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        일제강점기 장충단공원 변화에 관한 시계열적 연구

        김해경 ( Hai Gyoung Kim ),최현임 ( Hyun Im Choui ) 한국전통조경학회 2013 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        장충단(長忠壇)공원은 현재 남산자락 내 공원으로 인식되지만, 조선 시대 남소영(南小營) 터에 대한제국의 군인 추모를 위해 조성된 장소였다. 일제강점기 급변하는 정세 속에서 공원으로 변모했고, 식민지의 타당성을 표현하는 공간구성요소가 도입되었다. 이에 일제강점기 장충단공원의 시계열적 변화를 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대한제국을 위해 싸운 군인들을 위한 추모공간이었다. 1900년 남산 자락의 제한된 진입공간을 지닌 터에 중심건물인단사(壇舍)와 부속건물을 지형에 위요되도록 배치했다. 1909년까지 봄가을에 정기적으로 추모 제례를 진행했다. 둘째, 경성부민을 위한 도시공원이었다. 1919년 경성부는 장충단을 공원으로 조성하여 제례를 금지시켰고, 단사를 제외한 기존 건물은 공원관리 시설로 활용했다. 다양한 계층이 이용할 수 있도록 휴게시설과 편의시설이 보완되었고, 대규모 벚나무 식재로 관앵(觀櫻)과 탐화(探花)의 명소가 되었다. 셋째, 식민지에 영향을 준 인물을 배향하는 추모공간을 조성했다. 1932년 이토히로부미를 추모하는 박문사(博文寺)가 장충단 권역을 내려다 보이는 위치에 자리잡았다. 이때, 조선의 전통건축을 이축(移築)하여 박문사의 부속건물로 활용했다. 관광지화 전략으로 경성유람코스에 박문사를 포함하여 다수가 경성 시내와 장충단 권역을 시야에서 내려 보는 경관을 체험하도록 유도했다. 장충단공원은 일제강점기 이질적 구성요소가 도입되어 공간이 지닌 성격조차도 변화되거나 재생산되었다. 향후 공원에 대한 재정비 사업의 진행 시 과거 기억을 존중하는 공간계획이 이루어지기를 바라는 바이다. Jangchungdan(奬忠壇) Park is now perceived as a mere park at the foot of Namsan mountain, but originally it was created to commemorate soldiers of Korean Empire on a site which name was Namsoyeong(南小營) during Joseon Dynasty. During the period of Japanese colonial rule, it was transformed into a park due to the rapidly changing circumstances, so the components expressing the validity of the colonial rule were introduced into the park. This paper examines the time sequential changes of Jangchungdan Park during the period of Japanese colonial rule, and the conclusions can be summarized as given below. Firstly, the park originally was a space to commemorate the soldiers who fought for the Korean Empire. It was built on formerly restricted area at the foot of Namsan Mountain in 1900, and it was arranged putting the ceremonial shrine Dansa (壇祠) as a central building and the annexes in the surroundings of it. The memorial ceremonies were held regularly in spring and autumn until 1909. Secondly, it became a city park for citizens of Gyeongseong-bu(the name of Seoul under the Japanese colonial rule). The authorities of Gyeongseong-bu reorganized Jangchungdan as a park in 1919, prohibited the performance of memorial ceremonies, and the existing buildings except the ceremonial shrine Dansa began to be used as park management facilities. Resting areas and amenities were supplemented for the usage of people from various backgrounds, and the large scale planting of cherry trees made the park a famous place to enjoy cherry-blossoms and other flowers in spring. Thirdly, it was reconstructed as a space to honor the influential personalities of Japanese colonial system. In 1932, Bankmun temple (博文寺) to commemorate Ito Hirobumi was constructed at a location that made it possible for a number of people to overlook Jangchungdan area. During that time, the buildings of traditional Joseon architecture were removed and reconstructed to serve as annexes to Bankmun temple. Due to the strategy to make Jangchungdan park a tourist attraction, Bankmun temple was included into the Gyeongseong sightseeing course, since the wide panorama of Jangchungdan Park and the whole city of Gyeongseong was opening from the temple. Various different components were introduced into Jangchungdan Park due to the rapidly changing circumstances; therefore the nature of the park was either altered or reproduced. Hopefully, the park rearrangement works will be executed paying respects to the memories of the past hereafter.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        해안의 노두에서 야외지질학습코스의 개발과 교수-학습 전략 - 목포지역을 중심으로-

