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        청주 원도심 내 현존하는 옛마을의 공간구성 변화 - 탑동 '양달말'을 대상으로 -

        권미선,김태영,Kwon, Mi-Sun,Kim, Tai-Young 한국주거학회 2011 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the transitional process of spatial configuration of 'Topdong Yangdalmal'; One of the existing 22 old settlements in cheongju city. The results are as follows. 1) Side roads are derived from Inner road until 1970, so large-scale lots are subdivided small-scale lots. The houses are mostly in 1970s and 1980s. The existing old houses are 11, their orientation are East South, and the entrance gives on side road. The orientation, court yard, and entrance of the houses nearby side roads keep ongoing, in spite of alteration and extension. Especially, Entrance is changed by the new arterial roads and subdivided lots, but, the houses nearby side roads are continued as in the past. 2) The newly built houses in 1970's are 20, and it's arrangements are equal to existing old one. The orientation of houses after 1980's is the same in 1970's. But, the entrance is changed by subdivided lots, and the size of the court yard are reduced or disappeared. In other hand, the houses as the same size of the existing houses, and Storyincrease continue court yard as in the past. Therefore, the houses which are nearby inner road, and increase story, are continued, in spite of the newly built one.

      • KCI등재

        청주 원도심 내 현존하는 옛마을의 입지특성과 가로체계의 변화

        권미선,김태영,Kwon, Mi-Sun,Kim, Tai-Young 한국주거학회 2010 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.21 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to clarify locational characteristics and the road systems of existing 22 old settlements in Cheongju downtown of Korea. These old settlements are classified largely into two types by geographical feature; Hill type located in ridge and Valley type in the valley from the ridge. The Hill type is further categorized into San-rock located on ridge and Gogae located on hillside, and the Valley type into closed large and small valley, that is, Daegok and Sogok by the shape and size of the valley. The road systems are classified into outer road, approaching road, inner road, and side road. In San-rock type villages, Inner road is changed side roads by new arterial road, and new ones become inner road. The outer road are almost cut off, but side roads maintain. In the case of the Gogae type, main road becomes inner road, maintain old hierarchical road, and in other cases, villages are formed around side roads derived from main road, and outer road and inner road are cut off. Among the Valley type, Daegok type maintains old hierarchical road, while for Sogok type, outer roads are cut off, and new roads are outer road.

      • 모와 애착이 결핍된 아동의 모래놀이치료에서 보이는 공통된 의미 고찰과 자아존중감 및 상호작용 변화에 관하여

        권미선(Kwon, Mi-Sun) 한국통합치료학회 2010 통합치료연구 Vol.2 No.2

        본 연구는 모와 애착이 결핍된 아동들이 모래놀이치료의 모래상자에 보이는 공통된 의미를 이해하고 모래놀이치료가 모와 애착이 결핍된 아동의 자아존중감의 발달과 건강한 상호작용에 어떤 변화과정으로 도움을 주는지 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 연구문제를 살펴보고자 모와 아동의 정서 검사 결과 모와 애착이 결핍된 아동 5명을 선정하였고 2009년 5월부터 2010년 4월까지 모래놀이치료를 실시하였다. 연구방법은 질적 연구에서의 사례 연구 방법으로 연구 대상의 모래놀이치료과정을 있는 그대로 기술하는 전사 작업, 자료들에 코드를 부여하여 체계화하는 단위화 작업, 단위들을 범주화하는 작업을 거치면서 공통된 의미와 변화 과정을 살펴보았다. 연구 결과를 요약하면 첫째, 모와 애착이 결핍된 아동들이 모래놀이치료에서 보이는 공통된 의미는 낮은 자존감, 조절의 어려움, 상호작용의 어려움이다. 둘째, 모와 애착이 결핍된 아동은 모래놀이치료를 통해 낮은 자존감, 아동-부모 상호작용, 아동-또래 상호작용에 있어서 긍정적인 변화를 보였다. 이는 모래놀이치료가 대상 아동의 자아존중감 및 상호작용에 긍정적인 변화를 가져온다는 것을 살펴보면서 모래놀이치료가 아동의 자아존중감, 건강한 상호작용 및 사회적응을 돕는 데 효과적임을 확인할 수 있었다. This study the aim is to examine with which transitional process the sand-play therapy gives help to development in self-esteem and to healthy interaction in attachment-deficient children with mother, as well as understanding sand box in attachment-deficient children with mother. To examine research problems, it selected 5 attachment-deficient children as a result of the interview with mothers and children and of emotional test. The sand-play therapy was carried out from May 2009 to April 2010. As a method of a case study in the qualitative research for confirming the research problems, the common significance and the transitional process were examined with the work transcription, which literally describes the process of sand-play therapy, and the work of systematizing, unitizing and categorizing by giving code to materials. This was examined to understand the sand box of attachment-deficient children. The sand-play therapy brought about a positive change in self-esteem and interaction in attachment-deficient children as the subjects. Thus, it could be confirmed to be effective for helping children's self-esteem, healthy interaction, and social adjustment.

