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      • KCI등재

        비판적 담화분석을 활용한 비판적 읽기 교육 방안 연구

        김병건 ( Kim Byeong-keon ) 영주어문학회 2022 영주어문 Vol.52 No.-

        진위를 가리기 힘든 수많은 정보들이 인터넷을 타고 우리에게 온다. 정보를 비판적으로 수용하는 능력이 그 어느 때보다 중요해졌다. 하지만 중등교육에서 이것에 대한 교육이 잘 이뤄지지 않기 때문에 대학 신입생들은 대학 수학 과정에서 요구되는 이러한 비판적 정보 처리를 갑작스럽다고 느끼기도 한다. 많은 대학들에서 이러한 어려움을 겪는 학생들을 돕기 위해 글쓰기, 말하기 등의 과목을 운영하고 있고, 이들 과목 수강 중 비판적 정보 처리를 위한 능력과 태도 등이 길러지기를 기대한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 글쓰기 수업 중 한정된 시간을 활용해 비판적 읽기를 교육하고자 하는 노력의 일환으로 졸고(2021)에서 제안한 비판적 읽기 교육 방안의 효과를 논의해 보고자 했다. <실험집단>, <비교집단>으로 나눠 교육적 효과를 검증한 결과, 본 연구에서 제안하는 비판적 읽기 교육 방안이 어느 정도 효과가 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구에서 제안하는 툴(tool)로 수업한 <실험집단>은 비판적 읽기 관련 능력들이 대체적으로 향상되었으나, 논리/논증 수업을 한 <비교집단>은 오히려 나빠지기까지 했기 때문이다. We are flooded with a tremendous amount of information through the internet, but it is hard to determine the authenticity of the information. Accordingly, the ability to accommodate information critically has grown more important than ever. However, secondary education does not provide sufficient training in this aspect, so university entrants perceive the critical information processing required in university as abrupt. Many universities are operating courses like writing and speaking courses to support the students who struggle, and it is anticipated for the freshmen to cultivate the abilities and attitudes for critical information processing while they take the courses. To this end, this study intended to discuss the effectiveness of critical reading education measures suggested by the precedent paper (2021) as an effort to apply limited time during writing class to educate students about critical reading. The study participants were classified into the < experimental group > and < comparative group > to verify the educational effect and the findings proved that the critical reading education measures suggested in this study are effective to some degree. The < experimental group > participated in a class with a tool suggested in this study, and their critical reading abilities generally improved, but the < comparative group > that participated in logic/debate class had deteriorated abilities.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 명령 수행문의 유형과 특징

        김병건(Kim, Byeong-Keon) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2014 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.41