        김해경 ( Kim Hai-gyoung ),오강호 ( Oh Kang-ho ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2017 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to develop geological field courses, and provide a teaching and learning strategy for the coastal outcrops of Heosado, Gohado, Mokpo city. The relationship between the learning contents of geological units in elementary school, middle school and high school were analyzed for this study. Science textbooks from middle schools and earth science Ⅰ, Ⅱ textbooks used in high school education were used for the basic analysis. The results of this study are as follows. The developed geological field courses in this study are located in the coast of Heosado and Gohado which is about 5km away from the downtown area of Mokpo city. The geological diversities distributed in three field courses are stratum, sedimentary rocks, rhyolite, porphyry, volcanic glass, fault, cross bedding, ripple and so on. The teaching and learning strategy in these field courses were developed based on the three stage model suggested by Orion(1989). In the preparatory unit, teachers introduced geographic information on field courses, and basic geological concepts related to the study area. As for the field trip unit, students participated on observation and problem solving activities that were developed by teachers. In the summary unit, teachers led students to deduce comprehensively on the geological process and history of this area based on the previous observation held in the classroom. The developed geological field courses in the coast of Heosado, Gohado is convenient and safe for observation activity. It takes around 10 minutes by car from the downtown of Mokpo city to these field courses. Thus, students from any education level can easily participate in the learning activity suggested in this study and gain knowledge in geology.

      • KCI등재

        벽수산장으로 본 근대정원의 조영기법 해석

        김해경(Kim, Hai-gyoung) 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 2016 서울학연구 Vol.- No.62

        본 연구는 일제강점기 옥인동 47번지 일대에 조영된 벽수산장(碧樹山莊)의 공간구성요소와 정원을 대상으로 분석하여 근대정원의 조영기법을 분석했다. 첫째, 벽수산장 권역 내 양식 건물과 한옥이 공존하지만 정원은 각 건물특성에 부합하는 형태가 조영되었다. 벽수산장에는 차량동선을 고려한 정형적 정원이 도입되었고, 한옥인 본채에는 후원과 연못을 축조했다. 둘째, 근대 건축 재료인 붉은 벽돌은 다듬은 화강석과 결합한 형태로 정문과 연계된 조적담, 벽수산장 외장, 일양정(一陽亭) 기단에 도입되어 디자인 통일성을 유지했다. 셋째, 식재 기법은 차량진입도로 양측에 은행나무와 벚나무의 열식, 벽수산장 전정은 잔디와 전정된 옥향, 경계부는 기존 수림대를 활용했다. 특정 경관 연출을 위해 화분을 활용했다.넷째, 벽수산장에서 향유할 수 있는 경관요소는 『벽수산장일람(碧樹山莊一覽)』의 기록에서 찾을 수 있다. 담장 안의 정원요소가 많으며, 자연적인 요소가 다수를 차지한다. 더불어 공감각적 체험과 일시적 경관도 포함되어 있다. 향후 벽수산장 권역의 발굴조사가 진행되어 근대정원 요소에 대한 보다 실제적인 분석이 후속되길 바라는 바이다. The present study analyzed modern garden landscaping techniques by targeting the spatial organization elements and garden of Byeoksusanjang(碧樹山莊), which was built in the area of 47 Ogin-dong during the Japanese colonial period. First, although modern buildings and Hanok coexist within the Byeoksusanjang area, the garden was built in a way that fit the characteristics of each building. A typical garden, which considered the vehicle movement line, was adopted for Byeoksusanjang, and a rear garden and a pond were built for the Bonchae, which is in the style of a Hanok. Second, the modern building material of red brick, in the form of a combination with polished granite stone, maintained the unity of the design by being applied to the masonry wall connected to the front gate, the exterior of the Byeoksusanjang, and the length of the Ilyangjeong(一陽亭). Third, the planting method involved the row-planting of Ginkgo biloba and Prunus yedoensis on both sides of the access road; Zoysia spp and trimmed Juniperus globosa for the front garden of Byeoksusanjang; and a natural tree belt for the boundary. Flower pots were used to achieve particular sceneries. Fourth, the landscape elements enjoyed at the Byeok susanjang can be found in the records of the 『Byeoksusanjangilram(碧樹山莊一覽)』. There are many garden elements within the wall, as well as a variety of natural elements. Furthermore, it includes synesthetic experience and temporary scenery. The present researcher hopes that actual follow-up analysis is carried out regarding the modern garden elements by conducting excavation surveys in the Byeoksusanjang area.

