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      • KCI등재

        임진전쟁 이후 유몽인의 시대인식과 『어우야담』 편찬

        김경록 한양대학교 동아시아문화연구소 2023 동아시아 문화연구 Vol.95 No.-

        조선중기 조선의 대표적인 학자이자 정치가였던 유몽인은 임진전쟁의 경험과 명확한 시대인식을 바탕으로 전쟁이후 국가재건의 필요성을 절감했다. 유몽인은 임진전쟁 기간에 명나라에 사신으로 왕래하여 국제정세를 정확하게 파악하였으며, 전쟁에 참전하는 명나라 군대의 역할과 함께 조선군대의 독자적인 작전능력을 강조했다. 병력을 충원하고, 무기를 수집하여 적극적으로 일본군에 대응하여 군사작전을 전개해야 한다고 보았다. 군사적 대응과 함께 백성들의 자발적인 전투의지를 높여야 한다고 주장하고, 전쟁으로 피해를 본 백성들에 대한 국가의 교화정책이 필요하다고 인식했다. 이런 인식은 전쟁이후 전후복구 및 붕괴된 통치질서를 회복하기 위해 국가의 적극적인 대민정책이 필요하다고 생각했다. 유몽인의 이러한 시대인식은 광해군에 의해 추진된 전후복구 및 민심의 안정을 위한 교화서의 편찬에 적극적으로 동의했다. 유몽인 광해군의 『동국신속삼강행실도』 편찬을 지지하고, 그 역사적 의미를 강조했다. 유몽인은 비록 정치적으로 광해군시대에 발생한 정치사건에 대해 반대했지만, 인간적으로 광해군에 대한 인연을 중시했다. 유몽인은 국가차원의 교화서 편찬과 함께 개인적으로 일반 문집이 아닌 백성들이 편하고 쉽게 읽을 수 있는 야담서적의 필요성을 인식했다. 유몽인은 자신의 혈연관계, 학연관계, 지리적 연관성이 있는 다양한 인물들의 삶과 사건을 백성들이 효과적으로 읽도록 수록했다. 기존의 실기문학, 야사문학의 작품이 존재했지만, 유몽인이 제목에 야담을 명시한 것처럼 자신의 이름으로 자신과 관련된 인물들의 전쟁 및 삶을 문학작품으로 편찬하였다. Yumongin, a leading scholar and statesman of the Joseon Dynasty, realized the need for national reconstruction after the war based on his experience of the Imjin War and his clear perception of the times. Yumongin traveled to the Ming Dynasty as an envoy during the Imjin War and accurately understood the international situation, emphasizing the role of the Ming army in the war and the unique operational capabilities of the Korean army. He emphasized the role of the Ming army in the war and its unique operational capabilities. Along with the military response, it was argued that the people’s willingness to fight should be increased, and it was recognized that the state’s edification policy for the war-affected people was necessary. This perception led him to believe that an active public policy was necessary for post-war recovery and restoration of the collapsed governing order. The Yumongin’s awareness of the times led them to actively agree to the compilation of edifying books for post-war recovery and stabilization of public sentiment promoted by the Kwanghaegun(光海君). Yumongin supported the compilation of 『Dongguk Sinsok Samkang Hangsildo(東國新續三綱行實圖)』 by the Kwanghaegun and emphasized its historical significance. Although Yumongin was politically opposed to the political events that occurred during the Kwanghaegun period, he valued his human connection to the Kwanghaegun. Along with the compilation of edifying books at the national level, Yumongin personally recognized the need for a joke book that could be read easily and comfortably by the people, rather than a general textbook. Yumongin included the lives and events of various people with whom he had blood, academic, and geographical ties in order to make them read effectively. Although there were existing works of practical literature and yasa literature, Yumongin compiled the wars and lives of people related to him in his own name as a literary work, as he specified yadam in the title.

