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      • 우리나라에 있어서 영화진흥기구의 변천과 역할제고방안에 관한 연구

        김치환 ( Chi Hwan Kim ) 영산대학교 법률연구소 2009 영산법률논총 Vol.6 No.2

        We can find nearly all countries have Promotion Organization for Film Industry, for examples, America, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan and so on. We, Korea is no exception. We have KOFIC(Korean Film Council) to promote Korean film industry. KOFIC has various kinds of duties to promote film industry. Financial support, educational support, motion picture equipment support are the examples of KOFIC``s supporting services. KOFIC was founded on the Film Promotion Act in 1999. It is supported by Government financially. It is, however, not the agency of government but the private organization. Somebody tells it is quasi-public organization. The reason why this paper tries to analyse the legal nature of KOFIC is concerned with the matter that who are or are to be the true subject to promote film industry. Is it the duty of government to promote film market? Or is it more proper for people in film industry to do? Because film market promotion is their own business. At any rate, it is necessary to have policy and body to promote film market systematically. And the way to support film market is non-financial support such as educational support service, this paper stresses.

      • KCI등재

        일본 주민소송제도의 대상에 관한 고찰 - 신4호청구를 중심으로 -

        김치환(Kim, Chi Hwan) 경희대학교 경희법학연구소 2004 경희법학 Vol.39 No.2

        It is well known that Resident s Suit system has been introduced to Japan on the model of American tax payer s suit since 1948. There were two great changes in that system in both 1963 and 2002. The change in 2002 is focused on the No.4 action (or claim). Japanese Resident s Suit is made up of four kinds of actions, from No.1 action to No.4 one. The No.4 action before change was a lawsuit to be entered by residents on behalf of local government, against an offender who had done harm to local government finance. On the contrary No.4 action after change is a lawsuit to be taken against administrative agencies of local government irrespective of offender. But this small difference of between before and after change of No.4 action brought much greater changes to the resident s suit system. This study shows six differences between the old No.4 action and the new one which have been engaged in the controversy. Old No.4 action was the most popular suit for residents statistically before. But nobody knows how the new No.4 action system will be used. The purpose of this study is to make clear the changes and to afford information for the settlement of our resident s suit system. Because Japan has a longer experience than our country.

      • 지방분권과 환경법

        김치환(Kim, Chi Hwan) 한국국가법학회 2010 공법논총 Vol.6 No.1

        This paper deals with the subject ‘Decentralization of Power and Environment Law’ from the point of view how the concept of decentralization of power sinks into environment law. If local government system works well, local government had better take care of its own environment problems independently. Central government would have difficulty in dealing with local environment matters. Local government should play a leading role in protecting its local environment. By the way, it is doubt whether local government will be able to manage various local environment matters. This paper tries to find a way how to have local government being able to deal with its environmental problems more effectively, both the concept of decentralization of power and the rule by environment laws being harmonized with each other. For this purpose, the case of Japan is being analysed.

      • 소실점을 이용한 구형 영상기반 가상환경 내 물체의 3차원 운동

        김치환(Chi Hwan Kim),대원(Dae Won Kim),정순기(Soon Ki Jung) 한국정보과학회 2001 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.28 No.2Ⅱ

        본 논문은 구형 영상기반 가상환경에서 하나의 시점 영상 내에 포함되어 있는 임의의 물체를 모델링하여 3차원 운동이 가능한 시스템을 소개한다. 본 논문에서는 카메라 보정을 하지 않고, 물체에 대한 최소한의 기하학적 정보만을 이용하여 물체를 모델링하고, 모델링된 물체의 영상 기반 운동(image-based motion)의 가능성을 제시한다. 구현된 시스템은 구 환경에서의 하나의 시점 영상을 사영평면으로 간주하고 사용자에 의해 입력된 선과 점으로 투영된 3차원 물체의 2차원 모양을 모델링한다. 그리고 소실점을 이용해서 모델링된 입방체의 3차원 운동을 다룬다.

      • KCI등재

        통고처분에 대한 행정쟁송

        김치환(Kim, Chi-Hwan) 경희법학연구소 2005 경희법학 Vol.40 No.1

        Statutory Notification is an administrative act by government office to notice transgressor to pay the penalties for violations. In this case, the noticed (transgressor) has two choices. The one is to follow the notification and the other is to disregard it. And if the noticed would choose the latter, he would be prosecuted and put to the criminal court. On the contrary, if he would decide to pay the penalties, he could be exempt from prosecution and any other criminal sanctions. This is just what the statutory notification aimed at. The noticed is expected to pay penalties as noticed in order to avoid criminal prosecution. By the way, can the noticed contend with the penalty notification by reason that he does not agree to that? If it possible, when and how can he bring an action against the disagreeable notification. Especially, can the noticed bring an administrative litigation to request a retraction of notification as he has decided not to follow the notice. According to the usual opinion, the noticed is not allowed to take an administrative action against statutory notification. Because the notification is merely a notice, not an administrative order which can be contested at law. But I insist through this paper that even if statutory notification is not an administrative order but a notice or information, it should be gone to administrative suit. To support my insistence, I analyze critically some legal grounds which courts have dealt with as cause for prohibition of administrative litigation against statutory notification. And in order that the right to be given a fair trial is substantially guaranteed, the administrative litigation against statutory notification should be allowed. This is what I wanted to say.