      • KCI등재

        전라남도 득량만 북측 해안에 분포하는 지질노두의 지질유산적 가치

        김해경 ( Kim Hai-gyoung ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2017 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        The aim of this study is to evaluate geoheritage values, and describe geological records in the geological outcrops distributed in the north coast of Deungnyangman, Jeollanamdo. The results of this study are listed below. Various geological records are distributed in the geological outcrops of about 1.2km coast of this study area. The area shows unconformity that involves a substantial break or gap in geological record, and meets with a fracture caused by spheroidal weathering and the intrusion of acidic and intermediate dykes in the 5 sites of this study area The explanations on geological records of this investigation are as follows. The unconformity of this study area is a nonconformity developed between sedimentary rocks and older metamorphic rock. The fault (about 2m displacement) showed in this area is mainly a normal fault developed in sedimentary rocks. The phenomenon of spheroidal weathering, which is a product of chemical weathering is developed in the outcrops of igneous and gneiss. The acidic and intermediate dykes around 3m to 5m in width are developed in the outcrops of gneiss. As for the geological records of these 5 sites, the values of academy, education, geomorphology and landscape were evaluated as excellent. This is due to the representativeness, scarcity and diversity of these geological outcrops. As this study indicates, these 5 sites have high value as geoheritages and thus, plans for the conservation and management on these geological outcrops should be provided.

      • KCI등재

        설계도서를 중심으로 본 1910년대 탑골공원의 성립과정

        김해경 ( Hai Gyoung Kim ),김영수 ( Young Soo Kim ),윤혜진 ( Hye Jin Yun ) 한국전통조경학회 2013 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구는 탑골공원의 조성 논의가 시작된 1897년부터 공원 형태가 완성된 1916년까지 약 20년 동안 작성된 설계도면을 1차 사료로 활용하여 공간 구성요소의 변화를 통한 공원 성격의 형성과정을 분석했다. 이에 도출된 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 1897년에서 1904년까지는 왕실 소유의 공원으로 탑골공원이 조성되는 시기이다. 고종의 근대 국가 건설을 위해서 1897년 조성 논의의 시작과 1899년 민가를 철거하여 거북이 모양의 공원 평면을 바탕으로 담장·남문·북문 조성하여 1902년 개원하였다. 1903년에는 이왕직 음악대의 연주 장소로 팔각정이 도입되었고, 연주에 부적합하다고 판단되어 1904년 호자식 음악당이 축조되었다. 이 시기는 일요일에만 개방되는 이왕직 소유의 공원이었다. 둘째, 1910년에서 1913년까지는 일반인에게 공개되어 이용이 활발해지는 시기이다. 주변 시설로 인해 경계부가 변형되었으며, 이용자를 배려한 휴양시설과 편익시설이 보완되었다. 1913년 8월에는 야간 개방이 이루어 졌는데, 이는 1910년대 일제에 의해서 도시풍 오락의 장소로 탑골공원이 이용되었기 때문이다. 셋째, 1914년에서 1916년까지 상업시설이 도입된 시기이다. 1914년 상업시설로 끽다점인 청목당이 들어섰으며, 주변에 연못과 등나무 그늘시렁이 조성되었다. 1916년 종로 야시의 시작으로 탑골공원 이용은 더욱 활발해졌으며, 휴양시설과 편익시설의 확충과 관리를 위한 경계울타리와 관리사무소가 설치되었다. 기존의 호자식 음악당이 철거되고 용산군주차사령부에서 가제보형 음악당이 이축되었다. 1916년에 이르러서야 비로소 1922년 개벽 에 등장하는 탑골공원의 이용 행태와 부합하는 공원 형태가 완성되었다. 본 연구는 일제강점기에 작성된 공원 설계도면의 발굴이라는 사료적 가치, 기존 연구의 오류를 수정할 수 있는 근거 제시, 근대 조경공간에 사용된 공간 구성요소와 재료에 대한 탐구로써 의의를 지닌다. This research analyzed the spatial components and establishment of the Tap-gol Park according to the plans between 1897 to 1916 when the discussions on the construction of the park began and it was accomplished as an urban park. The results are as follows. The establishment of Tap-gol Park can be divided by three period. Firstly, Tap-gol Park was owned by the royal family from 1987 to 1904. The discussions on construction of Tap-gol Park as a first urban park of Gyeongseong(京城) in 1897, and the private houses were tear down in order to secure land for the park in 1899. Gates and fences surrounding of Tap-gol Park were organized and it was opened in 1902 based on park plane of turtle - shaped. The octagonal pavilion for ‘Lee-Wang-Jik musical band(李王職音樂隊)`` was relocated in the southwestern part of the park in 1903. Secondly, Tap-gol Park was used actively by the public between 1910 to 1913, because it was opened for individuals. Also The boundary of Park were changed by surrounding facilities and recreational facilities and benefits was complemented for users. Tap-gol park was opened at nighttime in August 1913. Tap-gol Park was used as a place of amusement park. Thirdly, commercial facilities were made as the park facility between 1914 to 1916. The purpose of ``Kkikdajeom(喫茶店)`` was similar to the one of modern cafes. It was built as a typical Japanese tea-house with a small pond having an island and a bridge constructed inside. With the increase of usage of Tap-gol Park as a recreational area by the citizens in 1916, the pavilion as a rest area and toilet as amenities were supplemented. Superintendent`s office was equipped too. Simple chairs made from the wooden logs were installed around greenhouse, concert hall, the Wongaksa Buddhist temple(圓覺寺址十層石塔), and the flower garden was fenced round. After the relocation of Yongsan music band to Tap-gol Park, the existing concert hall was demolished. The shape of the park which was seen from the pictures of the magazines of 1920s were achieved as early as 1916. The importance of this research includes the basis to revise the errors of the preexistence researches and value of historical material of the design plan reference of the park which was accomplished during the Japanese colonial era. Also this research is to study on the spatial components of the modern landscape architecture and parks.

