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        다시마 첨가 배추김치의 체중 감량 및 지질 저하 효과

        구화숙,노정숙,윤예랑,김현주,권명자,최홍식,송영옥,Ku, Hwa-Suk,Noh, Jeong-Sook,Yun, Ye-Rang,Kim, Hyun-Ju,Kwon, Myung-Ja,Cheigh, Hong-Sik,Song, Yeong-Ok 한국식품영양과학회 2007 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.36 No.9

        체중감량 효과가 있는 기능성 배추김치를 개발하기 위하여 기호도가 우수하고 섬유소가 풍부하여 지질저하 기능성 물질을 함유한 다시마를 첨가한 해조첨가 배추맛김치(이하 해조김치) 레시피를 개발하고, 잘 숙성된 해조김치를 고지방식이를 섭취한 쥐에게 공급하여 지질저하 및 비만억제 효과를 살펴보았다. 배추김치에 다시마를 20% 정도 첨가하였을 때(해조김치) 종합적인 관능평가가 가장 우수하였다. 해조김치의 숙성 특성은 일반 김치와 같이 전형적인 발효양상을 보였다. 해조김치의 비만억제 효과를 살펴보기 위하여 20% 고지방식이에 동결 건조한 김치 10%를 첨가하여 쥐를 8주간 사육하였다. 실험군으로는 고지방식이군, 대조김치군, 해조김치군 그리고 시판용 공장김치를 첨가한 J-김치군으로 하였다. 식이 섭취량, 식이효율은 각 군간에 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 김치첨가에 의한 효과를 고지방식이군과 비교하여 보았을 때 상대적인 내장 지방량은 해조김치군(-17%), J-김치군(-11%) 그리고 대조김치군(-9%) 순으로 감소하였다(p<0.05). 혈청 leptin 농도는 해조김치군(-59%)에서 감소하였는데(p<0.05), 이는 해조김치군의 지방세포의 수가 대조군에 비해 감소함을 의미한다. 혈청 빌리루빈 농도는 해조김치군(-24%)에서 감소하였다(p<0.05). 혈청 중성지방과 콜레스테롤 농도는 고지방군에 비해 각각 해조김치군(-51%와 -21%), J-김치군(-40%, -23%) 그리고 대조김치군(-39%, -13%) 유의적으로 낮았다(p<0.05). 분변의 중성지방과 콜레스테롤 농도는 각각 해조김치군(49%와 71%), 대조김치군(36%, 61%), 그리고 J-김치군(32%, 65%)에서 증가하였다. 김치 종류에 따른 비만억제 효과를 살펴보았을 때 해조김치의 상대적인 내장 지방량은 다른 김치군에 비해 유의적으로 낮았고(p<0.05), 렙틴, 혈청지질, 분변지질 및 빌리루빈의 농도는 김치군간 유의적인 차이는 없었으나, 해조김치군의 비만억제 효과가 가장 높았다. 이러한 결과를 살펴보면, 일반 김치에 비해 해조김치를 섭취하면 체중 감량의 효과가 있을 것으로 생각된다. 이러한 해조김치의 비만 억제 기전은 다시마 첨가에 의해 식이섬유소의 함량이 7% 증가함으로써 소장에서 식이지방 흡수를 방해하여 혈청 중성지방의 농도를 낮추고 이로 인하여 지방세포로 중성지질의 이동이 낮아져 복부지방 축적이 억제되었기 때문으로 생각된다. A recipe for diet kimchi containing 20% of sea tangle to Korean cabbage kimchi (SK) was developed for weight reduction purpose. The fermentation process of SK showed typical Lactobacillus sp. growth pattern like other kimchis. The effects of SK on weight reduction was studied in high fat diet (HFD) fed rats (n=40). Diet groups used for the animal study were HFD, HFD supplemented either with Korean cabbage kimchi used as experimental control (HCK), or with SK (HSK), or with J-kimchi (JK) which was purchased at market (FJK). The effect of kimchi on preventing obesity in rat fed HFD was found to be obvious by means of reducing visceral fat contents and improving serum lipid profiles through enhancing the lipid excretion in the feces (p<0.05). Leptin concentration of rat was significantly decreased by kimchi consumption (p<0.05). This result can be interpreted that adipocytes in these animals were fewer than that of HFD group. The plasma bililubin concentration was lower in kimchi group than HFD, meaning that returning bile from ileum to the liver was reduced. When the observe beneficial effects of kimchi on preventing obesity were compared among kimchi groups, SK only reduced the relative visceral fat contents significantly than other kimchi groups (p<0.05). Besides this, other parameters such as plasma lipid profiles, feces lipids, leptin, and bililubin concentration were not significantly different, even though the most beneficial effect on these parameters was observed from SK. In conclusion, long term consumption of SK seems to have a beneficial effect on the prevention of obesity through enhancing the excretion of lipids in the feces. The dietary fiber content of SK was increased by 7% compared to CK when 20% of sea tangle was added.

