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      • KCI등재

        신경숙의 ≪엄마를 부탁해≫ 프랑스어 번역본에 관한 고찰

        김경희 ( Kyung Hee Kim ) 한국언어문화학회 2015 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.57

        Please Look After Mom, is composed of four chapters and epilogue. The author sets the eldest daughter, eldest son, and husband as the main character of the first three chapters each, who confess their feelings of guilt about disappearance of their mother and wife. Uniquely, the story is developed from the Mom’s perspective throughout the novel, with the first and third chapters written in the first person point-of-view, while the second chapter written in the third person point-of-view. Please Look After Mom was translated into both English and French. While the English version is generally considered to succeed in a faithful translation of the original, though criticized for incomplete transmission of the meanings of the source text due to a domesticating translation, the French version, Prends soin de maman, has more serious problems. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the problems of the French version by comparing it with the English version. First, the French version has lots of inaccurate translation that may result from a lack of understanding of the original. Such inaccuracies frequently failed to highlight the delicate style of writing unique to the author. Second, the English version utilized the soliloquies or thoughts of the characters in a free direct speech in the first person in the same way as the original, and marked them in italics. It would have helped make a clear distinction of this kind of soliloquies from others. In contrast, unlike the original, the soliloquies or thoughts of the characters were translated in a free indirect speech in the French version. It might have caused some confusion about whom these soliloquies belong to. Finally, while the source texts were translated faithfully in the English version, they weren’t in the French version. This translational unfaithfulness in the French version is considered to result from the various causes, including the omission, excessive abridgment, and redundant explanation of the contents of the original as well as the arbitrary insertion of the contents that do not appear in the original. While the literal translation, used in the English version, is thought to have successfully conveyed the contents of the original stories, the excessive liberal translation, used in the French version, seems to have failed to get an achievement as good as in the original. We have a prejudice that “natural translation” should be done with a liberal translation, not with a literal translation. Although the English version of Shin Kyung-Sook’s novel, Please Look After Mom, also contains faults which are mostly related to a domesticating translation, its success in gaining public favor by the faithful translation using a literal translation suggests that the literary translators keep this in mind to improve the quality of their translation.Kim, Kyunghee. 2015. A study on Prends soin de maman. Shin Kyung-Sook’s novel, Please Look After Mom, is composed of four chapters and epilogue. The author sets the eldest daughter, eldest son, and husband as the main character of the first three chapters each, who confess their feelings of guilt about disappearance of their mother and wife. Uniquely, the story is developed from the Mom’s perspective throughout the novel, with the first and third chapters written in the first person point-of-view, while the second chapter written in the third person point-of-view. Please Look After Mom was translated into both English and French. While the English version is generally considered to succeed in a faithful translation of the original, though criticized for incomplete transmission of the meanings of the source text due to a domesticating translation, the French version, Prends soin de maman, has more serious problems. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the problems of the French version by comparing it with the English version. First, the French version has lots of inaccurate translation that may result from a lack of understanding of the original. Such inaccuracies frequently failed to highlight the delicate style of writing unique to the author. Second, the English version utilized the soliloquies or thoughts of the characters in a free direct speech in the first person in the same way as the original, and marked them in italics. It would have helped make a clear distinction of this kind of soliloquies from others. In contrast, unlike the original, the soliloquies or thoughts of the characters were translated in a free indirect speech in the French version. It might have caused some confusion about whom these soliloquies belong to. Finally, while the source texts were translated faithfully in the English version, they weren’t in the French version. This translational unfaithfulness in the French version is considered to result from the various causes, including the omission, excessive abridgment, and redundant explanation of the contents of the original as well as the arbitrary insertion of the contents that do not appear in the original. While the literal translation, used in the English version, is thought to have successfully conveyed the contents of the original stories, the excessive liberal translation, used in the French version, seems to have failed to get an achievement as good as in the original. We have a prejudice that “natural translation” should be done with a liberal translation, not with a literal translation. Although the English version of Shin Kyung-Sook’s novel, Please Look After Mom, also contains faults which are mostly related to a domesticating translation, its success in gaining public favor by the faithful translation using a literal translation suggests that the literary translators keep this in mind to improve the quality of their translation.

