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      • KCI등재

        거대 행성들과 혜성들의 분광학

        김상준,이영식,이유,김용하,KIM SANG JOON,LEE YOUNG SIEK,YI YU,KIM YOUNG HA 한국천문학회 2000 天文學論叢 Vol.15 No.suppl1

        We have presented detected molecules, atoms, radicals, ions, and dimers in the atmospheres of planets and comets from Earth-based and spaceborne observatories during the last 3 decades. We have reviewed spectroscopic studies on the auroral emissions and air glows of the giant planets, and briefly summarized spectroscopic observations of dimers in the atmospheres of the giant planets and Titan. In particular, we highlighted the recent detections of new molecular emissions and absorptions in the spectra of the giant planets, Titan, and recent bright comets from spaceborne or ground-based observatories. We also reviewed current models and theories of the origin and evolution of the solar system, and implications of isotopic ratios in these atmospheres.

      • KCI등재

        소아에서 외상 후 발생한 양안 장액망막박리 1예

        김상준,김진영,박성표,Sang Joon Kim,Jin Young Kim,Sung Pyo Park 대한안과학회 2008 대한안과학회지 Vol.49 No.6

        Purpose: We report a case of post‐traumatic bilateral serous retinal detachment that resolved spontaneously within a month. Case summary: An 8-year-old male patient presented with post-traumatic bilateral serous retinal detachment and decreased visual acuity. We did not perform any specific treatment. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), fluorescein angiography (FA), optical coherence tomography (OCT), and slit lamp examination were used. Conclusions: After 1 month, the patient’s BCVA improved to 1.0 in both eyes, and serous retinal detachment resolved; FA findings and OCT findings were nearly normal. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 49(6):1018-1021, 2008

      • KCI등재

        병적 근시가 황반 원공 수술 결과에 미치는 영향

        김상준,김하경,Sang Joon Kim,MD,Ha Kyoung Kim,MD,PhD 대한안과학회 2013 대한안과학회지 Vol.54 No.6

        Purpose: To evaluate if the presence of pathologic myopia could affect the result of macular hole surgery. Methods: This study was a retrospective comparison of the results of macular hole surgery between a pathologic myopia group (11 eyes) and a non-pathologic myopia group (14 eyes). All patients had undergone PPV, ILM peeling and C3F8 (20%) gas temponade. BCVA, IOP and OCT findings were evaluated preoperatively and at 6 months after surgery. Postoperative BCVA, IOP and macular hole closure were compared between each groups. Results: The only statistically significant preoperative parameter between the groups was axial length (p < 0.001). Postoperative BCVA was lower in the pathologic myopia group, but the difference was not statistically significant. The rate of macular hole closure was statistically significant higher in the non-pathologic myopia group (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The presence of pathologic myopia may negatively affect the result of macular hole surgery.