      • KCI등재

        『임진기록壬辰記錄』을 통해 본 정탁鄭琢의 임진전쟁 기억과 전쟁기록

        김경록 한국국학진흥원 2023 국학연구 Vol.- No.51

        The Imjin War (壬⾠戰爭), which changed the history of Joseon (朝 鮮), Ming (明), and Japan (⽇本) in the late 16th century, was an international war in East Asia. Various studies on the Imjin War, an international war, have been conducted in the historical academic of Korea, China, and Japan to grasp the outline of its history. Nevertheless, many specific research projects remain consistent with the historical characteristics of the Imjin War. One of the most representative areas is the study of war through war records left by important figures in the war. Such research will serve as the basis for analyzing the Imjin War from a comprehensive perspective, not just from the perspective of war history. This study aims to pay attention to Jeongtak (鄭琢), an important figure who actually led the war by escorting the king and crown prince during the Imjin War. Jeongtak was a person who was well versed in international affairs with his experience of envoy to Ming before the war. Jeongtak’s diplomatic career led to Ming’s participation in the war and liaison service, which led to a change in the war situation of the Imjin War. Afterwards, Jeongtak actively collected various military and diplomatic information reflecting the Ming army’s perception of war to prepare Joseon’s response to the operation of the Allied Forces. In particular, Jeong Tak was mindful of the withdrawal of Ming army. When the Ming army demanded that the crown prince of Joseon be directly at the forefront of battle, he escorted the crown prince and led the war. Jeongtak’s experience and activities in the war were not limited to gathering scattered Joseon troops and recruiting righteous army (義兵). His activities extended to the level of smooth settlement of his relationship with Ming army. Jeongtak was heartbroken by the fall of Joseon royal authority and the suffering of the people due to the Imjin War. Jeongtak’s memories and awareness of the Imjin War were thoroughly left as a war record (戰爭記錄), leading to the completion of the war and the compilation of ‘Imjin Records (壬⾠記錄)’ and ‘Yongsajablok(⿓蛇雜錄)’. ‘Imjin Records’ contains 16 official documents and ‘Yongsajablok’ contains 56 official documents including war poetry and diary texts. This reflects that Jeongtak wanted to record his experiences and memories of the Imjin War based on facts. In addition, Jeongtak recognized the Imjin War as an international war and wanted to leave a war records, he experienced and remembered in case another war broke out in the future.

      • KCI등재

        해양으로 본 임진전쟁기 울산전투의 역사적 의미

        김경록 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2023 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.- No.29

        16세기 말, 동아시아 역사를 바꾸어 놓았던 임진전쟁은 그 역사성으로 인해 현재까지 다양한 기억을 전승하고 있다. 임진전쟁의 국제성을 잘 보여주는 울산전투는 명나라 군대, 조선군대, 일본군대가 치열하게 전투를 치룬 역사사건이지만, 기존의 연구는 군사사, 전쟁사의 측면에서 연구되었다. 그러나 해안, 섬, 방목장, 해로, 수로, 해안성곽 등의 해양관점으로 분석하면 울산전투는 새로운 분석이 가능하다. 울산은 조선시대 해양에 접한 중요 군사지역으로 주목받았으며, 해변과 인접한 광활한 말 목장이 있었다. 또한 해양에서 연결되는 내륙수로의 통로에 있어 해양세력이 수시로 내륙으로 진출하는 교두보와 같았다. 이에 조선은 울산을 군사거점으로 일찍부터 군사시설과 부대를 주둔시켰다. 일본군은 임진전쟁기간 중에 일본에서 조달되는 병력을 손쉽게 운송하고, 내륙으로 이동시 조선군과 의병의 공격을 받았던 위험이 매우 적었던 해로운송에 최적지로 울산을 군사기지로 선택했다. 이에 주요 병력을 집결시켜 손쉽게 조선의 내륙으로 공세를 가하고자 했다. 명나라군대는 조선군과 합세하여 일본군의 퇴각을 압박하고자 울산전투를 벌였다. 일본군이 명나라군대의 공격에 효율적으로 방어할 수 있었던 것은 해양으로 이어지는 수로를 확보할 수 있었기 때문이었다. 또한 인접한 일본군의 군사지원을 받았기 때문이다. 울산전투는 해양세력 일본군에 대한 대륙세력이었던 명나라군대의 전투였으며, 그 결과는 해양요소를 무시한 명나라군대의 패배로 끝났다. The Imjin War, which changed the course of East Asian history in the late 16th century, continues to be remembered in various ways due to its historicity. The Battle of Ulsan, which demonstrates the international nature of the Imjin War, is a historical event in which the Ming, Joseon, and Japanese armies fought fiercely, but existing studies have been conducted from the perspective of military history and war history. However, the Battle of Ulsan can be analyzed from a maritime perspective, including coasts, islands, grazing grounds, sea routes, waterways, and coastal castles. Ulsan was noted as an important military area facing the sea during the Joseon Dynasty, with a vast horse ranch adjacent to the beach. It was also a bridgehead for maritime powers to move inland from time to time, as it was located on the inland waterways connecting to the sea. As such, the Joseon Dynasty established Ulsan as a military base and stationed military facilities and troops there early on. During the Imjin War, the Japanese chose Ulsan as a military base because it was the best place for easy transportation of troops from Japan, and the risk of being attacked by Joseon soldiers when traveling inland was very low. They wanted to gather major forces and easily launch an offensive into the interior of Joseon. The Ming army joined forces with the Joseon army at the Battle of Ulsan to pressure the Japanese into retreat. The Japanese were able to effectively defend against the Ming attack because they had access to waterways leading to the sea, and they had military support from neighboring Japanese armies. The Battle of Ulsan pitted the continental Ming army against the maritime Japanese army, and the result was a defeat for the Ming army that ignored the maritime factor.

      • KCI등재

        麗末鮮初 洪武帝의 高麗․朝鮮 認識과 外交關係

        김경록 명청사학회 2011 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.35


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