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        진주소싸움을 통해본 전통의 재구성과 관광

        고원규 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2010 민족문화논총 Vol.46 No.-

        The historical origin of bullfight between the rich farmer groups inside and outside Jinjuseong(castle) and the story that the bullfight was held at the sandy beach of Namgang(river) in a wish for good harvest often appear as the arguments for the identity in Jinju area. This study is a case study to understand how the tradition of bullfight went through the commercialization process by the change process of Jinju bullfight. Trying to maintain the tradition of Jinju bullfight, the "Jinju-type bullfight" was devised from the tradition of bullfight with long historical origins, which led to the hosting of the first national 'bullfight competition.' The procedure of bullfight holding up the traditional method has influenced not only restructuring the space of bullfight arena such as the sand constituent of the arena ground and the arena itself, but also the establishment of institutionalization of the rules and order of modern bullfight competition. The traditional bullfight was, however, in a way, selectively reconstructed and invented through a long historical transition process. This allowed establishment of material infrastructure such as the spectator area, the waiting area for the bulls, and the entrances/exits, and the commercial competitions led to the commercialization process caused by the relationships of economic interests of the subjects of bullfight production and consumption such as bullfight association, the city of Jinju, and the tourists which in turn was found to ease the rules and the order within the tradition. Especially the direct agents of the bullfight, the bullfighters have objectified the fighting bulls as a means to collect the bets and participation rewards and to enhance the values through improving the winning rate, and the perspectives of the tourists were found to be deeply involved in the process of commercializing the tradition. In conclusion, it was found that the case of Jinju bullfight was intervening in the commercial production process from the aspect of competitive value advantage according to the interest groups surrounding the bullfight with the bulls as the means, and the politics of interests were constantly changing the path of marketability. Since its commercialization, the Jinju bullfight is thought to be reconstructed a new bullfight through compromise and negotiation in the aspect of marketability while still maintaining the traditional way in part. 진주지역에서는 진주성 안과 성 밖의 부농 세력들이 소싸움의 역사적 근원과 배경에 근거한 풍작을 기원하기 위해 남강 백사장에서 소싸움 판을 크게 벌였다는 이야기가 자주 등장한다. 이 글은 진주소싸움의 변화과정을 통해 소싸움의 전통이 어떻게 상품화 과정을 겪으면서 재구성되는지를 규명하기 위한 것이다. 진주에서 소싸움의 전통이 오랫동안 유지되어온 것은 오랜 역사적 뿌리를 가진 소싸움의 전통이 ‘진주식 소싸움’을 고안하게 하였고, 그것이 최초로 전국 ‘투우대회’를 개최하도록 작용한 밑거름이 되었다고 할 수 있다. 전통방식을 고수하는 소싸움의 과정은 경기장 바닥의 모래성분과 경기 울장 등의 소싸움장의 공간을 재구성하는 데 영향을 미쳤을 뿐 아니라, 현대소싸움 경기의 규칙과 질서의 제도화의 근간이 되었다. 그러나 전통소싸움은 오랜 역사적 변화과정을 통해 선택적으로 재구성되고 발명된 측면도 있었다. 그것은 현대적인 편리성에 기반을 둔 관람석이나 싸움소의 대기 장소, 출입구와 같은 장치들이 구축되었을 뿐 아니라 상설경기로 인해, 소싸움의 생산과 소비의 주체들인 소싸움 협회, 진주시, 관광객들 간의 경제적 이해득실에 따라 싸움소의 상품화 과정이 전통에 내재하는 규칙과 질서를 완화시키는 것으로 보인다. 특히 소싸움의 직접적인 주체인 소싸움꾼들은 내기의 판돈과 경기 출전료를 챙기고 승률을 높여 싸움소의 가치를 올리는 수단으로 싸움소를 상품화하였으며, 관광객의 시선도 전통을 상품화하는 과정에 깊이 관여한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 결론적으로 진주소싸움의 사례는 싸움소를 수단으로 소싸움을 둘러 싼 집단 간의 이해관계에 따라 상품 생산과정에 적극적으로 개입하며, 이해타산의 정치가 상품의 가치와 의미를 끊임없이 바꾸고 있음을 보여주고 있다. 진주의 소싸움은 상설화되고 나서 일부 전통성을 고수 하면서 상품성의 강화라는 측면에서 타협과 절충을 통해 소싸움을 창조해 가고 있다.

      • 觀光客 動機에 關한 理論的 考察 : 動機理解와 方法論을 中心으로

        高元圭 진주여자전문대학 1989 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        "Why do people travel?", This question is difficult to answer because the deeper psychological reasons. The answer pose a number of difficulties steming from two sources:Fist, individual and their cultural conditioning. Second. The possibility that "what the traveler says are 'his motivation for travelling may only be reflection of deeper needs, needs which he himself does not understand nor wish to articullate." The first point is largely definitional, and the second is epistemological and methodological. In many respects, this thesis has raises more questions than it has proposed solutions. But, having surveyed a number of view points in the study of tourist motivation, definition has not been supplied. That would be too ambition a project. Instead a description of tourist motivation has been offered, together with its possible advantages and methodological ramification. The elements of the discription, it is maintained, constitute the broad lines wherein the possibility of pluralist acceptance resides.

