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      • KCI등재

        밤 과육, 껍질 및 밤나무 잎 추출물에 대한 항산화 및 항염증 활성 비교

        김진윤,김승연,권형민,김찬현,이승진,박승춘,김경화 韓國藥用作物學會 2014 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        The present study was carried out to evaluate the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of threeextracts (hot water, 50% ethanol and mixed solvent;water, ethanol, butylene glycol, propylene glycol) of dried chestnut,chestnut shell, chestnut leaves and dried chestnut leaves obtained from Castanea crenata tree. When conducted DPPH assay,radical scavenging activity of ethanol extract of chestnut shell was the highest with IC50 10.8㎍/mL among four extractsfrom these parts (p<0.05). In additional results by the xanthine oxidase assay, antioxidant activity showed that waterextract of chestnut leaves showed the highest xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity in the tested extracts (p<0.05). Futher-more, extracts of chestnut shell and leaves exhibited no cytotoxicity in RAW 264.7 cells (p<0.05). Also, anti-inflammatoryactivity by NO assay showed LPS-induced NO was significantly inhibited following treatment with extracts of chestnut shelland leaves of 3㎎/mL (p<0.05). These data suggest that extract of chestnut shell have antioxidant and anti-inflamantoryactivity including chestnut leaves. Therefore, it is considered that Castanea crenata research range and selection of functionalmaterial can broaden chestnut shell to other fractions such as chestnut and chestnut leaves.

      • KCI등재후보

        韓國思想의 源流와 그 正體性

        김진윤 한국민족사상학회 2012 민족사상 Vol.6 No.4

        韓國思想은 韓國人이 처해 있는 환경적 여건에 맞추어 자생적인 사고와 전래된 사상들을 主體的으로 흡수하여 그들의 생존을 위한 최선의 선택을 해온 결과물이다고 할 수 있다. 여기서 ‘主體的’이라는 의미는 韓民族이 共同體를 형성한 시점에서 시작된 檀君思想의 弘益人間精神과 理化世界精神을 根基로 하여 불교사상과 유교사상을 흡수하여 주체적 자기 것으로 만들었다는 것을 말한다. 즉 고유의 한국사상이 불교와 유교의 전래로 外形的인 모습에서 불교사상와 유교사상의 모습으로 한국사상을 포장하고 있지만 그 바탕에서 人間中心的 思考로 현실적인 인간의 모습과 그들의 질서에 주안점을 두고 있는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 그러므로 한국사상은 우리 한민족이 태초부터 자연과 더불어 살아오면서 나름대로의 얻은 삶의 지혜와 질서의 總合이라고 규정할 수 있다. 이러한 한국사상의 正體性은 한민족이 형성돤 이후 줄곧 그 맥을 면면이 이어오는 과정에서 언제나 그 방향성의 指標가 되었으며, 그것이 바로 弘益人間精神과 理化世界精神을 根基로 한 人間中心的 思考로서 그 正體性의 핵심이 된다고 할 수 있다. The Korean thought is the deliverables that Koreans subjectively absorbed in the indigenous ideas and imported thought in accordance with environmental conditions and they've done the best choice for their survival. Here ‘subjective’ means that at one point the Koreans absorbed in Buddhism and Confucian basd on Hongikingan(弘益人間) Mind and Ewhasiege(理化世界) Mind in the Dangunsasang(檀君思想) on the subjective. The unique Korean thought is packed in the outward appearance of Buddhism and Confucianism to the guise of Buddhism and Confucianism, but it can be based on realistic appearance of human and anthropocentric thinking that focuses their order Therefore, the Korean thought can be defined as the sum of its own wisdom and order of life that our ancestors gained from the beginning of life with nature. Since the Koreans were formed in the process of coming, the identity of these Korean thought always behave an indicator of the direction. And these anthropocentric thinking that based on Hongikingan(弘益人間) Mind and Ewhasiege(理化世界)Mind can be regarded as the core of the identity of Korean thought.

      • 완전 기도폐쇄때 뇌 및 심근조직의 가스분압과 동맥혈 가스분압의 비교

        김진윤,조형상 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1984 中央醫大誌 Vol.9 No.1

        Sudden upper airway obstruction may affect the normal process of gas exchange of gas exchange in pulmonary-capillary system, resulting in mild to severe changes in arterial blood gases and organ functions according to the duration of the obstruction. Therefore, the immediate restoration of an adequate airway in these patients is lifesaving. It is possible to measure regional tissue PO_2 and PCO_2 and other gas tensions simultaneously and continously because mass spectrometry has been applied to the measurement of gas tensions in tissue recently. So we can understand the organ perfusion status and organ metabolism better than before. Fourteen dogs were ventilated with positive pressure by volume ventilator and 100% O_2 through endotracheal tube(9㎟ I.D.). Of them, 8dogs were subjected to sudden complete endotracheal obstruction clamping with hemostatic forceps until cardiac arrest, and then, physiologic responses were examined. Another 6 dogs were subjected to sudden complete endotracheal obstruction with hemostatic forceps for 5 minutes and were resuscitated using ventilator and 100% O_2 through re-opened endotracheal tubes and their physiologic responses were observed. The following results were obtained. 1. After complete airway obstruction, cardiac arrest occurred in 7min 48sec. (6'18"-10'15"). 2. For 3 minutes following the respiratory obstruction heart rate was decreased more or less, but on the contrary mean arterial pressure was increased. This initial increase was followed by a decrease. 3. Three minutes after the respiratory obstruction, cerebral and myocardial PtO_2 revealed slightly decreased values by -4 and -1%, respectively, in spite of markedly decreased PaO_2 by -90% in comparison. 4. During the first 3 minutes after respiratory obstruction arterial PaCO_2 was markedly increased by 80%, and cerebral and myocardial tissue PtCO_2 were slightly to moderately increased by 15 and 35%, respectively, in comparison with control values. 5. At cardiac arrest, cerebral and myocardial PtO_2 were decreased by 20 and 40% from control values in spite of more 95% decrease of PaO_2. 6. At 15 minutes after the respiratory obstruction, PaO_2 was decreased more than 95% and PaCO_2 increased about 240%, respectively, and cerebral and myocardial PtO_2 decreased 47 and 70%, respectively, PtCO_2 increased 125 and 300%, respectively, compared with control values. 7. Recovery periods of deranged PtO_2 and PtCO_2 in group 2 (respiratory resuscitation group) required more than 15 minutes even though ventilation was assisted.

