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      • KCI등재

        Effect of Acupuncture on the Expressions of Neuropeptide Y and Leptin Receptor in the Hypothalamus of Food-deprived Rats

        김미아,정우상,문상관,김영석,김창주,조기호,Kim, Mi-A,Jung, Woo-Sang,Moon, Sang-Kwan,Kim, Young-Suk,Kim, Chang-Ju,Cho, Ki-Ho The Society of Internal Korean Medicine 2013 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.34 No.2

        목 적 : 본 연구에서는 침치료가 비만치료의 주요방법인 식욕억제에 효과적인지 알아보기 위하여 굶긴 쥐 시상하부에서 NPY와 LR의 발현 변화를 실험을 통하여 연구하였다. 방 법 : 생후 6주 Sprague-Dawley rats를 한 군에 다섯 마리씩 배정하여 대조군-무치료, 대조군-이침치료, 대조군-족삼리치료, 대조군-임의혈치료, 실험군-무치료, 실험군-이침치료, 실험군-족삼리치료, 실험군-임의혈치료의 8군으로 분류하여 실험하였다. 실험군은 3일간 물만 공급하고 사료를 금식시켰고, 침자극은 하루 2회 3일간 시행하였다. 침은 직경 0.3 mm 이었고, 양측혈을 사용하였고, 2-4 mm 깊이로 자입 하였으며, 20분 유침하였다. 3일 후 pentobarbital로 마취하여 사망시켰고, 4% paraformaldehyde로 조직을 고정한 후 뇌조직을 관상으로 $40{\mu}m$두께로 잘랐다. 식욕조절중후인 시상하부의 paraventricular nucleus(PVN)에서 NPY와 LR의 발현을 면역조직법으로 보았다. 결 과 : 굶기지 않은 대조군에 비하여 굶긴 실험군에서 시상하부 PVN 에서 NPY의 증가와 LR 감소가 나타났다. 굶긴 실험군에 이침, 족삼리, 임의혈 자침시 시상하부 PVN 에서 NPY의 감소가 나타났으며, 이침이 타침 자침에 비하여 NPY의 감소를 더욱 크게 나타냈다. 굶기지 않은 정상상태에서 이침, 족삼리, 임의혈 자침시 NPY의 증가가 있었으며 이는 자침에 의한 스트레스로 인한 것으로 보여진다. 굶긴 실험군에 이침 자침 시에만 시상하부 PVN에서 LR의 증가가 있었으며 정상상태에서 자침시 LR 발현의 변화는 없었다. 결 론 : 이상의 연구결과로서 이침치료가 식욕을 억제하는데 가장 유의한 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. Objectives : This study aimed to find out whether acupuncture at various acupoints shows any effects on appetite by regulating neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus through the expression of NPY and LR in the PVN via immunohistochemistry. Methods : Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into eight groups of five mice each. The rats in the acupuncture groups were treated with acupuncture at respective acupoints, twice per a day for 3 days. The animals were sacrificed 72 h after commencement of the experiment, the brains being dissected into serial coronal sections. Expressions of neuropeptide Y and leptin receptor in the hypothalamus were assessed by immunohistochemistry. Results : NPY expression in the PVN was enhanced and LR expression in the PVN was decreased by food deprivation. NPY immunoreactivity in the PVN of the food-derived rats was decreased by acupuncture at the auricular acupoint, Zusanli-acupoint, a and non-acupoint. However, acupuncture at the auricular acupoint showed most potent suppressing effect on NPY expression in the PVN of food-deprived rats. LR expression in the PVN decreased following food deprivation, and auricular acupuncture increased LR expression in the PVN of food-deprived rats. In normal conditions (fed state), LR expression in the PVN was not changed by acupuncture treatment at several sites. Conclusions : From this study, we have shown that acupuncture at the auricular acupoint exerts the most potent appetite suppressing effect on the food restriction state.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전자상거래의 물가인하 효과

        김미아 ( Kim Mi A ) 한국국제통상학회 2003 국제통상연구 Vol.8 No.1

        This paper investigates the impact of electronic commerce(EC) on inflation to make the case for believing that electronic commerce will lead to downward pressure on inflation. The results were derived from pooled regressions using cross-sectional annual data over twenty one OECD countries from 1995-2000. The main empirical findings are as follows. First, Our result supports the hypothesis of the EC`s downward inflation pressure. The higher EC countries turned out to have lower inflationary pressures. Second, two main channels through which EC affects inflation are identified to be a cost savings effect and a wealth effect : the first one is found to have downward pressure on inflation but the other to have upward Inflationary pressure. Conclusively, we suggest that policy cutting inflation pressure should be preferred in the country faced with inflationary pressure due to the wealth effect.

