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      • KCI등재

        김수영 시에 나타난 분열된 남성의식

        김용희(Kim Yong-hee) 한국시학회 2001 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.4

        In previous studies, Kim Soo-young had been considered as a precursor of modernist, who adopted the core spirit of modernism. Sometimes he was believed hard to be understood This study will focus an male consciousness revealed in his poems, Although his poems show conflict between self and world, they reveal his self-consciousness as a man, who lived a difficult time. In his poems Kim reveals his male consciousness as a intellectual, who confronted modernity. A stereotype of modern "macho man" is very close to the image of a man who possesses a sense of responsibility and determination, independence and achievement, power and humanity. It is very different from the traditional image of a man which was valued in the pre-industrial society, in which a man was thought to be scholastic. An ideal man in the traditional society should re idealistic and nominalistic, but was actually powerless and interdependent in the real world He evaluated human relations very high and was very social. In this view Kim felt the conflict between the image of "traditional man" and "modern man" and found discontinuity between the two images. Facing modernity, Kim was exposed to the reality of backwardness of Korea, which had been refused to maintain the traditional way of life or normal historical development. Continuity of history and tradition was identified with male consciousness in Kim At this point. Kim experienced historical discontinuity and disorganization of identification. A father was not supposed to be confronted face to face, a wife was a front-runner of new civilization and a quick adopter of the real world. In this respect, "Pul(Grass)," which had been usually interpreted from a viewpoint of people (minjung), needs a new interpretation In "Pul" Kim could not avoid the dichotomy of comparison, describing as 'faster than the wind,' 'ahead of the wind,' or 'later than the wind' Kim revealed that he was not free from the competitive world by using adverbs and verbs which mean comparison to describe the wind It shows he was in conflict with reality. From the viewpoint that the 'laughing' of a man on the grass was not 'laughing' of anybody but 'faster one,' Kim's poetry was interlocked with the lives of modern men. It reveals disorganization and conflict of modern men and 'the process of manly overcome' because 'laughing' on the grass is a laugh of revolutionary achievement and also a laugh busted at the end of manly 'self-confrontation' 'The victory of grass' is clearly different from the value of new creation which attempts universal reconciliation through cycling, prosperity, and expansion.

