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        식습관 개선을 위한 온라인 코칭프로그램의 개발 및 효과성 검증

        김혜영,고 승석,양순정,윤방우,탁진국 한국코칭심리학회 2021 한국심리학회지: 코칭 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 습관행동 변화과정 모형(탁진국, 권혜란, 김혜영 등, 2019)을 기반으로 하여, 식습관 개선 성공 요인(최경화, 김혜영, 한석빈, 탁진국, 2020)과 선행 연구에서 습관 개선에 효과를 나타낸 방법들을 토대로 식습관 개선을 위한 온라인 코칭 프로그램을 개발하여실시하고, 그 효과를 검증하는 데 있다. 식습관 개선을 희망하며 수도권에 거주 중인 19세이상 성인 중 전화인터뷰를 통해 선정된 20명을 실험 및 통제집단으로 나누어 일대일 코칭을 진행하였다. 최종분석에는 17명의 자료가 사용되었으며, 프로그램 사전과 사후에 체중, 식습관, 식이행동, 식이효능감, 자기조절, 삶의 만족을 측정하여 분석하였다. 온라인 코칭프로그램의 효과성을 검증하기 위하여 프로그램 실시 사전, 사후의 시점과 집단 간의 상호작용효과를 분석한 결과, 자기조절과 삶의 만족을 제외한 체중, 식습관, 식이행동, 식이효능감에서 시점과 집단 간에 유의미한 결과가 나타나 프로그램 효과가 검증되었다. 즉, 통제집단에 비하여 실험집단에서 체중, 식습관, 식이행동, 식이효능감에서 유의미한 변화가 있었다. 이상의 연구 결과를 중심으로 본 연구의 의의 및 실무적 시사점, 제한점, 그리고 후속 연구를 위한 제언 등에 관해 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        학교중도탈락 청소년의 생활세계에 대한 탐색적 연구

        김혜영,이소희 한국청소년복지학회 2002 청소년복지연구 Vol.4 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the adolescents' pre and post lives in school dropout by reviewing the school dropout adolescents' social contexts. Through the procedures of this study, the school dropout adolescents showed how they identified themselves by expressing themselves as 'the kicked-out kid' or 'the leave-off kid'. The school dropout adolescents categorized themselves as 'the kicked-out' or 'the lcave-off' and this shows the contexts of school dropout directly and indirectly whether their opinion was involved or not. The analysis of the sociocultural aspects of the school dropout of adolescents and the meaning of such contexts resulted in discovery of structural factors in adolescents' pre and post lives of dropout. This study revealed that the school dropout is carried out through the complicated applications of structural factors which includes critical or fatal incidents, traits, reinforcement, catalysts, and endings. After the school dropout, isolation and uncertainty were found in dropouts' life styles, which represent their life with main interest, and attitude toward their future.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Health Information Technology on Malpractice Insurance Premiums

        김혜영,이진형 대한의료정보학회 2015 Healthcare Informatics Research Vol.21 No.2

        Objectives: The widespread adoption of health information technology (IT) will help contain health care costs by decreasing inefficiencies in healthcare delivery. Theoretically, health IT could lower hospitals’ malpractice insurance premiums (MIPs) and improve the quality of care by reducing the number and size of malpractice. This study examines the relationship between health IT investment and MIP using California hospital data from 2006 to 2007. Methods: To examine the effect of hospital IT on malpractice insurance expense, a generalized estimating equation (GEE) was employed. Results: It was found that health IT investment was not negatively associated with MIP. Health IT was reported to reduce medical error and improve efficiency. Thus, it may reduce malpractice claims from patients, which will reduce malpractice insurance expenses for hospitals. However, health IT adoption could lead to increases in MIPs. For example, we expect increases in MIPs of about 1.2% and 1.5%, respectively, when health IT and labor increase by 10%. Conclusions: This study examined the effect of health IT investment on MIPs controlling other hospital and market, and volume characteristics. Against our expectation, we found that health IT investment was not negatively associated with MIP. There may be some possible reasons that the real effect of health IT on MIPs was not observed; barriers including communication problems among health ITs, shorter sample period, lower IT investment, and lack of a quality of care measure as a moderating variable.

