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      • KCI등재

        녹차엽 주입에 따른 수돗물의 수질 변화

        김창모,박현,장현성,김현숙,Kim Chang Mo,Park Hyeon,Chang Hyun Seong,Kim Hyun Suk 한국환경보건학회 2006 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        This study was carried out to investigate the physicochemical characteristics with the elapsed time of $1\~10$ minutes after adding green tea leaves in the tap water. The results are summarized as follows: 1. $UV_{254}$ measurement increased sharply in direct opposition to increasing conductivity slowly. It is expected that the water soluble organic matters were better extracted than minerals. 2. Residual chlorine decay coefficients evaluated by assuming first-order reaction was increased in proportion to adding weights of green tea leaves. 3. In DBP formation experiments, residual chlorine decreased when reaction time was elapsed. whereas DBPs such as HAAs and THMs increased with the passing of time. From these results, it was showed that residual chlorine decay was related with the formation of DBPs. Therefore, use of boiled tap water in preparation of green tea is suggested if the residual chlorine in the tap water is high.

      • KCI등재

        음용수에서 소독부산물과 이취미 유발물질의 끓임 효과

        김창모,최인철,장현성,박현,한선희,Kim, Chang-Mo,Choi, In-Cheol,Chang, Hyun-Seong,Park, Hyeon,Han, Sun-Hee 한국환경보건학회 2006 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        DBPs and T&O(taste-and-odor) compounds in drinking water is one of main source to deteriorate water quality. So, these compounds can cause adverse health effects and result in many consumer complaints aesthetically. This experiments carried out to investigate the effect of boiling water on DBPs and T&O compounds in the tap water. THMs and TCM concentration were reduced by 91.3%, 88.9% after 5 min of boiling, respectively. It is certainly, resulted from volatilization of TCM. TCAA concentration decreased when the water was boiled, too. By contrast, the concentration of DCAA was increased with duration time from boiling-point. The reduction of TCAA from the boiled water can be attributed to chemical transformation like decarboxylation. T&O compounds such as geosmin and 2-MIB was effectively removed by boiling of water, resulting in the removal efficiency of 97.1%, 94.4% after 5 min of boiling, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        군 포교 실태와 과제 -군 포교 성과와 미래 군 구조 개편을 중심으로-

        김창모 ( Chang Mo Kim ) 한국불교선리연구원 2007 禪文化硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        군법사가 파송된 지 40여년이 되어 간다. 1968년 5명이 최초로 군에 들어온 이래 현재 140명의 군 법사, 400여개의 법당, 12만 명의 군 신자와 함께 군 포교는 비약적인 발전을 이루었다. 하지만 갈수록 군에 들어오는 군 법사가 줄어들고 불사나 포교 방법에도 문제점이 많이 지적되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 군 불교의 성과와 현 실태, 그리고 문제점들에 대해 통계자료를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 아울러 현재 장병들의 불교 신앙 활동에 대한 조사를 위해 설문조사를 실시하였다. 이 자료를 바탕으로 현재 군 포교 실태와 문제점에 대해서도 언급하였다. 설문조사 내용은 불교를 믿게 된 시기와 동기, 수계 여부, 불교교리에 대한 이해와 교육 정도, 불교 수행 중 관심 있는 분야 등에 대한 것이다. 조사 결과 불교에 입문이나 수계, 그리고 전역 후의 지속적인 불교활동에 대한 긍정적인 부분으로 나타났으나 불교에 대한 체계적인 교육의 부재 등은 문제점으로 파악되었다. 본 논문에서는 군 구조 개편에 대한 내용을 비교적 자세하게 다루었는데 미래군 포교를 위해서는 변화하는 군 상황을 이해해야만 된다는 판단에서다. 군은 ``국방개혁 2020``에 대한 내용을 이미 2005년에 발표하고 정부에서는 이에 대한 지속적인 추진을 위해 국방개혁에 관한 법률과 이에 대한 시행령을 이미 제정하였다. 국방개혁안은 한국군의 미래에 대한 모습이 들어 있는 거대한 프로젝트라고 할 수 있다. 군 포교를 위해서 군 구조 개편에 대한 내용은 종단이나 교구에서 반드시 알고 있어야 하나 아직 이에 대한 구체적인 언급이나 방안은 나와 있지 않다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 이러한 국방개혁안을 비중 있게 다루고 이에 대한 불교적인 방안을 제시하였다. 특히 포교의 맥을 짚어 효율적인 포교를 해야 함을 강조하였는데 논산훈련소나 교육기관에 대한 포교, 그리고 포교주체인 법사들의 역량강화와 시스템에 의한 포교에 중점을 두었다. 본 논문은 군 포교의 역사와 과제, 그리고 현재 장병들의 신앙 활동에 대한 실태, 그리고 군 구조 변화에 맞는 군 포교 비전 제시 등이 들어 있다. 결국 본 논문은 군 불교의 과거, 현재, 미래를 담고 있다. The purpose of this study was to explore the results and questions of Buddhist military mission in ROK Army, ROK navy, and ROK Air Force during last several decades and to suggest a vision for future Buddhist military based on the blueprint of a changing security environment of ROK in the huge stream of ``Military Structure Changes 2020(국방개혁2020).`` The results and history of Buddhist military mission were dealt with briefly but the issues on military structure changes were discussed throughly. The dogmas of Buddhism were not main concern of this paper since the purpose of this paper had been to achieve a practical goal: an alternative suggestion. Chapter 2 presented that the results and questions of Buddhist military mission. Firstly, the results of past Buddhist military mission were discussed and then questions on them were raised. Next, In chapter 3 the general concent of Military Structural Change 2002 were overviewed and Buddhistic proposals on the plan were presented. This chapter showed us that our specific concern should include: Downsizing military personnel and units and upsizing officers, civilian employees, non-commissioned officer, female officer and non-commissioned officer. This paper pointed out that the Buddhist should pay specific attention on one important question: Where the focus of Buddhist mission had been. In other words, the effective strategy for Buddhist military mission in barrack should lay great emphasis on mission in military schools under three Education & Training Commands. And the focus of the mission should be on the systematization and strengthen of the Buddhist Chaplain. In conclusion, we hope that this paper should help more people understand the content of military structure changes and Buddhist alternative solution could be presented in near future.

