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      • KCI등재

        복식조형의 공간적 특질에 관한 연구 -Ⅰ

        김혜연(Hae Yeon Kim) 한국복식학회 1998 服飾 Vol.38 No.-

        This study is the primary basic study about the spatial feature of modeling of Fashion Design. Then, this researcher lays significance in establishing the basic system about the character of dress and its ornaments as modeling in spatial-formal dimension, examining the feature of modeling closely through perception principle and offering the basic principle to plan and organize the modeling space for dress and its ornaments on the basis of it. To generalize the findings is as follows: First, the spatial system of modeling for dress and its ornaments is made with 3 elements such as space, human beings and dress and its ornaments. Second, the form of dress and its ornaments and the spatial organization start from the structural basis which is human body, and the sensible system of body is made through interaction, but the aesthetic expression is completed by the moment of body. Third, the characteristic principle of modeling for dress and its ornaments which was suggested in Chapter Ⅳ is based on the visuo-per-ceptional modeling experience, and these thin king contents are inputted in cognition course as the invisible in formation in the new space plan and organization and activate the apperception course and aim at the action about aesthetic judgement.

      • KCI등재

        낙원 상실과 이브의 모티프의 변용 : 팀 버튼의 『유령신부』와 『이상한 나라의 앨리스』

        김혜연(Kim Hae Yeon) 새한영어영문학회 2011 새한영어영문학 Vol.53 No.1

        The study begins by examining the motif of the paradise lost and Eve’s temptation in Tim Burton’s two films, Corpse Bride and Alice in Wonderland. Then, it focuses how the widely known motif is twisted in his two films, and the ideological effect of the motif diminishes. In particular, this paper analyzes how the traditionally cultivated female images, “veiled virgin” and “sinister mother,” in the Christian western society disappear and change in both films. The two stereotyped female images had been produced and reproduced within the Christian institution that had used Augustine and Paul’s comments on the myth of Eden for maintaining its social domination. The sin of Eve in Eden represents all women and enforces them to accept the role of a “veiled virgin” and a “sinister mother.” Corpse Bride at first appears as the copy of Eve and a veiled virgin desiring to be a mother, but she escapes from the two images by not repeating Eve’s tempting speech. Corpse Bride eventually acquires the image of a “redeemer” discarding that of a “sinner” of Eden. Likewise, in Wonderland/Underland of the paradise lost, Alice discards both images of a “veiled virgin” and a “sinister mother” in confronting the Satanic character, Jabberwocky. By slaying Jabberwocky’s tongue before he speaks more, Alice symbolically repels the Satanic “verbal seduction” by which Eve is tempted.

      • KCI등재

        슈퍼 빌런과 사탄: 영화 <원더 우먼>과 <스파이더맨: 홈 커밍>에 나타나는 슈퍼 빌런의 악마성 연구

        김혜연 ( Hae Yeon Kim ) 영미문학연구회 2017 영미문학연구 Vol.33 No.-

        This paper examines two super villains in two recent films, Wonder Woman and Spider-Man: Homecoming and reveals their significant similarity with Satanic evilness. This study focuses on the basic and essential concepts of Satanic evil, which had been conceptualized and accomplished by Demonologists like St. Augustine and St. Aquinas: first, evil is lack of good, or evil is non-being, so evil is a completely unexplainable phenomenon; second, Satan is within community, so he always hides his own self. Ares, the super villain in Wonder Woman, fully mirrors the traditional Antichristian evil characters. Under the name of Sr. Patrick Morgan, he completely hides his identity and approaches Wonder Woman in order to destroy her. The origin of his evilness is inexplicit while the motivation of his evil behavior is also unexplainable in legal or moral terms. Although Spider-Man: Homecoming provides convincing reasons why Adrian Toomes has to become a horrific figure, Vulture, Toomes still remains Satanic, because he is found as evil within community hiding his own self. Toomes, however, shows the possibility of being saved as a human by his memory while Ares is finally defeated as an evil by the power of good, Wonder Woman.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 테마파크와 아도르노의 문화 산업론

