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        淸陰 金尙憲의 疏箚 考察

        김하윤(Ha-yoon, Kim) 어문연구학회 2012 어문연구 Vol.72 No.-

        淸陰 金尙憲은 선조에서 인조대에 이르기까지 조선시대 사란(壬辰ㆍ丁酉ㆍ丁卯ㆍ丙子)의 소용돌이를 모두 경험한 관료문인이다. 그는 대표적 척화대신으로 국론을 이끌어 조선후기 사회의 국가대의로 기능한 北伐論의 기초를 놓았다고 평가받으며, 명분과 의리를 중시하여 후세에 節操의 상징으로 높이 평가되고 있다. 그의 문장과 節義는 正祖와 桐溪 鄭蘊에게 극찬을 받았고, 청나라 사람들에게까지도 경외의 대상이 되었다. 본고는 조선 중기 淸陰 金尙憲의 疏箚중에서 당시의 실상과 청음의 시대인식을 엿볼 수 있는 時弊疏와 諫諍疏를 통하여, 청음 소차의 槪況과 內容을 파악하였다. 청음의 소차는 모두 140편인데, 上疏와 箚子가 거의 5:5의 동일한 비율로 창작되었고, 諫長에 제배된 1624년을 기점으로 창작이 집중되는 현상을 보인다. 諫長으로서의 책임감을 다하고자 했던 그는 소차에서도 왕에 대한 直諫의 정도를 강하게 표출하였다. 그리고 여러 자리에서 진퇴를 반복하다 보니 전반적으로 辭免疏와 請願疏가 많은 비중을 차지하게 되었던 것이다. 청음은 왕권의 정통성을 확립하여 백성을 안정시키고, 時弊의 匡正을 위해서는 言路가 중요하다고 주장하였다. 君臣간의 의사 전달 창구가 언로인데, 언로의 開閉는 곧 나라의 存亡까지 이어지는 원인이 될 수 있으므로, 언로의 원활한 소통이 잘 이루어져야 한다고 하였다. 그리고 언로의 수직적인 소통에 이어서 보편적으로 통용되는 公道가 시행되야 함도 강조하였다. 賢才를 기용하고, 近臣들의 直言을 귀담아 들으며, 백성들을 위하는 爲民政治의 모범을 보이는 것이 公道라 할 수 있다. 그러나 청음 당대의 현실은 私情에 치우쳐 公道政治가 제대로 이루어지지 않고 있음을 力說하고 있다. 또한 上下의 言路가 소통되어 바른 도리인 공도가 회복된다면, 당대의 弊政은 자연스럽게 개혁되고 실추된 민심이 회복되어 人心도 돌아올 것이라고 보았다. 결국 국가가 扶持되는 원동력은 人心이고, 인심은 곧 하늘의 뜻인 것이다. 청음은 자신이 겪었던 당대의 폐정을 疏箚라는 형식을 빌어 임금께 직언하고 정치에 반영하여 세상을 匡正하고자 하였던 것이다. 그래서 임금의 뜻이 백성들의 마음에 순응하게 되면 하늘도 자연스럽게 왕에게 民治의 정당성을 부여해 준다고 본 것이다. From King Seonjo to King Injo, Cheongeum Sanghyeon Kim was caught up in a political vortex in the Joseon dynasty as a bureaucratic literacy man, experiencing massacre of scholars of Imjin, Jeongyu, Jeongmyo, and Byeongja. His reputation in the late Joseon Dynasty included that he was a representative minister who rejected peace and he established base of sending an expedition to conquer the north which served as a country representative. Also, he was highly praised as his image of integrity, putting high value on moral obligations and loyalty. In addition, his writings and moral obligations won rave reviews from Donggyeo Jeongon and even Ching people admired him with great awe. The purpose of this study was to investigate Cheongeum’s appeals focusing on its overall condition and contents to explore real condition and recognition of the times through looking at the letters of correcting corruptness of the times (Sipyeoso) and that of begging (Ganjaengso). Total number of Cheongeum’s appeals is 140, created in the ratio of 5: 5 between appeals and simple form of appeals (Chaja). The period of creation was focused on 1624 when he was appointed as a chair of appeals; he strongly expressed his appeals to King directly in his appeals to fulfill his duty as a chair of appeals and his repeated appointment in various positions brought many letters of begging and appeals in general. He argued that the press was highly important to secure King’s legitimacy, to stabilize people’s livelihood, and to correct corruptness of the times. According to what he asserted, it was the press that could make communication clearly and effectively between king and servant. He believed the opening and closing could cause one nation failed by emphasizing good communication of the press. On top of that, he put a stress on implementing path of justice that could be used in common in addition to vertical communication of the press. What he suggested as a path of justice was employing a man of knowledge and wise, listening to plain speaking, and showing exemplary politics for the people. In spite of his idea of a path of justice, situation of the time was, paradoxically, too much biased by personal feeling to implement it. With regaining a fair path through effective communication in the press up and down, he believed negative effects of the politics could be renovated and people’s alienated mind would be recovered naturally, bringing people’s mind back; driving force of a nation is the mind of the people and the mind of the people is the mind of heaven. Fit into a pattern of appeals, Cheongeum spoke plainly the negative effects of politics he had experienced and sought to reflect them on politics for correctness. In this way, authority of legitimacy he believed would follow naturally and endow king to rule over the people from the heaven when king’s mind conformed the mind of the people.