      • KCI등재

        고흥지역에 분포하는 백악기 응회암의 역학적 특성에 관한 연구

        김해경 ( Hai Gyoung Kim ),고영구 ( Yeong Koo Koh ),오강호 ( Kang Ho Oh ) 대한지질공학회 2004 지질공학 Vol.14 No.3

        본 연구에서는 전라남도 고흥군 일대에 분포하는 중생대 백악기 응회암을 대상으로 실내 시험을 통하여 역학적 특성을 파악하였다. 고흥군 일대에 분포하는 응회암(고흥응회암, 팔영산 용결응회암)은 성분상 glass성분이 우세한 유리질응회암(vitric tuff)에 해당된다. 응회암의 물리적 특성인 비중, 건조밀도, 함수율, 공극율 및 흡수율의 평균값은 각각 2.51, 2.52(g/㎤), 0.12(%), 4.51(%) 및 1.91(%)이다. 공극율의 증가에 따라 건조밀도는 낮아지는 경향을 보이며, 흡수율과 공극율은 밀접한 상관관계를 보인다. 일축압축강도(UCS) 범위는 80.4∼208(MPa), 평균 141.1(MPa)로서 Deere & Miller(1966)에 의한 신선한 암의 공학적 분류에 의하면 high strength에 해당이 된다. 축방향의 점하중 강도지수(Isa)는 평균 4.2(MPa)이며, 직경방향 점하중 강도지수(Isd)는 평균 2.2(MPa)으로, 점하중강도 이방성지수(Is(50))는 1.93이다. 일축압축강도와 축방향 점하중 강도지수(Is(50))는 밀접한 선형관계를 보이며, 관계식은 UCS = 22 Is(50) +49 (MPa) (r=0.95)로 나타낼 수 있다. 이 식은 고흥 지역 응회암에 대한 일축압축강도를 예측하는데 유용하게 사용할 수 있다 The mechanical properties of the Cretaceous tuff distributed in the Goheung area were measured in the laboratory. Tuff (Goehung tuff and Palyeongsan welded tuff) in the study area is classified into vitric tuff with regard to its composition. The specific gravity, the dry density, the water content, the porosity and absorption ratio in tuffs of the study area are 2.51, 2.52(g/㎤), 0.12(%), 4.51(%) and 1.91(%) in means, respectively. In the tuffs, dry densities are in inverse proportion to porosities, and absorption ratios are highly proportional with porosities. The uniaxial compressive strengths(UCS) in the tuffs ranges from 80.4 to 208(MPa) and the average of the strength is 141.1(MPa). According to the engineering classification of intact rock (Deere & Miller, 1966), the tuffs are assigned to the high strength rocks. The point load strength index (Isa) in axial test is 4.2(MPa) on the average, and the point load strength index (Isd) in diametral test is 2.2(MPa) in mean, and the point load strength anisotrophic index(Ia(50)) by the ratio of Isa to Isd is 1.93. There is close linear correlation between the uniaxial compressive strength and point load strength index, and the equation representing the correlation is postulated as follows : UCS = 22 Is(50) +49 (MPa) (r=0.95). It is considered that this equation is a useful tool to estimate UCS for tuff in Goheung area.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 경성제국대학 정원 특성과 시행과정 고찰