      • KCI등재

        A Research on the Basis of Questionnaires about the Dental Patients' Awareness and Understanding of TMDs

        김경희,Kim, Kyung Hee The Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medi 2013 Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain Vol.38 No.3

        본 연구는 측두하악장애에 대한 치과 내원환자의 인지도와 이해도를 조사, 분석하기 위해 시행되었다. 인제대학교 부산백병원 치과 혹은 울산광역시 소재 한빛치과병원을 방문한 총 243명의 환자에게 설문조사를 시행하였고, 설문지의 모든 문항에 대해 성실히 답한 195명을 대상으로 하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. "측두하악장애"란 용어를 인지하고 있는 환자는 전체 대상자의17.4%였고, 총 12년 이상의 학력을 가진 군(82.4%, p<0.01)은 다른 군에서 보다 "측두하악장애"에 대한 인지도가 유의하게 높았다. "턱관절질환"이란 용어를 인지하고 있는 환자는 전체 대상자의 81.0%였고, 30-49세 연령군(45.6%, p<0.05)과 총 12년 이상의 학력을 가진 군(60.1%, p<0.01)에서 다른 군보다 "턱관절질환"이란 용어에 대한 인지도가 유의하게 높았다. 2. 전체의 과반수 이상인 50.6%가 턱관절질환의 개념으로 "턱을 무리하게 사용해서 생기는 병이다"를 선택했다. 3. 턱관절질환에 대해 들은 경로로TV, 라디오(41.4%)가 가장 많았고, 가족과 친구(20.2%), 병원 및 병원관계자(18.2%), 인터넷(15.7%) 및 신문과 잡지(4.5%)순이었다. TV, 라디오를 통해서 턱관절질환에 대해 들어본 응답자 중 30-49세 연령군이 다른 군보다 유의하게 높은 비율(52.4%, p<0.05)을 보였다. 인터넷을 통해서 턱관절질환에 대해 들어본 응답자 중 18-29세 연령군이 다른 군보다 유의하게 높은 비율(61.3%, p<0.01)을 보였다. 병원과 병원관계자를 통해서 턱관절질환에 대해 들어본 응답자 중 총 12년 이상의 학력을 가진 군(75%, p<0.05)이 다른 군보다 유의하게 높은 비율을 보였다. 4. 환자들은 입을 벌리고 다물 때 턱에서 나는 소리(26.9%), 입을 크게 벌리지 못한다(25.1%), 귀 앞쪽 부위의 통증(13.7%)을 턱관절질환의 증상과 징후로 골랐다. 턱관절질환의 원인으로는 딱딱하거나 질긴 음식을 즐겨먹기(19.5%), 아래, 윗니가 잘 안 맞물림(19.0%), 한쪽 어금니로 음식씹기(18.5%)를 많이 선택했다. 턱관절질환의 치료법으로 턱관절수술(28%)을 가장 많이 꼽았고, 구강내 장치치료(23.9%), 물리치료(14.6%)가 그 뒤를 따랐다. 턱관절질환의 예방법으로 딱딱한 음식의 섭취를 줄인다(21.1%), 입을 너무 크게 벌리지 않는다(17.0%), 양쪽 어금니로 음식을 씹는다(15.4%)를 많이 선택했다. This study was conducted to investigate and analyze the dental patients' awareness and understanding about TMDs. Among the total number of 243 patients who had visited the department of dentistry of Busan Paik Hospital, Inje University or Hanvit dental hospital in Ulsan metropolitan city and participated in the survey, 195 patients who filled in all parts of the questionnaire were selected as the subjects. The results were as follows. 1. The subjects who were aware of the term, "TMDs" were 17.4%. The group with total education period of 12 years and over was significantly more aware of "TMD"(82.4%, p<0.01) than the other group. The subjects who were aware of the term, "jaw joint disease" were 81.0%. 30 to 49 age group(45.6%, p<0.05) and the group with total education period of 12 years and over(60.1%, p<0.01) were significantly more aware of "jaw joint disease" than other groups. 2. More than half of the subjects chose "overuse of the jaws" as the concept of jaw joint disease(50.6%). 3. TV, radio(41.4%) was the most frequent source of awareness about jaw joint disease followed by family and friends(20.2%), hospitals and health professionals(18.2%), internet(15.7%) and newspapers, magazines(4.5%). Among the respondents who were aware of jaw joint disease through TV, radio, 30 to 49 age group showed significantly higher percentage(52.4%, p<0.05) than other age groups. Among the respondents who were aware of jaw joint disease through internet, 18 to 29 age group showed significantly higher percentage(61.3%, p<0.01) than other age groups. Among the respondents who were aware of jaw joint disease from hospitals and health professionals, the group with total education period of 12 years and over showed significantly higher percentage(75.0%, p<0.05) than the other group. 4. Noise during mouth opening and closing(26.9%), mouth opening difficulty(25.1%) and jaw pain(13.7%) were the most frequently responded sign and symptoms of jaw joint disease. For the causes of jaw joint disease, enjoying hard food chewing(19.5%), occlusal discrepancy(19.0%) and chewing with one side only(18.5%) were responded in sequence. TMJ surgery(28%) was the most frequently responded treatment method for jaw joint disease, followed by occlusal appliance therapy(23.9%) and physical therapy(14.6%). For preventive method of jaw joint disease, avoid eating hard food(21.1%), avoid opening mouth wide(17.0%) and simultaneous using of molar of both side when chewing food(15.4%) were chosen frequently.