      • KCI등재

        특구와 지방자치단체의 재정자치권

        김치환(Kim Chi hwan) 한국지방자치법학회 2004 지방자치법연구(地方自治法硏究) Vol.4 No.1

        There are a few special zoning policies being promoted in Korea these days - free economic zones, specialized tourism zones, and so on. Unlike in general areas, preferential treatment is given in such specially zoned areas. The latest policy is another to develop region-specific strategic industries and reinvigorate regional economy. Each local government designated as special zone can do its own business based on regional characteristics. The central government deregulates unnecessary restrictions by regions but affords no financial help to local business. Here the region-specific industries development policy comes to be in close connection with fiscal autonomy of local government. This paper tried to make clear the meaning of the relationship between the local autonomy in financial side and the promotion of special zone for region-specific strategic industries development. And I concluded that the success of special zone policy for region-specific strategic industries development would depend on whether the local governments obtain enough funds and achieve substantial local autonomy in finance. At any rate, there still leave many problems to be settled.

      • 영화에서의 예술성과 포르노성에 관한 일본판례의 동향

        김치환 ( Chi Hwan Kim ) 영산대학교 법률연구소 2011 영산법률논총 Vol.8 No.2

        외설(포르노성)과 예술의 경계를 가르는 것은 용이한 일이 아니다. 그러나 전혀 불가능한 일도 아니다. 현실로 영상물등급위원회가 있어 과도한 선정성을 이유로 제한 상영되어야 할 외설영상(영화)을 걸러내는 역할도 수행하고 있기 때문이다. 본고는 일본의 판례를 통하여 그곳에서는 외설성을 어떻게 이해하고 있는지와 그것을 판단하는 기준이 무엇인지에 대하여 살펴보고자 하였다. 특히 단순한 작품의 외설성문제가 아니라 영화라는 영상물의 외설성의 문제에 좀 더 비중을 두어 일반 인쇄물에 의한 작품에 대한 외설판단과의 다른 점이 있는지도 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해서 영화의 외설성이 문제된 판례만이 아니라 일본에 있어서 외설성의 판단기준을 확립하는데 기여하는 주요판례들도 함께 살펴보지 않을 수 없었다. 기본적으로 채털리부인이라는 소설의 외설성에 관한 최고법원판례에서 외설성의 법적 개념과 판단기준이 제시된 이래 악덕의 번영사건과 四捷半吳の下張사건에 대한 최고법원의 판결을 거치면서 판단기준이 보완되며 정착되었음을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 그러한 인식과 판단은 인쇄물이 아닌 영화의 외설성을 판단함에 있어서도 다르지 않았음을 알 수 있었다. 판례들은 영화와 일반 인쇄물간의 매체적 특수성을 부정하지 않았지만 그러한 차이가 외설성판단에 있어 상이한 판단기준을 적용해야 할 정도의 차이를 지니고 있다고는 보지 않았다. 판례의 태도들은 기본적으로 수긍할 수 있다. 외설문제에 대한 일본의 판례들을 통하여 일본사회에서의 외설에 대한 인식 수위도 추량해보는 것이 가능하다. 사회질서유지라는 사명감에서 보수로 흐르기 쉬운 법원의 판단이 곧 일본사회의 외설에 대한 인식수위를 정확히 대변한다고 보기는 어렵겠지만 전혀 사회의 인식과 동떨어져 있다고도 보기 어려울 것이다. 적어도 본문에서 소개한 판례들을 통하여 성에 대한 사회인식의 변화에 따라 외설에 대한 법적인 판단도 매우 느린 속도이기는 하여도 변화될 가능성이 있음을 엿볼 수가 있다. What is the pornography? And What is the art? Could we draw a distinct line between the pornography and the art? It is very hard to draw the line between pornography and art. It is difficult, but it is not impossible to distinguish pornography from the other. Korea Media Rating Board actually classifies some movies as restricted because of their sexuality or nudity. The purpose of this paper is to study Japanese cases which deal with pornography. It tries to find out what the Japanese courts understand the obscenity is and what standards they have in order to distinguish pornography from art. And it tries to focus on the matter of pornographic movies. Because we would think the ``movie`` media has some different features from print media. For examples, we can only see the movies in theater unlike books or pictures(this feature is not correct today.). Some people can be restricted to see the movie physically unlike print media. And there are some other different features. In conclusion, however, Japanese courts doesn``t discriminate the movie media from the print one. Supreme court established the basis for judging obscenity in ``Lady Chatterley``s Lover`` case. And the standard of obscenity is more developed afterwards through the other supreme court judgements in ‘(l``Histoire de Juliette ou les Prosperites du vice’ case and a novel ``四捷半吳的下張`` case.