        김해경 ( Hai Gyoung Kim ),유주은 ( Joo Eun Yu ) 한국전통조경학회 2012 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.30 No.3

        본 연구는 경성제국대학 정원공사의 시행과정을 통한 일제강점기에 진행된 조경공사의 특성을 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 도출했다. 첫째, 일제강점기 경성제국대학 정원공사는 회계법에 의해서 진행되었으며,정원 설계도면·내역서·착공 및 준공 서류·공사대금 지급서류 등이 작성되었다.둘째,경성제국대학 정원공사에 참여한 청부업체는 모두 일본 업체이며,5개 업체가 견적서를 제출한 후 최저낙찰제에 의한 수의계약으로 진행되었다.셋째,경성제국대학 정원은 사분원과 선형이며,화단 경계는 측구로 활용되어 배수시설과 연계되었다.넷째,조경 수목은 설계도에 상세하게 명시되지 않았지만,내역서를 통해서 수종을 알 수 있다.수목은 지역적 특성으로 조선 자생종이 다수 도입되었으며, 적송은 당시에도 규격이 클 경우 고가였다.이와 같이 본 연구는 일제강점기 조경공사에 사용된 주재료와 기법을 실증적으로 밝힌 것에 의의가 있다. This study examines the implementation process of landscaping projects in Japanese colonial era focusing on landscaping of Keijo Imperial University and draws conclusions as follows. First, landscaping of Keijo Imperial University in Japanese colonial era progressed based on Hoegyebeop and it provides important materials including the floor plan of the garden, detailed statement and other documents required for the construction. Second, it was all Japanese enterprises that took part in landscaping of Keijo Imperial University and the construction progressed under a private contract by lowest-price contract-awarding system after five enterprises` submitting estimates. Third, according to the floor plan for the landscaping, the garden had a shape of a quadrant and its boundaries were utilized as side gutters and connected to a drainage system. Fourth, though the floor plan doesn`t clarify specific names of trees, detailed statement shows sorts of trees of the time. Trees of Chosun were plentifully introduced due to regional features and pines were the most expensive one when they were voluminous. This study has significance that it conducts an empirical research on main materials and techniques of landscaping projects in Japanese colonial era.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        보성군 선소 해안일대의 지형·지질특성과 교육적 활용방안

        김해경 ( Kim Hai-gyoung ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2017 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.29 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the geomorphological and geological landscapes in the coastal area of Sunso, Bosung-gun and to suggest the methods of educational application. The study area includes dinosaurs egg fossils found in sedimentary rocks that are designated as natural resources no. 418 in 2000. The relationship between the geological features of the coastal area studied and the geological learning contents of elementary and middle school science and earth science Ⅰand Ⅱ subjects were analyzed for this study. The results of this study are listed below. The diverse geological features included in this study area are sedimentary rocks (conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone), dinosaurs egg fossils in reddish mudstone, faults, intermediate dykes intruded in the stratum, stratification, cross bedding, graded bedding, tafoni, marine potholes and so on. These geological features were analyzed to determine how they are related to the geological learning contents of science and earth science subjects in current curricula. In particular, stratum, sedimentary rocks (conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone), dinosaurs egg fossils in reddish mudstone and faults are the geological features included in this study area that were determined to be very closely related to the geological learning contents introduced in elementary and middle school science and earth science Ⅰand Ⅱ. Educational application methods of this area can be as an outdoor geological field course or by preparing photographs, video, and VR tours in advance. Thus, the geological features of this study area can be proposed for use as teaching & learning materials. Development of programs for outdoor geological field learning, as well as development of teaching & learning strategies related to the field trip module should be done to use this study area as an outdoor geological field course.

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