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        해상 유해액체물질(NLS) 유출사고대비 물질군 선정에 관한 연구

        김영윤,최정윤,손민호,오상우,이문진,이상진,Kim, Young-Ryun,Choi, Jeong-Yun,Son, Min-Ho,Oh, Sangwoo,Lee, Moonjin,Lee, Sangjin 해양환경안전학회 2016 해양환경안전학회지 Vol.22 No.7

        해상 유통되는 유해액체물질(NLS)의 유출사고대비 물질군 선정을 위해 596종의 NLS를 대상으로 위해성 DB를 구축하고 우선 순위 선정시스템을 통해 전체 우선순위를 선정하였다. 우선순위 목록을 바탕으로 2014-2015년 해상유통물질 158종을 추출한 뒤 물질군 구분 기준을 적용하여 0~3순위의 4개 물질군을 제시하였다. 국가차원의 NLS 유출사고대비를 위해서는 물동량 및 유해성이 높은 0~1순위 물질군의 집중관리와 함께 2~3순위 물질군의 정보 구축작업이 지속되어야 한다. 항만별로는 NLS 유통 유형이 다르므로 각 항만의 물질별 유통특성을 파악한 뒤 0~1순위 물질군 위주로 관리하는 것이 효율적일 것으로 판단된다. 또한, 동해남부권역(울산, 부산), 남해중부권역(광양, 여수), 서해중부권역(평택, 대산, 인천)을 NLS 사고대비를 위한 특별관리구역으로 지정하여 해상유통되는 NLS 의 감시 감독을 강화하고 방제 장비, 자재 및 약제를 집중 배치해야 할 것으로 판단된다. 향후, 위해성 DB의 구축과정에서 나타난 위해성 정보 부재 물질들의(만성독성) 지속적인 생산 및 보완이 필요하며, 특히 수생태 독성의 경우 해양생물종을 대상으로 한 자료 생산 및 확보가 지속되어야 할 것이다. 또한, 해상 HNS 사고 관리를 위해서는 HNS 해상유통에 대한 정보를 확인할 수 있는 시스템이 조속히 구축되어야 한다. This study prioritizes Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) transported by sea via a risk-based database containing 596 chemicals to prepare against NLS incidents. There were 158 chemicals transported in Korean waters during 2014 and 2015, which were prioritized, and then chemicals were grouped into four categories (with rankings of 0-3) based on measures for preparedness against incident. In order to establish an effective preparedness system against NLS spill incidents on a national scale, a compiling process for NLS chemicals ranked 2~3 should be carried out and managed together with an initiative for NLS chemicals ranked 0-1. Also, it is advisable to manage NLS chemicals ranked 0-1 after considering the characteristics of NLS specifically transported through a given port since the types and characteristics of NLS chemicals relevant differ depending on the port. In addition, three designated regions are suggested: 1) the southern sector of the East Sea (Ulsan and Busan); 2) the central sector of the South Sea (Gwangyang and Yeosu); and 3) the northern sector of the West Sea (Pyeongtaek, Daesan and Incheon). These regions should be considered special management sectors, with strengthened surveillance and the equipment, materials and chemicals used for pollution response management schemes prepared in advance at NLS spill incident response facilities. In the near future, the risk database should be supplemented with specific information on chronic toxicity and updated on a regular basis. Furthermore, scientific ecotoxicological data for marine organisms should be collated and expanded in a systematic way. A system allowing for the identification Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) should also be established, noting the relevant volumes transported in Korean waters as soon as possible to allow for better management of HNS spill incidents at sea.