      • KCI등재

        일본 지방자치법상 지정관리자 제도와 국가배상책임

        김치환(Chi-Hwan Kim) 한국지방자치법학회 2022 지방자치법연구(地方自治法硏究) Vol.22 No.3

        공익적 성격을 지니는 분야라고 하여 모두가 행정주체에 의하여 직접 수행되어야 하는 것은 아니다. 민간부문의 역량이 크게 향상된 오늘날은 민간의 자율성과 창의성, 효율성과 효과성 등 사적 주체가 행정주체보다 뛰어난 점이 적지 않다. 일본의 지정기관제도도 그런 이유에서 도입된 것이 아닐 수 없다. 본고에서 다루고 있는 지정관리자는 그러한 지정기관제도의 한 유형이다. 지정관리자는 2003년 일본의 지방자치법 개정에서 도입된 제도이다. 지방자치단체가 설치하는 공공시설의 관리를 할 수 있는 자로 해당 지방자치단체에 의하여 지정된 기관이다. 지정관리자제도가 도입되기 이전에도 관리위탁의 형태로 지방자치단체 아닌 외부기관이 공공시설의 관리업무의 일부를 수행하여 왔는데 그때 관리업무를 수탁받을 수 있는 자는 공공적 성격의 단체에 한정되어 있었다. 지정관리자제도는 그러한 제한을 철폐하여 널리 민간사업자도 공공시설의 관리를 가능하게 하였고, 지정관리자에게는 이용요금의 결정과 수취권, 이용허가 결정권 등의 포괄적인 관리권한이 부여되었다. 본고는 이와 같이 종래 행정이 수행해오던 관리업무의 대부분을 수행하게 된 지정관리자가 공공시설의 관리과정에서의 과오로 인하여 타인에게 손해를 가한 경우에 그에 대한 배상책임을 국가배상법에 따라 지정관리자와 지방자치단체 중에 누가 부담하여야 할지에 대한 일본의 논의를 소개하는 데에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 그런데 지정관리자제도가 20년에 가까운 역사를 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 지정관리자의 국가배상책임에 관한 논의가 많이 이루어지고 있는 것으로 보이지는 않는다. 사례도 많은 편이 아니다. 하지만 본문에서는 유의미한 판례와 학자들의 견해를 소개하여 충분하지는 않지만 그러한 논의가 행정분야에 민간능력의 활용이 확대되는 오늘날의 사회에서 행정주체와 사적 주체간의 책임문제를 정리하는데 있어 일말의 참고가 될 수 있기를 기대한다. Even if it is a field of public interest, it is not necessary that all of it be directly carried out by an administrative entity. Today, when the capabilities of the private sector have greatly improved, there are many things that private actors are superior to administrative actors in terms of private autonomy, creativity, efficiency and effectiveness. Japan's designated institution system was also introduced for that reason. The designated management entity dealt with in this paper is one type of such a designated institution system. Designated management entity is a system introduced in the 2003 revision of the Local Autonomy Act in Japan. A person who can manage public facilities installed by a local government is an institution designated by the relevant local government. Even before the introduction of the designated manager system, external institutions other than local governments performed part of the management of public facilities in the form of management entrustment, and at that time, those who could be entrusted with management were limited to public organizations. The designated manager system eliminated such restrictions, allowing private businesses to manage public facilities, and the designated management entity was given comprehensive management rights such as determination of usage fees, right to receive, and right to decide permission to use. This paper focuses on introducing Japan's discussion on who should be responsible for compensation under the State Compensation Act if a designated manager who has performed most of the management tasks of the previous administration causes damage to others due to errors in the management process of public facilities. However, even though the designated manager system has a history of nearly 20 years, it does not seem that there is much discussion on the state liability of designated management entities. Also there are not many cases. However, the paper introduces meaningful precedents and scholars' views and hopes that such discussions will serve as a reference in resolving the responsibility between administrative and private subjects in today's society, where the use of private power is expanding in the administrative field.

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