      • KCI등재

        아이스크림 전문점의 고객 선택 요인과 만족에 관한 연구

        김하윤,윤수경,김명희,Kim, Ha-Yun,Youn, Su-Kyung,Kim, Myung-Hee 동아시아식생활학회 2007 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        This study focused on the attribution factors affecting customers' satisfaction and revisit behaviors related to ice cream stores. For this study, 180 ice cream consumers who were patrons of ice cream franchise stores were randomly selected. Among them, 31 did not completed the survey. Therefore, a total of 149 survey questionnaires were analyzed for the results. All results were carried out using the frequency, factor analysis, cross tabs, and regression procedure of the SPSS 10.0 package. The results indicated that customers who visit ice cream stores $2{\sim}3$ times per month have a preference for a particular ice cream store. Determinant factors for ice cream specialty stores were summarized as the extensiveness of the menu, advertisements and familiarity, economical benefits, convenience inside the store, location and accessibility, and kindness. Among these, four factors (extensiveness of menu, advertisement and reputation, economical benefits, location and accessibility) significantly affected the level of customer satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        PRECEDE 모형을 통한 페루 중・고등학교 학생들의 자살시도 경험요인

        김하윤,남은우,Kim, Ha Yun,Nam, Eun Woo 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회 2017 한국학교지역보건교육학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Objectives: There is higher rates of experience of suicide ideation and suicide attempt of adolescents in the Lima and Callao region compared with the results of the epidemiological study (2013) conducted by Peru National Institute of Mental Health and the Global School-based Student Health Survey (2010) which is was conducted among adolescents across all regions of Peru. Based on the PRECEDE model, this study analyzed the prevalence and the factor associated with the suicide attempt among the adolescent in a poor urban area in Peru. Methods: A stratified random sampling was used for the survey to select study participants from the 6 secondary schools based in Comas or Callao. The survey was conducted November 25th and December 4th in 2015 and a total of 738 individuals included in the analysis. In order to analyze factors influencing suicide attempt, comparison of predisposing factor, reinforcing factor, enabling factor, behavioral factor, environmental factor, psychological factors by suicide attempt and suicide risk group were identified through the chi-square test and hierarchical logistic regression. Results: Results showed that those who reported having less parental understanding, less time spent with parents, and 'almost none/none' for parental affection had more experience of suicide attempt and were more likely to sort into the high suicide risk group. Also, a greater proportion of those with the experience of suicide attempt had more experience of smoking and alcohol consumption, and experience of physical abuse and feeling insulted and depression in comparison to that of those without experience of suicide attempt. Variables that had a significant effect on suicide attempt included depression, subjective happiness, smoking experience, sexual intercourse, involvement in fight, parental affection, and gender (male). Conclusions: The results of the current study can serve as grounds for the necessity of acknowledging that adolescent suicide does not simply depend on a couple of factors, but arises from situations in which individual, home, school, social factors influence one another, and therefore adolescent suicide should be prevented and addressed through a multi-dimensional and integrated approach.