      • KCI등재

        해상 위험·유해물질(HNS) 관리 우선순위 선정에 관한 연구

        김영윤,김태원,손민호,오상우,이문진,Kim, Young Ryun,Kim, Tae Won,Son, Min Ho,Oh, Sangwoo,Lee, Moonjin 해양환경안전학회 2015 해양환경안전학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        국내에서 해상을 통하여 운송되는 위험 유해물질(HNS, Hazardous and Noxious Substances)의 종류는 약 6천여 종이고, 그 유통량은 2억5천1백만톤으로 전체 해상운송량의 약 19 %를 차지하며 해상 HNS 무역량 증가율은 세계 평균증가율의 2.5배에 해당한다. 이를 반영하듯 최근 국내 해상에서 HNS 유출사고가 빈번하게 발생하고 있어 이에 대한 대비 대응 사후처리 및 복원기술 개발에 대한 사회적 요구가 증대되고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 국내외 화학물질 관리 우선순위 기법을 검토하여 해상 HNS를 관리하기 위한 우선순위선정기법을 개발하고 적용하였다. 우선순위 선정을 위해 물리 화학적 특성, 인체 및 수생태독성, 잔류성, 축적성, 해상운송량에 대한 DB를 구축하였다. 우선순위는 인체위해성과 수생태위해성에 대해 각각 노출지표들과 독성지표들의 곱으로 점수화하고, 최종적으로 인체위해성과 수생태위해성 점수를 합하여 물질별 위해성 점수를 산정하였다. 우선순위산정 결과, Aniline을 포함한 상위 20개 물질이 제시되었으나 순위에 의한 단순한 관리보다는 점수별 물질 군으로 구분하여 관리해야 할 것으로 판단된다. 또한, 위해성 DB 구축과정에서 인체 및 수생태 만성독성 자료와 해양생물독성에 대한 자료가 매우 빈약한 것으로 나타났으므로 우선순위 물질들을 대상으로 자료 부재여부를 조사하여 관련 독성시험 연구를 진행해야 할 것으로 생각된다. 본 연구에서 개발된 우선순위시스템 및 우선순위 물질들은 향후 자료보완 및 전문가 검토가 이루어질 경우 HNS 사고 관리 및 관련기술 개발에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. The types of hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) being transported by sea in Korea are at about 6,000, HNS transport volume accounts for 19% of total tonnage shipped in Korea, and the increase rate of seaborne HNS trade in Korea is 2.5 times higher than the average increase rate of the world seaborne HNS trade. Reflecting this trend, HNS spill incidents have been frequently reported in Korean waters, and there are increasing social demands to develop HNS management technology for the preparedness, response, post-treatment and restoration in relation to HNS spill incidents at sea. In this study, a risk-based HNS prioritization system was developed and an HNS risk database was built with evaluation indices such as sea transport volume, physicochemical properties, toxicities, persistency, and bioaccumulation. Risk scores for human health and marine environments were calculated by multiplying scores for toxicity and exposure. The top-20 substances in the list of HNS were tabulated, and Aniline was ranked first place, but it needs to be managed not by individuals but by HNS groups with similar score levels. Limitations were identified in obtaining data of chronic toxicity and marine ecotoxicity due to lack of testing data. It is necessary to study on marine ecotoxicological test in the near future. Moreover, the priority list of HNS is expected to be utilized in the development of HNS management technology and the relevant technologies, after the expert's review process and making up for the lack of test data in the current research results.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        비점오염관리를 위한 강우유출수 처리습지의 성능평가방법 개발

        김영윤 ( Young Ryun Kim ),김상단 ( Sang Dan Kim ),이석모 ( Suk Mo Lee ),성기준 ( Ki Jun Sung ),송교욱 ( Kyo Ook Song ),손민호 ( Min Ho Son ) 한국물환경학회 2013 한국물환경학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        The performance of the stormwater wetlands can be significantly influenced by antecedent stormwater in storage at the commencement of a stormevent. As inflows are intermittent and stochastic in nature, the evaluation of the treatment efficiency of a stormwater wetland should be considered by runoff capture and water treatment characteristics during interevent periods. In this study, analytical probabilistic model is applied to identity runoff capture rate and treatment efficiency of the stormwater wetland. To achieve this, continuous rainfall data recorded in Busan for 31 years has been analyzed to derive the runoff capture rate, and 1st order kinetic decay constants (kv, 1/d) are calculated from regression analysis to identify pollutants removal during interevent periods. The results show that about 60.9% of annual average runoff is captured through the stormwater wetland. The annual average treatment efficiencies of SS, BOD, COD, TN and TP is about 11.4, 8.9, 9.8, 4.3 and 9.6%, respectively. The analytical model has been compared with the numerical model and it shows that analytical model is valid. Performance evaluation methods developed in this study has the advantages of considering characteristics of rainfall-runoff, facility type and pollutant removal.