      • KCI등재

        단일 병원에서 소아 기도 이물 흡인에 대한 30년의 임상 경험

        김혜영,공섬김,박희주 대한 소아알레르기 호흡기학회 2009 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease Vol.19 No.4

        Purpose : This study aimed to analyze the clinical spectrum of foreign body aspiration in children and explore the clinical features which could facilitate early diagnosis. Methods : We studied 206 pediatric patients who had aspirated foreign bodies in Pusan National University Hospital between 1980 and 2009. Age, sex, symptoms, signs, the type and location of foreign bodies, radiologic findings and clinical courses were investigated retrospectively. We compared these findings of children diagnosed within 24 hours (early-diagnosis group: EDG) with those of the delayed-diagnosis group (DDG). Results : The majority of patients (76.2%) were yonger than 3 years of age. Cough (67.9%) and decreased breathing sound (43.6%) were the predominant symptoms and signs. Obstructive emphysema (50.0%) was the most frequent radiologic finding. Peanut was the most common foreign body. Acute severe airway obstruction by aspirated foreign bodies tended to occur in younger children because of their small airway. Choking was more frequent in the EDG group than in the DDG group (P=0.018). For the location of foreign bodies, the larynx and trachea were more common in the EDG group (P=0.031). Fever (P=0.024), persistent pneumonia (P= 0.011) and bronchiectasis (P=0.041) were more common in the DDG group than in the EDG group. Bronchial asthma, upper respiratory infection and pneumonia were the most common wrong diagnosis. Conclusion : Reducing the number of accidents associated with foreign body aspiration is the best way to promote public prevention policies. Physicians must consider the possibility of foreign body aspiration in children with chronic respiratory symptoms. 목 적 : 소아 기도 이물 흡인은 치명적일 수 있는 응급질환이며 진단이 늦어진 경우 장기적인 합병증을 유발할 수 있다. 이에 기도 이물 흡인에 대한 임상 자료를 분석하여 진단과 치료에 기여하고자 하였다. 방 법 : 1980년부터 2009년까지 약 30년간 부산대학병원 소아청소년과에서 기왕력, 흉부 방사선 검사, 기관지 내시경 검사 등을 시행하여 기도 내 이물 흡인으로 진단 받은 15세 미만 206명을 대상으로 임상 경과를 후향적으로 분석하였다. 급성 중증 호흡기 폐색 증상이 있었던 16명의 임상 자료를 분석하여 위험도를 평가하였다. 또한 기도 내 이물 흡인 후 진단 및 치료까지의 기간을 기준으로 24시간 이내인 경우를 조기 진단, 24시간 이상인 경우를 지연 진단으로 나누어 임상 자료를 비교 분석하였으며, 7일 이상 진단이 늦어진 환아들을 대상으로 지연된 진단의 원인을 조사하였다. 결 과 : 기도 이물 흡인 환아의 평균 연령은 22.3개월이며 3세 미만이 76.2%로 대부분이었고, 남녀비는 2.12:1 였다. 첫 내원시 임상증상은 기침이 67.9%, 진찰시 호흡음 감소가 43.6%로 가장 많았다. 흉부 방사선 소견에서 폐기종이 50.0%로 가장 흔하였다. 이물 종류는 식물성이 63.6%로 이중 땅콩이 45.6%로 가장 많았고, 이물 위치는 주 기관지가 66.5%로 가장 흔하였다. 심한 급성 호흡곤란은 3세 미만이 어린 영아에서 더 흔하였다. 조기 진단 군에서 사래걸림 증상과 후두와 기관에 이물이 위치한 경우가 유의하게 많았고, 지연 진단 군은 발열, 반복적인 폐렴, 기관지 확장증 증상이 유의하게 높았다. 7일 이상 진단이 지연된 환아들은 천식 및 기도 감염으로 오인된 경우가 흔하였다. 결 론 : 기도 이물 흡인은 3세 이하의 소아들에서 호발하며 어릴수록 호흡기 폐색 증상이 심각하게 나타날 수 있어 영아의 이물 흡인 예방을 위한 적극적인 보호자 교육이 필요하다. 또한 기왕력이 없고 흉부 방사선 소견이 정상이더라도 비특이적인 호흡기 증상들이 지속된 경우 기도 이물 흡인의 감별을 위해 기관지 내시경 검사를 적극적으로 고려해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Literature as a Source for Teaching Grammar: A Sample Lesson Using The Lady or the Tiger

