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      • 김정은 시대 북한정치의 특징과 전망

        김일기(Kim, Il-Gi),이수석(Lee, Su-Suk) 북한학회 2013 북한학보 Vol.38 No.2

        이 글은 김정은 시대 북한 정치의 특징을 분석하고 향후 변화를 전망하고 있다. 북한 정치의 특정은 권력구조와 리더십 그리고 통치이념을 중심으로 분석하였다. 먼저, 북한의 권력구조는 수령체제라는 북한 정치체제의 특성에 주목하여 유일영도체계와 함께 권력엘리트의 재편에 초점을 두었다. 김정은 시대 유일영도체계는 김정일 시기에 비해 약해지고 있으며, 권력엘리트들은 당-정-군 모두에서 세대교체가 가속화되고 있다. 둘째, 김정은의 정치적 리더십은 인격적 리더십과 제도적 리더십을 통해 분석하였다. 김정은은 김정일 사망 직후 최고지도자의 지위에 기반한 제도적 리더십을 갖춘 이후, 현재까지 인격적 리더십 확립에 매진하고 있다. 셋째, 북한의 통치이념은 주체사상에서 김일성-김정일주의로 변경되었다. 그리고 북한은 김정은 시대의 실천담론으로서 김정일 애국주의를 확산시키고 있다. 결론적으로, 북한은 김정은 시대의 새로운 비전과 목표를 제시할 것이며, 이를 통해 김정일과의 차별성 및 변화를 모색할 가능성이 높다. This paper analyzes the characteristics of North Korean politics and predicts future changes under Kim Jong-Un era. It is analyzed power structure, political leadership and ruling ideology as the characteristics of North Korean politics. First, The power structure is consist of 'uilyongdochege (monolithic leadership)' and change of power elite. The 'uilyongdochege' has weakened and the replacement of power elite has accelerated compared to Kim Jong-Il era. Second, there were analyzed personal leadership and positional leadership as Kim Jong-un's political leadership. Kim Jong-Un established institutional leadership based on position of supreme leader soon after the death of Kim Jong-Il and has been trying to establish personal leadership. Third, The ruling ideology of North Korea changed from 'Juche Ideology' to 'Kimilsung-Kimjongilism'. And The 'KimJongil Patriotism' is spreading to the entire society as the discourse for practice 'Kimilsung-Kimjongilism'. Finally, North Korea will present a new vision and goals and try to differentiate Kim Jong-Un era from Kim Jong-Il era.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 김정은 체제의 대남정책과 남북관계

        김일기 ( Il Gi Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 글로벌정치연구소 2012 글로벌정치연구 Vol.5 No.1

        북한은 작년 김정일 사망 이후 권력승계의 속도를 빠르게 진행하여 올해 4월의 제4차 당대표자회와 제12기 제5차 최고인민회의를 통해 김정은 체제를 공식적으로 출범시켰다. 현재 김정은 체제의 대내외 정책 방향은 김정일의 유훈에 따라 진행되고 있으나, 구체적 내용들은 아직 공개되지 않고 있다. 이 연구는 이러한 점에 주목하여 김정은 체제의 대남정책 방향과 남북관계를 전망하였다. 김정은 체제는 북한의 전통적 대남전략 목표인 ``한반도 공산화``를 계승함과 동시에 강온 양면의 이중적 대남정책을 전개할 것이다. 북한의 대남 유화정책은 경제난 해결과 미북 관계 개선 및 6자회담 재개를 위해 전개될 가능성이 높다. 반면, 대남 강경정책은 미북 관계와 북핵 협상 미진, 체제위기 탈피, 남북관계 주도권 확보 차원에서 추진될 가능성이 높다. 김정은 시대의 남북관계는 북한의 이중적 대남정책에 따라 경색과 회복의 국면을 반복할 것이다. 북한의 대남정책에서 새로운 변화가 없는 한 당분간 남북관계는 경색국면을 벗어나기 어렵다. 그러나 장기적 측면에서 보면 남북관계는 김정은 체제의 안정화 속에서 제한적이지만 점진적으로 개선되는 방향으로 나아갈 가능성이 높다. 아마도 남북관계와 한국, 미국, 중국의 권력교체가 완료되고 새로운 정부가 출범하는 2013년 이후에 새로운 변화의 가능성을 기대할 것으로 예상된다. Kim Jong-un regime has been officially launched from the fourth Conference of the Workers` Party of North Korea, and the fifth session of the 12th Supreme People`s Assembly was held on April 2012. The policy of Kim Jong-un regime has been followed by the teachings left by Kim Jong-il, but the details of it have not been known. So, this article analyzes not only the North Korea`s Policy against South Korea, but also inter-Korea relations which could be expected in the Kim Jong-un Regime. While it maintains the past policy objective, "the communization of the entire Korean peninsula", North Korea will be continued to purse the dual strategy of hardline and moderate toward South Korea. Inter-Korea relations of Kim Jong-un Era will be swung back and forth such as pendulum in the wall clock. If there is no change in strict policy toward South Korea, inter-Korea relations will become progressively worse. Taking the long-term perspective, however, inter-Korea relations will be improved gradually.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 전반적 급진성 치주염 환자에서 IL-6 유전자 다변성에 관한 연구

