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      • KCI우수등재

        고려전기 迎賓 관부의 설치와 운영 -禮賓省을 중심으로-

        김규록 한국사연구회 2022 한국사연구 Vol.- No.197

        This study examines installation and management of Yebin-Seong, which was one of the hospitality institutions in the early period of Goryeo Dynasty, identifies notable features of its management, and investigates it diplomatic role. From the beginning of Goryeo Dynasty, foreign delegations made frequent visits to the country, which increased the need to set up a hospitality institution to take charge of welcome, send-off and hospitality service for foreign delegates. In early years of the dynasty, the Taebong system was succeeded to play the role; then in 921 or the fourth year of reign by King Taejo, Yebin-Seong was installed. Subsequently, it was revised to Gaekseong in 995 or the 14th year of reign by King Seong Jong as a diplomatic relationship with the Khitans was reshaped following the first round of war with the Khitans, and hospitality institutions and diplomatic rituals were revised accordingly. In Baekgwanji or the chapter on public office in ‘Goryeosa’, Yebin-Seong is described as only serving the role of greeting guests and organizing banquets, but records on its management show that the institution broadly took part in foreign affairs-related activities as a working-level diplomatic institution as it took charge of welcome, send-off and hospitality service for foreign delegation, and also managed and supervised affairs related to foreigners including naturalized people from Song Dynasty, foreigners seeking asylum, Jurchen chiefs and Tamra royalty. In appointing officials at Yebin-Seong, expertise was emphasized and priority was given to people with experience of foreign affairs, given characteristics of its work. The operation of Yebin-Seong helped to manage issues related to foreigners including naturalized people from Song Dynasty, foreigners seeking asylum, Jurchen chiefs, and Tamra royalty in a continued manner and efficiently handle external affairs, in addition to taking charge of welcome, send-off and hospitality service for foreign delegation. This contributed to stabilizing a relationship with neighboring countries and other ethnic groups, and also, actively coping with fast-changing external circumstances. 본고에서는 고려전기 영빈 관부의 하나였던 예빈성의 설치와 운영상을 파악하고, 이를 토대로 예빈성의 운영상에 보이는 특징에 대하여 살펴보았다. 나아가 예빈성의 운영이 고려전기 외교상에서 차지했던 역할을 살펴보았다. 고려는 건국 직후부터 빈번한 사절의 내방이 있었고, 이로 인해 이들의 영송과 접대를 전담할 영빈관부의 설치 필요성이 크게 대두하였다. 이에 고려 건국 초에는 태봉의 제도를 계승하여 영빈 업무를 맡도록 하였다가 921년(태조 4)에 비로소 예빈성을 설치하였다, 이후 예빈성은 거란과의 1차 전쟁 이후 거란을 우위로 하는 새로운 외교관계 수립에 따른 영빈 기구와 외교의례의 정비 과정에서 995년(성종 14) 객성으로 개정되었다. 고려사 백관지에는 예빈성이 “빈객연향(賓客燕享)”의 업무만을 담당한 것과 같이 기술되어 있으나, 이의 운영 실태를 살펴본 결과, 예빈성은 사절에 대한 영송과 접대의 업무를 비롯하여 송 귀화인, 내투자, 여진 추장, 탐라 왕족 등과 같은 외국인과 관련된 문제의 관리‧감독과 외교상 실무 하위 관서로서 대외업무에도 폭넓게 참여하였다. 예빈성이 수행하는 업무의 특성 상 여기에 보임되는 관원들의 인선은 대외 업무 경력자들을 우선으로 하는 인물 위주의 전문화 경향성을 보인다. 이상과 같은 예빈성의 운영을 통해 고려는 사절의 영송과 접대뿐 아니라 송 귀화자‧내투자‧여진 추장‧탐라 왕족 등과 같은 외국인 문제에 대한 지속적인 관리와 여러 대외 업무를 효율적으로 처리함으로써, 주변 국가 또는 이민족과의 관계 안정을 도모하는 한편으로 급변하는 국제정세에도 적극 대응하였다.