      • KCI등재

        전후 한국시의 ‘현대성’과 그 계보적 가설 : 김종삼 시를 중심으로

        김용희(Kim Yong-hee) 한국근대문학회 2009 한국근대문학연구 Vol.10 No.1

        김종삼 시는 한국 현대시사에서 암시와 생략, 절제와 순수로 익히 정평이 나 있다. 이는 1950년대 한국 전쟁 상황이라는 비극적 인식 속에서 본질적 이념으로서의 기의를 상실한 채 시적 징후로서 현실을 형상화할 수밖에 없는 전후 시인들의 시대적 실어증을 내포하고 있다. 이는 김수영과 김춘수, 김종삼을 포함한 1950년대 문학인 전체에 해당하는 사안이다. 이들은 “외국어(일본어)로 사고하고 구성하고 모국어로 그것을 옮”겨야하는 불구적 창작방식의 세대였다. 유려한 리듬과 토속의 능숙한 구사를 원천적으로 제약당했던 세대가 민족 고유어나 민요를 계승할 수 없는 것은 당연한 일이었다. 박재삼이나 박용래와 같은 일부 시인을 제외하고 대부분 시인들이 모더니즘에 경사된 측면은 어쩌면 필연적이라 할 수 있다. 이 가운데서 김종삼은 비극적이고 황폐한 현실 인식, 가난과 소외와 죽음의식, 실존의 문제에 천착하면서 독자적인 시 형식을 보여준다. 불완전한 구문, 자주 급격히 끊어지는 리듬, 논리적 유추를 거부하는 생략과 비약, 여백들. 이는 ‘낡은 언어를 버리고 새로운 언어’를 찾고자 하는 시인의지이다. 세계 인간에 대한 부조리, 폐허 속에서의 부재의식, 피안-순수의 세계를 지향하고자 하는 초월적 낭만의지와 연관되며 릴케 영향 받은 후 실존주의에 대한 심취, 서양문화, 음악에 대한 경도와 연관된다. 이와같은 심취는 다시 미학적 시적 형식으로 육화된다. 1950년대 한국시 모더니즘은 1960년대에 안정적인 구도를 찾아간다고 할 수 있다. 한국시의 새로운 흐름은 소월, 만해에서 페시미즘과 토속적 초월주의, 미당의 전통설화에서의 민속주의, 청록파의 자연주의를 부정하면서 김수영, 김춘수라는 한국 모더니즘의 새로운 국면으로 접어든다. 김수영의 현실부정의 시학과 역동적 시적 주체의 문제, 김춘수의 언어실험 극단에 발생하는 도발적 이미지 충돌과 언어 본질 기능의 천착. 그 극단의 양 갈래 사이에 김종삼이 위치하는 것은 아닌가 한다. 김수영의 대사회적 삶의 태도, 김춘수의 역사허무주의 속에서 언어본질 탐구, 그 사이에 김종삼의 무정부주의적 삶의 한 단면을 생각해 볼 필요가 있다. 1960년대 한국 현대시 모더니티의 정착에서 새로움이 자아 인식, 개인의 발견, 일상적 개인의 추구라 한다면 김종삼 시는 지금까지 한국시에서 일찍이 볼 수 없었던 묘사적 ‘이미지를 통한 상징성’, 개성적 언어형식을 통한 ‘여백과 생략의 심미성’을 보여준다. Jongsam Kim's poetry is well-known for its suggestion, omission, temperance and genuineness in Korean modern poetry history. This has postwar poets' epochal aphasia of representing reality as poetic indication deprived of significance as the essential ideology, within the tragic recognition called Korean war in the 1950s. Such is a case relevant to the entire literary men in the 1950s, including Suyeong Kim, Chunsu Kim and Jongsam Kim. They were the generation of crippled creative method that conceived, composed in foreign language (Japanese) and then put into native language. It was a natural outcome for the generation, which was fundamentally constrained from having skillful command of elegant rhythm and folkways, to unable to inherit ethnic native tongue or folk song. Except for some poets like Jaesam Park or Yongrae Park, it was some what of perforce for most poets to show sides slanted towards Modernism. Jongsam Kim among them shows original poetry form by inquiring into recognition of tragic ruined reality, awareness of poverty, alienation and death, as well as the existent issues. Defective construction, frequent sudden breaks of rhythm, omission and leap refusing rational analogy, and blanks. These are the will of the poet to 'discard old language and search for new language'. After being influenced by Rilke in relation to transcendental romantic volition of heading towards absurdity for cosmopolitans, absent consciousness in the ruins and the world of Nirvana-purity, it was related to the fascination with existentialism, western culture and the degree of music. Such fascination is incarnated again into aesthetic poetry form. It can be said that Modernism of Korean poetry in the 1950s found its stable composition by the 1960s. From Sowol and Manhae, the new flow of Korean poetry approached the new aspect of Korean Modernism with Suyeong Kim and Chunsu Kim, by denying feminism; ethnic transcendentalism; ethnicism within traditional tale of Midang; and naturalism of the Cheongrokpa. Suyeong Kim's poetry of denying reality and theme of dynamic poetic subject, Chunsu Kim's collision of provocative imagery generated from the extreme language experiment and inquiry into the essential function of language. One thinks Jongsam Kim stands in the middle of the two extremes. It is necessary to think about one slice of Jongsam Kim's anarchistic life among Suyeong Kim's anti-social attitude to life and Chunsu Kim's investigation of linguistic essence seen in Historical Nihilism. When the recency was pursuing self-perception, discovery of individuals and ordinary individual in the modernity of Korean modern poetry in the 1960s, Jongsam Kim's poetry shows depictive 'symbolism through imagery' which was never seen in Korean poetry before as well as 'aesthetic appreciation for blank and omission' through his unique linguistic form.

