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        김광선 한국공학교육학회 2008 Ingenium(人材니움) Vol.15 No.4

        한국공학교육학회의 금년(2008) 추계학술대회(2008년11월13일(목)-14일(금), 제주시 라마다호텔)에서는 국제세션(I)에서 3편의 논문이 발표되었다. 첫 번째 논문발표에서는 일본 공학교육학회의 국제이사인 일본 니혼대학의 Hajime Fujita 교수를 초빙하여 일본에서의 공학교육과 국제협력에 관한 현황이 발표되었으며 두 번째 발표로 헝가리의 University of Pecs의 공대학장인 Jozsef Mecsi 교수를 대신하여 미국 국립과학재단의Win Aung박사가 2008년 8월에 헝가리 부다페스트에서 개최되었던 ICEE2008 내용과 함께 유럽 등 국제공학교육 현황에 대한 발표를 하였다. 세 번째 발표 논문으로는 본 세션의 좌장인 한국기술교육대학의 김광선 교수(한국공학교육학회 국제이사)가 글로벌사회에서의 공학교육에 관한 최근의 이슈에 대한 발표가 있었다.

      • 신체성장발달에 지능과 가정환경 조건이 미치는 영향에 대하여 : 사춘기 남학생 중심 BOY AT PUBERTY AGED FROM 9 TO 14

        김광선,송석영 경희대학교 체육과학연구소 1979 體育學論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        I have observed the body growth of the boys aged from 9 to 14,concerning their home economic environment and their intelligence. I come to the conculisons that the two aspects are greately influnced to their body growth as follows. A. concerning home economic environment. 1. There are many differences in the growth of their bodies. The levels of significances are high between low: 0.001, and middle between low: 0.001. 2. There must be rhythm in the growth of their bodies. 3. Good economic enrironments influence much more to their growth and have good results. 4. Correlations in each part of body. a) Body weight and circumferece of chest: to 82. b) Height stature and Body weight: to 76. c) Height stature and chest circumferece: to 63. B. Concerning intelligence quotient with body growth. We are Well aware of the fact that I.Q. is improved and changed cender the circumstances of one's growth but it is much more transmitted from his parents. The boys transmitted the same I.Q.can be changed while they are growing under the different environments. Any way I.Q. is also influenced much to their growth. High intelligence quotient made the boys grow better than low I.Q. (from 70 to 79). This aspect is considered in two ways. First, cender good environments, their body growth is faster than the others in bad environments, and their I.Q. is also very high (but not so many). Second, under bad environments, their growth is much slower than the boys in good conditions. The former's I.Q. is generally lower than the boys in good growing conditions given from their surroundings such as food, rests, exercises, and their parents' much care, etc……

      • 화재실의 열유동 해석을 위한 수치 해석 방법

        김광선,손봉세,Kim, Gwang-Seon,Son, Bong-Se 한국화재보험협회 1994 방재기술 Vol.16 No.-

        This article investigates the different numerical methods, which are widely used for purpose of simulating a fire compartment the particular numerical methods such as finite difference, finite element, control Volume, and finite analysis are discribed in order to understand basic concepts and their applications. The fire simulations using fferent methods for the different physical geometrics have been reported in many recent literatures The convergence rate, the accuracy, and the stability are no simply dependent upon the specific method, The study of popular nu-merical methods by being compared among those is therefore significant to understand the nu-merical simulation of fire compartment.

      • KCI등재

        자발두개내압저하 호전 후 발생한 지연경막하혈종과 눈돌림신경마비

        김광선,정연경,고임석,박혜영,한민수,이형수,박세호 대한신경과학회 2012 대한신경과학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a well-known disorder improving with conservative treatment or epidural blood patch in the majority of cases. However, SIH may develop neurological complications such as cranial nerve palsy, subdural hematoma, and altered consciousness. Subdural hematoma in SIH is usually found during intracranial hypotension state and delayed subdural hematoma is rarely reported. We report a case of delayed subdural hematoma and oculomotor nerve palsy after improving spontaneous intracranial hypotension.