      • KCI등재

        적극적고용개선조치 실증분석 방법론에 관한 탐색적 연구

        김상준(Sang-Joon Kim),김정진(Jung-Jin Kim) 한국인사관리학회 2022 조직과 인사관리연구 Vol.46 No.4

        본 논문에서 다루고자 하는 적극적 고용개선조치(Affirmative Action, 이하 AA제도)는 여성에 대한 반차별적 정책(anti-discrimination policy)을 통해 평등한 고용 및 처우를 보장하는 조치이다. 우리나라는 남녀고용평등과 일·가정 양립지원에 관한 법률에 근거하여 2006년에 도입되었다. AA제도는 사회와 기업에서 오랫동안 불리한 위치에 있는 소수그룹(예: 여성)의 실질적 평등이 이루어질 때까지 잠정적으로 여성을 우대함으로써 왜곡된 노동시장의 구조를 개선하여 공정한 경쟁이 이루어지도록하는데 제도의 목적이 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 AA제도 측정방법론은 그 당위성만 강조되었을 뿐 국내에서 실증연구로 이루어진 바가 거의 없는 실정이다. 이에 따라 정부의 AA 정책 및 프로그램 실행정도를 보다 가시적으로 파악하기 위한 측정방법론이 미흡하다는 문제인식에서 출발하여, 미국 주정부실증데이터를 바탕으로 여성의 고용상태 측정방법에 관해 살펴보는데 본 연구목적을 두고 있다. 특히미국에서 가장 적실성이 높은 방법으로 알려져 있는‘외부가용성(External Availability)’개념을 활용하여 미국 주정부 실증자료를 분석하였다. 외부가용성이란 개념은 특정 직업군에서 고용 가능한 자격을충족하는 집단의 인구수를 통계적으로 산출한 수치이다(Edelman, 1990). 미국 정부는 노동시장의인구통계학적 자료를 활용하여 ‘고용가용성(Available Labor Market Data, ALM)’지표를 매년 정부홈페이지 제시하고 기업에서 이를 활용하도록 한다. 또한 다른 기업들과 비교할 수 있는 수치를 추산한후, 기업에서 재직 중인 여성 근로자 인원을 상대적으로 비교함으로써, 현재 기업 내 여성 근로자 고용상태가 어떤 상태에 있는지를 판단한다(US EEOC, 2021). 그러나 우리나라는 외부가용성과 관련된기준을 따로 정의하거나 관리하고 있지 않고 있어 미국 데이터와 측정방법론을 중심으로 실증분석 결과를 제시하였다. 국내에서 관련 기준이나 데이터가 부재한 상황에서 최초로 AA 측정방법의 실증분석을 실시한 탐색적 연구이므로 본 연구에서 제시한 측정방법들은 추후 연구를 통해 타당성에 관한 추가적 검증이 이루어져야 할 것이다. In this study, we explore the ways to capture the extent to which a given locale embodies the values of affirmative action, i.e. equal employment. In particular this study employs the concept of employment availability to figure out whether firms in a certain locale tend to comply with the affirmative-action guidelines. Given this concept, we define disparity as the proportion of female employees in the total locale population employed, deviated from the availability level. Along with this, we consider a measure of concentration, which refers to the extent to which the employment in a locale is occupied by a certain gender. By combining these two indices, we develop an analytical framework to evaluate the implementation of affirmative action. As an illustration of the analytical framework, we employ the database from the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Specifically, by using the data of the state of Florida, the availability is measured based on demographic statistics; the indices of dispatiy and concentration are calculated; then how the locales of Florida show their implementation of affirmative action is analyzed with these two combined indices. Based on the analyses and from the implications from them, we contend that the analytical framework for measuring the affirmative-action implementation can be used to evaluate how equal employment is achieved; particually, we suggest that this analytical framework is applicable to the Korean context.

