate that the second instance of heating had been caused by a fire rather than a kiln. Finally, the study reviewed similar cases from home and abroad and found that similar acts of disposal took place according to emerging needs in an irregular fashion.

      • 스프링프레임워크를 이용한 신뢰성 평가 커뮤니티 웹 사이트의 설계 및 구현

        김환희(Hwanhee Kim),장재준(Jaejun jang),이성복(Songbokg Lee),신경섭(Kyungsub Sin),박은주(Eunju Park),임한규(Hankyu Lim) 한국정보기술학회 2016 Proceedings of KIIT Conference Vol.2016 No.6

        현대인들은 스마트폰의 보급과 빠른 인터넷으로 인해 수많은 정보들을 손쉽게 구하고 얻을 수 있다. 하지만 제공되는 정보들이 모두 신뢰성을 가진 것은 아니다. 페이스북이나 인스타그램 등은 ‘좋아요’를 통해 게시글에 대한 관심도의 표현은 가능하지만, 글의 신뢰도를 표현하지는 못한다. 본 논문에서는 게시글의 신뢰도를 표현하기 위해 웹 사이트의 게시글을 평가하는 방법을 제안하였다. 게시글의 평가를 통해 작성자의 신뢰성 평가가 가능하고, 이를 통해 보다 신뢰성 높은 정보의 공유가 가능한 커뮤니티 웹 사이트를 설계하고 구현하였다. In the modern world, people can easily obtain a lot of information due to supply of smartphone and fast internet. But not all information is reliable. By clicking ‘Like’ button in Facebook or Instagram, it is possible to express the interest about the post but it cannot express reliability. This paper suggests the method to evaluate post in web-site which can show its reliability. By evaluating the post, it is possible to evaluate reliability of the writer, and through this, we have designed and developed a community web-site which can share information with high reliability.

      • 요약문의 형태에 따른 RAPTOR의 성능 비교 분석

        병정(ByeongJeong Kim),환희(Hwanhee Lee) 대한전자공학회 2024 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2024 No.6

        This study aims to find the appropriate form of summarization for RAPTOR method, which is a RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) based framework that uses document summarization in the information retrieval process. We categorized summaries into three types (KeyDetail, Short, and Headline) based on length and level of detail. And we tested the performance changes when applying each type of summary, showing that the current summarizing method of “including as much detail as possible” is not optimal.

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