      • 밀턴과 프로스트 : 밀턴의 신과 프로스트의 신 Milton's God and Frost's God

        김광선 한국현대영미어문학회 2002 The Journal of KACELLS Vol.7 No.1

        This paper aims to examine Milton's influence on Frost through Milton's God in Paradise Lost and Frost's God in A Masque of Reason. The most tremendous influence of Milton's Goid in Paradise Lost can be seen in Frost's A Masque of Reason. The most tremendous influence of Milton's God in Paradise Lost can be seen in Frost's A Masque of Reason. God in Paradise Lost is omnipotent, immutable, immoral, infinite, eternal king and the creator of all being, He created the world and all creatures for the revelation of His own glory and rules absolutely his world as monarch. Obedience to God's Word in humble attitude keeps men paradise and disobedience takes away the eternal blessing from them. As Milton describes the contents of God's image in man, he makes love become one of his constituent elements. Man's God-likeness is manifested in the quality of his love. In the great conflict between good and evil, Christ is the protagonist, the hero, who is the victor over Satan and the creator of the new universe after the expulsion of the rebellious angels. Like Milton. Forst invites the reader to look forward and outward to the possibilities of paradise whithin individual beings and between them. Forst's God in A Masque of Reason is a man who has run and won a race tetween perpetual anxiety and deferred serenity. Unlike Milton's God, Frost's God is not a monarch, but familiar with his fellows. He lacks dignity, but has a sense of humor as a human rather than a divine endowment. As Frost's God is a teaser, with a broad sense, and an irritating one, He prods and mocks man. He negotiates with the Devil before Job. But Job is not satisfied with God's answer. God's stance shows us the best wasy for man to live in the world of uncertainty. Unlike Milton, Frost does not bring divine redemption into his Masque, but believes that salvation can only come through human questing and imagination through his God. In this Masque, Frost underlines his philosophical dualism and matter, and underscore the conflict between justice and mercy that was central to his thinking. The satire of the masque was directed not at Christianity, but at a kind of rational that characterized modern secular thinking. Frost combined various elements from Puritan allegory. Indeed process becomes Mitonic character. Both Milton and Frost take the reader through a harrowing reconstruction of emotional destitution,confronting the dark aspect of sentimentality, which is death to the poet. In speaking Miltonic pentameters. Forst suggests that man carries the starring performance in God's creative action, and the Devil also has a role in civilized society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        로버트 프로스트 : 인간과 자연 Man and Nature

        김광선 명지대학교 인문과학연구소 2000 인문과학연구논총 Vol.21 No.-

        로버트 프로스트는 뉴잉글랜드의 자연을 배경으로 그 곳에 살아가는 사람들의 평범한 일상사를 소재로 하여 투박한 어조로 가식 없이 단순하고 소박하게 묘사함으로써 미국 국민들로부터 사랑을 듬뿍 받고 국민시인이 되었다. 그의 작품세계의 대부분은 뉴잉글랜드의 농장과 산, 들판, 목장 등을 비롯하여 노랗게 물든 단풍 숲, 울창한 숲, 숲 속에서 들려오는 새들의 노래 소리, 산 속에서 평화롭게 뛰노는 산짐승, 호수, 창가에 서있는 나무, 눈 내리는 밤, 폭설, 밤하늘의 별들 그리고 계절적으로는 꽃피고 잎이 피는 봄보다도 만물이 성장을 중지한 가을과 겨울의 틀 안에서 그는 자연과 상관 관계에서 인간의 모습을 그리고 있다. 그래서 그의 시 속에 드러난 자연의 색상은 대부분이 "황금빛과 검정 색"(Kim 26)으로 채색되어 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Micro-scale Thermal Sensor Manufacturing and Verification for Measurement of Temperature on Wafer Surface

        김광선,준영,장경민,주강우 한국반도체디스플레이기술학회 2013 반도체디스플레이기술학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        In the semiconductor heat-treatment process, the temperature uniformity determines the film quality of a wafer. This film quality effects on the overall yield rate. The heat transfer of the wafer surface in the heat-treatment process equipment is occurred by convection and radiation complexly. Because of this, there is the nonlinearity between the wafer temperature and reactor. Therefore, the accurate prediction of temperature on the wafer surface is difficult without the direct measurement. The thermal camera and the T/C wafer are general ways to confirm the temperature uniformity on the heat-treatment process. As above ways have limit to measure the temperature in the precise domain under the micro-scale. In this study, we developed the thin film type temperature sensor using the MEMS technology to establish the system which can measure the temperature under the micro-scale. We combined the experiment and numerical analysis to verify and calibrate the system. Finally, we measured the temperature on the wafer surface on the semiconductor process using the developed system, and confirmed the temperature variation by comparison with the commercial T/C wafer.

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