      • KCI등재

        1:25 축소모형 홀에서 확산체의 설치부위에 따른 실내 음향지표의 변화

        김용희,서춘기,이혜미,전진용,Kim, Yong-Hee,Seo, Choon-Ki,Lee, Hye-Mi,Jeon, Jin-Yong 한국음향학회 2012 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.31 No.3

        본 연구는 확산체의 확산계수 측정결과를 바탕으로 확산체의 설치가 홀 내부 음장분포에 미치는 영향에 대하여 알아보았다. 오케스트라쉘이 설치된 600석 규모의 축소모형 홀을 측정대상으로 이용하였다. 잔향실법 흡음률 측정을 통해 1: 25 축소모형의 벽체와 객석부 재료 (관객 및 의자)가 선정되었고, 만석 시 잔향시간을 기준으로 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션과 대응되도록 제작하였다. 다양한 확산체 부착위치에 따른 물리적 음장의 변화를 측정하기 위해 반구 확산체를 측벽, 발코니전면, 천장 등 부위별로 7가지 조합을 만들어, 확산체 유/무에 따른 음향지표의 변화를 측정하였다. 사용된 음향지표는 잔향시간 (RT), 초기감쇠시간 (EDT), 명료도 (C80), 중심시간 (Ts), 음압레벨 (G)과 더불어 임펄스리스펀스의 자기상관함수 (ACF)로부터 도출되는 Temporal diffusion (TD)을 이용하였다. 실험결과, 확산체 설치에 따라 흠음력과 확산면적이 증가하였고, 이에 따라 평균 RT, 평균 EDT, 평균 G는 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 또한 확산체 설치로 인해 초기반사음의 방향전환이 활발하게 발생했고, 평균 TD은 측정 케이스에 따라 6.05에서 6.30의 값을 보였다. 확산체 설치에 가장 민감한 지표는 RT (R = 0.94)로 나타났고, TD와 EDT의 상관관계 (R = 0.73)가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 확산체 설치부위의 영향은 각 음향지표의 변화양상을 통해 논의되었다. This paper investigates the effects of diffuser on the acoustical parameters in music hall with consideration of the result of scattering coefficient measurement. A scale model hall of 600 seats with orchestra shell was used for experiments. The materials of 1:50 scale model was chosen through absorption coefficient measurement based on ISO 354. The model was matched to the computer simulation model in terms of reverberation time. In order to evaluate the effect of diffuser location, the measurements were accomplished with and without diffusers according to 7 configurations by diffuser-installed region; sidewall, balcony front, ceiling and so on. The following acoustical parameters were extracted from each measurement case; Reverberation time (RT), Early decay time (EDT), Clarity (C80), Center time (Ts), Sound strength (G) and Temporal diffusion (TD) from the auto-correlation function (ACF) of impulse responses. As a result, the absorption power and diffusion power were increased with number of diffusers. Accordingly RT, EDT and G were decreased by diffuser and the redirection of reflections was occurred briskly. Averaged TD was 6.05 to 6.30 by measurement cases. RT was found to be the most related factor to diffusion power (R = 0.94). The correlation between TD and EDT was high (R = 0.73). In addition, the effects of diffuser-installed location were discussed in terms of acoustical parameter variation.

      • KCI우수등재

        직접설계법(直接設計法)에 의한 철근(鐵筋)콘크리트 2방향(方向) 슬래브형(型) 구조체(構造體)의 최적설계(最適設計)

        김용희,유홍렬,박문호,Kim, Yong Hee,Lyu, Hong Leal,Park, Moon Ho 대한토목학회 1985 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        This study is conserned for the optimum design of reinforced concrete slab-beam-column structures with multi-storys and multi-bays by Direct Method. Flexural and shear strength, sectional size, and steel ratio etc., were considered as the design-constraints and the cost function was taken as to objective function. They became high degree nonlinear problems. Using SLP as an analytical method of nonlinear optimal problems, an optimal algorithm was developed in this study and the algorithm was applied to the optimization of reinforced concrete structure system of 5 storys. The result converged to a optimal solution with 3 to 5 iterations, and proved that economical design could be possible when compared with conventional designs. 본(本) 연구(硏究)는 직접설계법(直接設計法)에 의한 다층(多層), 다경간(多徑間)을 갖는 철근(鐵筋)콘크리트 슬래브형(型) 구조체(構造體)의 최적화(最適化)에 관한 것이다. 설계제약조건(設計制約條件)으로는 슬래브, 보, 기둥의 휨강도(强度), 전단강도(剪斷强度), 단면치수, 철근비(鐵筋比) 등을 고려했고 목적함수(目的函數)로는 공비함수(工費函數)를 취했는데 이들은 고차(高次)의 비선형계획문제(非線型計劃問題)가 된다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)에서는 축차선형계획기법(逐次線型計劃技法)을 사용하여 전체(全體) 구조(構造)를 종합적(綜合的)으로 최적화(最適化) 할 수 있는 최적설계(最適設計) 프로그램을 개발하였다. 개발된 알고리즘의 타당성(妥當性), 경제성(經濟性), 수렴성(收斂性) 등을 확인하기 위해 5층(層)의 구조체(構造體)로서 각층(各層), 각 경우에 대해 직접 적용(適用)하였다. 그 결과 3~5회 반복시행(反復試行)으로 최적해(最適解)에 수렴(收斂)했고 재래(在來)의 설계(設計)에 비(比)해 경제적(經濟的)임이 입증(立證)되었다.