        김혜연(Hae Yeon Kim) 한국비평이론학회 2008 비평과이론 Vol.13 No.1

          The aim of this paper is to expose the fascism of the typical theme parks in South Korea, Lotteworld and Everland through T. W. Adorno"s criticism on the "Culture Industry." Adorno insists that the mass culture is already determined and dominated by a few powerful manipulators of the culture industry. And he tries to reveal the mechanism of the way how the mass consumes the cultural commodities and contributes to the continuation of the monopolistic system of the culture industry. This paper argues that such strategies of culture industry operate in Korea"s most famous theme parks, Lotteworld and Everland. Both theme parks owned by large corporations, Lotte and Samsung, reduce all persons to the inferior and innocent consumers. In Lotteworld and Everland, the mass as a subject in the system of theme parks, continuously consumes the copies or imitations that are produced under the same standards or criteria. Such subjugation of the mass is accelerated by postponement of satisfaction, and the power does not leave the customer alone. Furthermore, the theme parks display diverse violences in amusing and comic shows in order that the customer of the theme parks laugh observing the violence. In laughing, the customers forget that they are actually mutilated and fragmented themselves by the violence. Therefore, Lotteworld and Everland are the condensed and concrete model of subjugation of the mass in the late capitalism.

      • KCI등재

        탈식민주의와 1960년대 세계문학전집 『실낙원』의 번역 연구

        김혜연 ( Hae Yeon Kim ) 21세기영어영문학회 2020 영어영문학21 Vol.33 No.3

        Based on the Postcolonial discourse, the paper studies two first Korean translations of Paradise Lost included in the 1960s World Literature Series. Many renderings in colonized countries contributed to the colonization process, and after political independence, they were extensively used for the expansion of American Modernization. In the 1950s and 60s, Korean translations of the western literatures increased enormously, and most of them were published with financial support from US organizations. USA and English represented the world, and Yoo Yeong and Lee Chang Bae’s Korean translations of John Milton's epic were published under the powerful influence of Americanization. Yoo and Lee’s translations reflect the power relationship between superiority of the original and inferiority of the translation. The translations were regarded as inferior copies of the great English original, so two translations show mechanical fidelity to the English source text by keeping Formal Equivalence and many scholarly footnotes. The two Korean renderings of Paradise Lost also show a heavy dependence on a Japanese translation of the epic. Indirect (second hand) translation made the Korean renderings have the xerox effect, and the source text for the target translation became Japanese version. As a result, the inferiority of two Korean translations stands in contrast to two great originals, English and Japanese.