      • KCI등재

        『비평가 El Criticón』에서 드러나는 책의 독서 과정

        권미선(Mi Sun Kwon) 부산외국어대학교 중남미지역원 2012 이베로아메리카 Vol.14 No.2

        The Criticón of Baltasar Gracián, which is an allegory of life, is considered as one of the best literary works on the Spanish Golden Age. It is a book about the world in allegorical form, which can decribe, decode and interpret the characters` lives as a process of reading the book. Here the book does not characterize a utopian ideal. Only it is the factual description of the condition of the world and the reader handles the same task of interpretation of the text as the life itself. In The Criticón, the world is disguised to be perceived through parables or allegories. Thus, the phrases, the characters represented by Andrenio and Critilio and the rest of the world constitute a duality, a perfect manifestation of reproduction and the composition of reality. In this way, the work becomes a symbolic reproduction of reality. It does not intend to be an exact replica of the world, but expands its cognitive horizon and opens the way to the subjective understanding of the reader. The author tries to shape the existence of the book and the life in which the role of the reader gets more important. Thus, in The Criticón, we can find the concept of the relationship between the narrator, the reader, the characters and time that constitute the work as a process of reading the book in the modern sense.

      • KCI등재

        『절름발이 악마 El Diablo Cojuelo』에 담긴악마의 이미지

        권미선 ( Mi Sun Kwon ) 한국스페인어문학회 2014 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.71

        El Diablo Cojuelo de Luis Velez de Guevara es una obra que pertenece al genero picaresco, pero segun algunos criticos no se incluye en el dicho genero por la ausencia de algunos aspectos componentes del genero. Sin embargo, podemos interpretar esta obra como una novela picaresca por lo que satiriza y critica la situacion politica, economica y social de su tiempo segun la tradicion de la satira menipea. Ademas, con el personaje del diablo Cojuelo, podemos observar las formas del realismo grotesco en que se estructura el proceso de degradacion y materializacion para analizar la decadencia y el caos de los 1640 de Espana(revuelta de Cataluna, guerra con Francia, independencia de Portugal, caida de Olivares, etc.). El diablo Cojuelo tiene el poder de lavantar los techos de las casas de Madrid para ver lo que esta ocurriendo dentro de ella. Los dos personajes principales, el Cojuelo y el Estudiante, observan con una objetividad deforme, desde lo alto, con bastante distancia, para crear una perspectiva carnavalesca en que se abolidan todas las barreras y se presenta un mundo al reves y contradictorio, de cambios constantes entre lo alto y lo bajo en la degradacion y en la transferencia al plano material y corporal de lo elevado, espiritual, ideal y abstracto. En la Teologia se aparece el Diablo como una criatura espiritual de la familia Angelica de Dio pero fue expulsado del cielo por estar en contra de Dios, a causa del deseo por la adoracion que todas las criaturas inteligentes rendian al Creador. Con el tiempo, en la tradicion folklorica y en los cuentos populares, el Diablo se convierte en un personaje ridiculo y caotico para la parodia. Velez de Guevara presenta este personaje carnavalesco para observar un ‘puchero humano’, hirviendo ‘hombres y mujeres, unos hacia arriba y otros hacia abajo, y otros de traves, haciendo un cruzado al son de su misma confusion’, simbolo del infierno de Espana manejado por el diablo. De esta forma, podemos observar la vision carnavalesca en el personaje Diablo que refleja el caos y la decadencia de su tiempo.

      • KCI등재

        『세상 El Mundo』: 현실과 가상의 이중적 글쓰기인 자전적 소설

        권미선 ( Mi Sun Kwon ) 한국스페인어문학회 2009 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.51