        방선정,김일,옥수,영준,정현주,Bang, Sun-Jung,Kim, Il-Shin,Kim, Ok-Su,Kim, Young-Jun,Chung, Hyun-Ju 대한치주과학회 2008 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.38 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of generalized aggressive periodontitis with IL-6 promoter gene single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNP). Material and Methods: The study population consisted of 52 generalized aggressive periodontitis patients(GAP) and 30 periodontally healthy control subjects, who were systemically healthy non-smokers. Genomic DNA was obtained from buccal swab. The IL-6 promotor SNP at the positions of -597, -572, and -174 were genotyped by amplifying the polymorphic region using polymerase chain reaction(PCR), restriction enzyme digestion and gel electrophoresis. Result: The genotype distributions for G/G, G/A and A/A genotypes of IL-6 -597 were 30.8%, 40.4%, and 28.8% in the GAP group and 53.3%, 40%, and 6.7% in the control group and were statistically different between 2 groups(p<0.05). Allele 2 frequency of IL-6 -597 were significantly higher in the GAP group than the control group(p<0.01). At the position of IL-6 -572, the distribution for C/C, C/G and G/G genotypes were 23.1%, 55.8% and 21.2% in the GAP group and 20%, 33.3%, and 46.7% in the control group. In female subjects, the genotype distribution were significantly different between 2 groups(p<0.01). In male subjects, allele 2 frequency of IL-6-572 was significantly lower in the GAP group than the control group(p<0.05). The genotype distribution of IL-6 -174 in the GAP group were 96.2%, 3.8% for G/G, G/C genotypes whereas only the G/G genotype was detected in the control group. Conclusion: In conclusion, significant associations were found in IL-6 gene promoter(-597, -572) polymorphisms and generalized aggressive periodontitis. Further cohort study will be necessary in larger population.


        괴화 추출물이 대식세포에서의 nitric oxide와 interleukin-6의 생성에 미치는 영향

        이지은,이주연,최점일,종관,성조,Lee, Ji-Eun,Lee, Ju-Youn,Choi, Jeom-Il,Kim, Chong-Kwan,Kim, Sung-Jo 대한치주과학회 2005 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.35 No.1

        Both nitric oxide (NO) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) have been thought to have a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontal disease as it does in other inflammatory diseases, and the inhibitors of NO and IL-6 production have been considered as potential anti-inflammatory agents. In this study, we evaluated methanol extract of Sophorae Flos for inhibition of NO and IL-6 production in Prevotella intermedia LPS-induced mouse macrophages RAW264.7 cells. Dried Sopharae Flos was sliced, and extracted with 100% methanol. LPS from p. intermedia ATCC 25611 was prepared by the standard hot phenol-water method. NO production was assayed by measuring the accumulation of nitrite in culture supematants and IL-6 was measured using mouse IL-6 ELISA kit. Western blot analysis of iNOS and analysis of reverse transcription (RT)-PCR products were carried out. The methanol extract of Sophorae Flos concentration-dependently reduced the production of NO and the expression of iNOS protein and mRNA in RAw264.7 cells treated with P. intermedia LPS. Sophorae Flos also suppressed IL-6 production and the expression of IL-6 mRNA in RAw264.7 cells stimulated by P. intermedia LPS. The inhibition of NO and IL-6 production by Sophorae Flos may be useful in the therapy of inflammatory diseases such as periodontitis. This hypothesis, however, remains to be tested.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        주조직적합항원이 불일치하는 마우스 동종 조혈모세포이식에서 IL-2로 유도된 CD4+CD25+ T세포를 이용한 이식편대숙주병의 억제