      • KCI등재

        요통경험 유무에 따른 초음파 영상에서 측정된 근육크기와 근지구력 시간과의 관계

        김혜연(Hye-Yeon Kim),김소연(So-Yeon Kim),이해정(Hae-Jung Lee) 한국콘텐츠학회 2011 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.11 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 체간근 즉 외(측)복사근(EO), 복횡근(TrA) 및 요부 다열근의 크기를 체간근 지구력 검사 동안 측정하여 요통 경험 유무에 따라 측정 근육의 두께와 근수축의 패턴을 관찰하여 통증유무와 근 수축 패턴의 연관성을 알아보고자 하였다. 19세에서 29세사이의 50명의 피험자를 대상으로 측정하였다. 연구 참여자는 요통으로 인하여 일상생활이나 직장생활을 하는 데 제약이 없으며 현재 척추 증상이 없는 자를 대상으로 하였다. 자료분석은 요통 경험 유무에 따라 그룹화하여 실시하였다. 근육의 크기는 드로인 검사, 굴곡근 지구력 검사, 사이드-브릿지 검사에서 실시하고, 측정은 휴식기, 수축기, 수축15초에 하였다. 피험자에 대한 일반적인 데이터는 모든 신체 검사 측정 후 수집하였다. 드로인 검사에서 근수축 시, 오른쪽 외(측)복사근 두께가 Group 1에서는 감소하는 반면, Group 2에서는 증가하였으며, 양쪽 복횡근 두께는 그룹에 상관없이 증가함이 관찰되었다. 굴곡근 지구력 검사에서, Group 2에서만 복횡근 두께가 증가되었다. 또한 사이드-브릿지 검사에서는, 오른쪽 복횡근의 두께가 Group 1에서는 수축동안 계속 감소함이, Group 2에서는 수축 시 감소하다가 15초 수축 후에는 층가함이 관찰되었다. 따라서 본 연구 결과는 요통과 연관하여 특정 근육의 기능을 파악하여, 이에 맞춰 구체적인 훈련하는 것이 중요함을 제시할 수 있다. The purpose of the study was to examine the thickness of the trunk muscles ie. external obliques (EO), transversus abdominis (TrA), and multifidus and the trunk endurance strength in order to determine any relationship between the presence or absence of low back pain (LBP) and the size of trunk muscles. Data were obtained from 50 subjects, aged between 19-29 years. Participants had no experience of spinal problems that had resulted in a restriction of normal activity or time-off work and no current spinal symptoms. Measurements of muscle thickness of the trunk muscles were collected at rest, contraction and 15 seconds of post contraction during endurance strength tests. Background information was obtained followed all physical measures. Subjects were divided into two groups based on their experience of LBP. In draw-in maneuver, increasing the thickness of TrA was observed in all participants while EO was decreased at contraction in group 1 and increase in group 2. Only subjects in the group 2 had TrA increased during the flexion endurance test. In the side-bridge endurance test, the thickness of the right TrA was also observed differently between groups. Therefore, the results of the study may suggest that a function of specific muscle should be addressed for training persons with LBP.

      • KCI등재

        영시를 통한 대학 교양 영어 교육 방안 연구: 로버트 프로스트의 「꺼져라, 꺼져라-」를 중심으로

        김혜연(Hae Yeon Kim) 한국콘텐츠학회 2021 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.21 No.11

        본 논문은 영시를 통한 대학 교양 영어 교육의 필요성과, 구체적인 교육 방안을 모색하고, 로버트 프로스트의 「꺼져라, 꺼져라-」를 중심으로 구체적인 교수법 모델을 제공한다. 영시는 학습자 중심의 영어 교육이 중시되고, 읽기, 말하기, 듣기, 쓰기 4영역의 통합 학습 과정이 중시되며, 전공 공부와 취업으로의 연계를 목표로 하는 대학 교양 영어 수업에서 중요한 텍스트가 될 수 있다. 영시의 시각적 이미지, 리듬, 라임, 반복 등의 시적 기교는 언어에 대한 암기 학습 능력 향상과 음성, 구어적 능력 향상과 밀접한 관계가 있기 때문이다. 또한 본 연구에서는 수능 영어에 익숙한 국내 대학교 1학년 학생들에게 가장 적절한 시 선정 기준을 제시하고, 읽기 전 활동, 읽기 활동, 읽기 후 활동으로 나누어 교수법을 제시한다. 그리고 이러한 교수법이 3시간 수업의 대학교양 영어 수업에서 어떻게 구체적으로 적용될 수 있는지 프로스트의 「꺼져라, 꺼져라-」를 중심으로 제시한다. 그리고 이러한 ‘탈 활자적’ 텍스트를 통한 영어 학습이 학습자 중심의 지속 가능한 학습 모델이 될 수 있다는 점을 밝히고자 한다. This paper emphasizes the effect of using poetry in the University General English education and suggests the teaching method of English education with a Frost’s poem, “Out, Out- .” These days, learner-centered English education and integrative study of four linguistic functions, reading, listening, speaking and writing are considered important in the University General English class. Poetry is very effective text for the education purposes. Poetry techniques like a visual image, rhythm, rhyme, or repetition are actually mnemonics and strongly connected to the enhancement of memory and oral linguistic function. This paper suggests the specific education methods in the poetry selection, pre-reading step, reading step and after- reading step with concrete examples of “Out, Out-.” These education methods through the oral text can be a good and sustainable model for learner-centered education.