      • KCI등재

        청음(淸陰) 김상헌(金尙憲) 상소문(上疏文)의 특징과 설득전략

        김하윤 ( Ha Yun Kim ) 한민족어문학회 2015 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.70

        Public appeals are kinds of writing which vassals report to king, it shows the most realistic library style on Dynasty. Public appeals is selected to receivers, and should have maximal formality in terms of vassals. Also, Vassals need high standard of writing skills as they persuade their king with those officials involved in realistic issues and comtemporary national. Therefore, only few prominent writers have many public officials who can make perfect sentences and can have their own justification. Chunum Kim Sanghun(1570~1652) had wrote 71 public appeals from 1624 to 1652. All of Those appeals followed comtemporary public appeals’ general standard, some of appeals which are out of principle showed his own emotional feeling on urgent serious situation during that moment. The persuasion strategy of Chungum’s officials that is the genre reflected on comtemporary reality is intended to make the change of their king’s mind or their act. So Chungum focused on justification and objectification about his opinions, stressed the importance of loyalty between the king and his servants as a way to persuasion, strengthened his thought by having the quotation for the old posts. Through that importance of loyalty and old posts, he heightened the persuasive. Moreover it showed commitment of persuading his king(receiver) and changing several issues in a right way by having extreme figure of speech and tough tone. That is dependent why Chungum is stamped as a symbolic figure of the section and constancy through second manchu invasion of Korea on 17th century.

      • KCI등재

        潛谷金堉의 挽詩연구

        김하윤(Kim, Ha-yun) 한국언어문학회 2016 한국언어문학 Vol.97 No.-

        Joseon’s representative reformer Jamgok Kim Yuk who only suggested economy activation policy for people. This policy for people became the reason of in the late Joseon period’s Silhak. Japgoak Mansi’s characteristics for remembrance of the deadman is like this. First of all, it hopes to go to the transcendental world by reconfiguration the memory. Jamgok made 28 short poems for the deadmen. The fives are for women, also fives are do not know the exact time of creation. Jamgok usually remember from royal family to administer of the region, none of them is for his family. Jamgok made his poems for his will, not for the request of others. Therefore, he left few poems compare to other poets at that time. Second of all, he expresses his sorrow calmly. Instead of express one’s sorrow directly, refraining is more effective way. It is because indirect expressing emotions is better than direct expressing emotions.

      • KCI등재

        외식 산업 해외 브랜드와 국내 브랜드의 브랜드 자산 구성 요소에 관한 연구

        김하윤(Ha Yun Kim),김보성(Bo Sung Kim),김명희(Myung-Hee Kim) 동아시아식생활학회 2009 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.19 No.5

        Brand equity has been treated conspicuously since the late 1980s. The purpose of this study was to develop a model brand equity model by examining the structural relationship among dimensions (brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand association/image, brand awareness) of brand equity, to compare differences between local brands and multinational brands. For this study, a total of 540 survey questionnaires were analyzed the results. All results were conducted using the frequency, factor analysis, regression and t-test procedure of the SPSS 12.0 package. The t-test revealed that consumers expose that recognize foreign brand constituents as better than domestic brand constituents. The determinant factors of brand equity were summarized as brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand association/ image, and brand awareness. Among these, four factors had a significant affected on the level of brand equity. Specifically, there was a difference between domestic brand and foreign brands. Among domestic brands the level of brand equity was significantly affected by brand loyalty, brand association/image, and brand awareness. However foreign brands were significantly affected by brand loyalty and perceived quality.

      • DALL-E2와 블록체인을 활용한 일기 작성 및 NFT 민팅 애플리케이션 구현

        김하윤 ( Ha-yoon Kim ),박우정 ( Woo-jung Park ),이유진 ( You-jeen Lee ),김소영 ( So-young Kim ),김민재 ( Min-jae Kim ) 한국정보처리학회 2023 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.30 No.2

        문서를 통해 기록을 남기는 과거의 기록 방식은 현대에 이르러 블로그, 인스타그램 등 다양한 SNS를 활용하는 방식으로 변모하고 있다. SNS의 발달과 대중화는 현대인에게 일반적인 일기 작성 포맷으로 자리 잡고 있다. 증가하는 수요와 디지털 기술 혁신에 대비되는 기존의 수동적인 일기 작성 애플리케이션을 대체하기 위해 본 논문은 DALL-E2와 블록체인을 활용한 일기 작성 및 민팅 애플리케이션 구현을 제안한다. 사용자는 제안하는 애플리케이션을 통해 음성인식, 광학 문자인식을 통한 다양한 일기 작성 방식을 제공받고, 완성된 일기 이미지를 디지털 자산으로서 보존할 수 있다.

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