      • KCI등재

        동결건조 낫토를 첨가한 드레싱의 품질특성

        김경희,김예린,김수아,한태인,박노동,홍경덕,황상덕,용주선,김재숙,Kim, Kyung-hee,Kim, Ye-Rin,Kim, Su-A,Han, Tae-In,Park, Ro-Dong,Hong, Gyung-Deok,Hwang, Sang-Duk,Yong, Ju-Sun,Kim, Jae-Suk 한국식생활문화학회 2020 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.35 No.4

        This study assessed the color, polyphenol content, and sensory characteristics of dressing containing varying concentrations (0, 3, 6 and 9%) of freeze-dried Natto. We determined that the absence of freeze-dried Natto (0%) imparted the highest additive value for both L and a, b. The polyphenol contents obtained were 0.63, 0.69, 0.74, and 0.82 mg/g for 0, 3, 6 and 9% of dressing containing freeze-dried Natto, respectively. The appearance, color, taste, texture, and overall preference of dressings with freeze-dried Natto showed significant differences between the samples. The overall preference was highest at 5.92 points, with dressing containing 9% Natto. The quality characteristics of the 9% added samples exhibited significantly higher values as compared to those of the controls, raising the possibility of development as a health-functional dressing.

      • KCI등재후보

        휴대전화 전자파 위험인식과 리스크커뮤니케이션 - 여성의 위험인식을 중심으로 -

        김경희,송대종,최재욱,Kim, Kyung-Hee,Song, Dae-Jong,Choi, Jae-Wook 한국전자통신학회 2013 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.8 No.7

        The study examined how the risk perception of cellular phone electromagnetic waves' possibility to harm human bodies would be psychologically different by gender and age. The study measured the risk perception targeting a total of 1,001 men and women in their twenties and more living in six major cities in Korea. According to the results, for the risk perception by gender, the women would recognize the risk of cellular phone electromagnetic waves more than the men. Among the women, those in their fifties appeared to have the greatest risk perception. In particular, the risk perception difference by age and gender was observed to be affected by psychological factors and, the study should be regarded academically significant for having verified the importance. For general people, they would perceive the risk via those psychological factors as experiences in daily life. Therefore, in order to relieve social conflicts caused by the risk, basic risk communication based on proper understanding of how the general people would recognize the risk should be provided. Hence, the study is expected to be a chance for intervention strategy research on how our community would proceed with communication and how the community, again, apprehends the cellular phone electromagnetic waves as well. 본 연구는 휴대전화 전자파의 인체유해 가능성에 대한 위험인식을 성별 및 연령에 따라 심리적 요인이 어떻게 차이가 발생하는지 원인을 분석하였다. 위험인식의 측정은 전국 6대 도시에 거주하고 있는 20대 이상 남녀 1,001명을 대상으로 실시하였다. 분석 결과 성별에 따른 위험인식의 차이는 여성이 남성보다 휴대전화 전자파에 대한 위험인식이 높았으며, 여성의 경우 50대의 위험인식이 가장 높았다. 특히 연령 및 성별에서의 위험인식 차이는 심리적 요인의 영향에서 발견하였고 그 중요성을 실증했다는데 이론적 함의를 찾을 수 있었다. 일반인은 위험인식을 심리적 요인과 같은 일상의 경험 등의 축적을 통해 위험을 인식하기 때문에 위험을 둘러싼 사회적 갈등을 완화하기 위해서는 일반인이 어떻게 위험을 인식하는지에 대한 올바른 이해에 기초한 위험커뮤니케이션을 제공해야 해야 할 것이다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 우리사회가 어떻게 휴대전화 전자파에 대한 위험을 판단하고, 의사소통해 나갈 것인지에 대한 개입전략연구의 기반을 제공하고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        모바일 쇼핑동기, 쇼핑가치와 소비자만족도 및 재구매의도에 관한 연구