      • KCI등재

        악마론과 “전염병 같은 바람” -존 러스킨의『19세기의 폭풍 구름』

        김혜연 ( Hae Yeon Kim ) 한국영어영문학회 2013 영어 영문학 Vol.59 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to illuminate the devilish characteristics of “plague-wind” in John Ruskin`s The Storm Cloud of the Nineteenth Century in the traditional view of Demonologists, Augustine and Aquinas. Ruskin sees the effect of air pollution, “plague-wind” as the signs of moral corruption and sin in the modern society and identifies it as Christian evil. Thus, this paper begins by focusing on the fact that the “plague-wind” is described as absence of the natural wind. It is influenced by the most famous concept of metaphysical evil, which is established by Augustine and Aquinas: “Evil is privation of Good or absence of Being”. The “plague-wind” is the lack of natural wind and even nothing: it is not observed and written in the historic documents and completely excluded from the process of God`s creation. Second, there is no external motivation that can explain the “plague-wind”, which is also one of the diabolic characteristics. According to Augustine and Aquinas, the motivation of the Evil`s deeds usually remains unknown, because Evil simply enjoys destroying Good. Ruskin specifically highlights that “the plague-wind” seems to exist only for destroying natural wind. Third, it is identified with nameless wanderer. The prominent feature of Satan is that he does not have name and home. Disconnected from the root, Satan remembers nothing and loses his own identity. Thus, he wanders endlessly changing his name. The original name of the “plague-wind” also does not appear on this writing, and it is depicted as an inexplicable wind blowing from nowhere like a wanderer.

      • KCI등재

        Creative Memory in Book 11 and 12 of Paradise Lost

        Kim, Hae Yeon(김혜연) 새한영어영문학회 2015 새한영어영문학 Vol.57 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to explore the deep significance of creative memory in Book 11 and 12 of Paradise Lost. It is true that many Miltonists like Patricia M. Howison and Regina M. Schwartz have observed the problem of remembrance and forgetfulness as a crucial key to comprehending this epic. They did not, however, devote full attention to the last two Books in this epic, failing to capture the two special conditions in these Books. Thus, this paper analyzes the power of memory with two distinguished features in the final pair: first, Adam and Eve are in the postlapsarian Eden; second, Michael’s prophecy is a ‘biblical’ and ‘oral’ presentation of the Bible story. Above all, the final two Books begin with the Fall, so Adam and Eve have to experience the flow of time. Under this tragic condition, the fallen ancestors learn how to build a new identity, find a new meaning and cultivate new virtue through the exercise of their memory. In the postlapsarian world, memory fulfills a function as a mediator enabling one to see “what he has experienced” and “what the true meaning is in it” and helps one to overcome his desperate condition. It is also significant to see that Michael’s prophecy has ‘improvisational’ feature, which is biblical but not the same as the Bible itself. So, Michael does not teach Adam to remember every detail of the biblical history, but makes him remember how to face the changeable future. In this oral and nonliteral prophecy, Michael also adopts an important mnemonic devices, “location” and “images” to enhance Adam’s remembrance. This paper proves that memory can be one of the most creative faculties for two postlapsarian ancestors.

      • KCI등재

        존 마틴의 『실낙원』 삽화와 사탄

        김혜연 ( Hae Yeon Kim ) 영미문학연구회 2018 영미문학연구 Vol.35 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Satanic figure in John Martin’s illustration of Paradise Lost. Influenced by revolutionary spirit in the 19th century, Satan’s character in Martin’s illustration is contradictory: it is admirably heroic and devilish evil. Martin’s Satan definitely performs major roles among all illustrations like romantic heroes, takes off “sting, hoofs and horns”, which are typical symbols of Christian evil, and wears sublime grandeur and beauty. Martin’s Satan, however, shows traditional Christian devilish features too. Martin begins his illustrations with “the Fall” of Satan, blurs Satan’s identity in his first scene, and clothes God and Jesus with spiritual glory. Thus, Martin’s Satan cannot be analyzed completely either by Satanist or Anti-Satanist’s viewpoints. Martin, as a critic of Milton’s work, creates his own Satan which is different from any perspective of Miltonists or even from the poet’s description in the epic.

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