      • 다시마 첨가 배추김치의 체중 감량 및 지질 저하 효과

        구화숙 ( Hwa Suk Ku ),노정숙 ( Jeong Sook Noh ),윤예랑 ( Ye Rang Yun ),김현주 ( Hyun Ju Kim ),권명자 ( Myung Ja Kwon ),최홍식 ( Hong Sik Cheigh ),송영옥 ( Yeong Ok Song ) 부산대학교 김치연구소 2009 김치의 과학과 기술 Vol.12 No.-

        A recipe for diet kimchi containing 20% of sea tangle to Korean cabbage kimchi (SK) was developed for weight reduction purpose. The fermentation process of SK showed typical Lactobacillus sp. growth pattern like other kimchis. The effects of SK on weight reduction was studied in high fat diet (HFD) fed rats (n=40). Diet groups used for the animal study were HFD, HFD supplemented either with Korean cabbage kimchi used as experimental control (HCK), or with SK (HSK), or with J-kimchi (JK) which was purchased at market (FJK). The effect of kimchi on preventing obesity in rat fed HFD was found to be obvious by means of reducing visceral fat contents and improving serum lipid profiles through enhancing the lipid excretion in the feces (p<0.05). Leptin concentration of rat was significantly decreased by kimchi consumption (p<0.05). This result can be interpreted that adipocytes in these animals were fewer than that of HFD group. The plasma bililubin concentration was lower in kimchi group than HFD, meaning that returning bile from ileum to the liver was reduced. When the observe beneficial effects of kimchi on preventing obesity were compared among kimchi groups, SK only reduced the relative visceral fat contents significantly than other kimchi groups (p<0.05). Besides this, other parameters such as plasma lipid profiles, feces lipids, leptin, and bililubin concentration were not significantly different, even though the most beneficial effect on these parameters was observed from SK. In conclusion, long term consumption of SK seems to have a beneficial effect on the prevention of obesity through enhancing the excretion of lipids in the feces. The dietary fiber content of SK was increased by 7% compared to CK when 20% of sea tangle was added.

      • KCI등재

        다시마를 첨가한 배추김치의 항산화 효과

        구화숙(Hwa?Suk Ku),노정숙(Jeong?Sook Noh),김현주(Hyun?Ju Kim),최홍식(Hong?Sik Cheigh),송영고(Yeong?Ok Song) 한국식품영양과학회 2007 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.36 No.12