        김경희,Kim, Kyung-hee 한국정보통신학회 2018 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.22 No.10

        본 연구는 모바일 쇼핑동기에 따라 소비자의 쇼핑가치와 만족도 및 재구매의도와의 관련성을 검증하고자 하였다. 분석결과 모바일 쇼핑동기는 편재성, 편리성, 충동성, 경제성 등 4가지 요인으로 도출되었다. 모바일 쇼핑동기는 소비자의 쇼핑가치에 서로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 구체적으로 충동성이 쾌락적 쇼핑가치에 가장 높은 영향을 미치며, 편리성은 실용적 쇼핑가치에 가장 높은 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 모바일 쇼핑동기와 쇼핑가치는 소비자만족도와 재구매의도에 서로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 구체적으로 모바일 쇼핑동기 중 편재성이 소비자만족도와 재구매의도에 가장 높은 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 소비자의 쇼핑가치는 소비자만족도와 재방문의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 급성장하고 있는 모바일 쇼핑시장에서 차별화된 마케팅전략을 수립하는데 있어서 유용한 기초 정보를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. This study tested relationship between consumer's motivation for mobile shopping and their value of shopping, satisfaction, and repurchase intention. The result of the analysis deduced four factors in motivation for mobile shopping-: ubiquity, convenience, impulsiveness, and economic feasibility. The results indicated that motivation for mobile shopping and consumers' value of shopping have a significant influence on each other. Specifically, impulsiveness had a considerable influence on hedonic shopping value, whereas convenience had a significant influence on utilitarian shopping value. In addition, motivation for mobile shopping and value of shopping had a significant influence on consumer satisfaction and repurchase intention. To put it concretely, among the motives of mobile shopping, ubiquity is found to be the factor influencing consumer satisfaction and repurchase intention the most. Lastly, consumers' shopping value influences consumer satisfaction and revisiting intention significantly. This result provides useful base data for establishing distinctive marketing strategies in the rapidly growing mobile shopping market.

      • KCI등재

        E. coli에서 발현된 human HtrA1 단백질의 정제와 HtrA1의 serine protease 활성 조건에 관한 연구

        김경희,김상수,김구영,임향숙,Kim, Kyung-Hee,Kim, Sang-Soo,Kim, Goo-Young,Rhim, Hyang-Shuk 한국생명과학회 2006 생명과학회지 Vol.16 No.7