      • KCI등재

        『가장 푸른 눈』을 통한 모리슨의 서술기법 재고찰

        김미아 ( Mi A Kim ) 현대문학이론학회 2011 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.45

        모리슨은 오랫동안 흑인문화와 백인문화의 가치충동사이에서 흑인들이 "어떻게 온전히 살아남을 수 있을까"라는 생존 전략에 대해서 깊은 관심을 가져왔다. 모리슨의 이러한 태도는 탈식민주의적 시각에서 볼 때 식민지 이전의 자국의 문화와 언어회복이 불가능하다는 것을 인정하면서 현재의 다문화적 리얼리티, 즉 현실상황을 수긍하는 ``통문화적 혼성성``을 인정한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 그녀는 이 생존 전략에 대한 대답으로 긍정적인 것만을 제시하지 않고, 오히려 부정적인 것을 대비시킴으로써 긍정을 강조하는 효과를 취한다. 이 과정에서 모리슨도 다른 흑인 여성작가들처럼 여러 가지 다양한 서술기법들을 사용해 왔는데, 그 중에서도 가장 두드러진 것이 패러디와 그로테스크적 서술이다. 그녀는 흑인문학의 특징인 우화나 환상적 요소, 신화적인 전설 등을 작품의 소재로 선택하면서, 백인에 의해 왜곡되어졌던 흑인 사회의 역사적 사실들을 새롭게 조명하기 위한 방법으로 ``패러디``와 ``그로테스크``라는 방법을 채택한다. 패러디는 탈식민주의의 문학적 전략인 ``되받아쓰기``와 같은 맥락에서 이해될 수 있는 것으로, 역사를 재탐색함으로써 지배문화가 흑인들의 역사에 가했던 왜곡과 손상을 정정하려는 모리슨의 의도가 짙게 깔려있는 것이다. ``그로테스크``라는 용어의 기원은 로마문화의 초기 기독교 시대로까지 거슬러 올라가지만, 문학에서의 그로테스크는 셔우드 앤더슨(Sherwood Anderson)의 『와인즈 버그, 오하이오(Winesburg, Ohio)』라는 작품에서 가장 잘 설명되는데, 결국 그것은 인간의 내면적인 욕구가 억눌려짐으로써 고립되고 좌절된 인물들을 의미하는 것으로 설명된다. 『가장 푸른 눈』의 주인공들의 파멸되어져가는 내면의 모습들을 이러한 패러디와 그로테스크라는 기법을 이용하여 서술되고 있다. 결국 모리슨은 백인중심문화의 무비판적 수용으로 빚어진 흑인들의 좌절이란 주제를 내세움으로써 흑인들에게 악영향을 미치는 백인중심문화의 폭력성을 다시 한번 경고하고 있는 것이다. This paper aims to re-think Toni Morrison`s techniques in her novel, The Bluest Eye. In American society, black women have been held under a doubly subordinate relationship because they are not only black but women as well. So, black writers, including Toni Morrison, have come to have their unique characteristics is their techniques for the novel. First of all, unlike male writers who have been leading the black literature, they show their own themes, ``the resistance against racial discriminations`` through the lives of characters in their works instead of demonstrating it. This is why that with a view of women they have combined and researched their women`s problems with the process of self-recognition. And the problems they discuss are the things which result from mental damage that the black women come to experience growing up under the invisible double oppression of being black and a woman. These attitudes of the black women writer could be understood in the same point of view as the current of literature such as ``Post-Colonialism``. In showing the theme, like the other black women writers, Morrison has taken various techniques for her novel. The most outstanding technique is parody. She took a fable, a fantastic story or mythical legend as the subject matter for her novel. And then she parodied them in a new way to recognize the black history as distorted by the whites. The most well-parodied novel in her works in no doubt The Bluest Eye. In trying to find a new parody as a preface of the book, she wishes to show how far apart the ideal American family, which whites take pride in, is from the actual life of the blacks. Each of the Breedlove, the main character, thinks he himself is ugly. This state of their mind is caused not only by others` view but from self-anger, self-hatred that causes from their own inner mind. So, in order to represent these things Morrison shows us the family grotesquely. Therefore, it can be expected that the study of Toni Morrison`s techniques for novel that could be found and that is mentioned mainly by The Bluest Eye will be able to be a significant support in studying the works of Toni Morrison form now on.