      • 강우유출수 처리습지 관리를 위한 참조습지의 퇴적물 특성 평가

        김영윤(Young Ryun Kim),이석모(Suk Mo Lee),성기준(Kijune Sung),손민호(Min Ho Son) 한국생태공학회 2016 한국생태공학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        In order to provide basic information for the design, operation and management of stormwater wetland for nonpoint pollution control, seasonal changes in soil properties of the reference wetland in the lower Nakdong river basin were analyzed for about two years. The reference wetland had morphological features that could increase the retention capacity due to deep water depth and long aspect ratio. Organic matter, total nitrogen and avaliable phosphorus concentrations were higher in growing season (GS) than in non growing season (NGS), but no significant differences were observed between them. It seems to be affected mainly by influent load of organic matter rather than the internal vegetation cycles. Soil pH was significantly higher in GS than in NGS, probably due to the consumption of the hydrogen ions during the reduction of nitrate and iron (III) ions under the reducing conditions. Cation exchange capacity concentration showed similar variation with pH, but no significant difference was observed between seasons. The activity of dehydrogenase was significantly higher in GS, presumably due to the abundance of organic matter in the soil layer and a favorable temperature environment for microbial activity. In future study, it will be necessary to include biogeochemical indicators such as C:N:P ratio and various extracellular enzyme activities in order to utilize the reference wetland for the developmental and functional evaluation of the stormwater wetland.

      • 해상 HNS 유출사고 후 환경영향평가 및 모니터링 : 생물학적 측면의 사례연구 및 시사점

        김영윤(Young-Ryun Kim),김태원(Tae-Won Kim),손민호(Min-Ho Son),오상우(Sangwoo Oh),이문진(Moonjin Lee) 한국항해항만학회 2020 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2020 No.춘계

        국외의 경우 HNS 사고 이후에 활용할 수 있는 환경영향평가 및 모니터링 지침을 국가주도의 범부처 차원에서 개발하여 사고로 인한 환경영향 최소화 및 피해 자원의 효과적인 회복방안들을 제공하고 있다. 국내에도 HNS 사고 이후에 의사결정자 및 작업실무자들이 활용할 수 있는 환경영향평가 및 모니터링 지침 개발이 필요한 시점이다. In foreign countries, environmental impact assessment and monitoring guidelines that can be used post-HNS spill have been developed at the national level to provide effective recovery measures for resources affected and minimize environmental impact. It is time to develop post-incident environmental impact assessment and monitoring guidelines that can be utilized by decision makers and working-level officials.

      • KCI우수등재
      • 축산농가 인근 강우유출수 처리습지의 장기운영에 따른 수질변화 및 처리성능 변동 특성

        김영윤(Young Ryun Kim),정직영(Jik Young Jung),임정혁(Jung Hyuk Im),이석모(Suk Mo Lee),최성화(Seong Hwa Choi),손민호(Min Ho Son) 한국생태공학회 2016 한국생태공학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Water quality data acquired from 80 monitoring cases for last 9 years were analyzed to identify characteristics of variation on the treatment performance at the stormwater wetland. The surrounding areas of the wetland were mainly used for livestock pen and mechanic factories paved with permeable materials. Annual precipitation was in the range of 96 and 131 days with the highest values observed in 2014. Daily precipitation which was recorded less than 30 mm was 97 times, accounting for 85%, and 251 days as the annual interevent time. Suspended solids (SS) concentrations on an annual basis were increased for the first 3 years after wetland was constructed and then maintained its trend at some degrees. The concentrations of COD and TOC were also demonstrated similar patterns to the case of SS till 2011, and then decreased. As for TN, TP, the concentration of N and P in dissolved phases were increased which was not the case for the particulate phase showing decreasing pattern, and this finding could be attributed to the loading activities of livestock waste waters. Results of water quality variation caused by precipitation size were turned out that analyzed constituents were increased in the range below 60 mm but decreased above 60 mm except phosphorous, which could be explained by the flushing effect. Treatment performance during interevent period to deal with SS, COD, TN and TP on an annual basis was turned out with values of 31.9(± 26.3)%, 16.4(± 8.3)%, 33.8(± 20.6)% and 34.1(± 23.4)%. It was observed that annual performance was varied depending on the interevent period, precipitation size and input loads. In addition, it is critical to understand that the treatment performance was decreased as amounts of nutrient loadings were increased, which was also caused by the expansion of livestock pens and limited storage capacity from increased deposition of sediment. In order to improve treatment performance of wetland, it is worthwhile of noticing two points: 1) increasing storage capacity by maintaining dredging facilities properly and 2) reducing input loads with an aid of strict regulations. Also, an alternative strategy to improve treatment capacity could be wetland expansion.

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