        E. coli HtrA (High temperature requirement protein A)의 human homologue 중 하나인 HtrA1은 IGFBP를 절단하여 IGF의 활동을 조절하는 serine protease으로 알려졌다. HtrA1의 serine protease 활성이 여러 질병의 발병 mechanism과 연관성을 가진 것으로 예상되고 있지만, 이런 상관관계를 밝히기 위해서 기본적으로 필요한 다량의 HtrA1 단백질의 발현 및 정제조건과 HtrA1 serine protease의 최적 활성조건이 확립되어 있지 않은 상황이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 pGEX 시스템을 이용하여 E. coli에서 mature HtrA1인 ${\Delta}149(WT)$와 catalytic site mutant인 ${\Delta}149(S328A)$를 85%의 순도로 1 liter 배양 시, 정제된 단백질을 각각 $400{\mu}g,\;520{\mu}g$ 얻을 수 있는 발현조건을 정립하였다. 또한 HtrA1 serine protease 활성은 protease의 농도와 substrate와의 반응시간에 dependent하며, substrate와의 반응온도가 $42^{\circ}C$일 때 최적의 serine protease활성을 나타내는 것을 알 수 있었다. 특히 $200{\mu}M$의 HtrA1 serine protease를 $37^{\circ}C$에서 3시간 반응 시켰을 때, substrate로 사용한 ${\beta}-casein$의 약 50%가 절단되는 것을 관찰하였다. 따라서 이 반응조건에 사용한 HtrA1의 양을 1 unit으로 하여 HtrA1의 serine protease활성을 여러 조건에서 비교 분석할 수 있다 본 연구에서 정립한 mature HtrA1을 다량으로 얻을 수 있는 발헌 및 정제조건과 serine protease 최적 활성조건은 HtrA1의 serine protease 활성과 생물학적 기능의 상관관계를 이해하는데 활용될 수 있을 것이다. Human HtrA1 (High temperature requirement protein A1) is a homologue of the E. coli periplasmic serine protease HtrA. A recent study has demonstrated that HtrA1 is a serine protease involved in processing of insulin like growth factor binding protein (ICFBP), indicating that it serves as an important regulator of IGF activity. Additionally, several lines of evidence suggest a striking correlation between proteolytic activity of HtrA1 serine protease and the pathogenesis of several diseases; however, physiological roles of HtrA1 remain to be elucidated. We used the pGEX bacterial expression system to develop a simple and rapid method for purifying HtrA1, and the recombinant HtrA1 protein was utilized to investigate the optimal conditions in executing its proteolytic activity. The proteolytically active HtrA1 was purified to approximately 85% purity, although the yield of the recombinant HtrA1 protein was slightly low $460{\mu}g$ for 1 liter E. coli culture). Using in vitro endoproteolytic cleavage assay, we identified that the HtrA1 serine protease activity was dependent on the enzyme concentration and the incubation time and that the best reaction temperature was $42^{\circ}C$ instead of $37^{\circ}C$. We arbitrary defined one unit of proteolytic activity of the HtrA1 serine protease as 200nM of HtrA1 that cleaves half of $5{\mu}M\;of\;{\beta}-casein$ during 3 hr incubation at $37^{\circ}C$. Our study provides a method for generating useful reagents to investigate the molecular mechanisms by which HtrA1 serine protease activity contributes in regulating its physiological function and to identify natural substrates of HtrA1.

      • KCI등재

        여대생의 생활 스트레스와 영양소 섭취 상태와의 관계

        김경희,Kim, Kyung-Hee 한국식생활문화학회 2000 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.15 No.5

        A survey was carried out to investigate relation between life stress and nutrient intake status in female university students. It was represented that increasing trends of food intake under the stress condition and preference taste was sweet and hot in female students. The female students thought that food intake for coping with stress was produced negative results and they perceived the relation between stress and their health problem. There was a positive correlation between stress level and the change of food intake in female students statistically(p<0.01). They had higher stress in future prospect, academic problem, friend relationship, personality and family relationship. The average calorie intake of female university students was 1553.06kcal(77.65% of RDA). The intake of protein, calcium and iron were quite less than the RDA, whereas the intake of phosphate, vitamin A, $B_2$, C, niacin were more than the RDA. In changes of nutrient intake under the stress conditions, the higher stress group had decreased intake of calcium, iron, vitamin $B_1,\;B_2$, C than the lower stress group(p<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        도시(都市) 국민학생(國民學生)의 편도선(扁桃腺) 절제율(切除率) 및 학부모(學父母)의 인식도(認識度)

        김경희,박재용,Kim, Kyung Hee,Park, Jae Yong 한국학교보건학회 1991 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.4 No.2