      • KCI등재

        콘서트홀 무대에서 음향지표와 독주 연주와의 상관관계

        김용희,이창우,서춘기,전진용,Kim, Yong-Hee,Lee, Chang-Woo,Seo, Chun-Ki,Jeon, Jin-Yong 한국음향학회 2008 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.27 No.6

        본 연구는 무대음향 지표인 ST1을 이용하여 성악 및 기악 연주형태 모두에 대해 독주 연주자의 선호도 모델을 평가하였다. 실험은 오케스트라 쉘이 설치된 팬형상의 다목적홀에서 수행되었다. 다양한 무대 조건을 평가하기 위해 무대 위 15개 지점에서 음향지표의 측정을 실시하였으며, ST1은 -19.9 dB에서 -11.3 dB의 분포를 보였다. 청감평가를 위해 성악 및 기악 연주자들이 현장 연주평가에 참여하였으며, ST1을 기준으로 선택된 무대 위 5지점에서 연주하면서 그 위치에서의 무대음향을 평가하였다. 연주자의 선호도는 5점 척도의 등급평가법과 평가지점간의 순위결정법을 통해 도출하였다 실험결과, 성악연주자의 선호도 모델은 기악연주자의 선호도 모델과 다른 것으로 나타났으며, ST1은 무대 위 연주자의 선호도 평가결과와 잘 맞지 않는 것으로 나타났다. This study investigated that the preference model of soloist performers for both vocal and instrumental types in terms of a stage support parameter, ST1. The test was carried out on a stage of a fan-shaped multi-purpose hall with orchestra shell. Objective measurements were carried out at 15 positions on the stage to evaluate various stage condition. The results showed that ST1 varies between -19.9 and -11.3 dB. Vocal and instrumental players participated in performance evaluation test as they played at 5 selected positions according to ST1 values. Players' preference was evaluated by 5-point rating and rank ordering method. As a result, it was found that the preference model of vocalist is different from that of instrumentalist. It was also found that the ST1 does not correlate well with the performer's preference.

      • KCI등재

        폴디드 구조와 단락 구조를 이용한 5 GHz 무선 랜용 광대역 패치 안테나 설계 및 구현

        김용희,한준희,이원규,양운근,Kim Yong-Hee,Han Jun-Hee,Lee Won-Kew,Yang Woon-Geun 한국전자파학회 2006 한국전자파학회논문지 Vol.17 No.8

        In this paper, we present a wideband patch antenna with folded and shorted structure for 5 GHz WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network). The proposed antenna used folded and shorted structure in the rectangular patch for miniaturization and wide frequency bandwidth. The antenna was designed by using 3D simulation program, HFSS(High Frequency Structure Simulator) software of the Ansoft company and the implemented antenna was measured by using HP 8720c network analyzer and far field measurement chamber. Simulation result on the return loss shows fairly good characteristic of at least 13.41dB in whole frequency range of interests, and the 10dB bandwidth is 1,523MHz which shows wide bandwidth characteristic. And the simulated maximum gain of the proposed antenna is 6.57 dBi at 5.825GHz. Measured result for the 10dB bandwidth of the implemented folded and shorted structure antenna is 1,377 MHz. Measured maximum gain of the implemented antenna is 6.87dBi at 5.775GHz. Measured results for the implemented antenna showed applicable performances for the 5 GHz WLAN. 본 논문에서는 폴디드 구조와 단락 구조를 이용한 5GHz WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network)용 광대역 패치 안테나를 제안한다 제안된 안테나는 소형화와 광대역화를 위해 사각 패치에 폴디드 구조와 단락 구조를 사용하였다. 3차원 전산 모의 실험 프로그램인 Ansoft사의 HFSS(High Frequency Structure Simulator)를 사용하여 안테나를 설계하였으며, 구현된 안테나는 HP 8720C 네트?p 분석 기 와 far field measurement chamber를 사용하여 측정하였다. 전산 모의 실험 결과 반사 손실은 전체 사용 주파수 대역에서 13.41dB 이상으로 비교적 양호한 특성을 나타내었으며, 10dB 대역폭은 1,523MHz로 광대역 특성을 나타내었다. 또한, 제안된 안테나의 최대 이득은 5.825 GHz에서 6.57dBi의 특성을 보였다. 구현된 폴디드-단락 구조 안테나의 반사 손실 측정 결과 10dB 대역폭은 1,377 MHz의 특성을 보였다. 구현된 안테나의 이득 측정 결과 5.775 GHz에서 6.87 dBi의 최대 이득을 나타내었다. 구현된 안테나는 5GHz WLAN에 적용 가능한 성능을 나타내었다.

