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        입원 환자용 초기 영양검색도구의 타당도 검증

        김혜숙,이선희,김혜숙,권오란 한국영양학회 2019 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.52 No.4

        Purpose: Poor nutrition in hospitalized patients is closely linked to an increased risk of infection, which can result in complications affecting mortality, as well as increased length of hospital stay and hospital costs. Therefore, adequate nutritional support is essential to manage the nutritional risk status of patients. Nutritional support needs to be preceded by nutrition screening, in which accuracy is crucial, particularly for the initial screening. To perform initial nutrition screening of hospitalized patients, we used the Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) Nutritional Risk Screening (CKUNRS) tool, originally developed at CKU Hospital. To validate CKUNRS against the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) tool, which is considered the gold standard for nutritional risk screening, results from both tools were compared. Methods: Nutritional status was evaluated in 686 adult patients admitted to CKU Hospital from May 1 to July 31, 2018 using both CKUNRS and PG-SGA. Collected data were analyzed, and the results compared, to validate CKUNRS as a nutrition screening tool. Results: The comparison of CKUNRS and PG-SGA revealed that the prevalence of nutritional risk on admission was 15.6% (n=107) with CKUNRS and 44.6% (n=306) with PG-SGA. The sensitivity and specificity of CKUNRS to evaluate nutritional risk status were 98.7% (96.8~99.5) and 33.3% (28.1~39.0), respectively. Thus, the sensitivity was higher, but the specificity lower compared with PG-SGA. Cohen’s kappa coefficient was 0.34, indicating valid agreement between the two tools. Conclusion: This study found concordance between CKUNRS and PG-SGA. However, the prevalence of nutritional risk in hospitalized patients was higher when determined by CKUNRS, compared with that by PG-SGA. Accordingly, CKUNRS needs further modification and improvement in terms of screening criteria to promote more effective nutritional support for patients who have been admitted for inpatient care.

      • KCI등재
      • 제 6회 국제 간호 및 조산 규정회의 참관기

        김혜숙,Kim, Hye-Suk 대한간호협회 2004 대한간호 Vol.43 No.1

        이 회의는 간호와 조산규정을 세계적으로 증진시키기 위한 시도에 큰 역점을 두었고 이 분야에 전문가들이 모여서 이 문제를 함께 생각해 보는 기회를 제공하는데 목적을 두었다. <중략>

      • 가족의 성격을 통해 본 제주인의 의식구조 : 여성을 중심으로 Centering on Women

        金惠淑 제주대학교 1992 논문집 Vol.34 No.1

        The characteristic of a family was partly grasped in condition that a man was born at home and that he socialized and his construction of consciousness formed in the process of his growth. The Cheju islanders' construction of consciousness, especially that of women's was treated in this report. Families in this island have been nuclear families in the operation of absolute consciousness of branch family by all the natural and historical situations. When all the sons get married, they move away from their parents and live indepedent lives. Parents who don't need their son's support, if they have living power, and though in old age, live by themselves. So the most important characteristic of family in this island is the consciousness of branch family and the spirit of independence. These qualities can be shown in the relationships between husband and wife, between mothers and daughters-in-law and in the women's lives, etc. That is, families in this island have horizontal and equal relationship constructions on which sexual differences are not serious and the generation principle is not strong, not the construction of vertical and surbordinate relation in traditional family. On the basis of these qualities, individual consciousness in the indivedual unit spreads through out the ways of living differently from familism on the mainland who think and act as a family unit. The individual consciousness develops independence and autonomy and presents a practical and logical attitude. According to circumstances, those can be expressed as selfish and exclusively closed qualities. The individual consciousness forms women's quality essentially different form traditional women and the spirit occurs in home life. Differently from the women of the tradtional society who had to depend on parents, husbands and sons, present women on Cheju strive to live independent lives and don't want be surbordinated to anyone. Considering this, though men have feeling of sexual superiority based on the tenets of Confucianism they can't express actual powfir because patriarchal power is not powerful in the nuclear family. The equality consciousness of man and wife sometimes makes men in this island seem passive due to women's economic power of labor.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        사회언어학(Sociolinguistiocs) 연구의 방법론

        김혜숙 한국국어교육학회 2004 새국어교육 Vol.0 No.67

        The purpose of this article is to understand a current status of sociolinguistics by reviewing methodology about the study of sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is "the study of language as it is used by real speakers in social and situational contexts of use." It has four characteristics. (1)Those who study sociolinguistics are linguists but they have great interests in adding social variables to pure linguistics. Sociolinguists believe that criteria of correct language usage be based upon not only pure grammatical standard but also societal norm in terms of its relevance and general acceptance. (2)The goal of sociolinguistics is to identify a co-variance between language and society and to establish a theory of language performance. (3)Sociolinguistics regards synchronical and diachronical traits as an identical frame. (4)Sociolingustics pays attentions to an usage of language in societal contexts and extends language competence, which is the main subject of pure linguistics, to communicative competence. D. Hymes(1974) predicts that the core areas of linguistics is actually sociolinguistics and, thus, the prefix 'socio' will not be necessary. Although we still have that prefix, it is true that sociolingusitics has already had its own identity and is growing rapidly as an independent discipline. In conclusion, this paper wants to argue that sociolinguistics will receive more attentions from linguists and play a key role in linguistics by explaining variations in language more systematically, and by interpreting and eliminating language conflict in everyday life. 본 연구의 목적은 사회언어학 연구의 방법론을 소개하여, 사회언어학이야말로 모든 삶의 근원이 되고 모든 사람들이 관심과 흥미를 가지고 들여다볼 만한 능력과 효과를 가진 것이 학문임을 보이고자 함이다.사회언어학적 연구를 위한 기준 요소로는 일반적으로 참가자(participants), 상황 및 배경(setting), 화제(topic), 기능(function)을 드는데, 이 네 가지의 사회언어학적 연구의 요소들은 별개로 존재하는 것이 아니라 거의 대부분의 연구에서 모든 요소들이 복합적으로 적용된다.사회언어학이란 가장 간명히 말하면 “복잡하고 다양한 사회 현상과 언어의 관계를 연구”하는 학문이라서 그 연구 주제는 매우 다양하고 넓을 수밖에 없는데, 이 넓고 복잡 다양한 사회언어학은, 그 궁극적 목적이 무엇인가에 따라 인간의 의사 소통 행위를 거시적미시적 두 갈래로 대별해 볼 수 있고, 그건 또 내부적으로도 몇 가지로 변별되기도 한다. 거시 사회언어학(macro-sociolinguistics)은 연구 단위를 국가로 보는 연구 방법으로서, 대표적인 연구 주제로는 한국어 언어 계획과 언어 정책, 언어 교육으로서의 문화, 사회 변화와 언어의 변화, 남북한 언어 통일 문제, 한국어의 세계화 문제 등을 들 수 있다.미시 사회언어학적 연구는 주로 다양한 사회적 변인(social variable)에 의한 언어의 다양성이 규명되는 연구들인데, 특히 국어 경어법의 사회언어학적 연구는 한국의 사회언어학적 연구의 가장 근간을 이룰 만큼 많은 연구와 성과가 드러났다. 사회언어학은 앞으로 더 많은 언어학자들의 관심을 끌게 될 것이고 언어에 나타나는 각 영역별 변이들을 체계적으로 설명해 주어, 순수언어학적 방법으로 해결할 수 없었던 많은 언어 현상들을 명쾌하게 해결해 줄 수 있으며, 실제로는 사회 생활에서 나타나는 언어적 갈등을 해석하고 또 해소해 주어, 결과적으로 언어학 연구의 주도적인 역할을 할 것으로 전망된다.

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