      • KCI등재

        고려 전기 迎送都監의 운영과 특징

        김규록 전북사학회 2023 전북사학 Vol.- No.69

        고려는 정규 관부의 업무가 분장되지 않은 현실을 보완하는 동시에 소관 업무가 어느 하나의 정규 관부에 전임시키지 못할 정도로 비중이 큰 경우 별도의 기구를 설치하였는데, 그 가운데 하나가 都監이었다. 도감은 국가에 중대 사안이 발생하면 설치하였다가 그것이 해결 내지는 종료되면 폐지하는 비상설 관부였으나, 경우에 따라서는 폐지하지 않고 그대로 존속시키기도 했다. 『고려사』 백관지 제사도감각색에 의하면, 迎送都監은 문종대에 직제가 마련되었다고 전하나, 이때에 처음 설치된 것은 아닌 것으로 보인다. 영송도감의 직제가 문종대에 마련되었고, 또 문종 30년에 제정된 권무관록에 영송도감의 녹사가 포함되어 있었던 것으로 볼 때, 이보다 앞선 시기에 설치되었을 가능성이 크다. 이후 영송도감은 충렬왕 34년(1308)에 사선서에 병합되었다가 얼마지 않아 다시 설치되었으며, 이후로도 존치되었다. 다음으로 영송도감 사례와 여기에 속한 관원들의 활동을 살펴본 결과 영송도감은 외국사절이 개경에 도착한 이후 관사에 체류하는 동안의 지대 즉 식사류 등의 공급을 주로 담당하여 사절 영접의 실무를 담당하는 하위 기관으로써 운영되었다. 이러한 영송도감의 운영에 드는 재원은 지방의 각 군현에서 납입되는 공부 가운데 일부를 迎送庫에 정기적으로 비축하였다가 사용했는데, 필요에 따라서는 영송도감의 관원이 직접 물품을 매입하는 경우도 있었다. 이러한 영송도감은 초기 개경 내 관사에서 외국사절에 대한 영접을 맡기기 위한 목적에서 설치한 임시 관부였으나, 성종 12년 이후 거란과의 관계 성립 이래 사절의 내방이 대폭 증가하고 또 정례화됨에 따라 고려는 이에 대응하여 개경 내 관사의 증치 등 영빈 관부를 재정비하였는데, 이 과정에서 영송도감의 운영 역시 상설화되었던 것으로 보인다. 이를 통해 고려는 정규 관부의 신설이 아닌 기존의 비상설기구인 영송도감의 상설화를 통해 소규모 관부와 관원의 운용만으로도 여러 관사 내에서의 사절 영접을 효율적으로 운영했던 것으로 생각된다. The objective of this study is to investigate specific management condition of Yeongsong-Dogam and identify its characteristics by examining use of Yeongsong-Dogam and activities of its staff as found in materials such as Koryeosa[高麗史], Koryosajoryo[高麗史節要] and epitaphs. In Goryeo dynasty, works of formal offices were not clearly defined, and reflecting this reality, separate organizations were set up when assigned works were too significant to be managed by a single formal office. Dogam was a non-permanent office that was established when an important national affair took place and then shut down once the affair was resolved or came to an end. However, in some cases, Dogam was maintained afterward. According to Baekgwanji[百官志] in Koryeosa, Yeongsong-Dogam was organized during the reign of King Munjong[文宗]. However, Yeongsong-Dogam was probably not set up for the first time then. Considering that the organization of Yeongsong-Dogam was provided during the reign of King Munjong, and that its Noksa[錄事] was included in Gweonmugwanlog[權務官祿], which was enacted in the 30th year of King Munjong’s reign, there is a good chance that Yeongsong-Dogam was set up earlier. However, a definite timing is hard to point out. Later Yeongsong-Dogam was merged into Saseon-seo[司膳署] in 1308 or the 34th year of King Chungryol’s reign, then reestablished soon after and maintained. An examination of uses of Yeongsong-Dogam and activities of its staff shows that the organization was mostly in charge of supplying food and beverage to foreign delegations upon their arrival in the city of Gaegyeong, and thus operated as a low-level organization in charge of everyday affairs related to reception of foreign delegations. Its resources came from part of tributes or gongbu[貢賦] paid by local counties and prefectures, which were stored regularly at Yeong-song-go[迎送庫]. When necessary, staff of Yeongsong-Dogam purchased needed goods. Initially Yeongsong-Dogam was a temporary office set up to be in charge of reception of foreign delegations at GwanSa[館舍]. However, after a diplomatic relation was tied with Khitan[契丹] in the 12th year of King Seongjong[成宗]’s reign, visits from foreign delegations increased sharply and became more regular. In response, Goryeo dynasty increased the number of GwanSa in Gaegyeong and reorganized reception-related offices. During this course, Yeongsong-Dogam became a permanent office. By turning a non-permanent office into a permanent one instead of setting up a new office, Goryeo dynasty could efficiently manage reception of foreign delegations at various GwanSa with small office and staff.