      • KCI등재

        집중하중을 받는 비합성.합성 생태아치구조물의 성능평가를 위한 수치해석 및 모형실험 연구

        김용희,박종섭,이영호,오민수,Kim, Yong-Hee,Park, Jong-Sup,Lee, Young-Ho,Oh, Min-Su 한국강구조학회 2010 韓國鋼構造學會 論文集 Vol.22 No.2

        본 논문은 I형 강재와 프리캐스트 콘크리트 바닥판으로 구성된 비합성 합성아치 생태교량에 대한 해석 및 실험 연구이다. 범용유한 요소해석 프로그램 ABAQUS(2007)를 사용하여 단위거더, 단위합성거더, 3거더 아치, 3거더 합성아치 등 4종류의 해석모델이 검토되었으며, 해석 결과를 토대로 모델별 거동특성을 분석하고, 3거더 합성아치 모형실험체에 설치될 응력 및 변형률 게이지 위치를 결정하였다. 본 연구의 정적파괴 하중실험에 사용된 실험체는 3개의 I형강 거더와 14개의 PC패널로 구성되어 있다. 모형실험체 정적파괴실험결과로부터 강거더 하부플랜지가 항복응력에 도달하는 시기의 재하하중은 유한요소해석을 통해 얻어진 정적하중과 17%정도의 차이를 나타내고 있으며, 실험체 파괴하중은 1,961kN으로 AASHTO LRFD 교량설계기준 (2007)의 단면 소성모멘트를 이용한 작용가능하중은 1,380kN으로 본 실험체는 충분한 내하력을 나타내고 있다. 해석결과와 실험결과를 토대로 새로운 형식의 비합성 합성아치 교량의 안전성과 강도가 충분히 발휘됨을 확인할 수 있었다. In this study, noncomposite and composite eco-arch structures with I-beams and precast concrete(PC) decks were investigated. Four finite-element models(a steel-girder model, a steel-girder-and-several-PC-panels model, a three-steel-girder model, and a three-steel-girder-and-several-PC-panels model) using a general finite-element program, ABAQUS, were reviewed to predict the strength of the noncomposite and composite arch structures. Based on the results of the finite- element analysis, the behaviors of the four models were investigated, and deflection and strain gauges for the experimental specimen consisting of three steel girders and several PC panels were set up to obtain the ultimate strength. The ultimate strength of the specimen was estimated to be 1,961kN. The ultimate strength was much larger than the 1,380-kN load calculated using AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications(2007). The noncomposite and composite arch bridges were found to have enough strength for safety.

      • 비디오 종격동경 수술

        김용희,Kim, Yong-Hee 대한기관식도과학회 2010 大韓氣管食道科學會誌 Vol.16 No.1

        비디오 종격동경을 이용한 수술은 좁은 시야와 제한된 수술 기구의 여용으로 수술 적응증의 폭넓은 확대가 어렵지만, 종격동, 폐, 흉막 질환에서 진단 흑은 치료 방법의 하나로서 중요한 영역을 확보하고 있다. Objectives The purpose of this article was to review the video-assisted mediastinoscopic surgery (VAM) as diagnostic or therapeutic tools. Summary The VAM was indicated in diagnosis of pleural diseases, dissection or sampling of mediastinal or paraesophageal lymph nodes, nodal staging in lung cancer, or various therapeutic approaches. The advantages of VAM were included that was less painful, cosmetic merit, no need additional drain, and no effect of cardiopulmonary function. It was provided to surgeons wider and more detail operational field rather than conventional mediastinoscopic surgery. It was useful tool as training beginner surgeon, Although the VAM had limited indications, it would be feasible and important multi-purposal operational tools in mediastinal, pleural and lung diseases.