      • KCI등재후보

        태권도장 경영유형에 따른 소비자 행동특성

        김창모(Kim Chang-Mo),안민주(An Min-Ju),김공(Kim Kong) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        This study identified the relations between administration types of franchised and normal Taekwondo clubs and their programs, members' satisfaction and membership registration to reach the following conclusions. First, there were a significant difference between the expertise of leadership and trainees based on the administration types of the club. Second, in the franchised club, there were significant differences between the training programs, personality of leadership, expertise of leadership, management of trainees and club, in terms of grades, while in the normal club, personality and expertise of leadership, and satisfaction of members showed significant differences concerning the gender. In the aspect of grades, the training programs, personality of leadership, expertise of leadership, management of trainees and club, and membership satisfaction. Based on school performances, the training programs in terms of graders, personality of leadership, expertise of leadership, management of trainees and club showed significant differences between the groups. Third, in the franchised club, drilling frequencies made significant differences between the training programs, personality of leadership, expertise of leadership, management of trainees and club. For the normal club, training period produced significant differences between the training programs, management of trainees and club, and membership satisfaction; drilling frequencies showed significant differences between groups, in terms of the personality of leadership. Fourth, among the sub-factors of training characteristics of franchised club, the drilling frequencies had significant effect on the expertise of leadership, management of trainees and club, and membership satisfaction. Of the sub-factors of training characteristics of normal club, the training period significantly affected the training programs, personality and expertise of leadership. The training frequencies had a significant influence on membership registration. Lastly, among the sub-factors of administration programs in the franchised club, the expertise of leadership and club management had a significant effect on membership satisfaction; training programs had a significant impact on membership registration. The personality and expertise of leadership, and club management among the sub-factors of training programs in the normal club significantly influenced the membership satisfaction; personality of leadership had a significant effect on membership registration.

      • KCI등재

        체제전환국의 기업부문 부패 요인 -시장경쟁과 정부의 질을 중심으로-

        김창모(연구원) ( Chang Mo Kim ) 한국비교경제학회 2016 비교경제연구 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 기업단위 자료인 BEEPS를 이용하여 부패의 결정요인을 실증분석한다. 경제적 측면을 반영하는 시장경쟁 요인과 함께 제도적 측면을 반영하는 정부의 질적수준을 함께 고려한다. 분석 결과, 시장경쟁은 일시적으로 부패를 증가시키지만, 정부의 질은 부패를 지속적으로 감소시키는 효과를 갖는다. 정부의 질 변수가 갖는 채널효과를 감안할 경우, 정부의 질적 수준의 향상은 시장경쟁이 부패를 증가시키는 부정적인 효과를 억제하는 효과를 보인다. This empirical study analyzes the determinants of petty corruption by using the firm-level data, Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS). As main causes of corruption, I consider not only market competition that reflects the economic aspects, but also quality of government that mirrors the institutional factors. The results show that market competition could temporarily increase the firm-level corruption but that quality of government would consistently decrease corruption; i.e. the unofficial payments or gifts taken by government officials. Regarding the quality-of-government variable as a channel-featured effect, the institutional improvement in the government side can suppress the negative effects of market competition on corruption in transition economies.

      • 태권도선수들의 체력요인에 의한 경기력 결정요인 평가

        김창모(Kim Chang-Mo),이기정(Lee Ki-Jeong) 한국콘텐츠학회 2005 한국콘텐츠학회 종합학술대회 논문집 Vol.3 No.2

        본 논문은 남자고등학교 태권도선수들의 체력요인에 의한 경기력 결정요인을 규명하기 위한 것이다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여, 남자고등학교 태권도선수 50명을 대상으로 선정된 8가지의 체력검사를 실시하였다. 구체적으로 이 연구에서 실시한 체력검사는 악력, 제자리높이뛰기, 윗몸앞으로 굽히기, 윗몸일으키기, 눈감고 외발서기, 10m 왕복달리기, 50m 달리기, 1600m 달리기이다. 이들 체력요인 측정결과를 토대로 요인분석 방법을 적용하여 요인구조를 분석하였다. In this paper, I was undertaken to identify factorial structure of physical fitness components for male high school Taekwondo players. In order to accomplish this purpose, the selected 8 physical fitness test were conducted to 50 male high school Taekwondo players. For the concretely, this study was conducted to physical fitness battery was grip strength, vertical jump, standing trunk flexion, sit-ups, closed eyes foot balance, 10m shuttle run, 50m run, and 1600m run. Factor analysis was applied for analyzing factorial structure of each physical fitness components.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        알파 태아단백을 생성하는 난소의 Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor

        김창모 ( Kim Chang Mo ),박영한 ( Park Yeong Han ),장봉림 ( Jang Bong Lim ) 대한산부인과학회 2003 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.46 No.8

        The Sertoil-Leydig cell tumor (SLCT) is gonadal tumor of sex-cord type, similar to that seen in the various phase of testicular development in the male. It is the most common type of all virilizing ovarian tumors and account for less than 0.5% of all ovar

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        거미 서폐의 미세구조와 석면노출 환경의 모니터링을 위한 생물지표적 유용성 평가에 관한 연구

        김창모 ( Chang Mo Kim ),문명진 ( Myung Jin Moon ) 한국환경생물학회 2014 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        인간의 생태계와 서식환경을 공유하고 있는 정주성 거미류의 경우 제한된 서식지 이동 특성으로 인해, 특정 유해환경을 효과적으로 감시할 수 있는 환경 지표생물로서의 활용가치가 매우 높은 생명체로 판단된다. 따라서 본 연구는 석면 섬유에 노출시킨 거미의 서폐 미세 구조를 관찰하고, 그 결과를 토대로 유해환경을 모니터링할 수 있는 생물지표로서의 활용 가능성에 대해 논의 하였다. 고해상도의 주사전자현미경으로 서폐의 미세구조를 관찰한 결과, 기공 주위에 분지된 수지상의 큐티클 지주(spike)는 기낭으로 유입되는 공기를 정화하는 필터 구조로 작동하였고, 기낭 내부에 수직돌출된 큐티클 지주는 기낭 공간을 안정적으로 확보하고 호흡 표면적을 극대화하는 구조체임이 확인되었다. 짧은 노출 기간에도 불구하고, 기공 개구부의 전 영역에서 청석면의 미세섬유가 검출되어 석면과 같은 환경 오염원에 대한 효과적인 생물지표로서의 가능성을 거미의 서폐에서 확인하였다. 또한, 기낭으로 유입되어 혈림프 공간을 관통한 미세섬유는 고착구조를 형성하고 조직손상을 유발함이 관찰 되었는데, 섬유 주위에 밀집된 혈구는 흔히 관찰되었으나, 섬유 표면에 부착된 혈구나 석면소체 등은 관찰되지 않았다. 이는 상대적으로 짧은 석면노출기간에서 기인하는 것으로 해석되었다. Orb-web spiders can be considered as an effective bio-indicative animal to monitor the ecological air pollution of certain habitat since they have limited shifting ability during their life spans. In this study we revealed the fine structural characteristics of booklung in the orb-web spider Nephila clavata, and its bio-indicative significance in the monitoring environmental asbestos exposure. The high resolution scanning electron microscopy results suggest that the cuticular spikes near the atrium could be act as an effective filtering structure for dust materials. Furthermore, inner cuticular spikes which protruded across the air sacs, have the functions not only sustaining appropriate respiratory volume of each air sac but also help to enhance respiratory capacity by maximizing the gross surface area for gas exchange. Interestingly, in spite of short exposure, the asbestose fibrils were effectively captured on the surface of the atrial cuticular spikes. Furthermore, histologic damages were observed due to penetration of asbestos fibrils through air sacs and fixed on the hemolymph space. In addition, although accumulated mass of hemocytes were observed near the fibrils, there were no asbestos bodies or coagulated hemocytes were found on the surface of the fibrils, This could be mainly due to the short exposure period towards asbestos. Briefly, these results indicate the spider`s booklung could be valuable tool in the detection ecological air pollutants.

      • KCI등재

        국제통상규범과 중소기업지원제도에 관한 연구

        김창모(Kim Chang-Mo) 한국국제상학회 2001 國際商學 Vol.16 No.1

        The domain for free business activities has been expanded with the world economic structure in the process of globalization. However, this is accompanied by mounting uncertainty over the national economy. The growth of small and medium sized enterprises capable of standing tall in their own right is more desirable and more urgent than ever for the national economy to progress on a steady basis against this backdrop. Even thougb the rules of international commerce have prohibited the subsidy, the industrialized countries have more suppcrting systems than before for small and medium sized enterprises due to the fact that the certain subsidy, such as non-actionable and nonspecific one is still allowed. Moreover, other all kjnds of supporting systems for small and medium sized enterprises has mobilized in order to maximize the effects of production and employment. This article reviews the status of the rules of intemationa] commerce for the subsidy, and analyzes the support systems of major countries uJX>n emphasis. After that, it suggests the direction of the support systems for small and medium sized enterprises.

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