        김혜영 현대영미어문학회 2018 현대영미어문학 Vol.36 No.2

        This paper outlines an approach to integrating the teaching of literature and language in the foreign language classroom. To this end, a lesson plan which utilizes a literary text as a source of comprehensible input for grammar instruction is proposed as an alternative to the conventional literature and grammar courses offered to undergraduate students. In this study, The Lady or the Tiger by Frank Stockton is used to present a grammatical form—the relative pronoun—to illustrate how literary texts can successfully serve as a means of grammar knowledge acquisition. A pre- and posttest was administered to quantify the change in grammatical knowledge. Results show a statistically significant difference before and after the treatment. Implications of the study and further ways to expand the lesson are also presented.

      • KCI등재

        한국 전통복식과 모더니즘의 디자인적 상관성

        김혜영,권미정 복식문화학회 2023 服飾文化硏究 Vol.31 No.4

        Modernism is an internationally accepted design style. In addition, traditional Korean costume is not the clothing of the past, but its form is also used in modern fashion. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the social and cultural contents of the morphological structure of traditional Korean costume, in order to derive the design characteristics of modernism and examine the global applicability of traditional Korean costume structure. For this study, photographic materials from museums, schematic drawings of relics, and Hanbok production books published by government agencies were analyzed. Further, this study examined traditional Korean costume, especially the modernism characteristics derived from Paul Greenhalgh and previous studies. The results are as follows. First, The traditional Korean costume is a cut based on basic shapes, along with a silhouette appears according to the background of the times. Second, the characteristics of modernism can be divided into universality, functionality, and simplicity. Third, as a result of analyzing the form structure of traditional Korean costume based on the characteristics of modernism, universality is expressed as standardized form, functionality as practical aesthetics, and simplicity as sustainable diversity. Furthermore, Korean costume has a difference in that was greatly influenced by various Eastern ideas and aesthetics of the late Joseon Dynasty. These findings provide a perspective of modern reinterpretation of the uniqueness and universality of traditional Korean costume in line with globalization by utilizing the design characteristics of modernism, an international style.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Thioacetamide 유발 흰 쥐 간독성에 대한 인삼 사포닌 및 에타놀 추출물의 효과

        김혜영,최홍순,김경환 한국독성학회 1996 Toxicological Research Vol.12 No.2

        Panax ginseng has been used for various diseases including hepatic disorders. The aim of the present study was to investigate the hepatoprotective effects of ethanol extract and saponin of Panax ginseng in thioacetamide-intoxicated rats and to compare with silymarin, a known hepatoprotective agent. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were given single intragastric administration of thioacetamide. Aqueous solutions of ethanol extract and saponin of Panax ginseng with or without silymarin were administered intragastrically daily for six days from four days before until one day after thioacetamide administration. At the end of the treatment, the rats were fasted overnight and sacrificed. As a result, thioacetamide caused significant increase in serum levels of AST, ALT, 5'-nucleotidase and bilirubin. Thioacetamide increased $Ca^++$ content but decreased protein content in liver tissue. These thioacetamide-induced biochemical changes were prevented both by ethanol extract of ginseng and silymarin, but not by ginseng saponin. Silymarin did not potentlate the effect of either ethanol extract or saponin of ginseng on these parameters. Thioacetamide-induced confluent necrosis was not protected by the test drugs. In conclusion, ethanol extract of ginseng protects the liver possibly by stabilizing the cell membrane and by inhibiting thioacetamide-induced $Ca^++$ increase in the hepatocytes, which was comparable to that of silymarin.