        다시마 첨가 배추김치의 항산화 효과를 고지방식이를 섭취시킨 흰 쥐에서 살펴보았다. 동물실험군은 고지방식이군, 고지방식이에 대조김치, 다시마를 20% 첨가한 김치, 그리고 시판하는 J-김치를 첨가한 4군으로 실험군 당 동물은 10마리였으며 사육기간은 8주였다. 지방은 총에너지의 40%를 지방을 첨가하였으며 김치는 동결 건조하여 10% 첨가하였다. 김치의 DPPH 소거 효과는 김치군에서 유의적으로 높았으며 김치군 중 다시마 첨가 김치의 효과가 각 실험 농도에서 유의적으로 높았다(p<0.05). 간의 지질과산화는 김치식이에 의해 유의적으로 감소되었고, 김치군 중 다시마 첨가 김치의 TBARS 농도는 유의적으로 낮았다(p<0.05). 간의 항산화 효소 활성을 살펴보았을 때 김치 섭취군의 Cu·Zn-SOD, Mn-SOD, 그리고 catalase의 활성은 고지방식이군에 비해 유의적으로 낮았으며(p<0.05) 다시마 첨가 김치군의 효소 활성은 다른 김치군에 비해 유의적으로 낮았다(p<0.05). 이는 고지방식이에 의해 생성된 지질과산화물질이 김치에 존재하는 항산화물질에 의해 제거되어 이를 방어할 항산화 효소활성이 고지방식이군에 비해 낮게 나타난 것으로 생각된다. 본 연구에서는 다시마 첨가 김치의 항산화 효과가 김치군 중 가장 높은 것으로 나타나 김치의 항산화 효과가 다시마의 활성 성분에 의해 더욱 증진된 것으로 확인되었다. The antioxidant effect of Korean cabbage kimchi containing 20% of sea tangle (SK) was studied in the rats fed with high fat diet (HFD) for 8 weeks. The rats (n=40) were divided into four experimental groups as a high fat diet group (HFD), HFD supplemented either with Korean cabbage kimchi used as experimental control (HCK), with SK (HSK), or with J-kimchi (HJK) that was purchased at the local market. The amount of kimchi supplemented was 10%. DPPH radical scavenging activities of SK were significantly higher than those of CK. Kimchi suppressed the hepatic lipid peroxidation significantly, especially by HSK (p<0.05). Inhibition of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) formation in HSK was the greatest among the kimchi groups (p<0.05). The activities of Cu·Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), Mn-SOD and catalase decreased significantly (p<0.05) by kimchi supplementation. SOD and catalase activities of HSK were found to be the lowest among the kimchi groups. The decreased enzyme activity in kimchi group might be due to the less amount of lipid peroxides produced in the rats fed kimchi diet. The lowest antioxidative enzyme activities observed in HSK were in line with those of hepatic POV and TBARS of HSK. Our findings confirmed that kimchi acted as an antioxidant in the high fat fed rats and its antioxidant effect was significantly increased by the addition of sea tangle.

      • 다시마를 첨가한 배추김치의 항산화 효과

        구화숙 ( Hwa Suk Ku ),노정숙 ( Jeong Sook Noh ),김현주 ( Hyun Ju Kim ),최홍식 ( Hong Sik Cheigh ),송영옥 ( Yeong Ok Song ) 부산대학교 김치연구소 2009 김치의 과학과 기술 Vol.12 No.-

        The antioxidant effect of Korean cabbage kimchi containing 20% of sea tangle (SK) was studied in the rats fed with high fat diet (HFD) for 8 weeks. The rats (n=40) were divided into four experimental groups as a high fat diet group (HFD), HFD supplemented either with Korean cabbage kimchi used as experimental control (HCK), with SK (HSK), or with J-kimchi (HJK) that was purchased at the local market. The amount of kimchi supplemented was 10%. DPPH radical scavenging activities of SK were significantly higher than those of CK. Kimchi suppressed the hepatic lipid peroxidation significantly, especially by HSK (p<0.05). Inhibition of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TSARS) formation in HSK was the greatest among the kimchi groups (p<0.05). The activities of Cu·Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), Mn-SOD and catalase decreased significantly (p<0.05) by kimchi supplementation. SOD and catalase activities of HSK were found to be the lowest among the kimchi groups. The decreased enzyme activity in kimchi group might be due to the less amount of lipid peroxides produced in the rats fed kimchi diet. The lowest antioxidative enzyme activities observed in HSK were in line with those of hepatic POV and TBARS of HSK. Our findings confirmed that kimchi acted as an antioxidant in the high fat fed rats and its antioxidant effect was significantly increased by the addition of sea tangle.

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