        명령문이 ‘행위 요구’라는 언표내적효력을 가지는 것이 보통이나, 서술문, 의문문, 청유문이 ‘행위 요구’의 언표내적효력을 가지는 경우도 있다. 이 글에서는 이들을 ‘명령 수행문’이라 칭하고, 그 유형과 명령문의 통사적, 의미?화용적 특징과의 비교를 통해 그 특징을 규명하고자 했다. ‘명령 수행문’의 유형은 다음과 같다. ‘명령 수행문’이 되는 서술문은 (1) ‘당위성 표현’(①이 음식을 먹을지니라/내 말을 믿을지니라, ②운동장으로 집합한다), (2) ‘가정과 확정 표현’(움직이면 쏜다/도와주면 맛있는 거 사준다), (3) ‘원망 표현’(밥 먹기를 바란다/밥 먹으면 좋겠다/밥 먹었으면 한다), (4) ‘의무 표현’(효도해야 한다)이, ‘명령 수행문’이 되는 의문문은 (1) ‘의향?의지 묻기’(①문 닫을래, ②문 닫을까?/문 닫으면 안 될까?/문 닫지 못할까?, ③문 닫겠습니까?/문 닫겠니?)가, ‘명령 수행문’이 되는 청유문은 (1) ‘협조 구하기’(지나갑시다/지나가자)가 있다. ‘명령 수행문’의 특징은 다음과 같다. 이들은 명령문과 같이 ‘명령 발화의 적정조건’을 준수해야 하고, ‘주어 제약’(주어는 2인칭이며, 이는 곧 들을이이자 행위이행자이다.)을 가지지만, ‘서술어 제약 1’(‘의지를 가지고 제어할 수 있는’ 의미 바탕을 가진 용언만이 결합 가능하다.), ‘서술어 제약 2’(어떤 선어말어미와도 결합하지 못한다.)에서는 명령문과 차이가 난다. An imperative sentence have a illocutionary force of command commonly. But a declarative sentence, an interrogative sentence, a proposative sentence may also have a illocutionary force of command. In this paper they are termed "a performative sentence of command". And we have tried to find their types and properties. Their types are as follows. There are (1) ‘express of a must’(①이 음식을 먹을지니라/내 말을 믿을지니라, ②운동장으로 집합한다), (2) ‘express of a supposition and a determination’(움직이면 쏜다/도와주면 맛있는 거 사준다), (3) ‘express of a wish’(밥 먹기를 바란다/밥 먹으면 좋겠다/밥 먹었으면 한다), (4) ‘express of a duty’(효도해야 한다) on a delarative sentence as a performative sentence. There is (1) ‘inquiring about a intention or a will’(①문 닫을래, ②문 닫을까?/문 닫으면 안 될까?/문 닫지 못할까?, ③문 닫겠습니까?/문 닫겠니?) on an interrogative sentences as a performative sentence. And there is (1) ‘asking for cooperation’(지나갑시다/지나가자) on a proposative sentence as a performative sentence. Their properties are as follows. They ought to obey ‘felicity conditions of command’, and ‘the subject constraint’(The subject is the second person, which means that is the listener and the performer) like an imperative sentence. But they are different from an imperative sentence on ‘the predicate constraint 1’(Only predicates that have semantic features that is ‘can control with a will’ can be combined.), and ‘the predicate constraint 2’(They can’t be combined with a prefinal ending.).

      • KCI등재

        메르스 보도에 대한 신문 사설의 비판적 담화 분석

        김병건 ( Byeong Keon Kim ) 한말연구학회 2015 한말연구 Vol.- No.38

        This paper explores the ideological positions of two leading Korean newspapers, Chosun Ilbo and Hankyoreh Shinmun. With the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA), editorials about MERS were analysed in this paper. CDA is a type of discourse analytical research that primarily studies the way social power abuse, dominance, and inequality are enacted, reproduced, and resisted by text and talk in the social and political context. With such dissident research, critical discourse analysts take explicit position, and thus want to understand, expose, and ultimately resist social inequality(van Dijk, 2001). As a result, each newspaper can shows that the positive information of actor to support our ideology can be expressed and emphasized, the negative information can be suppressed and de-emphasized. It can also say that the positive information of actor to oppose our ideology can be suppressed and de-emphasized, the negative information can be expressed and emphasized. Each newspaper’s values to pursue can be confirmed, either. The values are reproduced and spread constantly through editorials.

      • KCI등재

        뉴스 앵커의 발화와 제도적 정체성 - KBS <뉴스9>·JTBC <뉴스룸>·TV조선 <뉴스9>를 중심으로 -

        김병건 ( Kim Byeong-keon ) 한말연구학회 2020 한말연구 Vol.- No.55

        We perform our identities by means of languages. Languages are constituted in the light of the types of persons, whom we deal with and the ways of thinking, feeling and acting that we want them to do. This study was carried out to compare and analyze diverse identities that TV news program anchors showed by the medium of language, focusing on the GSOMIA news of KBS < NEWS 9 >, JTBC < NEWS ROOM > and TV CHOSUN < NEWS 9 > from July 18th to August 23rd 2019. According to modal and mood analysis, there were various roles of anchors, such as a ‘messenger’, an ‘assistant’ and an ‘authority’ on TV news programs, and each program gave slightly different weight to each role. The result of presupposition and evaluation analysis showed the worlds configured by anchors of individual programs. To be specific, KBS and JTBC were negative about the Japanese government, while TV CHOSUN was negative about the Korean government. Also, when analyzing expressive dimensions including vocabulary, it was revealed that JTBC made striking use of private language. The use of private language on JTBC functioned as a means of forming intimacy and bond by enhancing the perception of parasocial interaction. When it comes to anchors’ identities to position viewers, on KBS and TV CHOSUN that mainly perform a role as a ‘messenger’, viewers were positioned as (passive) ‘consumers’ of information, but on JTBC with similar proportions of the three roles; a ‘messenger’, an ‘assistant’ and an ‘authority’, viewers were positioned as those that are more active (such as an ‘interpreter’). In terms of ideological implications contained in anchors’ identities, also, TV CHOSUN put more emphasis on the responsibility of the Korean government for terminating/breaking the GSOMIA, whereas KBS and JTBC put the responsibility on the Japanese government.