      • KCI등재

        孟子의 當爲的 性善과 告子의 存在的 無性善

        김진윤 대한정치학회 2001 大韓政治學會報 Vol.9 No.2

        性善說이 儒家에서 조차 정설로 정착되기 이전에는 그 논쟁이 극심하였다고 볼 수 있다. 『孟子』 告子 上篇이 바로 그러한 대논쟁의 산물이다. 즉, 인간을 存在의 측면에서 볼 것인가 아니면 當爲의 측면에서 볼 것인가라는 가장 본질적이고 궁극적인 명제에 대한 논쟁이다. 만약 인간을 存在의 측면에서 보아야 한다면 人性의 분석 대상과 그 방법은 먼저 存在로서의 人性의 본질을 파악하고, 그에 근거한 社會的 當爲的 存在를 규명하는 것이 사회과학의 하나로서 정치이론의 궁극적인 목적에 부합하는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 또한 인간의 存在를 當爲의 측면에서 보아야 한다면 當爲 이전의 存在를 무시하고는 當爲的 인간을 충분히 그려낼 수 없을 것이다. 그러므로 人性은 告子的인 입장에서 규명한 이후에 孟子的인 입장을 취하는 것이 논리적 분석이라고 하였으며, 孟子의 當爲的인 측면도 告子의 存在的인 측면을 고려하지않고는 그 가치가 격감된다고 할 수 있다. 兩者의 입장을 동시에 고려할 때만이 인간의 존재를 파악하는 지름길이며, 나아가 인간의 가치를 수호하는 길이라고 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        연속 레이저 흡수에 의한 증발제거 과정의 관련 인자 영향 고찰

        김진윤,송태호 대한의용생체공학회 1995 의공학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        Explosive evaporative removal process of biological tissue by absorption of a CW laser has been simulated by using gelatin and a multimode Nd: YAG laser. Because the point of maximun temperature of laser-irradiated gelatin exists below the surface due to surface cooling, evaporation at the boiling temperature is made explosively from below the surface. The important parameters of this process are the conduction loss to laser power absorption (defined as the conduction-to-laser power parameter, Nk), the convection heat transfer at the surface to conduction loss (defined as Bi), dimensionless extinction coefficient (defined as BrJ, and dimensionless irradiation time (defined as Fo). Dependence of Fo on Nk and Bi has been observed by experiment, and the results have been compared with the numerical results obtained by solving a 2-dimensional conduction equation. Fo and explosion depth (from the surface to the point of maximun temperature) are increased when Nk and Bi are increased. To find out the minimum laser power for explosive evaporative removal process, steady state analysis has been also made. The limit of Nk to induce evaporative removal, which is proportional to the inverse of the laser power, has been obtained.

      • 예송논쟁에서 ‘천리(天理)’의이상주의와 ‘인사(人事)’의 현실주의

        김진윤 한국민족사상학회 2016 민족사상 Vol.10 No.3

        The Debate about manners(禮訟論爭) in Late Chosun(朝鮮) is the issues about the Legitimacy of king beyond external format on manners. When it comes to these days is the debate on realism and idealism. Hyojong(孝宗) is the second son on to be borned, but he is the eldest son about the Legitimacy of king. In the first the party of west had to win, in the second the party of south had to win. This argument is just the starting point polite way to adapt to reality, so different, different results. The party of west is taken by the positions of idealism than the value of Jus sanguinis in point of the ‘Tien li(天理)’. On the other hand the party of south shows realism of the Legitimacy of king in terms of the reality of power in point of the ‘Jén shih(人事)’. 조선 후기에 나타난 예에 관한 논쟁이 정쟁으로 화한 ‘예송(禮訟)’이라는 것은 단순한 예의 외적 형식의 문제를 넘어선 왕통(王統)과 혈통(血統)의 문제로 봐야 한다. 요즘으로 말하자면 현실주의(現實主義)와 이상주의(理想主義)에 관한 논쟁이다. 효종이 혈통으로 보면 차남이지만 왕통으로 보면 대통을 이었으니까 현실적으로 장자라는 논리가 논쟁의 쟁점이다. 1차 예송은 서인의 혈통주의가 승리했고, 2차 예송은 1차 예송과 같이 대통을 이였다는 적통의 계승자라는 남인의 현실주의가 승리한 것이다. 이러한 입장은 바로 예의 출발점이 서로 다르므로 현실에 즉응하는 방법이 다른 결과이다. 서인은 ‘예(禮)’의 두 가지 측면 중 ‘천리(天理)’에 보다 가치를 부여한 혈통주의인 이상주의의 입장을 취한 것이다. 반면에 남인은 ‘인사(人事)’의 측면에서 권력의 실체로서 왕통주의인 현실주의 입장을 나타낸 것이다.

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