        우리나라에서 아동들이 어느 정도 편도적출수술을 받고 있으며, 그 동기를 분석하고, 실제로 국민학생들의 부모들은 편도에 대해 어떻게 인식하고 있는가를 파악하기 위해 부산지역 국민학생 1학년에서 6학년까지 3,882명을 대상으로 학부모에게 설문조사하여 분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 인체내 편도선의 필요성에 대한 견해에서 응답자의 25.1%만이 꼭 필요하다고 응답하였는데 응답자별, 지역별로 차이가 있었다. 대상아동의 32.7%는 편도선으로 인해 고통을 받은 적이 있었고, 25.1%는 편도선 증상으로 병원을 방문한 경험이 있었으며, 5.3%는 편도절제술을 권고받은 경험이 있었다. 그리고 대상아동의 1.39%는 편도절제수술을 받았으나 특성별로 차이가 없었다. 편도선으로 인해 고통을 받은 적이 없는 아동, 병원을 방문한 경험이 없는 아동, 수술 권고를 받은 경험이 없는 아동도 0.2%정도 수술하였다. 편도절제수술자의 수술 시기는 주로 6~9세에서 많이 실시하였으나 6세에서 31.5%로 가장 많이 실시하였다. 실시한 달은 8월에 31.5%, 12월과 1월에 각각 16.7% 씩으로 주로 여름방학과 겨울방학을 많이 이용하는 것으로 나타났고, 87.0%가 병원에서 수술을 하였고, 평균 입원기간은 6.0일이었다. 실시 동기는 진찰 받으러 갔다가 의사의 권유로 실시한 것이 가장 높은 율(51.9%)을 나타냈다. 편도절제수술 후에 일반적인 증상이 별로 좋아진 것을 모르겠다고 응답한 경우가 5.6%였으며 수술 전에 앓고 있던 질환이 별로 좋아졌는지 모르겠다고 응답한 경우는 18.5%였다. 편도절제수술에 의한 후유증은 16.7%가 있었다고 하였다. 수술 실시 결과 90.7%는 잘했다고 생각하였으며 3.7%는 좀 생각해보고 했을 걸 싶다고 하였다. 이상과 같이 편도절제수술로 인한 후유증이 있었던 점과 편도선이 면역방어기능을 가진 중요한 기관임을 고려하여 수술 여부를 결정 할 때는 주위 다른 조직의 합병증은 없는지, 얼마나 증상이 심한가에 따라 꼭 필요한 경우에만 수술이 실시되도록 학부모에 대한 교육이 필요하다고 하겠다. In order to understand how the parents who have the children of elementary school actually recognising their children's tonsillectomy, and then, analyze its motivation, and how many children was treated tonsillectomy in our country, we hereby analyzed and intended for 3,882 of the children of elementary school in Susan area from 1st grade to the 6 years grade by the questionnaire through the parents of students. The viewpoint about the requirement of tonsil in the human body, the only 25.1 percent had responded: absolutely necessary. The respondents who responded absolutely necessary were highly ranked according to the urban, medium urban and then outskirt area. The advisory person who whishes, to be tonsillectomised was physicians 76.2 percent of the highest point. Operation had performed mostly the age of 6 year and had appeared the questionnaire through 6-9 year old, and they utilized their operational period was at the time of summer vacation of August 31.5 percent and winter vacation of December and January 16.7 percent respectively, and place of implementation was accounted for 87.0 Opercent at the hospitals and the motivation of tonsillectomy had motivated during one had been medical examination and advisory of the physician was appeared highest rate of 51.9 percent. In the case who's symptom of the cold and high fever somewhat improved was appeared as 79.6 percent and the other hand, 5.6 percent of them have responded not knowing they got better. The case that otitis media or chronic nasal inflammation had restored was 13.0 percent respectively, but 18.5 percent had responded their ailment was not knowing their improvement so well that ailed before operation. The sequela by aftermath of the tonsillectomy, seeing collectively, it appeared 16.7 percent of the person was responded they had sequela and the idea of operational result, 90.7 percent responded they had favoured their operation, and 3.7 percent regret their carelessness. As above mentioned, it is advisable to be operated by the degree of its symptoms and there is any complication existed or in case of absolutely necessary case.

      • KCI등재

        유산균 발효유 종류에 따른 치아부식 위험도 평가

        김경희,정기호,Kim, Kyung-Hee,Chung, Ki-Ho 한국치위생학회 2017 한국치위생학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of dental erosion by three different types of commercial fermented milk on the enamel surface of bovine teeth. Methods: Forty bovine teeth (four groups of 10) were immersed in fermented milk (experimental groups: liquid type, condense-stirred type and condense-drink type) or mineral water (control group) for 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Enamel surface microhardness was measured before and after treatment with a microhardness tester, and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to assess the enamel surface morphology. Results:Changes in enamel surface microhardness (before-after treatment; ${\Delta}VHN$) were significantly different among the four groups (p<0.05). ${\Delta}VHN$ was highest in the liquid type group, followed by the condense-stirred type, condense-drink type, and control groups. The ${\Delta}VHNs$ of three types of fermented milk groups were higher than that of the control group (p<0.05). The liquid type group showed higher ${\Delta}VHN$ than the other two types of condense fermented milk groups (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in ${\Delta}VHN$ between the two types of condense fermented milk (p>0.05). The results of SEM observation have shown the most severe surface damage in bovine teeth immersed in the liquid type of fermented milk. Conclusions: In this study, it appears that liquid type fermented milk causes greater development of dental erosion. The physical properties and pH of fermented milk types must be considered for prevention of dental erosion associated with ingestion of fermented milk.

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