        현재호,정대철,정낙균,박수정,민우성,태규,최병옥,원일,한치화,학기,Hyun, Jae Ho,Jeong, Dae Chul,Chung, Nak Gyun,Park, Soo Jeong,Min, Woo Sung,Kim, Tai Gyu,Choi, Byung Ock,Kim, Won Il,Han, Chi Wha,Kim, Hack Ki 대한면역학회 2003 Immune Network Vol.3 No.4

        Background: In kidney transplantation, donor specific transfusion may induce tolerance as a result of some immune regulatory cells against the graft. In organ transplantation, the immune state arises from a relationship between the immunocompromised graft and the immunocompetent host. However, a reverse immunological situation exists between the graft and the host in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). In addition, early IL-2 injections after an allogeneic murine HSCT have been shown to prevent lethal graft versus host disease (GVHD) due to CD4+ cells. We investigated the induction of the regulatory CD4+CD25+ cells after a transfusion of irradiated recipient cells with IL-2 into a donor. Methods: The splenocytes (SP) were obtained from 6 week-old BALB/c mice ($H-2^d$) and irradiated as a single cell suspension. The donor mice (C3H/He, $H-2^k$) received $5{\times}10^6$ irradiated SP, and 5,000 IU IL-2 injected intraperitoneally on the day prior to HSCT. The CD4+CD25+ cell populations in SP treated C3H/He were analyzed. In order to determine the in vivo effect of CD4+CD25+ cells, the lethally irradiated BALB/c were transplanted with $1{\times}10^7$ donor BM and $5{\times}10^6$ CD4+CD25+ cells. The other recipient mice received either $1{\times}10^7$ donor BM with $5{\times}10^6$ CD4+ CD25- cells or the untreated SP. The survival and GVHD was assessed daily by a clinical scoring system. Results: In the MLR assay, BALB/c SP was used as a stimulator with C3H/He SP, as a responder, with or without treatment. The inhibition of proliferation was $30.0{\pm}13%$ compared to the control. In addition, the MLR with either the CD4+CD25+ or CD4+CD25- cells, which were isolated by MidiMacs, from the C3H/He SP treated with the recipient SP and IL-2 was evaluated. The donor SP treated with the recipient cells and IL-2 contained more CD4+CD25+ cells ($5.4{\pm}1.5%$) than the untreated mice SP ($1.4{\pm}0.3%$)(P<0.01). There was a profound inhibition in the CD4+CD25+ cells ($61.1{\pm}6.1%$), but a marked proliferation in the CD4+CD25- cells ($129.8{\pm}65.2%$). Mice in the CD4+CD25+ group showed low GVHD scores and a slow progression from the post-HSCT day 4 to day 9, but those in the control and CD4+CD25- groups had a high score and rapid progression (P<0.001). The probability of survival was 83.3% in the CD4+CD25+ group until post-HSC day 35 and all mice in the control and CD4+CD25- groups died on post-HSCT day 8 or 9 (P=0.0105). Conclusion: Donor graft engineering with irradiated recipient SP and IL-2 (recipient specific transfusion) can induce abundant regulatory CD4+CD25+ cells to prevent GVHD.

      • 초정밀 스테이지용 변위 센서

        김일해(Il Hae Kim),종혁(Jong Hyuk Kim),장동영(Dong Young Jang) 한국생산제조학회 2004 한국생산제조시스템학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2004 No.4

        A capacitive sensor is a proper device for measuring high small displacement. General design parameters and procedure are discussed and a test sensor was built to have a measuring range of 100㎛ and a sensitivity about 30㎚. This sensor has two opposing electrode of comparably large area and has nominal gap distance about 150㎛. So as to achieve a nano order displacement sensitivity, both sensor and target system have to be considered. This is important for the sensitivity can be achieved by minimizing a system total noise level in electronic type sensor application. Typical performance of the developed sensor is demonstrated in precision moving stage having 0.1㎛ moving resolution.