      • KCI등재

        표준더미 개발을 위한 착의량에 따른 인체의 흡음특성 기초연구

        김용희,이성찬,Kim, Yong-Hee,Lee, Sung-Chan 한국음향학회 2017 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.36 No.4

        본 연구는 만석 객석의자 등의 흡음특성 시 활용될 수 있는 표준더미 개발을 위한 기초연구로서 착의량에 따른 인체의 흡음특성을 잔향실법 측정방법을 이용하여 평가하였다. 측정방법은 기존 연구(Conti et al., 2004)에 따라 잔향실 중앙에 1인의 피험자가 서 있는 조건에서, 다양한 소재의 의복착용에 따른 주파수 대역별 흡음면적을 측정하였다. 측정 결과, 겉옷을 제외한 상하의를 착용하였을 때 전주파수대역 평균 흡음면적은 피험자에 따라 $0.25m^2-0.48m^2$의 분포를 보였고, 외투 착용에 따라 $0.38m^2-0.98m^2$의 분포를 보였다. 섬유소재에 따라 폴리에스터 류의 겉옷은 800 Hz - 1 kHz 대역에서 피크 특성을 보였고, 모나 면 소재의 겉옷은 고주파수 대역으로 갈수록 흡음면적이 높아지는 특성을 보였다. 착의량에 따른 흡음면적의 변화는 착용한 의복의 열저항(clo)과 체표면적당 무게로 구분하여 비교하였다. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sound absorption characteristics of a human body according to the amount of clothing worn by using reverberation method measurement method for developing standard test dummy, which can be used for testing absorption of occupied audience chair. Test method was based on the previous study (Conti et al., 2004), each experiment is conducted in the reverberation room and a subject wearing clothes is standing in that chamber. In this experiment, the sound absorption area of each frequency band according to the wearing of various material clothing was measured. As a result of measurements, the average sound absorption area of the whole frequency band was $0.25m^2-0.48m^2$ in case of a subject not wearing outer clothes, and $0.38m^2-0.98m^2$ in case of wearing of outerwear. Polyester tops by showing the maximum value, the highest characteristics in the 800 Hz to 1 kHz band among the rest of fiber materials. The outer jacket made of the wool and cotton materials show a higher absorption area as the frequency increases to the higher frequency band. The change of the sound absorption area according to the clothing amount was divided by the thermal resistance (clo) of the worn clothes and the weight per body surface area.

      • KCI우수등재

        Direct Method에 의한 鐵筋콘크리트 二方向슬라브의 最適設計에 관한 硏究

        김용희,류홍열,박문호,Kim, Yong-Hee,Lyu, Hong-Leal,Park, Moon-Ho 한국농공학회 1984 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.26 No.2

        We have, at present, found some studies on the optimum design of reinforced concrete about the simple slab but very few about the multi-story and multi-span slab. The aim of this study is to make a optimum design of coalesced beam and column slab constructure. Some results of the evaluation by using the optimalized algorithm that was developed in this study are as follows. 1. Slab was mainly restricted by the constraint of effective depth, bending moment, and minimum steel ratio; especially the effective depth was the preceding crifical constraint. In the optimum design of slab, therefore, the constraint about the minimum thickness should be surely considered. 2. This optimum design is good economy as much as some 3.4&~6.2% compared with the conventional design method. 3. In most case, it was converged by 3 to 6 iteratin regardless of the highest or lowest value and only in case of N=1 and case 1, there is a little oscillation after the 3rd iteration but it makes no difference in taking either the highest or lowest value because the range of oscillation is low as much as about 1.2% of the total construction cost. 4. In this study the result seeking for constraints that make no difference in the least cost design shows that shear stress and maximum steel ration may not be considered in it. 5. Bending moment was converged by one time iteration regardless of the initial value, while steel ratio, in most case, by two times because both bending moment and steel ratio are the fuction of effective depth.

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