      • KCI등재

        일본 정치변화가 총리의 임기에 미친 영향: 파벌에서 지지율로

        김상준 ( Sang Joon Kim ),박호성 ( Ho Seong Park ) 현대일본학회 2013 日本硏究論叢 Vol.38 No.-

        본 연구는 선거제도의 개편이 어떻게 선거에서 국회의원들의 기회구조를 변화시켰으며, 그 변화는 다시 정당구조의 탈바꿈에 어떻게 반영되는지를 살펴보았다. 소선거제도라는 새로운 제도가 도입되면서, 정당간 경쟁은 치열해졌으며, 무당파층이 선거에서 가지는 의미는 더욱 부각되었다. 유권자들에 대한 정치가의 민감도는 고조되기 시작하였지만, 선거에서 정당정체성 또는 정당의 정책이 선거의 결정적인 요인으로 자리 잡지 못하였다. 일본의 정당 발전이 애초부터 사회적 균열에 기반을 두지 않았던 것과, 양당제가 가지는 정책의 수렴성 등이 그 이유가 되었다. 이러한 정당 구분의 모호함으로 인해 일본 정치에는 유례없는 정당의 인물화가 진행되었다. 선거구제의 변화는 정당내부구조의 변화에도 영향을 미쳤다. 총리 선출에 있어서 파벌의 기능은 쇠퇴하였으며, 대신 일반의 원과 당원의 역할은 증대되었다. 내각 지지율이 선거에 중요하게 영향을 미치는 상황에서 지역구 의원들은 총리의 지지율을 높게 유지하려는 유인을 가지고 있었다. 이는 결국 고이즈미와 같이 지지율이 높은 총리의 경우 당내의원들의 지원과 협력으로 임기는 길어지게 되었으며, 반면, 아베, 후쿠다, 아소, 하토야마, 칸, 노다 등과 같이 지지율이 낮은 총리의 경우 당내의원들은 새로운 총리를 통해 지지율의 반등을 기도하였던 것이다. 55년 체제의 자민당의 장기집권의 핵심기제가 지역구와 다양한 사회계층에 대한 물질적 분배라는 ‘이익유도 정치’라고 한다면, 2000년대 일본의 정치의 득표기제는 바로 내각에 대한 여론이라는 ‘지지율의 정치’로 전환되었다고 볼 수 있다. 지지율의 정치의 등장은 일본정치의 새로운 문제를 야기한다. 하지만 정치인들의 속성상 선거는 매우 중요한 사안이었기 때문에 안정된 정책보다는 선거에 유리하다고 판단되는 국민의 인물에 대한 지지에 ‘지나치게’ 반응하였던 것이다. 이는 민주주의 제도의 민감성은 고조되는 한편, 효과성은 그만큼 잠식된 일본 민주주의의 또 다른 딜레마를 낳게 하였다. This study examines how the terms of Prime Ministers have been influenced by the political change in post-55 system. Under the period of 55 system where the ruling party of LDP enjoyed the political longevity with forming majority in the lower and upper house,then without forming coalition with other parties. However, new electoral law in 1993significantly changed the incentives of politicians who were eager to pursue re-election under the new law. In the intra-party level, the power of party faction diminished in selecting Prime Minister. In the inter-party level, the number of voters of no party identification increased. Eventually, there was no solid mechanism of gaining voters in Japanese politics. Under the circumstance, the rate of voter`s support, expecially for Prime Minister and his cabinet, began to matter. The rate repeatedly moved from high at the beginning of Prime Minister ship to low because of whimsical voters` preference. This eventually resulted in the remarkably unstable Prime Minister ship, which interrupted and shorten the terms of Prime Minister ship in Japan.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        상부 위장관 출혈을 일으킨 고유 간 동맥류

        김상준(Sang Joon Kim),박재형(Jae Hyung Park),김승협(Seung Hyup Kim),노동영(Dong Young Noh),정인목(In Mork Jung) 대한소화기학회 1991 대한소화기학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Hepatic artery aneurysms are rare lesions and have ifficulty in diagnosis and treatment. Upper abdominal pain accompanied by recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding can be a suspicious sign of the hepatic artery aneurysm. Ultrasonography is the screening diagnostic tool, but preoperative evaluation of the aneurysm and collaterals to the liver is well accomplished by the angiography. Surgical therapy is needed because the aneurysms have a significant propensity toward rupture and its high mortality. Maintanence of the hepatic blood flow after artery ligation should be considerd, but hepatocellular survival is possible due to collaterals, increased oxygen uptake from portal vein. Percutaneous transcatheter embolization is alternative to surgery and has gained clinical application in recent years, especially intrahepatic aneurysm and active bleeding. We experienced a 53-year old woman who underwent recurrent upper gastrointerstinal bleeding and duodenal ulcer was suspected by endoscopy. She was intractabel to the surgery to ulcer bleeding and suspicious mass was paepated on the and portion of the duodenum, so, angiography was done and revealed that the thumb tip sized proper hepatic artery aneurysm was presnet. We treated it successfully with transcatheter coil embolization & report it now.