      • KCI등재

        {-는걸}과 {-을걸}의 양태 의미 연구

        김병건(Kim Byeong-keon) 한글학회 2015 한글 Vol.- No.309

        본 논문에서는 {-는걸}과 {-을걸}의 양태 의미를 밝히고자 했다. 1장에서는 이 연구의 필요성과 목표를 밝히고, 2장에서는 이전 연구에 대해 검토했으며, 3장에서는 {-는걸}과 {-을걸}의 양태 의미를 밝혔다. 연구의 결과, {-는걸}은 화자의 [경험]을 바탕으로 얻은 정보를 명제 내용으로 가지는 [확실성]의 종결어미로 명제 내용이 제어 불가능했던 과거의 일이라면 [체념], 의외성을 가진 현재의 신정보라면 [감탄]의 감정 양태 의미를 가진다. 반면 {-을걸}은 비확실성 정보의 [개연성]을 [추정]하는 종결어미로 명제 내용이 제어 가능했던 과거의 일이라면 [후회]의 감정 양태 의미를 가진다. 4장은 본 논문의 결론으로, 논의된 내용을 정리했다. The aim of this study is to analyze the modality meaning of final endings {-neungeol} and {-eulgeol}. In Chapter Ⅰ, the purpose and necessity for this study. In Chapter Ⅱ, review of previous research. In Chapter Ⅲ, the modality meaning of final endings {-neungeol} and {-eulgeol} is analyzed. The result of the semantic analysis of the modality meaning of final endings {-neungeol} and {-eulgeol} is as follows. {-neungeol} is a [certainty] final ending which has the obtained information on the basis of [experience]. If propositional content is a thing of the past we can not control, {-neungeol} has a modality meaning [resignation], and if propositional content is a thing of new information with the unexpectedness, it has a modality meaning [exclamation] as a emotive modality. On the other hand, {-eulgeol} is a [inference] final ending which has used [probability] information on the uncertainties. If propositional content is a thing of the past we can control, {-eulgeol} has a modality meaning [regret] as a emotive modality. In Chapter Ⅳ, the research is concluded and the results of this research are summarized.

      • KCI등재

        정치권력에 따른 ‘진보’ 개념의 변화에 대한 연구

        김병건(Kim, Byeong-keon) 건국대학교 GLOCAL(글로컬)캠퍼스 스토리앤이미지텔링연구소 2020 스토리&이미지텔링 Vol.20 No.-

        본 연구에서는 미디어에서 나타나는 진보적 성향의 담화 참여자에 대한 개념이 지배적 정치 권력의 교체에 따라 변하는지, 그렇지 않은지를 살피고자 했다. 특정한 인물 또는 사물의 개념은 표상(representaton)을 분석함으로써 알 수 있다. 표상은 ‘어떻게 묘사되는가’의 문제이기 때문에, 실제 세상의 경험을 어떻게 이해했는가를 보여주는 동사성(transitivity)과 추론을 통한 전형적인 연상을 구성하는 토포스(topos)를 분석함으로써 밝힐 수 있다. 이를 위해 연구의 기반이 되는 이론적 배경을 먼저 살핀 후 동사성과 토포스를 각각 분석했다. 연구 결과, [A시기]보다 [B시기]에 진보는 보다 부정적으로 묘사되고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이는 지배적 정치 권력의 교체가 미디어에 영향을 미친 것으로 볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 이면에서 작동하는 힘(power)을 표면으로 드러내는 하나의 시도이다. 본 연구의 결과는 권력의 담화적 실천, 즉 언어로 실천되는 힘의 관계를 드러내는 하나의 사례가 될 것으로 기대한다. This study aims to consider whether or not the concept of progressive discourse participants revealed in the media varies depending on the transfer of political authority. The concept of a specific figure or object can be understood by analyzing a representation. Representation is a matter of ‘how it is described’. Therefore, analyzing transitivity showing how experience in the real world is understood, and topos forming an inference-based typical association helps in figuring this out. For this study, the theoretical background of the study was examined first and then, transitivity and topos were analyzed respectively. The study result displayed that progress was described more negatively in the [B era] than in the [A era]. This implies the transfer of ruling political authority influenced the media. This study is an attempt to expose the power on the other side to the surface. It is anticipated that the result of this study will serve as an example showing the relationship of power, which is fulfilled by discourse of power, namely, language.