        El Mundo del escritor valenciano Juan Jose Millas, la novela con la que ha ganado el Premio Nacional de Narrativa 2007 y el Premio Planeta de 2007, en palabras de su autor, es una autobiografia novelada o una novela biografica. La historia de la novela se centra en un nino de entre 10 y 14 anos que descubre el mundo, tras haber sufrido un corte en su vida. En su obra, cualquier hecho cotidiano se puede convertir en un suceso fantastico, en el que una historia cotidiana se transforma por obra de la fantasia en un punto de vista para mirar la realidad de forma critica. Esta obra puede ser una autobiografia, pero tambien es una ficcion que aparenta ser veridica, a traves de varias tramas complejas, que contienen una fabula fantastica y permiten inferir algunos aspectos de las poeticas implicitas del autor. Esta dualidad de la realidad y la ficcion, netamente hibrida, produce en el lector el extranamiento y su lectura oscila desde la certeza de lo autobiografico hasta la ficcion mas descarnada. En la obra, se transcurre la realidad a traves de varios procedimientos mas evidentes como ficcionalidad, intertextualidad, autoconciencia, autorreflexividad, mise en abyme. A partir de eso, se produce el quiebre de la realidad y la ficcion y se adquieren los efectos consiguientes de multiplicidad, individualismo, relativizacion, simulacro y fantasia. Y para el autor, la literatura tiene la funcion de herir y cicatrizar la herida a la vez. Desde luego, la literatura no nos salva de la miseria cotidiana ni nos evita las pequenas o grandes tragedias ni nos quita la decrepitud o la muerte, pero si ayuda a rememorar los terrores y los deseos, admitiendo la parte de dano necesario y aligerando el exceso de dolor. De esta manera, la literatura nos ayuda a viajar desde la superficie de la realidad, donde todo posee un caracter fragmentario, a su zona abisal, en busca de las conexiones ocultas que permiten una lectura que ayuda a entender el sentido de la vida, es decir, del mundo.

      • KCI등재

        『몰 플랜더스』에 미친 스페인 피카레스크 소설의 영향

        권미선 ( Mi Sun Kwon ) 韓國世界文學比較學會 2010 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        La novela picaresca espanola rompio con la tradicion previa con dos novedades mas fundamentales: el realismo y la adopcion del picaro como protagonista. Con ello se convierte en un genero literario que gozo de grandes admiradores no solo dentro de Espana sino en la Europa de la epoca. Pronto se tradujeron muchas novelas picarescas en lenguas europeas occidentales, por lo que no extrana que escritores de otros paises europeos imitasen las novelas picarescas espaolas. Y Moll Flanders es una de las novelas europeas que recibieron la influencia de las novelas picarescas espanolas. Pero en Gran Bretana la novela picaresca espanola se confundio con la ``picaresque fiction`` que tiene muy poco en comun con las picarescas espanolas y con las ``biografias de los criminales`` y, por lo tanto, muchos criticos rechazaron la inclusion de Moll Flanders en el genero picaresco. Pero como los autores de Lazarillo de Tormes y Guzman de Alfarache, el autor de Moll Flanders adopto la poetica picaresca segun la situacion literaria de la epoca y las circunstancias personales, convirtiendola asi en la primera novela moderna en lengua inglesa. De este modo, Moll Flanders pertenece al genero picaresco con su realismo literario, la autobiografia de la protagonista, la infamia familiar, el arrepentimiento de la protagonista al final de la obra, el reflejo del calvinismo puritano en una sociedad anglicana, tesis y antifrasis, la evolucion psicologica de la protagonista y la critica social, etc.

      • KCI등재

        범자연수의 핵심 교수·학습 요소에 따른 수업 모형 개발 및 지도의 실제

        권미선(Kwon Mi sun),방정숙(Pang Jeong Suk) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2015 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.15 No.11

        본 연구는 문헌 검토와 델파이 조사를 통해 범자연수의 핵심 교수․학습 요소를 추출하였으며, 이를 토대로 예비 수업 모형을 개발하였다. 개발된 예비 수업 모형은 초등수학교육전문가에 의한 모형의 적절성 검사와 초등 교사에 의한 현장 적합성 검사를 통해 수정․보완되었다. 연구 결과 수 개념 이해 수업 모형(상황 이해하기, 조작 활동하기, 수 표현하기, 수 쓰고 읽기, 자릿값과 위치적 기수법 이해하기, 수 개 념 익히기)과 수 크기 비교 수업 모형(상황 이해하기, 조작 활동하기, 수 크기 비교 하기, 식으로 쓰고 읽기, 비교하는 방법 알기, 익히기)을 개발하였다. 또한 개발된 수 업 모형에 따라 2차시씩 총 4차시의 수업을 실시하여, 수업 모형의 적용 사례를 제 시하였다. 범자연수의 핵심 교수․학습 요소에 따른 수업 모형은 교사들에게 수학 수업에 대한 기본적인 지침을 제공하여 교사의 전문성 향상에 도움이 되리라 기대 한다. This study provides information for teachers regarding the routines of a lesson by developing two instruction models based on the key instructional factors of whole number and applying them to mathematics classrooms. The instruction model for understanding number concepts includes understanding mathematical situation, manipulating materials, expressing numbers, reading and writing numbers, understanding place value and decimal notation, and mastering numbers. The instruction model for comparing number size includes understanding mathematical situation, manipulating materials, comparing number size, reading and writing an inequation, knowing how to compare numbers, and mastering. Instruction models based on the key instructional factors are expected to yield benefits of professional development for the teachers.

      • KCI등재

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