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        民·官 그리고 知識人 주도의 반부패운동-중국 반부패소설의 주선율화, 통속화, 예술화를 중심으로-

        김창경(Kim ChangGyeong),안승웅(Ahn SuengWoong) 한국부패학회 2014 한국부패학회보 Vol.19 No.4

        본 논문은 중국의 부패문제를 문화사적인 입장에서 반부패소설을 중심으로 하여 살 펴보고자 하였다. 이에 본 논문은 반부패소설이 중국에서 흥성하게 된 원인을 세 가지 측면에서 살펴보았다. 첫째, 반부패에 대한 중국정부의 의지와 반부패소설의 주선율 문 화로의 편입이다. 반부패운동의 성패여부가 당과 국가의 존망을 결정짓는다는 인식을 한 중국정부는 반부패운동의 성공을 위해 반부패소설의 창작을 적극 지원하였다. 둘째, 대중의 심미요구와 반부패소설의 통속화를 들 수 있다. 반부패소설은 내용상 독자대중 의 흥미를 끄는 요소를 풍부히 가지고 있었으며 동시에 권력의 폭력에 저항하고자 하 는 민중의 염원을 담고 있으며 동시에 이들이 쉽게 받아들일 수 있는 주제의식과 형식 을 지니고 있었다. 셋째, 중국지식인의 현실참여 정신과 반부패소설의 문학적 성취를 들 수 있다. 반부패소설의 창작이 단순한 어용문학으로서 정치적 구호에 머물거나 통속 문학으로서 대중의 말초적 호기심에 영합하지 않았던 것은, 현실주의 문학으로서 반부 패소설이 지닌 리얼리즘 때문이었다. 결론적으로 반부패소설의 성행은 사회의 부패를 일소하려는 정부의 의도, 시대적 요 구에 호응하려는 작가들의 창작정신, 그리고 독자대중의 문화적 수요라는 삼요소가 일치함에 따라 말미암은 것이라 할 수 있다. 이러한 반부패소설의 연구는 기존의 사회학 적 측면과 다른 인문학적 차원에서 부패의 문제를 바라보는 것으로서 보다 다양한 측 면에서 부패의 문제를 바라볼 수 있는 계기를 마련할 수 있을 것이다. This paper studied Chinese corruption issues focusing on the anti-corruption novel from cultural perspective, and analyzed the causes to promote anti-corruption novel from the three following reasons. The first reason is Chinese governmental intention which tries to absorb a main melody culture of anti-corruption novel for the governmental propaganda of anti-corruption. As we know with the title of the anti-corruption novel, anti-corruption novel is closely related to the anti-corruption movement which was led by the Chinese government. Chinese government supported the creation of anti-corruption novel for the success of the anti-corruption movement. The second reason is the aesthetic demand by the public and the popularization of anti-corruption novel. The anti-corruption novel had a lot of factors that were the allure of the people’s interest, the people’s desire for resistance against the violence of power, and the easy topic and format for the public. The third reason is Chinese intellectual’s participation in political issues and the achievement of anti-corruption novel. Even if anti-corruption novel is popular literature, it did follow the people’s trivial curiosity which a popular literature try to satisfy. It does not remained just as political slogan. The anti-corruption novels are based on the reality. In conclusion, the popularity of anti-corruption novel in China are influenced by governmental intentions to eradicate corruption, authors’ creation spirit which fulfills the need of the times and readers. Therefore, the research of anti-corruption novel makes a opportunity to see a corruption problem from the various perspectives while the current studies of corruption are made from the perspectives of social sciences.

      • KCI등재


        왕타오(Wang Tao),김창경(ChangGyeong Kim) 대한중국학회 2016 중국학 Vol.54 No.-

        近年来, 随着上世纪80、90年代出生的青年已到适婚年龄思想前卫的年轻夫妻的数量逐渐攀升。旅游也逐渐被接受为庆祝新婚的一种新方式。蜜月旅游在旅游市场中众受追捧成为了一种新型的旅游产品以此来满足新婚夫妇的旅游需求。本文通过国内外蜜月旅游市场的发展综述及消费者行为学理论分析了影响消费者蜜月旅游行为的因素。上海作为国际化大都市蜜月旅游的消费群体数量庞大因此本文还通过问卷调查等方式对上海及中国国内其他蜜月旅游市场活跃城市的消费者行为特征进行了统计分析对比研究了蜜月旅游影响要素。最后通过此研究结果对上海蜜月旅游市场的发展提出了合理而有效的营销策略用以发掘更多的潜在客户、开发更多新的蜜月旅游产品、完善该旅游市场的体系和结构、促进蜜月旅游市场的健康可持续发展。 In recent years, the young people who born in the 1980s and 1990s have beenmarried, the number of young married couples who are open-minded is generallyrising. Tourism has gradually been accepted as a new method to celebrate thewedding. So honeymoon tourism is so popular in the tourism market, and it hasbecome a new tourism product in order to meet the newly married couples’ travelrequirement. According to the study of the development of domestic and overseashoneymoon tourism market and the theory of consumer behavior and psychology,this paper has analyzed the factors influencing consumers’ honeymoon travelbehavior. Shanghai, as one of the biggest international city in China, the numberof honeymoon travel consumers is huge. So, by using the questionnaire, this paperalso statistically analyzes and contrasts the characteristics of consumer behaviorbetween Shanghai and other domestic active honeymoon tourism cities andresearches the influential factors of honeymoon tourism. Finally through the resultsof this study, this paper provides a reasonable and effective marketing strategyabout the development of Shanghai honeymoon tourism market, hoping to exploremore potential customers for the enterprises, developing more new honeymoontourism products, improving this tourism market system, and promoting thedevelopment of honeymoon tourism market.

      • Self-awareness in Li Bai’s Poetry Sea Imagery

        HUANG Yueming(??明),KIM Changgyeong(金昌慶) 동북아시아문화학회 2024 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2024 No.6

        Li Bai’s use of sea imagery is a profound vehicle for expressing his self-awareness and philosophical musings. The sea, with its vastness, depth, and changing nature, serves as a powerful metaphor for the poets inner world, his emotions, and his reflections on life. Through this imagery, Li Bai not only conveys his personal experiences and ambitions but also invites readers to contemplate the broader human condition. In Li Bai’s poetry, sea imagery serves as a powerful tool for expressing self-awareness. The sea’s vastness and depth mirror the poet’s introspection, highlighting his existential musings, emotional states, and spiritual aspirations. Through his evocative use of the sea, Li Bai not only paints vivid pictures of the natural world but also delves deep into the human psyche, exploring the complexities of life, freedom, loneliness, and immortality.

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