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        보문 : 블로그 몰입이 패션제품 구매행동과 정보 재생산 활동에 미치는 영향 -블로그 특성과 소비자 정보 다양성 추구를 중심으로-

        김슬아 ( Seul A Kim ),홍금희 ( Keum Hee Hong ) 한국의류학회 2011 한국의류학회지 Vol.35 No.9

        A blog has significant effect as a new online medium and as a tool to share information with its powerful networking function. Blogs are established based on personal experience and their impact is stronger than conventional media in terms of informativeness, credibility and interactivity. Such characteristics of blogs lead to blog commitment (a phenomenon that has behavioral consequences) that eventually influences consumer fashion purchase behavior. The more a consumer is interested in fashion and seeks diverse information from a wide range of media, the more personally committed they become to certain blogs; in addition, they will also post the results of their fashion product purchases on their blog to further create and reproduce information. This research discovers how blog commitment affects fashion product purchase behavior and information reproduction activity among consumers as well as explores the impact of blog characteristics and information variety seeking by individual consumers on these factors. The data was collected from 428 adults who purchased a fashion product based on information they found on a blog. The results are as follows. First, blog characteristics are composed of accessibility, interactivity, credibility of the information, and informativeness. Second, in terms of the blog commitment, informativeness, credibility, and consumer information diversification (respectively), turned out to have positive effects; in addition, accessibility and credibility had positive effects for corporate blogs. The comparison between private and corporate blogs showed that consumers tend to be more committed to private blogs. Third, in terms of the brand attitude, private/corporate blog commitment, credibility, and consumer information diversification (respectively) had a positive influence. Fourth, blog characteristics and consumer information diversification led consumers (through private/corporate blog commitment) to form a favorable attitude towards the brand and purchase products that resulted in information reproduction of the purchased product.

      • KCI등재

        머신러닝 기법을 활용한 아이돌 생존 가능성 예측 연구 : 산업 경쟁력 증진을 중심으로

        김슬아(Seul-ah Kim),안주혁(Ju Hyuk Ahn),최복권(Fuquan Cui) 한국콘텐츠학회 2020 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.20 No.5

        아이돌이 주도하는 한국의 대중음악은 이제 전세계적인 팬덤을 확보하였다. 이로 인해, 아티스트를 넘어서 한국의 경제 상황에도 커다란 영향력을 행사하고 있다. 즉, 아이돌 그룹 하나가 크게 히트를 치면 조 단위의 외화를 벌어들일 수 있게 된 것이다. 따라서 아이돌 그룹을 성공시키고 이를 유지시키는 것이 상당히 중요한 과제로 떠올랐다. 본 연구에서는 소속사가 손익분기점으로 삼는 데뷔 후 3년차 및 평균적인 재계약 직후 시점인 8년차 아이돌의 생존여부를 인공신경망, 의사결정나무, 랜덤 포레스트를 활용하여 예측해보고자 한다. 그리고 생존에 있어 무엇이 중요한 요인인지를 나무 모델의 특성중요도 및 로지스틱 회귀분석을 활용하여 설명하였다. 그 결과, 데뷔 시점의 경쟁자 수, 최초 그룹의 구성원 수, 다루는 장르의 수 등의 요인이 유의하다는 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 이를 통해, 최종적으로 아이돌 그룹을 보다 효율적으로 기획, 관리함으로써 산업 경쟁력을 증진할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. Korean popular music industry, which is lead by Idol group, has forsaken their fandom all over the world. Therefore, idol groups has become not only an artist but also the most influential people in the Korean economy. A global idol group with a strong fandom can earn more than a trillion-dollar by attracting their global fans interest in Korea. In other words, it is considerably important to carry the idol to a successful conclusion. This study tries to expect whether the idols can be survived or not at a certain point after their debut by ANN, Decision Tree, Random Forest. We decide that certain point as the three-year and eight-year after their debut, because it is their break-even point year and the year after their average renewal of the contract. In addition, this study also explains which feature is the most important to their survival by feature importance and Logistic regression. In conclusion, features like the number of idol competitors, the number of debut members and the number of the genre are significant. These results shed light on the efficient management of K-Pop idol to improve industrial competitiveness.

      • 지역아동센터 아동 대상 영양·위생 교육교재 개발 및 적용 효과

        박재희 ( Jae-hee Park ),성나영 ( Nayeong Seong ),김민지 ( Minji Kim ),김다빈 ( Dabin Kim ),김다영 ( Da-yeong Kim ),김슬아 ( Seul-a Kim ),박재우 ( Jaewoo Park ),황지영 ( Ji-young Hwang ),박은주 ( Eunju Park ) 경남대학교 교육문제연구소 2019 敎育理論과 實踐 Vol.28 No.-

        In this study, nutrition and hygiene education textbooks and teaching and learning curriculum were developed to improve the nutrition and hygiene level of children attending Community Children’s Center. The nutrition and hygiene education workbook consisted of 4 sessions by selecting related topics for each season. Seasonal topics were selected as follows, spring: importance of hygiene to prevent fine dust, summer: prevention of food poisoning, autumn: in-between season and seasonal foods, and winter: cold prevention. In comparison with the effects before and after nutrition and hygiene education, the level of nutrition knowledge increased significantly in the prevention of food poisoning, the in-between season changes and seasonal food, and the prevention of cold after education. However, in the education of the importance of hygiene for fine dust and prevention, there was no significant effect before and after education. After nutrition education using the nutrition and hygiene workbook developed in this study, the students answered 'very satisfied' to the question of whether the education helped to form the correct eating habits. Also, they would like to continue to participate in education, and more than half of the children were positive about the content of the education. Therefore, the workbook developed in this study contributes to the improvement of nutritional and hygiene knowledge level of the children attending the community children’s center and contributes to correct eating behavior in life, thus might helping children prepare for a healthy future.

      • SHA-3 후보들의 H/W 구현에 대한 전력 소모량 추정

        이동건 ( Donggeon Lee ),추상호 ( Sangho Chu ),김슬아 ( Seul-a Kim ),김호원 ( Howon Kim ) 한국정보처리학회 2010 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.17 No.2

        2005년 중국의 Wang 등이 SHA-1의 충돌쌍 공격에 대한 취약성을 발표한 이후 미국의 NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technologies)에서는 새로운 표준 해쉬 함수에 대한 필요성을 제기하였으며, SHA-3로 사용될 새로운 해쉬 함수를 공모하게 되었다. 전세계에서 64개의 후보들이 제안되었으며, 1라운드가 끝난 2010년 현재 14개의 후보들에 대한 2 라운드 심사가 진행중이다. 본 논문에서는 ASIC(Application Specified Intergrated Circuit) 설계 과정에서 설계 대상의 전력 소모량을 추정하는 과정을 소개하고, 이를 이용해 SHA-3 후보들의 H/W 구현들에 대해서 전력 소모량을 추정하여 결과를 제시한다.

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