      • "快"(Pleasure)目的 旅行經驗에 關한 理論的 考察

        고원규 진주여자전문대학 1987 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to describe novelty and familarity trip and to provide a portential hypothesis of behavioral and demographic differencs. When the rutine in the life is bored, he seek an increase in stimulation. The novel pleasure trip, which involves an altered routine as well as seeing and doing different things, provides high portential and can move the individual back toward arousal tonus. In contrast, the individual who perceives life like fast- paced with new challenges and frequent-changs has an experience of high levels of arousal portential and may seek leisure situation that provide a minimum of stimulation. In the same way, this means can explane a process of optimal balance of the consistency and the complexity. Based on these literatures, four sets of hypotheses has difference between the novelty trip and the familarity trip. 1. Compared to those taking familarity trips, travelers who take novel trip have similer personal demographics and general travel behavior. 2. Compared to those taking familarity trips, travelers who take novel trip have stronger feeling trip, greater tendency to seek advice on destination, and more time and money expenditures. 3. Compared to those taking familarity trips, travelers who take novel trip have more educational vacations and less restful vacations. 4. Compared to those taking familarity trips, travelers who take novel trip are more likely to take the same type of trip and less likely to return to the same destination in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        주요 수입기생충질환 치료를 위한 정부 비축 약물요법

        고원규 대한의사협회 2012 대한의사협회지 Vol.55 No.1

        Parasitic diseases are widely distributed throughout the world. Recently, travel abroad and migration from abroad are increasing in Korea. Therefore, it is necessary to appropriately control imported parasitic disease. The drugs for the treatment of the parasitic diseases that can be imported from abroad are reserved by the government. To guide proper treatment of parasitic diseases, recommended chemotherapy focused on these reserved drugs has been introduced. The diseases reviewed in this article include malaria, babesiosis, toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis,Chagas disease, African sleeping sickness, filariasis, angiostrongyliasis, and fascioliasis. Because most of the parasitic diseases produce severe illness or fatal results, rapid and accurate diagnosis is important and following fully the recommended therapy is needed. The recommended drug therapy changes from time to time due to various factors, so always recognizing and applying the latest therapy and is very important.

      • 傳統祝祭의 祭儀性과 놀이에 관한 연구

        高元圭 진주여자전문대학 1992 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        This thesis is to explain the traditional festival of ritul and folk play from structual point, and to discribe the rites within the regular occurence of sacred-profane alternations. About focus on this study, there are sacred and profane aspects in traditional festival. What this thesis want to emphasize is that our traditional community have been Dae-Dong Festival as anniversery rites. Dae Dong Festival have two differential aspects : some aspects have ritual factors, others are traditional folk play as Dae-Dong Gut. Also each our traditional festival represent a temporaly sift from the normal profane order of existence into the abnormal sacred order and back again. Finally, I would like to say that the traditional festival must have characteristics of historical identity and authenticity in content. And we must consider that our indigenous festival contain sacred and profaned factor in ritual aspects. So, traditional festival must be mangaged carefully.

      • 국내 말라리아 상황과 연구동향

        고원규,정준용 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.1S

        Vivax malaria has re-emerged in the northern part of the Republic of Korea from 1993 after over 10 years absence. The number of cases has increased every year and reached to about 3000-4000 a year. Thanks to this epidemic researches and developments on malaria is activated in the country. Some important achievements produced by Institute of Malariology. Inje University are introduced. The geographical distributions of patients and antibody titers showed the characteristic of border malaria. Thus collaborative efforts with North Korea are necessary to control this epidemic successfully. In this epidemic, two different genotypes were found In the genes of CSP, DBP, MSP-1 (ICB 4-5), and AMA-1. The DNA structures of the genes were similar to them from East Asia. 58% of 80 patients' blood shows single genotype in each gene had a combination of genotypes (CSP SK-A:DBP SK-I:MSP-1), and 29% of them has another (CSP SK-B:DBP SK-Ⅱ:MSP-2). Thus it was concluded that genetically different two strains (KOR1 and KOR2) of P. vivax were mainly distributed in the endemic area. One-shot multiplex PCR was designed for differential diagnosis of two major species of Plasmodium by targeting the 18s rRNA gene. In an evaluation on 210 clinical samples the new PCR test showed very high feasibility, sensitivity (100%), and specificity (100%). Malaria is one of major infectious diseases in the world, causing 300-500 million clinical cases and more than one million deaths each year. The importance of vaccine and new drugs for malaria must be stressed.

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