      • KCI등재

        대상관계 속에서 바라본 흑인의 모성과 부성 : 토니 모리슨의 『솔로몬의 노래』

        김미아(Kim, Mi-A) 신영어영문학회 2015 신영어영문학 Vol.60 No.-

        This paper aims to examine problems of Afro-American household in Toni Morrison’s works, especially Song of Solomon. It tells us about the depression and conflict of Afro-American which is stemmed from maternal absence. Maternal absence is caused by the moral insensibility of mothers to their children, and quite detrimental to the latter’s moral and psychological growth. I will debate the main characters, Guitar and Milkman in Song of Solomon in terms of object relations theory. Cholly, Guitar and Milkman are the victims of maternal absence, suffering from mental disorder and antisocial tendency. They fall into a vicious cycle of reproducing affection disorder in their families, for they translate their own maternal absence into hatred and rage. Through her works, Morrison delineated the past, present, and future of Afro-American children who are ignored by their own family members, especially by their mothers and society. This paper reaches a conclusion on the ground of object relation theory which Morrison presented the appropriate mother and child relation as the best solution for moral and psychological issues damaging Afro-American families.

      • KCI등재

        모성성의 재해석 :『솔로몬의 노래』를 중심으로

        김미아(Mi-A Kim) 신영어영문학회 2008 신영어영문학 Vol.41 No.-

        This paper aims to re-think the concept of ‘motherhood’. It provides a different point of view from the Western White feminists’ negative perspective of motherhood, based on Toni Morrison’s third novel, Song of Solomon. Western white feminists insist that mothers cannot but exist as small, devalued objects. On the other hand, quite a few African-American feminists, including Morrison, refute the opinion that ‘the role of wife’ should be criticized. Instead, they believe that ‘the role of mother’ allows mothers to have the power and spirit to be free in society. Taking responsibility as an African-American novelist, Morrison puts an emphasis on restoring the legacy of traditional African-American culture and on recovering the identity of ‘blackness’. Morrison selects the figure of ‘a mother’ as an initiator of the African-American tradition and blackness. A surrogate mother, Pilate, in Song of Solomon is a cultural tradition bearer, a ‘wide-spirited’ healer and a blues protector. Pilate leads the descendant and son, Milkman, to his ancestral legacy, and he eventually rediscovers the true value of the ancient properties of the Black. In the end, Morrison asserts that men are made complete through being deeply connected to a mother who emanates motherhood like ‘a tall black tree’.