      • KCI등재

        「『高麗圖經』 譯註」(9) -권8, 「人物」편의 분석을 중심으로-

        김규록,이진한,김선미 고려사학회 2018 한국사학보 Vol.- No.73

        Goryeodogyoung(高麗圖經) is a total 40 volume of Sahaengrok(使行錄) or Diplomatic Envoy's Records in illustrations(圖) and texts (輕) written by Seogeung(徐兢) who visited Goryeo as part of Song's delegation in 1123 or the first year of King Injong's reign. In this article, we checked main contents of the ‘People’ chapter, and worked on critical examinations and annotations. The chapter consists of a former part of preface and the rest. The former part of the chapter introduces 57 Goryeo officials who participated in the rituals of welcome, sendoff and reception as the Song delegation entered the Goryeo palace and proceeded to Suncheongwan(順天館). These officials can be further divided into, first, Moksa(牧使) who oversaw welcoming rituals along the path of the delegation’s procession in Jeonju, Cheongju, and Gwangju, second, officials who oversaw welcome and send off at gaekgwan(客館) and seogyojeong(西郊亭), third, officials who oversaw the delegation’s meeting with the king and sendoff at royal palace events and gaekgwan, and lastly, officials who oversaw delivery of messages, guide and assistance at various rituals, banquets, at gaekgwan and throughout the delegation’s procession. The latter part of the chapter introduces Lee Ja Kyum(李資謙) who held the highest rank in 1123 as Sutaesa(守太師) and Sangseoryoung(尙書令), as well as four Jubbansa(接伴使) and Gwanbansa(館伴使) who took care of the Song delegation’s welcome, send off and reception. It is notable that the latter part of the chapter separately recorded a highest-rank official in charge of receiving the delegation, and officials who were primarily responsible for taking care of the delegation. The Song delegation’s entry into the Goryeo capital and a return proceeded in the following order: i) meeting Gyesugwan along the diplomatic envoy’s path, ii) meeting Jeobbansa, iii) select of Gwanbansa, iv) reception at Seogyo, v) reception at Suncheongwan, vi) attending royal palace events and rituals, vii) deliver diplomatic papers and send off party, and viii) send off at seogyo and a return. A comparison between this process and the activities of people who appear in the ‘People’ chapter of the book shows that the welcome and send off for the delegation and the scope of the responsible officials’ activities mostly coincided. 『高麗圖經』은 1123년(인종 1)에 宋 使節團의 일원으로 고려에 來訪했던 徐兢이 사행지에서 見聞한 것을 총40권에 걸쳐 그림[圖]과 글[輕]로 기록한 使行錄이다. 본고에서는 「인물」편의 주요 내용을 확인하였다. 「인물」편은 서두에 해당하는 전반부와 그 이하의 후반부로 구성되어 있다. 「인물」편의 전반부는 송 사절단이 고려 경내에 진입한 이래 개경에 위치한 順天館에 이르기까지의 과정에서 迎送과 接待에 참여했던 고려 관원 57인이 기재되어 있다. 이를 살펴보면, 첫째 사절단의 使行路 상에 위치하는 全州・靑州・廣州에서 將迎之禮를 담당했던 牧使, 둘째 客館 및 西郊亭 등에서 迎勞와 餞送을 담당했던 관원, 셋째 궁궐 연례 및 객관에서의 私覿과 送遺를 담당했던 관원, 넷째 여러 의례와 연례 및 객관과 사절의 이동 과정에서 傳命과 贊導를 담당했던 관원들로 다시 세분된다. 「인물」편 후반부에는 1123년 당시 최고 관직자인 守太師・尙書令 李資謙과 송 사절의 영송과 접대를 직접 담당했던 접반사와 관반사 4인에 대한 내용이 기록되어 있다. 특히 후반부의 경우 사절 영접의 최고 책임자 그리고 사절의 영송과 접대 업무를 일차적 담당했던 인물들만 별도로 기록하였다는 점에서 주목된다. 아울러 고려 경내에 진입한 송 사절단의 入京과 回程 절차는 ①사행로 상의 계수관 영접 ②접반사의 영접 ③관반사의 차정 ④서교 영접 ⑤순천관 영접 ⑥궁궐행례 및 연례 ⑦부표례 및 전별연 ⑧서교송행 및 회정의 순으로 진행되었는데, 이러한 송 사절단의 입경 및 회정 절차와 「인물」편 구성원들의 활동을 비교해 보면, 사절단의 영송 절차와 여기에 참여했던 관원들의 활동범위가 대략 일치함을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        고려 인종 원년(1123) 설행 대송 외교의례의 구성과 특징