      • KCI등재

        TV와 신문의 사용역적 차이에 대한 연구 - KBS와 조선일보를 중심으로 -

        김병건 ( Kim Byeong-keon ) 한말연구학회 2022 한말연구 Vol.63 No.4

        This study aims to examine the differences of language registers between TV news and newspaper, based on Halliday(1978)’s register concept. Register can be defined as a variable related to a situational context of language use. Halliday(1978) argued that our ways of using languages depended on the details of context of situation, such as what a text is, who joined text production and which role language plays in text and that these referred to field, tenor and mode respectively. To sum up, TV news and newspaper showed differences in ‘tenor’ and ‘mode’. Expecially, ‘modality’ in tenor and ‘conjunctive ending(particularly, ‘-neunde’) and ‘NP-sentence’ in mode were remarkably different. Modality is a linguistic device used when a text producer evaluates the validity of proposition and etc. The difference of this modality comes from intimacy in a position of each press towards a reporting target. In relation to modality expressions, KBS that was not free from criticism about the government at that time mostly used ‘probably’, while Chosunilbo that was critical towards the government mostly used ‘certainly’. This relational difference is also discovered in the use of ‘-giro ha-’ or ‘-neun/eul gyehoeg/bangchim/yejeong/jeonmang’. In terms of modes, conjunctive endings were more frequently used by KBS than Chosunilbo. In particular, the prominent use of ‘-neunde’ in KBS was regarded as a case to show the differences between spoken and written languages. In addition, ‘NP-sentence’ was not found in Chosunilbo, whereas this was used much by KBS. This means NP-sentence is a part to show differences in mode among situational contexts that are found in formal, planned and non-mutual spoken languages, as discussed in Choi(2019)’s research.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 혼성어에 대한 재고 -신조어를 중심으로-

        김병건 ( Kim Byeong-keon ) 한민족문화학회 2017 한민족문화연구 Vol.59 No.-

        본 논문에서는 `혼성어의 범주와 특징`에 대해 살펴보았다. 최근 10년 새 활발히 조어되기 시작한 혼성어는 `절단`과 `합성`이라는 단어 형성의 기제가 동시에 적용되어 만들어진다. 혼성어는 보통 단어·어절에서 한 음절씩 뽑아서 만들어지는데, 이때 음절 선택과 나머지의 절단은 형태소와 같은 내부 구조를 고려하지 않고, 의미적으로 한 덩어리가 되는 묶음을 중심으로 이루어진다. 혼성어는 그 밑말의 의미 관계에 따라 `갈겹살`처럼 비슷한 의미 범주에 속한 단어들이 결합하여 `α와 β`로 해석되는 `등위적 혼성어`(coordinate blend)와 `훈남`, `어깡`처럼 α가 β를 또는 β가 α를 꾸미는 역할을 하는 `한정적 혼성어`(modified blend), `열폭`, `금사빠`처럼 문장으로 환언될 수 있는 `통합적 혼성어`(synthetic blend)로 나눌 수 있다. This study has examined the categories and characteristics of blends. Blends began to be formed actively in recent ten years. Blends are formed through a simultaneous application of word formation mechanisms; ` clipping` and `blending`. To form a blend, each syllable is extracted from words and syntactic words. This time, selection of syllables and clipping of the others center around semantic grouping, not considering internal structures, such as a morpheme. Blends are classified into `coordinate blend`, which is interpreted as `α and β` due to combination of words, which belong to a similar semantic category like `갈겹살`, `modified blend` in which α decorates β, or vice versa like `훈남` and `어깡`, and `synthetic blend` that can be stated in a sentence like `열폭` and `금사빠`.