      • KCI등재

        ATC 자유화의 효과에 관한 패널분석: 한국의 섬유·의류 수출에 미친 효과에 대한 연구

        김미아 ( Mi Ah Kim ),윤기향 ( Ky Hyang Yuhn ) 한국국제통상학회 2012 국제통상연구 Vol.17 No.2

        본 논문에서는 ATC협정에 의한 섬유 무역의 자유화가 한국의 섬유·의류 수출 에 미치는 효과를 파악하기 위하여 패널자료를 이용하여 실증 분석하였다. 실증 분석하기 이전에 국내 섬유·의류 산업의 수출 경쟁력을 종합적으로 평가해 본 결과 한국의 섬유·의류산업은 이미 1990년대 초 이후 경쟁력이 약화되기 시작 하였고 섬유 무역 자유화이후 경쟁력이 크게 하락하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 무역특화지수(TSI)와 현시비교우위(RCA) 지수로 평가해 본 결과 섬유·의류산업 전체적으로는 낮은 수출특화상태에 있으나 의류산업은 이미 수입특화 상태로 전환되었다. 세계 섬유 무역 자유화가 한국의 섬유·의류 수출에 어떠한 영향을 주고 있는 지에 대하여 실증분석을 시도한 결과 섬유 무역 자유화는 한국의 섬유·의류 수출 에 부정적인 효과를 가짐으로써 수출을 감소시키는 결과를 가져온 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 섬유 무역 자유화이후 한국의 섬유·의류 산업이 세계 섬유시장에서 중국 등 개도국과의 치열한 경쟁 하에서 가격경쟁력이 크게 저하되어 수출 이 감소한 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 한편 비교우위 정도에 따라 섬유무역 자유화의 수출에 대한 영향이 달라지는지를 알아보기 위해서 비교우위 품목과 비교열위 품목으로 나누어 추정해 보았다. 비교우위 품목의 경우 섬유 무역 자유화의 영향을 적게 받을 뿐만 아니라 상대 가격, 해외 섬유수요 등의 변화에도 덜 민감한 것으로 나타났다. 이는 섬유·의류 수출 확대를 위해서는 고 부가가치 섬유제품을 생산함으로써 비교우위를 강화하는 것이 중요하다는 것을 의미한다. 국내 선행연구들이 ATC협정 전후 한국의 섬유·의류 수출 실적의 변화를 단순 비교한 것과 달리 본 연구에서는 섬유·의류산업 14개 품목에 대한 횡단면 자료 와 1989년부터 2010년까지 22개년도의 시계열자료로 구성된 패널자료를 이용하여 섬유 무역 자유화의 효과를 실증 분석하였다. We have analyzed the competitiveness of the Korean textile and clothing industry and estimated the effects of the ATC liberalization on Korea`s exports of textile and clothing products. Our analysis of the trade specialization index (TSI) and the revealed comparative advantage (RCA) index shows that Korea has comparative advantage in textile products, but has comparative disadvantage in clothing products, losing its competitiveness in recent years. We have also investigated the effects of the phase-out of textile and clothing quotas on Korea`s textile and clothing exports using a panel of 22 annual observations (1989-2010) for the 14 sub-sectors of the industry. We have found that the Korean textile and clothing sectors are adversely affected by the ATC liberalization. It is further observed that products with strong RCA indices are relatively less vulnerable to changes in world trade environments such as ATC, world demand for textiles, and relative prices. Our finding suggests that Korea could regain its competitiveness in textile and clothing exports by concentrating in high value-added products with high RCA indices.

      • KCI등재

        확인적 요인모형을 이용한 낙동강 유역의 오염특성 분석

        김미아 ( Mi Ah Kim ),강태구 ( Tae Gu Kang ),이혁 ( Hyuk Lee ),신유나 ( Yu Na Shin ),김경헌 ( Kyung Hyun Kim ) 한국물환경학회 2012 한국물환경학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        The study was conducted to analyze the spatio-temporal changes in water quality of the major 36 sampling stations of Nakdong River, depending on each station, season using the 17 water quality variables from 2000 to 2010. The result was verified to interpret the characteristics of water quality variables in a more accurate manners. According to the Principal component analysis (PCA) and Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) results; the results of these analyses were identified 4 factors, Factor 1 (nutrients) included the concentrations of T-N, T-P, NO3-N, PO4-P, DTN, DTP for sampling station and season, Factor 2 (organic pollutants) included the concentrations of BOD, COD, Chl-a, Factor 3 (microbes) included the concentrations of F.Coli, T.Coli, and Factor 4 (others) included the concentrations of pH, DO. The results of a Cluster analysis indicated that Geumhogang 6 was the most contaminated site, while tributaries and most of the down stream sites of Nakdong River were mainly affected by each nutrients (Factor 1) and organic pollutants (Factor 2). The verification consequence of Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) from Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) result can be summarized as follows: we could find additional relations between variables besides the structure from EFA, which we obtained through the second-order final modeling adopted in CFA. Nutrients had the biggest impact on water pollution for each sampling station and season. In particular, It was analyzed that P-series pollutant should be controlled during spring and winter and N-series pollutant should be controlled during summer and fall.

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