      • KCI등재

        효율적인 온라인 게임 서버를 위한 객체풀링 기법에 관한 연구

        김혜영,함대현,김문성 한국게임학회 2009 한국게임학회 논문지 Vol.9 No.6

        대부분의 온라인 게임서버 엔진에서의 Accept()사용한 Looping방식의 동적인 메모리 할당 방식의 사용은 다수의 클라이언트를 동시에 수용하고 진행해야하는 온라인 게임 상의 로그인 서버엔진에 많은 부하와 함께 병목현상을 유발하게 된다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 온라인상에서의 효율적인 게임서버를 위해 정적인 메모리 할당기법을 사용하여 메모리 단편화를 최소화하고, 클라이언트의 접속 시 세션연결 및 클라이언트 객체의 초기화를 위해 발생하는 부하를 최소화하기 위한 AcceptEx()를 사용한 풀링기법과 정적메모리를 생성하여 동적 할당처럼 포인터로 할당하는 메모리 풀링 기법을 합친 객체 풀링기법을 제안하고, 제안 기법을 적용한 게임엔진을 설계하여 구현한 후, 성능평가를 통해 제안한 기법의 효율성을 보였다. There is a request from the client, we almost apply dynamic memory allocating method using Accept() of looping method; thus, there could be process of connecting synchronously lots of client in most of On-line gaming server engine. However, this kind of method causes on-line gaming server which need to support and process the clients, longer loading and bottle necking. Therefore we propose the object pooling scheme to minimize the memory fragmentation and the load of the initialization to the client using an AcceptEx() and static allocating method for an efficient gaming server of the On-line in this paper. We design and implement the gaming server applying to our proposed scheme. Also, we show efficiency of our proposed scheme by performance analysis in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        Diagnostic Value of Specific IgE to Peanut and Ara h 2 in Korean Children with Peanut Allergy

        김혜영,한영신,김광훈,이지영,김민지,안강모,김지현 대한천식알레르기학회 2016 Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research Vol.8 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish the diagnostic decision point (DDP) of peanut specific IgE (sIgE) for predicting the outcome of oral food challenge (OFC). We also evaluated the usefulness of sIgE to peanut components (Ara h 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9) in diagnosing peanut allergy. Methods: Korean children aged over 12 months with a suspected peanut allergy were enrolled. Diagnosis of peanut allergy was confirmed by an open OFC or through the convincing history of anaphylaxis. Cutoff levels of sIgE to peanut and peanut components were determined by analyzing receiver operating characteristic curves. Results: Forty-eight children (22 boys and 26 girls) with a suspected peanut allergy were enrolled. The previously established DDP for peanut-sIgE antibodies (14 kU/L) showed a sensitivity of 22.7%, specificity of 100%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 100%, and negative predictive value of 60.4% in our study population. The median levels of peanut-sIgE (5.4 kU/L vs 1.1 kU/L, P<0.001) and Ara h 2-sIgE (0.8 kU/L vs 0 kU/L, P<0.001) were significantly higher in the peanut allergy group than in the peanut tolerance group. The peanut-sIgE concentration indicating a PPV of 100% was 10.3 kU/L. The Ara h 2-sIgE level of 4.0 kU/L had a PPV of 100%. Conclusions: Our results showed that the cutoff levels for peanut (10.3 kU/L) and Ara h 2 (4.0 kU/L) established in this study is useful for the diagnosis of peanut allergy in Korean children.

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