      • KCI등재

        용언의 상적 특성과 ‘-었-’의 결합에 대한 연구

        김병건 ( Kim Byeong-keon ) 영주어문학회 2020 영주어문 Vol.46 No.-

        본 연구는 몇몇 용언과 시제 형태소의 결합에서 나타나는 특이성에 대해 살피고 자 했다. ‘-었-’은 일반적으로는 과거의 사태에 대한 표지의 기능을 하지만, 몇몇 용언과 결합했을 때에는 과거와 현재 둘 다로 해석 가능하고, 몇몇 용언과 결합했을 때에는 현재로만 해석 가능한 특이성을 보인다. 더구나 ‘-었-’ 결합형이 현재로만 해석되는 용언(예, ‘잘생기다’)은 ‘-느-’, ‘-겠-’과 결합하지 못하고, ‘-었겠-’만 가능하다는 특징도 아울러 가진다. 본 연구는 이 언어현상의 이유를 ‘-었-’에서 찾았던 이전 연구와는 다르게 ‘-었-’ 결합형이 현재로 해석되는 것은 용언이 가지는 상적 의미들 중 [+출발점]과 [+지속성]이 요인이 된 현상으로 보았다. 예를 들어, ‘잘생겼다’가 “현재로” 해석되는 것은 ‘잘생기다’가 표현하는 의미는 ‘잘’이라는 조건을 충족시키는 순간 발생하는 사태이고, 이러한 사태는 벌어져야 인지할 수 있는 사태이기 때문에, 사태를 인지하는 순간은 언제나 과거의 일이 되지만 발생한 사태의 결과는 현재에까지 지속되고 있기 때문이다. 또 ‘잘생겼다’는 “현재로만” 해석되는데, 이것은 ‘잘생기다’가 내적 시간 구조를 가지지 못하기 때문으로 보았다. This study aims to examine the specificity revealed in the combination of some predicates and tense morphemes. In general, ‘-eot-’ functions as an indicator of some event that happened in the past, but when combined with several predicates, this can refer to both previous and present events and when combined with several tense morphemes, this can only be interested as a present event. Besides, the predicate (e.g., ‘jal-saeng-gi-da’) in which the ‘-eot-’ combining form is only interpreted as a present event cannot be combined with ‘-neun-’ and ‘-ket-’ and is only combined with ‘-eotket-’. While the previous studies found the cause in ‘-eot-’, this study considers the reason why the ‘-eot-’ combining form is interpreted as a present event is because of [+starting point] and [+continuity] among aspectual meanings of predicates. For example, when it comes to interpreting ‘jal-saeng-gyeot-da’ as a present event, ‘jal-saeng-gi-da’ is the event occurring when the condition ‘jal’ is satisfied and this event can be perceived when it happens. The moment an event is perceived, it is the event of the past always, but the result of the event lasts until now. And, ‘jal-saeng-gyeot-da’ is interpreted only as present. This is because it does not have an internal time structure.

      • KCI등재

        신문의 사설・칼럼에 나타난 ‘진보’에 대한 비판적 담화 분석

        김병건(Kim Byeong keon) 한국사회언어학회 2016 사회언어학 Vol.24 No.1

        The aim of this study is to discuss how progressivism is depicted based on Appraisal Theory in Chosun Ilbo and Hankyoreh Shinmun. We also explore difference between two newspapers. The term of Appraisal refers to a linguistic resource by which a speaker/ writer expresses his own effect, judgement, and appreciation. As a result, Hankyoreh Shinmun relatively depicts positive image on progressivism through it positive and negative evaluations, while Chosun Ilbo depicts negative image using a negative evaluation. By looking at them from the Ideological Square of van Dijk, we are able to know that progressivism is a ‘They’ to Chosun Ilbo.

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