      • KCI등재후보

        주앙쯔(莊子)의 수양공부에 대한 현대적 이해

        권일(Kim, Kweon Il) 광주가톨릭대학교 신학연구소 2010 神學展望 Vol.- No.171

        「도덕경」의 허정 공부를 이어 받은 주앙쯔는, 심재와 좌망을 주장한다. 심재와 좌망의 주안점은 각각 비움(虛)과 잊음(忘)에 있다. 주앙쯔는 인간 자신과 세계의 본 모습을 변질시키거나 차별화시키고 또한 일정한 틀 안에 가두어 놓는 모든 ‘외적인 물듦과 집착’을 잊어버리고, 심지어 인간 자신에 대한 집착마저도 비우고 해체하라고 요구한다. 심재와 좌망으로 대표되는 비움과 잊음의 과정을 「장자?대종사」는, 외천하(外天下)→외물(外物)→외생(外生)으로 세분화하여 표현한다. 이 과정을 달리 표현하여 소(逍 : 해소)의 과정이라 할 수 있다. 심재와 좌망-소(逍 : 해소)-에 이르면, 인간 자신의 질적 변화가 이루어지고 도를 체득할 수 있는 시야가 열리는데, 「장자?대종사」는 이를 조철(朝徹)이라 한다. 「장자?대종사」는 득도의 경지에 대한 표현으로 조철과 함께 견독(見獨), 무고금(無古今), 불사불생(不死不生)을 말하고 있는데, 이를 요(遙 : 초월)의 경지라고 말할 수 있다. <소(逍)>의 과정을 통해 <요(遙)>의 경지에 이르는 것은, 내적초월에 해당하는 상승의 과정이다. 주앙쯔 사상은 여기에 도달하는 것으로 끝나지 않고 한 걸음 더 나아가 세상과 함께하는 것을 말하고 있다. 세상과 함께하는 것이 하강의 과정이며 <유(遊)>의 과정이다. 주앙쯔 사상의 종점은 바로 <유(遊)>에 있다. 주앙쯔 사상에서 보면, <유(遊)>란, 수양공부를 통해 도를 체험한 자가 모든 상대적이고 이원론적이며 차별적인 태도를 뛰어 넘어 우주만물의 변화에 순응하면서 무대(無待)의 마음으로 장애됨 없이 세상과 소통(通)하는 삶을 뜻한다. 심재와 좌망 공부를 통해 궁극적 실재와 합일하는 경지를 주장하는 주앙쯔의 입장은, 인간 자신의 내면세계에로 침잠하여 그 안에서 신과 합일에 이르고자 하는 그리스도교 신비주의 전통과 일치하고 있다. 이 점에 있어서 그리스도교는 주앙쯔와 소통할 수 있다. 추구하는 궁극적 실재의 내용은 다르지만, 주앙쯔 사상과 그리스도교는, 궁극적 실재와 합일이라는 목표와 함께 이를 실현하기 위한 수양공부를 제시하고 있다. This article will treat the precept, come back to the inner world of human beings themselves, which meets the needs of the time, through self cultivation of Chuang Tzu. Chuang Tzu took the Taoist position of Lao Tzu and developed it further. Chuang Tzu who followed emptiness and quiescence in the Tao Te Ching emphasizes ‘fasting of the mind’ and ‘sitting in forgetting’ whose prime objects are ‘emptiness’ and ‘forgetting’ respectively. Chuang Tzu requires human beings to banish from their mind all worldly matters. As human beings empty themselves entirely, they can possess the Tao of intuition. Only Tao gathers in emptiness. In Chuang Tzu’s thought, that reaching the intuition through the process of emptiness corresponds to the process of immanent transcendence. The end of Chuang Tzu’s precept is “Hsiao Yao Yu(逍遙遊 : free and easy wandering)” which means the ideal way of life in the world. According to Chunag Tzu, therefore, it is the True Man that shares with the world freely in emptiness. Although Christianity and Chuang Tzu are different in the contents of ultimate reality, Chuang Tzu’s thought pursuing the union of ultimate reality, that is Tao, through the fasting of mind and sitting and forgetting is in accord with the traditional Christian mysticism trying to unite with God in the inner world. Christianity is able to communicate with Chuang Tzu in that both of them show self cultivation in order to unite with the ultimate reality.

      • 내장형 모터와 리니어 모터를 적용한 초고속 수평형 머시닝센터의 열 특성 해석

        석일(Seok-Il Kim),조재완(Jae-Wan Cho) 한국생산제조학회 2004 한국생산제조시스템학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2004 No.4

        This paper presents the thermal characteristic analysis of a high-speed horizontal machining center with spindle speed of 50,000rpm and feedrate of 120m/min. The spindle system is designed based on the built-in motor, angular contact ceramic ball bearings, oil-air lubrication and oil-jacket cooling method. The X-axis and Y-axis feeding systems are composed of the linear motors and linear motion guides, and the Z-axis feeding system is composed of the servo-motor, ball screw and linear motion guides. The thermal characteristics such as the temperature distribution, temperature rise, thermal deformation and step response, are estimated based on the finite element model of machining center and the heat generation rates of heat sources related to the machine operation conditions. Especially, the thermal time constant assessed from the step response function is introduced as an index of thermal response characteristics.

      • KCI등재

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