        김규록(金圭錄) 한국역사연구회 2021 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.119

        Examined in this article are the “Sujo” and “Yeon-rye” chapters inside Goryeodogyeong, with the intention to reconstruct individual steps as well as the general structure of diplomatic rituals that were observed for the Song Envoy, which visited Goryeo in King Injong’s first year on the throne. Their characteristics are also explored here. The aforementioned chapters of Goryeodogyeong, “Sujo” and “Yeon-rye,” display contents in a considerably chaotic fashion, as they are positioned quite arbitrarily by compiler Seo Geung, the Song envoy. Yet careful examination of the dates, places and nature of individual events reveal that the diplomatic protocols prepared for the visiting Song envoy in 1123 was comprised of two distinct phases: Sujo(受詔) ritual, and Baepyo(拜表) ritual. The Sujo ritual observed at this time was composed of two subsets, the Yeongjo-rye and Yeon-rye steps, while the Baepyo ritual was composed of three: Baepyo-rye, Baepyo-yeon and Munjeon. Yet both rituals shared basically the same procedure, from the envoy members’ leaving their quarters, to their entrance into the predesignated venue for ritual, then to the main official event and a private ceremony, and their eventual exiting from the scene. What should be noted is that the place and position of the Goryeo king in these Sujo and Baepyo rituals do not correspond with the usual practices that had been observed in East Asia and reflected traditional perception of rituals. It is indeed difficult to ascertain what was the general stance of the Goryeo king, and what he chose to prioritize. Yet it seems obvious that the Goryeo king intentionally shifted his own positions and appearances, by sitting in different places and performing different acts, according to the nature and venue of rituals he was attending (whether it was either official functions such as Yeongjo-rye or Baepyo-rye, or more private occasions as the Yeon-rye, Baepyoyeon and Munjeon, which involved banquets), in order to feature himself as both a vassal of the Song Emperor and a Goryeo king as he saw fit and necessary.

      • KCI등재

        고려중기의 宋 使節 迎送과 伴使의 운용

        金圭錄(Kim, Kyu-Rok) 역사교육연구회 2015 역사교육 Vol.134 No.-

        Jubbansa is appointed after the Song notifies that it will send a delegation, and takes charge of receiving and escorting the delegation from the moment it enters the Goryeo territory to when it reaches the government office in Gaegyeong, as well as during the delegation’s return. In comparison, Gwanbansa is appointed after the delegation reaches Yeseong River, and takes charge of receiving and escorting the delegation during its stay in Gaegyeong. Their positions were mostly Sangseo and Sirang of the six ministries of Sangseo. However, depending on the delegation’s rank and the importance of diplomatic agenda, sometimes Chumil (the junior grade of the second rank) of Jungchuwon was appointed. In selecting Jubbansa and Gwanbansa, their academic background and experiences in diplomatic activities with Song were regarded most important. The appointed Jubbansa and Gwanbansa took care of welcoming and sending off of the Song delegation. Also, during the course of receiving the delegation, Jubbansa and Gwanbansa directly engaged in Song-Goryeo negotiations and served as diplomatic officials to bring interests to Goryeo.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        「『高麗圖經』 譯註」(3)

        이진한(Lee, Jin-Han),김규록(Kim, Kyu-Rok),임형수(Lim, Hyung-Soo) 고려사학회 2017 한국사학보 Vol.- No.67