      • Responsible Behavior of the Firm

        Sang-Joon Kim(김상준),Hannah Oh(오한나),Jong-Wan Bae(배종완),Soojung Lee(이수정) 한국경영학회 2016 한국경영학회 통합학술발표논문집 Vol.2016 No.8

        This study postulates that the inconclusive relationship between social and financial performance may be based on different motivation to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR). As an unexplored dimension of the motivation for CSR actions, we propose the aspect that firms seek for enhancing ethical status, called conspicuous CSR. Drawn from the theory on conspicuous consumption (Veblen, 1899), we explore the possibilities that firms may spend their resources for society to reveal their ethical status. This implies that firms are likely to engage in CSR to advertise their CSR status. From this standpoint, we attempt to discern the behavioral aspect that a firm’s prosocial activities are dependent on its prior ethical status. And we investigate how different motivations, i.e. strategic CSR vs. conspicuous CSR, affect financial performance, especially instantiated by Tobin’s q. With a sample of 1,665 U.S. public firms between 1993 and 2012, we find that conspicuous CSR has a negative impact on market performance while strategic CSR has a positive impact. We expect that these findings can reconcile the inconclusive debate on the CSR-CFP relationship.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        개에서 자가 부분 간 이식술전후 동맥혈의 KBR ( Ketone Body Ratio ) 측정과 이식 간의 초기 기능부전 지표로서의 상관관계에 관한 연구

        김상준(Sang Joon Kim),김수태(soo Tae Kim),안세현(Sei Hyun Ahn),김병식(Byung Sik Kim),정중기(Jung Kee Jung),김건표(Kyun Pyo Kim),서경석(Kyung Suk Seo) 대한소화기학회 1993 대한소화기학회지 Vol.25 No.5

        N/A Living-related segmental liver transplantation is now accepted as a method of liver transplantatior in pediatric group. But if graft failure occurs, mortality is high. Hence the early prediction of graft failure may contribute to the improvement of the chance of survival. The ketone bodies (acetoacetate, B-hydroxybutyrate) are known to be produced in the hepatic mitochondria. KBR (ketone body ratio) is a ratio of acetoacetate/B-hydroxybutyrate, which ref1ects the NAD+/NADH, i.e. oxidoreduction state of NAD of hepatic mitochondria. Because the viability of grafted liver is ultimately depeadant on the oxidoreduction potential of hepatic mitochondria, KBR might reflect the viability of grafted liver. The purpose of this experiment is to study whether KBR is a useful indicator of initial grat failure after liver transplantation. The experiment consisted of ten autologous left lobe liver transplants in dogs. The arterial blood was taken at preoperative period, anhepatic stage, reperfusion-15 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour anl daily during their survival, and then KBR was calculated by ketone body concentration. The result of KBR measurement was as follows; it was 1.16+-0.33 at preoperative period, and abruptly decreased to 0.46+- 0.21 at anhepatic stage, and recovered to various levels according to initial graft function after reperfusion. To evaluate the initial graft function, the dogs were divided into two groups. A group (n=3) had KBR below 0.7 at reperfusion 1 hour, and B group (n=7) above 1.0. In group A, all of them showed early graft failure and died within 12 hours postoperatively. KBR changes in group A were as follows; it was 1.16 at preoperative period, and decreased to 0.25 at anhepatic stage, and recorded 0.69, 0.54, 0.61, 0.29 at reperfusion-15 min, 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour respectively. It never recovered above 0.7 at any period after reperfusion. In group B. they showed good early-graft function with survival of 16 hours to 8 days and died of other causes, ln group B, preoperative KBR was 1.16, and decreased to 0.54 at anhepatic stage, but promptly recovered to 0.95 at reperfusion-15 minute, 1.32 at 1 hour. It slightly decreased to 0.83 at 1 hour but maintained above 1.0 after 6 hour. In conclusion, the decreased KBR at anhepatic stage should promptly recover after reperfusion for the graft viability, and the value below 0.7 of KBR after reperfusion-1 hour represents the early graft failure, and above 1.0 of KBR represents good functioning graft. The KBR is a useful indicator of early graft function in canine autologous segmental liver transplantation, and it is assumed that KBR is further applicable on canine and human allogenic segmental liver transplantation.

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