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      • KCI등재

        청말(淸末) 장덕이(張德彝)의 외교 인식

        김경혜 ( Kim Kyeonghye ) 한국중국학회 2021 중국학보 Vol.95 No.-

        본 논문에서는 청말 張德彝의 외교 인식을 살펴보고자 한다. 그는 1866년 빈춘 사절단의 일원으로 유럽을 견문한 후 1901년 영국 공사가 될 때까지 총 8차례 해외 각국에서 통역과 수행원 등을 거쳤다. 그가 활동하였던 시기는 중국을 중심으로 하는 전통적 세계관이 서양에 의해 무너지고, 다른 나라와의 관계가 국가의 안위를 결정하는 가장 중요한 요소라는 인식이 중국인들 사이에서 점차 확대되어 가던 시대였다. 장덕이는 여러 차례 해외를 경험하면서 서양을 인식하고, 중국과 서양을 비교하였으며, 서방의 외교 제도를 모범으로 하여 중국 외교 제도를 개혁하고자 하였다. 그의 외교 인식은 다음의 세 부분으로 살펴볼 수 있다. 첫째, 장덕이는 전통적 조공 질서 체계에서 강조되었던 중국의 외교 의례를 서양식으로 간소화하여 불필요한 절차를 없애고자 하였다. 둘째, 장덕이는 중국 외교관원들에게 전문성이 부족한 현실을 비판하면서 외교 관원들의 겸직 금지를 주장하였다. 셋째, 당시 서양에 의해 행해지던 불법적인 화공 수출을 금지하기 위하여 적극 노력하였으며 특히 남아프리카 화공의 열악한 처우를 개선하기 위하여 영국과의 협상을 통해 “화공장정”을 체결하였다. This paper will be dealing with Zhang Deyi (1847-1918)’s diplomatic perception in late Qing dynasty. He visited Europe as a member of the Binchun Delegation in 1866, after that he worked as an interpreter and dipomat in foreign countries until he became a the British ambassador in 1901. With China's defeat in the war with the West, the traditional perspective on the world gradually collapsed, and many Chinese recognized the relations with other countries was the most important factor in determining national security. Based on his experiences in Western countries, Zhang Deyi compared China and the West, and tried to reform the Chinese diplomatic system by taking the Western diplomatic system as an example. His diplomatic perception can be examined in three parts. First, Zhang Deyi insisted on simplifying the traditional Chinese diplomatic ritual to Western style. Second, Zhang Deyi criticized the lack of expertise of Chinese diplomats and insisted on the prohibition of concurrent employment of diplomats. Third, Zhang Deyi argued the West not to illegally import Chinese workers. Through negotiations with the British, he signed a “Huagong Zhangcheng” and tried to guarantee the rights of Chinese workers in South Africa.

      • KCI등재

        장덕이(張德彛)의 『술기(述奇)』에 나타난 근대 서양의 도시 위생

        金慶惠 ( Kim Kyeonghye ) 중국사학회 2021 中國史硏究 Vol.- No.134

        This paper will be dealing with the introduction and perception of modern Western cities in the 『述奇』in late Qing Dynasty. After visiting Europe as a member of the Binchun(斌椿) Mission in 1866, he traveled abroad a total of eight times. Zhang Deyi, as a graduate of Tongwenguan, was proficient in foreign languages, so he was able to experience Western culture more sensitively than anyone else. In particular, he was shocked that Western cities have wide, tidy, flat roads, making them easier to move and safer. It was a hygienic place where public toilets did not smell, but also a place where green forests and parks could breathe clean air and rest. Zhang Deyi left detailed records in his own 『述奇』 about Western cities that were incomparably clean, hygienic than those of China at the time. This paper will be dealing with how Zhang Deyi introduced Paris, which were considered the best cities in Europe, London, and New York. Zhang Deyi recognized that there was a qualitative difference between Western cities and Chinese cities. He argued that to solve China's poor urban hygiene problems, the state should establish specialized institutions and establish related systems.

      • KCI등재

        교수설계에서의 생성형 인공지능 활용 가능성 탐색: 문헌고찰 및 HRD 담당자의 요구분석을 중심으로

        전주희 ( Juhui Jeon ),김경혜 ( Kyeonghye Kim ),정보영 ( Boyoung Jung ) 한국교육공학회 2023 교육공학연구 Vol.39 No.0

        This study explored the application of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in instructional design, focusing on a comprehensive review of 17 studies (10 overseas and 7 domestic) using the PRISMA method. The analysis centers on exploring the potential of employing generative AI in instructional design based on the ADDIE model. A guidebook detailing practical examples of using ChatGPT for instructional design was developed. To gauge the current performance and perceived importance of generative AI in instructional design, a survey was conducted among 30 human resource development practitioners utilizing the guidebook. The results underwent analysis through Importance -Performance Analysis and Locus for Focus analysis. Results underscored a high priority for demand analysis during the analysis phase, lecture script writing and case creation in the development phase, learner-customized knowledge provision, and learner-driven task support in the implementation phase, along with quantitative and qualitative analysis of learning results in the evaluation phase. This study advocates considering these strategies primarily when guiding instructional designers on how to use generative AI. Notably, it offers practical and specific strategies for incorporating generative AI in instructional design, reflecting the perceptions of instructional designers.

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