        『고려도경』은 1123년(인종 1)에 宋사절단의 일원으로서 고려에 방문했던 徐兢(1091~1153)이 使行地에서 견문한 것을 총40권, 28제목, 301개 항목에 걸쳐 분류・정리하여 그림[圖]과 글[輕]로 작성한 使行錄이다. 이 가운데 권2는 고려왕의 世系를 구체적으로 서술한 것이다. 『고려도경』 권2는 「세차」를 서두로 하여 「왕씨」, 「세계」, 「고려국왕왕해」의 네 부분으로 구성되어있다. 먼저 「세차」에서는 역대 고려왕의 송에 대한 지극한 섬김이 오래 되었음을 이유로 들어 「세차」서술의 당위성을 강조하였다. 다음으로 「왕씨」에서는 역대 고려왕의 왕위계승 관계 및 고려와 송의 조공-책봉 관계에 대하여 상세하게 서술하였고, 이어 「세계」에서는 앞서 서술한 「왕씨」부분의 내용을 간략하게 도표화였다. 끝으로 「고려국왕왕해」에서는 1123년에 송 사절단이 고려에 방문했을 때의 고려왕 인종의 외모, 성격, 학식, 예절 등에 관해 서술하였는데, 이에 의하면 고려 왕 인종은 천성이 지혜롭고 의례에 밝으며 사람을 대하는데 있어 매우 엄격한 지극히 왕다운 인물로 묘사되어 있다. 한편 「고려도경」권2 「세차」에는 고려의 건국자 태조 왕건부터 인종에 이르기까지의 왕위계승 관계 및 고려와 송의 조공-책봉 관계가 상세하게 서술되어 있다. 그러나 이 과정에서 왕의 즉위년, 재위기간, 왕명의 누락 및 혈연관계 등과 관련된 오류가 여러 차례 발견된다. 그런데 이와 같은 오류는 『고려도경』 권1 「건국」편에서 서긍이 “여러 사서를 살펴보고 역대의 왕을 차례대로 하여 건국을 기록하였다[今謹稽諸史叙其歷代之王作建國記云]”라고 한데서도 알 수 있듯이, 그가 전거로 삼았다는 중국 史書들의 내용이 부정확하게 기재된 탓에서 비롯한 것일 뿐 아니라 1036년(정종 2) 이후 일시적으로 고려와 송의 국교가 단절됨에 따라 고려에 대한 정보가 부족한데 근본적 원인이 있다. 아울러 『고려도경』 권2 「세차」편에는 1123년 당시 송이 고려에 대규모 사절단을 파견한 정치적 이유 다시 말해 12세기 초 거란의 세력 약화와 금의 부상 등 급변하는 동아시아 정세 속에서 송이 고려와의 관계 회복을 도모하였고, 이를 바탕으로 국제적 위상을 높여 새로 흥기하는 금을 견제하고자 하는 송의 정치적 의도가 반영되어 있다. 이처럼 「고려도경」권2 「세차」편은 12세기 초 고려와 송의 관계 및 송 사절단의 고려 사행의 정치적 이유 등을 잘 보여주는 중요한 자료로서 가치가 있다. Goryeodogyoung(高麗圖經) is a sahengrok(使行錄, diplomatic envoy"s record) written by Seogeung(徐兢; 1091~1153) based on his visit to Goryeo as a member of the Song delegation in 1123 or the first year of King In-jong"s reign. He categorized and organized his findings and observations - including both texts and drawings - into 40 volumes with 28 titles and 301 items. Among them, the second volume describes a genealogical tree of Kings of Goryeo dynasty in detail. The second volume starts with "Secha(世次, the order of generation)" followed by "Wangssi(王氏, the Wang family)", "Segye (世系, a genealogical tree)" and "King of Goryeo-wanghae". In the "Secha" section, the justification for including the topic is emphasized, citing a long-standing veneration that kings of Goryeo showed toward the Song dynasty. The following "Wangssi" section gives detailed explanations on the succession of throne in Goryeo dynasty, and the Goryeo-Song relation in terms of paying tributes and crowning of king. The "Segye" section shows contents of the previous section in simplified diagrams. Lastly, the "King of Goryeo-wanghae" describes the appearance, personality, knowledge and etiquettes of King In-jong as observed by the Song delegation during their visit to Goryeo in 1123. He is portrayed as a superb king who is wise, courteous, and very strict in dealing with people. The "Secha" section of the second volume gives a detailed information on the succession of throne from the founding father King Taejo to King In-jong, as well as the Goryeo-Song relationship in terms of paying tributes and crowning of king. However, quite a few errors are found in terms of the year of enthronement, the period of king"s reign, omission of kings" names and kinship relations among members of the royal family. In the first volume of Goryeodogyoung, "Geonguk(establishment of country)", Seogeung mentioned that he referred to many historical books for the order of kings of Goryeo dynasty. So the errors are likely to be due to incorrect records in Chinese historical books, as well as the lack of information on Goryeo dynasty due to the severed diplomatic ties between the two countries in 1036 or the second year of King Jeong-jong"s reign. In the "Secha" section, it can be seen that Song dispatched a large group of delegation to Goryeo in 1123 for political reasons, as it sought to restore a relationship with Goryeo amid a changing political climate in the East Asia with a weakening power of the Khitan and a rising power of Jurchen in the early 12th century. Based on this, Song tried to raise its international status and check the rise of the Jurchen. The "Secha" section of the second volume of Goryeodogyoung is a valuable historical material that clearly depicts the Goryeo-Song relation in the early 12th century and a political background for the Song delegation"s visit to Goryeo.

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